High School Tries to Get Female Students to Wear Islamic Head Covering


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
For over a year, Top Right News has reported on schools across America that have tried to indoctrinate students in Islam, under the false guise of combating “Islamophobia.”
High School Tries to Get Female Students to Wear Islamic Head Covering Backfires BIG TIME Top Right News
In just the past six months we’ve reported on: a Nation of Islam pamphlet telling 3rd graders America’s Founding Fathers were racists; a high school girl forced to produce propaganda promoting Islam to younger students; and a Boston-area father pulling his son out of class after he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination.
Why immigrants who live in our country(often not legally) can name something or somebody as "offensive?"
They're are guests now, and will be guests(because their culture is not like ours) so why they're trying to convert us to Islam?!
Most muslim children going to public school in the U.S. were born here and thus are American citizens.

They are not "guests" or immigrants. ..... :cool:
When are these people gonna get through their heads that the First Amendment is only for white christians?
For over a year, Top Right News has reported on schools across America that have tried to indoctrinate students in Islam, under the false guise of combating “Islamophobia.”
High School Tries to Get Female Students to Wear Islamic Head Covering Backfires BIG TIME Top Right News
In just the past six months we’ve reported on: a Nation of Islam pamphlet telling 3rd graders America’s Founding Fathers were racists; a high school girl forced to produce propaganda promoting Islam to younger students; and a Boston-area father pulling his son out of class after he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination.
Why immigrants who live in our country(often not legally) can name something or somebody as "offensive?"
They're are guests now, and will be guests(because their culture is not like ours) so why they're trying to convert us to Islam?!

Founders WERE racists. What part of Article 1 Section 2's:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

doesn't seem racist to you? Founders had slavery legal, and valued slaves at less than the value of a non-slave.

Nation of Islam isn't Muslim. Nation of Islam is to Islam as Mormonism is to Christianity.
Reasonable people don't have a problem with schools accurately teaching about the various religions, but the purpose of this exercise was so students could empathize with how Muslims are oppressed. If this was part of an accurate teaching curriculum that included FACTUAL data it would be a good exercise. It should come with discussions on how little actual anti-Islamic discrimination there is in America, and WHY the muslim religion requires women to wear this clothing, the consequences if a muslim woman doesn't wear her proper clothing. Discussions should also include what can happen to a Christian woman in a muslim land who doesn't wear muslim clothing, and even the U.S. military's "advice" to military women in muslim countries to wear the hajib when they are out in the civilian public area. This should all be in the context of learning about islam, how muhammed was a brutal pedophile who set the standard for today's muslims to force people to convert or die, and how followers of muhammed are today at the root of most (but certainly not all) of the world's misery.

Then the next week, to be truly inclusive, they should teach about Judaism, and make the boys wear a yarmulke, about King David and Solomon, the and destruction of the temple, the diaspora, the holocaust, the creation of Israel, and how the muslim nations surrounding it continue to openly call for it's destruction.

Then the next week they could teach about Catholicism and the utterly peaceful teachings of Jesus Christ. Force everyone to wear a crucifix and say a Hail Mary. And they can learn about the oppression of Christians in muslim lands, like how 10 of them were thrown off a boat by muslims last week as they immigrated out of (islamic) Africa.

THAT would be appropriate teaching. Unfortunately that doesn't happen...all our kids learn in public schools is "Islam is a beautiful religion, and a peaceful religion".
Yeah, they don't need to know about how the daily incidents of muslims murdering Christians simply because they are Christian. Or about terrorism, which is virtually always "peaceful followers of muhammed" murdering innocent Christians, jews, other muslims, and atheists. Or the oppression of their own women (and women of every other faith). Or selling children as sex slaves.

Yeah, all they need to know is the "beautiful religion of islam".
For over a year, Top Right News has reported on schools across America that have tried to indoctrinate students in Islam, under the false guise of combating “Islamophobia.”
High School Tries to Get Female Students to Wear Islamic Head Covering Backfires BIG TIME Top Right News
In just the past six months we’ve reported on: a Nation of Islam pamphlet telling 3rd graders America’s Founding Fathers were racists; a high school girl forced to produce propaganda promoting Islam to younger students; and a Boston-area father pulling his son out of class after he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination.
Why immigrants who live in our country(often not legally) can name something or somebody as "offensive?"
They're are guests now, and will be guests(because their culture is not like ours) so why they're trying to convert us to Islam?!

