High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by

How can you trust the GOVT to upgrade anything cost effective? Obammy had $8T stimulus shovel ready. Put up signs but no work done. Stole the money.
actually the stimulus was eight hundred billion dollars and it worked fantastic, everywhere but well, everywhere but GOP dupe world...the crap you believe about Obama's economy is absolutely amazing. Since October 2009 it has been the best economy in the world, not saying much but there it is LOL. If Trump had a tiny bump, it only cost 2 trillion dollars in debt and hasn't helped 80% of the people in the country anyway.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP party of racism LOL, brainwashed functional moron. GOP give away tax rates to the rich go on and on, just like growing inequality and bad upward Mobility, already the worst ever and in the modern world...

You forgot the Obama Trillion Dollar Porkulus that was supposed to fix the Infrastructure?

How about Obama's nominations of liberal extremists Kangan and Sotomayor? Or his signing of the Paris Accords?

The Republicans stood down a lot and allow Obamamania to run wild.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP party of racism LOL, brainwashed functional moron. GOP give away tax rates to the rich go on and on, just like growing inequality and bad upward Mobility, already the worst ever and in the modern world...

You forgot the Obama Trillion Dollar Porkulus that was supposed to fix the Infrastructure?

How about Obama's nominations of liberal extremists Kangan and Sotomayor? Or his signing of the Paris Accords?

The Republicans stood down a lot and allow Obamamania to run wild.
Only $200 billion of the stimulus or porkuless if you like, super duper, was for infrastructure. If you think that is enough to make up for 30 years of GOP give away to the rich and only half the infrastructure spending we need, you're even stupider than I thought...
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And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP party of racism LOL, brainwashed functional moron. GOP give away tax rates to the rich go on and on, just like growing inequality and bad upward Mobility, already the worst ever and in the modern world...

You forgot the Obama Trillion Dollar Porkulus that was supposed to fix the Infrastructure?

How about Obama's nominations of liberal extremists Kangan and Sotomayor? Or his signing of the Paris Accords?

The Republicans stood down a lot and allow Obamamania to run wild.
Only $200 billion of the stimulus or porkuless if you like, super duper, was for infrastructure. If you think that is enough to make up for 30 years of GOP give away to the rich and only half the infrastructure spending we need, you're even stupider than I thought...
In case you are wondering what happened in the real world, 7 trillion dollars of Obama's debt went to welfare and unemployment to the victims of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008. Thank God the United States and the EU had Democrat and socialist, respectively, governments 2 avert a full-blown depression with huge investments. No changes in unemployment or welfare word necessary to do it. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like
You. Now you can tell me how that never happened LOL...
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.

They are only good with zero or very few stops. Period. Takes far too long to stop, unload and get moving again. When you get there, then you need to get to the real destination?

I have a dream of a sea of free self-driving Smart or Prius at every station. Scan your DL and go. Like those bikes or scooters they tried.
Boston to NY, or NY to Washington... high speed train would be great.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP party of racism LOL, brainwashed functional moron. GOP give away tax rates to the rich go on and on, just like growing inequality and bad upward Mobility, already the worst ever and in the modern world...

You forgot the Obama Trillion Dollar Porkulus that was supposed to fix the Infrastructure?

How about Obama's nominations of liberal extremists Kangan and Sotomayor? Or his signing of the Paris Accords?

The Republicans stood down a lot and allow Obamamania to run wild.
Only $200 billion of the stimulus or porkuless if you like, super duper, was for infrastructure. If you think that is enough to make up for 30 years of GOP give away to the rich and only half the infrastructure spending we need, you're even stupider than I thought...
In case you are wondering what happened in the real world, 7 trillion dollars of Obama's debt went to welfare and unemployment to the victims of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008. Thank God the United States and the EU had Democrat and socialist, respectively, governments 2 avert a full-blown depression with huge investments. No changes in unemployment or welfare word necessary to do it. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like
You. Now you can tell me how that never happened LOL...

There was no depression in 2008 at all. Just a financial panic, and the TARP payments were made to resolve the matter.

All before B. Hussein O was immaculated.
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.
How are the 'high speed' trains working on the East coast????????????????
In Cal. the fruitcakes are building trains to NOWHERE!!!!!!!
There are none in the US at all.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
Yes he had almost 60 votes, dumbass.
So do you Luddites have STOCK in buggy whip manufacturers?
How will she get the military to stop flying?
ask her how she expects to build a bridge from LA to Hawaii

Tunnel obviously. Think of all the jobs that would create. The great pacific train tunnel. And no eminent domain issues.
Yes, you are totally misinformed as always. China and Russia are very interested in that tunnel, and it is 200 miles long to get across the Bering strait.....just take a break Democrats aren't going to do anything as stupid as you people are told, brainwash functional moron.
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.

