High school uses loophole for Nativity scene

The nativity is a historical in both religious study and American culture. Get over it, nazi.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.

Shhhhh let the grown ups talk, little one
You are nothing like a grownup, bitch, and nothing like a Christian either.
The public schools are required, by law, to remain religiously neutral like the rest of the state, county, and federal government. Promoting Christianity is not remaining neutral.
The nativity is a historical in both religious study and American culture. Get over it, nazi.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
Fucking gods? This isn't about islam.
The nativity is a historical in both religious study and American culture. Get over it, nazi.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
The nativity is a historical in both religious study and American culture. Get over it, nazi.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
Fucking gods? This isn't about islam.
Your God didn't fuck, Mary? Ah, he certainly did, in the body no less according to the Mormons.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
That explains plenty. Do you celebrate any holidays?
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
That explains plenty. Do you celebrate any holidays?

April Fools say is his national holiday
Kindly cite the part of the NT that addresses climate change.
If the Bible mentioned Climate Change will destroy the Earth and all life unless Ceaser was given more tax money, the fucking liberal atheists here would force Bible study on everyone from K-Grad school.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
Fucking gods? This isn't about islam.
Your God didn't fuck, Mary? Ah, he certainly did, in the body no less according to the Mormons.
I'm not Mormon and I'm not aware of Mormons celebrating pornography.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
That explains plenty. Do you celebrate any holidays?
You mean Holy Days (AKA holiday), no.
If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
That explains plenty. Do you celebrate any holidays?
You mean Holy Days (AKA holiday), no.
So you object to any government-recognized holiday?
If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
That explains plenty. Do you celebrate any holidays?
You mean Holy Days (AKA holiday), no.
Now you're making my point. Lots of religious elements are the basis of much secular culture.
it is nothing of the kind, and it's not even true. Jesus was born in the spring as far as they can tell.
The season is part of the American/western cultural history aspect. The scene itself is part of a Christian history, a religion history context.

If someone lets a Nativity scene get under their skin they have some deep rooted issues going on
In a Public, you're goddamned right it gets under liberal skin, Keep your fucking gods out of our secular public schools. You have your churches for that bullshit.
So, do you consider it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree? Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Or just humbug?
I don't say any of that fucking nonsense.
La ilaha illa Allah ?
Public schools have religious freedom as per the constituion.
No, they do not.
Oh yes they do, dupe. Tell a muslim student to remove her headgear. I dare you, phony.
That is a person, dumbass. The kids have freedom of religion, the school does not.
The school is comprised of kids, moron.
Nope. We own it, and it doesn't not have Freedom of Religion.
go read the bill of rights again.
Nope. They didn't even pay for the fucking thing, they just go there to learn what we teach them.
Brainwashed dupe. We pay for it through taxes.
The adults pay, not the kiddos, and while they do have religious freedom, the school does not, and it is promoting religion, which is illegal here.
No, they're celebrating American culture. Fascists like you want to impose one closeminded view of all things and try to defend that fascism with the constitution.
the Nativity is American Culture? :lol:
Yes. The culture is rooted in Judeo-Christian history. Maybe your Lenin high school forgot to mention that.
That's not American culture, it's more Catholic European....the first who came to this country actually BANNED celebrations of Christmas.
Brainwashed dupe. We pay for it through taxes.
The adults pay, not the kiddos, and while they do have religious freedom, the school does not, and it is promoting religion, which is illegal here.
No, they're celebrating American culture. Fascists like you want to impose one closeminded view of all things and try to defend that fascism with the constitution.
the Nativity is American Culture? :lol:
Yes. The culture is rooted in Judeo-Christian history. Maybe your Lenin high school forgot to mention that.
That's not American culture, it's more Catholic European....the first who came to this country actually BANNED celebrations of Christmas.
They also banned witches too.
The adults pay, not the kiddos, and while they do have religious freedom, the school does not, and it is promoting religion, which is illegal here.
No, they're celebrating American culture. Fascists like you want to impose one closeminded view of all things and try to defend that fascism with the constitution.
the Nativity is American Culture? :lol:
Yes. The culture is rooted in Judeo-Christian history. Maybe your Lenin high school forgot to mention that.
That's not American culture, it's more Catholic European....the first who came to this country actually BANNED celebrations of Christmas.
They also banned witches too.
Wait...let me guess... you really believe those people they murdered were witches.....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Brainwashed dupe. We pay for it through taxes.
The adults pay, not the kiddos, and while they do have religious freedom, the school does not, and it is promoting religion, which is illegal here.
No, they're celebrating American culture. Fascists like you want to impose one closeminded view of all things and try to defend that fascism with the constitution.
the Nativity is American Culture? :lol:
Yes. The culture is rooted in Judeo-Christian history. Maybe your Lenin high school forgot to mention that.
That's not American culture, it's more Catholic European....the first who came to this country actually BANNED celebrations of Christmas.
But the culture ultimately emanated from the religious celebration. If it didn't we wouldn't be having this discussion.
You want to rewrite history. Your motive? I'll let you explain.
Got news for ya, your little Cheaters for Jesus are about to be spanked, good and hard by the judge. Just wait.
Just you wait until President Cruz installs his judges to rule against you atheists. Just you wait! :dance:
There you have it....hoping to have judges force religion on us.
Erecting a nativity scene or singing a religious Carol is not " establishing" a religion. Establishing is a verb which involves forcing others to follow a religion. That is prohibited, and religious institutions like Baptists agree, other than Islam.
No, they're celebrating American culture. Fascists like you want to impose one closeminded view of all things and try to defend that fascism with the constitution.
the Nativity is American Culture? :lol:
Yes. The culture is rooted in Judeo-Christian history. Maybe your Lenin high school forgot to mention that.
That's not American culture, it's more Catholic European....the first who came to this country actually BANNED celebrations of Christmas.
They also banned witches too.
Wait...let me guess... you really believe those people they murdered were witches.....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
wish I had a scope to look into the workings of your brain.

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