Hi There!

Ridge,just for a matter of interest,what on earth are the things in plastic in the shelves behind the vintage motors,just curious..steve

No clue... Bales of oddly shaped pot maybe...

Looks like something wrapped with shrinkwrap..

Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.
Why did you go to Vietnam and get wounded?
Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.

Hey. What makes you a liberal?

The fact that although I lost a leg I still have a functioning pair of eyes, ears and an ability to use them to evaluate what's going on around me and particularly my country. When we have a leader who doesn't lead and a congress that continue to take blood money despite the ghosts of American children crying out for reason, and a foreign adversary screwing with our very core democracy right under the red nose of our madman-in-chief without even an unkind word from him, I figure maybe something might be askew in DC.

And, unlike the blind hoards in the Trump camp, I choose to keep my aforementioned eyes and ears open. And when school children are the only adults in the room weighing in on gun control, I suspect it might just be time to right this sinking ship while I enjoy the specter of rats drowning as they exit this ship of fools.

I'll leave all the denials to those who seem expert at them, after all, I am a rank amateur.
Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.

A liberal who likes to debate and hashing out positions on the issues? I'll wait to see how that plays out. You strike me as a latent conservative who simply hasn't been burned yet by your own liberal ideology. We shall see. At any rate, congratulations on making it through the war OK and eventually finding your way here.

The minute I see conservatives actually conserve anything I'll give thought to switching teams. Not.

Being conservative has nothing to do with "saving things."
Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.
Why did you go to Vietnam and get wounded?

Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America. Who knew that all I had to do was to support the NRA and wait til the streets of America became just as dangerous. Could have been filled with holes right here at home. Well, at least we'll have a little something to leave our kids. They can avoid all that marching and other boring stuff.
Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.
Why did you go to Vietnam and get wounded?

Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America. Who knew that all I had to do was to support the NRA and wait til the streets of America became just as dangerous. Could have been filled with holes right here at home. Well, at least we'll have a little something to leave our kids. They can avoid all that marching and other boring stuff.

Well at least you're legit and not one of those Russian trolls or bots..

is trump a traitor - Page 3
Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America. Who knew that all I had to do was to support the NRA and wait til the streets of America became just as dangerous. Could have been filled with holes right here at home. Well, at least we'll have a little something to leave our kids. They can avoid all that marching and other boring stuff.

I am sorry that you feel like you can get shot up here in America... You must reside in some liberal shithole where the libs have mandatory gun free zones... Practice the art of self defense and alleviate some of those fears...
Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America.
Why did you want to get wounded in the first place?

Because I liked the look of the holes and the blood. And, I found if I stand in a particular posture on a windy day, the air flowing through the holes would give off a sound very pleasing to me. And because I had multiple holes, I could be a virtual bloody symphony. It's a talent I've honed over the years and I've gotten so proficient at it that I now play local nightclubs and my performances have been very well received. Kind of a local legend in fact.
The minute I see conservatives actually conserve anything I'll give thought to switching teams. Not.

Pfft ... There hasn't been a decent conservative in Washington since President Coolidge.
I'll send you a heads-up if I come across one ... Don't hold your breath though.

Welcome Aboard Marine ... :welcome:

Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.

Welcome and thank you for your service.
Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.

A liberal who likes to debate and hashing out positions on the issues? I'll wait to see how that plays out. You strike me as a latent conservative who simply hasn't been burned yet by your own liberal ideology. We shall see. At any rate, congratulations on making it through the war OK and eventually finding your way here.

The minute I see conservatives actually conserve anything I'll give thought to switching teams. Not.

Being conservative has nothing to do with "saving things."

Man! You can say that again. Like the loot they just voted for themselves. I doubt that they will save any of it. But, I guess that's what money is for after all. Whatever shortfalls they experienced can be made up by tapping into the other revenue source open to them, the working poor.

And they've shown how much they admire the working poor because they are taking it upon themselves to manage their nutritional needs by generously bestowing them with an adult Happy Meal. Saves them from all that shopping and helps them to break bad habits like choosing their own foods. It's gonna be great. When the kids say "what's for dinner daddy?" they can respond, " I don't know son, why don't you crack open that box over there and tell Daddy what's for dinner.