They are only good with zero or very few stops. Period. Takes far too long to stop, unload and get moving again. When you get there, then you need to get to the real destination?

I have a dream of a sea of free self-driving Smart or Prius at every station. Scan your DL and go. Like those bikes or scooters they tried.
Boston to NY, or NY to Washington... high speed train would be great.

It could be useful there, although very expensive with land acquisition and that.

But extending it nationwide, connecting Hermitage PA with Erie, Youngstown and Canton, or connecting Minneapolis with Eau Claire, Duluth and Sioux Falls, I don't see where it would be a very good investment for all of the people.

Maybe the folks in New York and Massachusetts can fund this idea there.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
Yes he had almost 60 votes, dumbass.
So do you Luddites have STOCK in buggy whip manufacturers?
How will she get the military to stop flying?
ask her how she expects to build a bridge from LA to Hawaii

Tunnel obviously. Think of all the jobs that would create. The great pacific train tunnel. And no eminent domain issues.
Yes, you are totally misinformed as always. China and Russia are very interested in that tunnel, and it is 200 miles long to get across the Bering strait.....just take a break Democrats aren't going to do anything as stupid as you people are told, brainwash functional moron.

To bad you cant recognize sarcasm
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP party of racism LOL, brainwashed functional moron. GOP give away tax rates to the rich go on and on, just like growing inequality and bad upward Mobility, already the worst ever and in the modern world...

You forgot the Obama Trillion Dollar Porkulus that was supposed to fix the Infrastructure?

How about Obama's nominations of liberal extremists Kangan and Sotomayor? Or his signing of the Paris Accords?

The Republicans stood down a lot and allow Obamamania to run wild.
Only $200 billion of the stimulus or porkuless if you like, super duper, was for infrastructure. If you think that is enough to make up for 30 years of GOP give away to the rich and only half the infrastructure spending we need, you're even stupider than I thought...
In case you are wondering what happened in the real world, 7 trillion dollars of Obama's debt went to welfare and unemployment to the victims of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008. Thank God the United States and the EU had Democrat and socialist, respectively, governments 2 avert a full-blown depression with huge investments. No changes in unemployment or welfare word necessary to do it. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like
You. Now you can tell me how that never happened LOL...

There was no depression in 2008 at all. Just a financial panic, and the TARP payments were made to resolve the matter.

All before B. Hussein O was immaculated.
Sure that was why we were losing 800,000 jobs a month when Obama came in LOL, and 9 million people lost their jobs, and it only cost about 7 trillion dollars for welfare and unemployment for the victims. You are a brainwashed functional moron.Luckily the EU also had 8 trillion dollars to blow to make your idiocy possible... Of course the rest of the world just suffered... You are a brainwashed functional moron --repeat endlessly...
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP party of racism LOL, brainwashed functional moron. GOP give away tax rates to the rich go on and on, just like growing inequality and bad upward Mobility, already the worst ever and in the modern world...

You forgot the Obama Trillion Dollar Porkulus that was supposed to fix the Infrastructure?

How about Obama's nominations of liberal extremists Kangan and Sotomayor? Or his signing of the Paris Accords?

The Republicans stood down a lot and allow Obamamania to run wild.
Only $200 billion of the stimulus or porkuless if you like, super duper, was for infrastructure. If you think that is enough to make up for 30 years of GOP give away to the rich and only half the infrastructure spending we need, you're even stupider than I thought...
In case you are wondering what happened in the real world, 7 trillion dollars of Obama's debt went to welfare and unemployment to the victims of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008. Thank God the United States and the EU had Democrat and socialist, respectively, governments 2 avert a full-blown depression with huge investments. No changes in unemployment or welfare word necessary to do it. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like
You. Now you can tell me how that never happened LOL...

There was no depression in 2008 at all. Just a financial panic, and the TARP payments were made to resolve the matter.

All before B. Hussein O was immaculated.
Sure that was why we were losing 800,000 jobs a month when Obama came in LOL, and 9 million people lost their jobs, and it only cost about 7 trillion dollars for welfare and unemployment for the victims. You are a brainwashed functional moron.Luckily the EU also had 8 trillion dollars to blow to make your idiocy possible... Of course the rest of the world just suffered... You are a brainwashed functional moron --repeat endlessly...
800,000 jobs were lost in a single month, it wasn't "800,000 a month" as if it was an ongoing situation.

