Hi, I'm Taylor Swift and I am here to tell you real Christians support abortion


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012


Hi, my name is Taylor Swift and I am here to bring you the gospel of Jesus Christ. For you see, I'm a Christian from Tennessee and I need to clear up misconceptions about what Christians really are.

First of all, Jesus loved abortion, so don't listen to those right wing lies that say otherwise. I mean, Jesus loves everybody right? Well, except maybe Trump and DeSantis, that is. And if he loves everybody, that means he also loves those that have abortions. All you have to do is read your Bible.

Secondly, Jesus only showed love and affection to children, not babies, and certainly not unborn babies. I mean, Jesus never even talked to unborn babies once in the gospels, which just proves they are not human. And if Mary had decided to have had an abortion, I'm sure God would have understood. I mean, the real key to our collective salvation is the democrat party anyway, and not Jesus.

In fact, the democrat party does everything Christian, which is why I'm a democrat, and if Jesus were alive today............er...............um..........I mean here to talk to us today he would be a democrat like me cuz Christianity = abortion and the democrat party. In fact, it would not surprise me a bit to see Jesus kneeling to Joe Biden and the democrat party as he praises them for saving abortion and democracy.

So, repent and register democrat or burn in hell. It's really just that simple.

Now stop looking at and drooling over my half naked body and act Christian like. Shame on you!

Oh, and for the poor folk, I reduced the price of tickets for my next concert to only $2000 dollars a ticket. Real Christians will pay it so they can fund the Lords work I am doing all around the country.
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Hi, my name is Taylor Swift and I am here to bring you the gospel of Jesus Christ. For you see, I'm a Christian from Tennessee and I need to clear up misconceptions about what Christians really are.

First of all, Jesus loved abortion, so don't listen to those right wing lies that say otherwise. I mean, Jesus loves everybody right? Well, except maybe Trump and DeSantis, that is. And if he loves everybody, that means he also loves those that have abortions. All you have to do is read your Bible.

Secondly, Jesus only showed love and affection to children, not babies, and certainly not unborn babies. I mean, Jesus never even talked to unborn babies once in the gospels, which just proves they are not human.

In fact, the democrat party does everything Christian, which is why I'm a democrat, and if Jesus were alive today............er...............um..........I mean here to talk to us today he would be a democrat like me cuz Christianity = abortion and the democrat party. In fact, it would not surprise me a bit to see Jesus kneeling to Joe Biden and the democrat party as he praises them for saving abortion and democracy.

So, repent and register democrat or burn in hell. It's really just that simple.

Now stop looking at and drooling over my half naked body and act Christian like. Shame on you!
Bring back the ordeal of the bitter water in the book of numbers. I'm sure Jesus would be all for that since he's a jew.
Why do you Hate successful Young Women?
Why do you love rich white fat cats who claim to be Christian?

Oh, it's because so long as you are a democrat and Jesus bows his knee to every ideology in your party, you care Ok with them, no matter how much of a rich capitalist they are or how religious they claim to be.

My bad.
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Bring back the ordeal of the bitter water in the book of numbers. I'm sure Jesus would be all for that since he's a jew.
Er..........um.............I don't know how to tell you this, but the Jews nailed Jesus to a cross, so I'm not sure how much they might see eye to eye on things

Just say'in.
Why do you love rich white fat cats who claim to be Christian?

Oh, it's because so long as you are a democrat and Jesus bows his knee to every ideology in your party, you care Ok with them, no matter how much of a rich capitalist they are or how religious they claim to be.

My bad.
Like who? Why do you love rich white fat cats who claim to be Christian?

I'm not attached to ANY party.
All Politicians are corrupt.
Like who? Why do you love rich white fat cats who claim to be Christian?

I'm not attached to ANY party.
All Politicians are corrupt.
So, Taylor Swift is wrong?

Turns out Taylor is not so swift.

Who knew?
The saddest part of her words is that she very likely believes them to be totally true. Someone convinced her that Jesus is all about coexistence and being accepting of others regardless of their actions. I hope she finds Him before she has to face Him after this life :(
Wrong about specifically what?
Go away you partisan hack unless you have something of substance to say, but if you did, you would not be a partisan hack, so there is that.
The saddest part of her words is that she very likely believes them to be totally true. Someone convinced her that Jesus is all about coexistence and being accepting of others regardless of their actions. I hope she finds Him before she has to face Him after this life :(
I don't care WHAT Swift says.
Everybody has an opinion.
Do you care what Boebert and MTG say?
Go away you partisan hack unless you have something of substance to say, but if you did, you would not be a partisan hack, so there is that.
You RWI's always get derailed when asked simple questions.
Are you capable of intelligent discourse?
The saddest part of her words is that she very likely believes them to be totally true. Someone convinced her that Jesus is all about coexistence and being accepting of others regardless of their actions. I hope she finds Him before she has to face Him after this life :(
No, she just wants to make money and she knows that the best way to do that is go along with everyone else in the industry who says and does the same thing. It is that or be ostracized and targeted like Trump. No one wants that. At the same time, maybe she thinks she can make it into heaven as well. You know, have her cake and eat it too.

But I do recall something about how hard it is for a rich man to make it into heaven, something about a camel trying to make it through the eye of a needle, but Jesus said a rich man, not a rich woman, right?

You RWI's always get derailed when asked simple questions.
Are you capable of intelligent discourse?
You come on here and say you are not tool of the DNC, even though you post here daily the opposite.

Get bent.
You come on here and say you are not tool of the DNC, even though you post here daily the opposite.

Get bent.
I post against trump.
Yes, I despise that POS.

I'm not a fan of ANY politician.
trump is my obvious call-out.....why, because he puts himself in the news continually.
It's not what you call TDS (which is fake) it is simply the recognition of a lying con man.
Taylor looks bad with her pro abortion views

Democrats hate women because they think that female babies should be killed

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