Hi-tech US weaponry stolen by jihadits


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
EXCLUSIVE: The recent theft of massive amounts of highly sensitive U.S. military equipment from Libya is far worse than previously thought, Fox News has learned, with raiders swiping hundreds of weapons that are now in the hands of militia groups aligned with terror organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The equipment, as Fox News previously reported, was used for training in Libya by U.S. Special Forces. The training team, which was funded by the Pentagon, has since been pulled, partly in response to the overnight raids last August.

According to State Department and military sources, dozens of highly armored vehicles called GMV's, provided by the United States, are now missing. The vehicles feature GPS navigation as well as various sets of weapon mounts and can be outfitted with smoke-grenade launchers. U.S. Special Forces undergo significant training to operate these vehicles. Fox News is told the vehicles provided to the Libyans are now gone.

EXCLUSIVE: The recent theft of massive amounts of highly sensitive U.S. military equipment from Libya is far worse than previously thought, Fox News has learned, with raiders swiping hundreds of weapons that are now in the hands of militia groups aligned with terror organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The equipment, as Fox News previously reported, was used for training in Libya by U.S. Special Forces. The training team, which was funded by the Pentagon, has since been pulled, partly in response to the overnight raids last August.

According to State Department and military sources, dozens of highly armored vehicles called GMV's, provided by the United States, are now missing. The vehicles feature GPS navigation as well as various sets of weapon mounts and can be outfitted with smoke-grenade launchers. U.S. Special Forces undergo significant training to operate these vehicles. Fox News is told the vehicles provided to the Libyans are now gone.

Theft of US weapons in Libya involved hundreds of guns, sources say | Fox News

As long as the defence companies that manufactured them made good coin, what's the issue?
EXCLUSIVE: The recent theft of massive amounts of highly sensitive U.S. military equipment from Libya is far worse than previously thought, Fox News has learned, with raiders swiping hundreds of weapons that are now in the hands of militia groups aligned with terror organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The equipment, as Fox News previously reported, was used for training in Libya by U.S. Special Forces. The training team, which was funded by the Pentagon, has since been pulled, partly in response to the overnight raids last August.

According to State Department and military sources, dozens of highly armored vehicles called GMV's, provided by the United States, are now missing. The vehicles feature GPS navigation as well as various sets of weapon mounts and can be outfitted with smoke-grenade launchers. U.S. Special Forces undergo significant training to operate these vehicles. Fox News is told the vehicles provided to the Libyans are now gone.

Theft of US weapons in Libya involved hundreds of guns, sources say | Fox News

Sounds like they stole a bunch hi tech vehicles without the weapons attached.
While it sucks that they got ripped off,I dont see these guys being able to do much with them.
And when this hi tech shit they stole (that they dont know how to use and will probably disable for fear of being tracked) breaks?
All they got is a bunch of nice APCs,which when found by the US will be promptly destroyed.
EXCLUSIVE: The recent theft of massive amounts of highly sensitive U.S. military equipment from Libya is far worse than previously thought, Fox News has learned, with raiders swiping hundreds of weapons that are now in the hands of militia groups aligned with terror organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The equipment, as Fox News previously reported, was used for training in Libya by U.S. Special Forces. The training team, which was funded by the Pentagon, has since been pulled, partly in response to the overnight raids last August.

According to State Department and military sources, dozens of highly armored vehicles called GMV's, provided by the United States, are now missing. The vehicles feature GPS navigation as well as various sets of weapon mounts and can be outfitted with smoke-grenade launchers. U.S. Special Forces undergo significant training to operate these vehicles. Fox News is told the vehicles provided to the Libyans are now gone.

Theft of US weapons in Libya involved hundreds of guns, sources say | Fox News

Sounds like they stole a bunch hi tech vehicles without the weapons attached.
While it sucks that they got ripped off,I dont see these guys being able to do much with them.
And when this hi tech shit they stole (that they dont know how to use and will probably disable for fear of being tracked) breaks?
All they got is a bunch of nice APCs,which when found by the US will be promptly destroyed.