I hope it's even half as good as yesterday's dinner. "Who knew cheese could turn blue like that?" And I never knew that by depriving cows of water, you could get powdered milk!" We were getting pretty sick of all that lobster and filet mignon anyway.

I'll bet Paul Ryan enjoys his powdered milk just like we will from now on. "Now, elbows off the table and eat your whatever that stuff is."
Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America.
Why did you want to get wounded in the first place?

Because I liked the look of the holes and the blood. And, I found if I stand in a particular posture on a windy day, the air flowing through the holes would give off a sound very pleasing to me. And because I had multiple holes, I could be a virtual bloody symphony. It's a talent I've honed over the years and I've gotten so proficient at it that I now play local nightclubs and my performances have been very well received. Kind of a local legend in fact.
Wickething's Morbid Minstrel Show?
Welcome, you should have gone sweep sailor All the dangers of war (until the sentry pistols were taking away and no more ringing the bell of the sweep on the other side of the dock with a round on mid-watch) but without the extra pay.

Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.
Why did you go to Vietnam and get wounded?

Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America. Who knew that all I had to do was to support the NRA and wait til the streets of America became just as dangerous. Could have been filled with holes right here at home. Well, at least we'll have a little something to leave our kids. They can avoid all that marching and other boring stuff.

Welcome! All of those gun control laws have been working out SO WELL.
Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.

Hey. What makes you a liberal?

The fact that although I lost a leg I still have a functioning pair of eyes, ears and an ability to use them to evaluate what's going on around me and particularly my country. When we have a leader who doesn't lead and a congress that continue to take blood money despite the ghosts of American children crying out for reason, and a foreign adversary screwing with our very core democracy right under the red nose of our madman-in-chief without even an unkind word from him, I figure maybe something might be askew in DC.

And, unlike the blind hoards in the Trump camp, I choose to keep my aforementioned eyes and ears open. And when school children are the only adults in the room weighing in on gun control, I suspect it might just be time to right this sinking ship while I enjoy the specter of rats drowning as they exit this ship of fools.

I'll leave all the denials to those who seem expert at them, after all, I am a rank amateur.

Ok amateur, I’ll call you out. Your little tirade there about the orange clown, congress and the Florida shootingwas worded as if those are the things that made you liberal. The reality is you were liberal before Florida school shooting and Trump, so you were just spewing lefty talking points. We hear them all the time. Why don’t you really tell us what brought you to liberalism. Was it a PTSD?
Welcome Friend a fellow Liberal,A fellow Human Being..........Conservatism is Death but hey we at least let them live on here...LOL ...steve
Watch yer mouth, Kiwi. :D
How DARE YOU Hossie,Kiwi indeed....Look you Repubs and Lovers of Trump,I just sounded out Billy,just to show Wikk, not all of us are Lemmings and Myopics to that dreadful Weirdo you call The President.................That Wikk will have Normal Friends on here against injustice,you are all too thin-skinned as seen by the Conservative Possee Response already
Service is always welcome

Liberal/ progressive not so much....IMO

but hello nevertheless.

Skye you maybe a Beauty BUT unfortunately you Love Trump but it will never make you a Beau thank goodness
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Hello all. I'm wickerthing. I enjoy debate and hashing out positions on the issues. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal and proud of it. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran of the Vietnam War era. Served with Fox co. 2/7 1st Marine Div. Was wounded in action at a place called Elephant Valley. I lost my right leg do to infection from being shot. I guess I'm the odd man out as far as combat Vets who are liberal, but that's okay with me. I don't take being called a liberal as an insult, quite the opposite. Looking forward to lively back and forth and maybe making a few new friends.
Why did you go to Vietnam and get wounded?

Because back then it was almost impossible to get wounded here in America. Who knew that all I had to do was to support the NRA and wait til the streets of America became just as dangerous. Could have been filled with holes right here at home. Well, at least we'll have a little something to leave our kids. They can avoid all that marching and other boring stuff.

Welcome! All of those gun control laws have been working out SO WELL.

Now be careful with this Lady Wikk,she has those eyes that can weaken a man,here in Paradise we call them "Bedroom Eyes"....Excuse me Chris but we must start with the truth with New Members......ain't that right Hossie

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