And those 800,000 jobs were people fired after employers were concerned about the incoming Obama Regime.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
Yes he had almost 60 votes, dumbass.
So do you Luddites have STOCK in buggy whip manufacturers?
How will she get the military to stop flying?
ask her how she expects to build a bridge from LA to Hawaii

Tunnel obviously. Think of all the jobs that would create. The great pacific train tunnel. And no eminent domain issues.
Yes, you are totally misinformed as always. China and Russia are very interested in that tunnel, and it is 200 miles long to get across the Bering strait.....just take a break Democrats aren't going to do anything as stupid as you people are told, brainwash functional moron.

To bad you cant recognize sarcasm
That is not sarcasm stupid, that is garbage propaganda that you people believe... You're totally fos, d******. It's sarcasm it's a joke, no it's just garbage, the base of the GOP base.
Filthy ass government subsidized public transportation is for welfare queens but loved by environmental wackos.
It is about increasing access to markets.

No it is not. You are confused Moon Bat. The markets are already accessible.

The thing that is fucked up is when the filthy ass government uses tax payer's money to subsidize shit that can't make it on its own like these stupid public transportation projects. The welfare queens love it because they are getting somebody else to pay their bills and the environmental wackos love it because the dumbshits think they are "saving the planet" or some silly horseshit like that.
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
Yes he had almost 60 votes, dumbass.
How will she get the military to stop flying?
ask her how she expects to build a bridge from LA to Hawaii

Tunnel obviously. Think of all the jobs that would create. The great pacific train tunnel. And no eminent domain issues.
Yes, you are totally misinformed as always. China and Russia are very interested in that tunnel, and it is 200 miles long to get across the Bering strait.....just take a break Democrats aren't going to do anything as stupid as you people are told, brainwash functional moron.

To bad you cant recognize sarcasm
That is not sarcasm stupid, that is garbage propaganda that you people believe... You're totally fos, d******. It's sarcasm it's a joke, no it's just garbage, the base of the GOP base.

And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
Yes he had almost 60 votes, dumbass.
ask her how she expects to build a bridge from LA to Hawaii

Tunnel obviously. Think of all the jobs that would create. The great pacific train tunnel. And no eminent domain issues.
Yes, you are totally misinformed as always. China and Russia are very interested in that tunnel, and it is 200 miles long to get across the Bering strait.....just take a break Democrats aren't going to do anything as stupid as you people are told, brainwash functional moron.

To bad you cant recognize sarcasm
That is not sarcasm stupid, that is garbage propaganda that you people believe... You're totally fos, d******. It's sarcasm it's a joke, no it's just garbage, the base of the GOP base.

View attachment 245493
Then there are the facts, which none of you dupes seem to know...graph job losses 2007 to 2010 - Google Search
And everything he wanted to do except ACA was blocked by the GOP

I see you are as bat sh!t crazy and AOC, have a memory as bad as Kamala Harris and lie just as well as Hillary or Obama! :p

Obama had a near Dem super majority control of Congress his 1st 2 years.

The ACA was the ONLY thing poor wittle Barry got? :p

How about the $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of useless, self/party-serving pork, the NON-shovel-ready bill that ended up costing tax payers approx $774,000 per job Obama claimed to have saved / created and failed to keep unemployment below 9%...

How about his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran...

How about his admittedly Un-Constitutional DACA...

Dude, you lie like a Persian rug.... :p
Yes he had almost 60 votes, dumbass.
How will she get the military to stop flying?
ask her how she expects to build a bridge from LA to Hawaii

Tunnel obviously. Think of all the jobs that would create. The great pacific train tunnel. And no eminent domain issues.
Yes, you are totally misinformed as always. China and Russia are very interested in that tunnel, and it is 200 miles long to get across the Bering strait.....just take a break Democrats aren't going to do anything as stupid as you people are told, brainwash functional moron.

To bad you cant recognize sarcasm
That is not sarcasm stupid, that is garbage propaganda that you people believe... You're totally fos, d******. It's sarcasm it's a joke, no it's just garbage, the base of the GOP base.

Get a glass of water and find your pill bottle. YES, that was sarcasm. You people? ... no I dont seriously believe anyone will be trying to did a tunnel to Hawaii anytime soon. Even AOC isnt that crazy.

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