There was more than APC's stolen, and US special forces had trained them on the equipment. Don't know what you mean, they don't know how to use it!

Highly sensitive U.S. military equipment used by U.S. Special Forces in Libya was stolen in several raids over the summer by groups likely affiliated with terrorist organizations, State Department sources told Fox News.

The theft of dozens of M4 rifles, night-vision technology, and lasers contributed to the decision to pull the 12-member Special Forces team from the country in August.

"This stuff is how we win wars. The enemy doesn't have that," one source said.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/special-forces-US-military/2013/09/11/id/525204#ixzz2gZJOLNpz
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EXCLUSIVE: The recent theft of massive amounts of highly sensitive U.S. military equipment from Libya is far worse than previously thought, Fox News has learned, with raiders swiping hundreds of weapons that are now in the hands of militia groups aligned with terror organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The equipment, as Fox News previously reported, was used for training in Libya by U.S. Special Forces. The training team, which was funded by the Pentagon, has since been pulled, partly in response to the overnight raids last August.

According to State Department and military sources, dozens of highly armored vehicles called GMV's, provided by the United States, are now missing. The vehicles feature GPS navigation as well as various sets of weapon mounts and can be outfitted with smoke-grenade launchers. U.S. Special Forces undergo significant training to operate these vehicles. Fox News is told the vehicles provided to the Libyans are now gone.

Theft of US weapons in Libya involved hundreds of guns, sources say | Fox News

Sounds like they stole a bunch hi tech vehicles without the weapons attached.
While it sucks that they got ripped off,I dont see these guys being able to do much with them.
And when this hi tech shit they stole (that they dont know how to use and will probably disable for fear of being tracked) breaks?
All they got is a bunch of nice APCs,which when found by the US will be promptly destroyed.

There was more than APC's stolen, and US special forces had trained them on the equipment. Don't know what you mean, they don't know how to use it!

The ManPads they stole in Benghazi are far more worrisome.
The thing that scares me the most about this list is the NVGs. They already have small arms and toyota pickups. But they didnt have the NVGs. (that we know of)
Sounds like they stole a bunch hi tech vehicles without the weapons attached.
While it sucks that they got ripped off,I dont see these guys being able to do much with them.
And when this hi tech shit they stole (that they dont know how to use and will probably disable for fear of being tracked) breaks?
All they got is a bunch of nice APCs,which when found by the US will be promptly destroyed.

There was more than APC's stolen, and US special forces had trained them on the equipment. Don't know what you mean, they don't know how to use it!

The ManPads they stole in Benghazi are far more worrisome.
The thing that scares me the most about this list is the NVGs. They already have small arms and toyota pickups. But they didnt have the NVGs. (that we know of)

Being there to begin with and failure to secure such weaponry is just more incompetence.
Fox news = Lie news = because its jewish backed news

I've been on this forum for quite some time. I have friends on the left and on the right here. I don't agree with the friends on the left a lot of the time, but they have integrity in their opinions, are passionate about their viewpoints and deserve respect. They don't resort to name calling or stupidity unless provoked. The friends I have from the right are intelligent, passionate about their stances and since we share political view points, we have common ground. I take very seriously the people I ask to be my friends and I would gladly sit down with each for dinner and be enriched by their company, even if we vehemently disagreed.

I've read some really IGNORANT stuff on this board, generally from the usual suspects. Those who are complete political hacks who's mantra is tired and pointless. Some are parrots who have no clue about what they so mindlessly blather on about and I dislike those types from the left as well as the right.

But I have to say that your simple post has taken IGNORANCE to a new level. I've never read anything like it. Because someone is Jewish, then what they say is always, categorically a lie? You know when grown ups talk about issues, it would be helpful if you just sat down at the kiddie's table and kept your mouth shut until you had something, anything constructive to add to the discussion.

Replace the word JEWISH with black, asian, homosexual, hispanic, woman, male, or anything else and it's just as stupid as what you wrote. God, in this day and age and their are STILL people like this...

You know, you better watch your oven closer, the pilot light may go out...

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