Hi USA from European Union

You do look like you could afford to lose a few pounds. And here i thought you Europeans were so much healthier than us Americans.
You do look like you could afford to lose a few pounds. And here i thought you Europeans were so much healthier than us Americans.

I dont know if the average European is healthier than the average American...im sure not...i read that americans are the fattest nation in the world and germans are the fattest nation in europe so no much difference
InquiringMind's ingratiating signature quote:

There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure.

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Don't worry, there are Nazis in your country that wouldn't consider me white! White/Black shouldn't matter, 2 of the top five Americans were black: MLK and Fredrick Douglass!
Don't worry, there are Nazis in your country that wouldn't consider me white! White/Black shouldn't matter, 2 of the top five Americans were black: MLK and Fredrick Douglass!

I prefer Malcolm X and Nat Turner. :cool:
Im new member InquiringMind. Im from Austria....I have a question for Americans and the Anglo-Sphere do i look like a White Guy/Caucasian for American Standards? Im a Roma born in Serbia but live in Austria. I look forward to contribute in the discussions.

If I didn't already know you, lol mayne. how did you find this place? Welcome here. I've been here for a while and well, you can tell I have sort of a following here, lol. I argue a lot with people here but under a totally different posting style, these are my fellow Americans and well, Americans know fellow Americans. I just got banned from Elias Alucard's forum for calling him a delusional sand monkey who thinks he's a white supremacist and for calling his forum a troll's haven. I am at anthrocivitas.

Just one word of caution here, the people are mostly nice but you have a few people here that will give you a hard time and with you being a Euro, prepare to defend yourself.
Im new member InquiringMind. Im from Austria....I have a question for Americans and the Anglo-Sphere do i look like a White Guy/Caucasian for American Standards? Im a Roma born in Serbia but live in Austria. I look forward to contribute in the discussions.

If I didn't already know you, lol mayne. how did you find this place? Welcome here. I've been here for a while and well, you can tell I have sort of a following here, lol. I argue a lot with people here but under a totally different posting style, these are my fellow Americans and well, Americans know fellow Americans. I just got banned from Elias Alucard's forum for calling him a delusional sand monkey who thinks he's a white supremacist and for calling his forum a troll's haven. I am at anthrocivitas.

Just one word of caution here, the people are mostly nice but you have a few people here that will give you a hard time and with you being a Euro, prepare to defend yourself.

Thanks. I found the place via google im also on anthrocivitas, and i also got banned from elias forum. QBQ

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