Founders WERE racists. What part of Article 1 Section 2's:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

doesn't seem racist to you? Founders had slavery legal, and valued slaves at less than the value of a non-slave.

Nation of Islam isn't Muslim. Nation of Islam is to Islam as Mormonism is to Christianity.
No it's not racist. It was a rule to adjust apportionment. Otherwise the South would have overwhelmed the north by representation.
For over a year, Top Right News has reported on schools across America that have tried to indoctrinate students in Islam, under the false guise of combating “Islamophobia.”
High School Tries to Get Female Students to Wear Islamic Head Covering Backfires BIG TIME Top Right News
In just the past six months we’ve reported on: a Nation of Islam pamphlet telling 3rd graders America’s Founding Fathers were racists; a high school girl forced to produce propaganda promoting Islam to younger students; and a Boston-area father pulling his son out of class after he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination.
Why immigrants who live in our country(often not legally) can name something or somebody as "offensive?"
They're are guests now, and will be guests(because their culture is not like ours) so why they're trying to convert us to Islam?!
Oh,,dear ,,,,,,gawd,,,NO!

So when we had frontier days at school and we wore stuff to make us dress like early American pioneers, we were secretly being made into pioneers?
Other indoctrinating classes included:
Dress like the 1950's era day
Western dress day
Square dancing day
Funny hat day
I am sure glad I didn't allow myself to be sooo indoctrinated by these events..I ended up with long hair and a non-conformist attitude....
I also broke the addiction of religion, man, just think of being indoctrinated in that bunch of tyrants...
Yeah, they don't need to know about how the daily incidents of muslims murdering Christians simply because they are Christian. Or about terrorism, which is virtually always "peaceful followers of muhammed" murdering innocent Christians, jews, other muslims, and atheists. Or the oppression of their own women (and women of every other faith). Or selling children as sex slaves.

Yeah, all they need to know is the "beautiful religion of islam".
Ignorance is not bliss, in your case it's not a given....
Tipsy - I'm sure it was a little of both. But it is a mistake to impose today's morality onto history. Our founding fathers were not perfect, but neither are we.
Ah yes, those mighty Gods that can't defeat their antagonist, I guess they are not that strong, or it's metaphorical representation of human nature?
Did they ask the female Muslim students to come in wearing American Flag bikinis? Was there a day when all the boys had to come in wearing Scottish kilts?
For over a year, Top Right News has reported on schools across America that have tried to indoctrinate students in Islam, under the false guise of combating “Islamophobia.”
High School Tries to Get Female Students to Wear Islamic Head Covering Backfires BIG TIME Top Right News
In just the past six months we’ve reported on: a Nation of Islam pamphlet telling 3rd graders America’s Founding Fathers were racists; a high school girl forced to produce propaganda promoting Islam to younger students; and a Boston-area father pulling his son out of class after he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination.
Why immigrants who live in our country(often not legally) can name something or somebody as "offensive?"
They're are guests now, and will be guests(because their culture is not like ours) so why they're trying to convert us to Islam?!
Why is learning about other religions "indoctrination"?

Are you that insecure in your own religion?
Why is learning about other religions "indoctrination"?

Are you that insecure in your own religion?

I realize you are a member of the looney left, but try to read. This exercise wasn't about teaching ABOUT islam, it sounds like it was more about indoctrinating children into the misbelief that islamic women suffer widespread discrimination in American society.

If they had used this (wearing the hajib) as PART of a wider explanation of where TRUE discrimination exists (ie: in islamic countries where women are at risk of rape/death if they are caught without one on, or driving a car, or leaving the house without a familial male escort), then it would be okay. But it wasn't part of an actual educational process, it was simply a method of indoctrinating children into the false belief that America is "mean" toward those who are different when, in reality, America is the most accepting nation on the face of the planet.
Another example of the "beauty" of the followers of muhammed.

ISIL video purports to show killing of Ethiopian Christians

Perhaps as part of this school's religious studies they could all wear bright orange jump suits one day so they could understand what REAL oppression is like.

Or they could use permanent markers to write serial numbers on their forearms like the Jews had to in nazi Germany to understand what REAL oppression is like.

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