High School Drop out Check Mates NSA?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Edward Snowden Covered Electronic Tracks, Government Officials Suspect

But.... but... he was only a high school drop out! How is this possible?! The story changes yet again...... how many versions are they going to give us about this kid? Low level employee at Booz Allen Hamilton, high school drop out, now it is discovered he checkmates NSA. Yeesh! Amazing what Edward Snowden managed to do with virtually no education. Maybe he got his education AFTER he dropped out. Hmmm.... Now there is a novel idea.. for some.
He dropped out of high school due to illness then went to college at 16.

If Snowden isn't a genius, he's certainly a near genius.
We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
Anyhow, just thought it was interesting that months ago the official story was a HS drop out with not much education. Now they are admitting that he bypassed all of their own security to get the information. Do they have any idea at all how incompetent they sound? Apparently not! The NSA is a danger to themselves and everyone else. Dennis Kuccinich has the right idea. Shut the NSA down.

It's like giving a mentally handicapped child a loaded gun to play with. Very dangerous.
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We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

I'm boycotting Pink Floyd and Roger Waters for his anti semitism against Israel.
Can't sing those words on this thread. Sorry. Go talk to Bar. She'll explain it to ya.

Bottom line to this story is that the Russians most likely have everything they need by now. Don't know how much more "protection" the american people can afford from the NSA.

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