

Nov 12, 2013
Hi I've posted a little but I haven't introduced myself yet. I love talking politics and I really think it's time we updated our political thinking to our current times.

The parties we have have strangled out all other voices and alternative solutions. I hope I can accurately show more solutions than left vs right and how we can eventually move to a more 3 dimensional approach to find solutions for our modern political issues.
Glad you are here, and hope you enjoy everything that is here at your disposal.
Glad to have you...

Hi I've posted a little but I haven't introduced myself yet. I love talking politics and I really think it's time we updated our political thinking to our current times.

The parties we have have strangled out all other voices and alternative solutions. I hope I can accurately show more solutions than left vs right and how we can eventually move to a more 3 dimensional approach to find solutions for our modern political issues.

Welcome to USMB, ShawnChris13. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Hi I've posted a little but I haven't introduced myself yet. I love talking politics and I really think it's time we updated our political thinking to our current times.

The parties we have have strangled out all other voices and alternative solutions. I hope I can accurately show more solutions than left vs right and how we can eventually move to a more 3 dimensional approach to find solutions for our modern political issues.

Well, hi.

And welcome.
Hi I've posted a little but I haven't introduced myself yet. I love talking politics and I really think it's time we updated our political thinking to our current times.

The parties we have have strangled out all other voices and alternative solutions. I hope I can accurately show more solutions than left vs right and how we can eventually move to a more 3 dimensional approach to find solutions for our modern political issues.

i'm a noob, as well, but welcome. :)

And I totally agree with you. This country is divided with people throwing feces at each other from the two different political aisles. Alternative ideas are ignored. It's hard to even have an opinion without being labeled and pigeon-holed as "Liberal" or "Conservative." Personally, I am neither. I have conservative views, so called, on some issues, and more liberal views on others. Imo, solutions will not be found with political systems, but rather within ourselves. Humans are the problem And the solution.
Hello and Welcome. Good luck with your endeavors. Now, read the rules and be aware that you are being watched every moment - don't screw up:


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