High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

She is high speed alright

Is that a farting cow?

I found pictures of the "Cow gas catcher backpack" but cant post it on this tool. Please help me. Jerry brown at his finest.

And another thing. Remember Wash tried HSR. Did it not crash day 1 full of politicians?

Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by
Obviously train is the single most efficient means of travel.
No other means is less expensive or energy efficient.
That fact we do not have good rail now is why it is so inefficient now, but that does not mean that with a little subsidy for economy of scale, it won't do well.
And in fact, in a decade when oil runs out, there really is no alternative.
Electric cars are no alternative because they run on electricity made from burning coal, and they have to carry around a thousand pounds of batteries for no reason.

Anyone who is against investing in better, faster, and more frequent trains, just has no foresight or sense of economy.
There was motive for CA HSR thru the central valley. They want to use eminnent domain to cut up those big farms. Get more control of them. Thats all it was.

Nobody needs or wants to go LA to Merced or Fresno? Why not add Sacramento? And back down to SJ. Then up to SF. Lets go everwhere!, a stop for all, across the bay to OAK, up to Reno. Down to LV. Over to Levi stadium....git er dun.
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Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area

Agree. But lose any speed advantage with every stop. May as well use the already built airplane system.

I am not against a Private Train where it would run full at a profit and i dont have to pay. Like CHI to STL? Any market for that 250 miles? Ugh, 1train per week ought to do it. DAL to ATL? Need a real plan.

Not many stops between major cities
Stops are only for a few minutes

Takes time to stop a train, and to get it back up to "high speed" Particularly if its a long train with many cars. Further, the longer the train and the more passengers you have, the longer is takes for the stops for people to get on as well as get off at each stop. It will only be for a "few minutes" if the train idea is a failure and only short trains with a few passengers are being run.
'Sci-Fi Fantasy-based' Socialist Take-over....

"CNBC reported that the Green New Deal would offer “economic security” for those “unwilling to work”

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Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by

I've given up. Asians are simply way smarter while we have the likes of a Biden gang.
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by

That may be true. One huge reason is we have politicians that are too busy spending money on accommodating illegals from shithole countries.
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by

Most Americans don't live in large cities. Most of us live in smaller cities, suburban and rural areas.
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area

Agree. But lose any speed advantage with every stop. May as well use the already built airplane system.

I am not against a Private Train where it would run full at a profit and i dont have to pay. Like CHI to STL? Any market for that 250 miles? Ugh, 1train per week ought to do it. DAL to ATL? Need a real plan.

Not many stops between major cities
Stops are only for a few minutes

Not many stops? There's currently a train from L.A. to S.F, about a 400 miles trip. The train takes about 11.5 hours to get there, driving takes 7.5 hours. If a stop is only for a few minutes, they must have about 150 stops. Quit talking out of your ass.

I have taken Amtrak local and Acela between Boston and DC

The Acela is advertised as high tech (1970s high tech) and it will go 120-130 mph. But it is hurry up and wait.
You will be going 120 mph and then slow to 40 mph or a complete stop when you approach metroplolitan areas

The local chugs along and hits 70 mph in open areas. But it stops at every rinky dink town along the way

Our rail transit is a joke
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?
The bitch has zero clue how much FOSSIL fuel it takes to construct a railway!
Mining the ore. Smelting. manufacturing, everything must be transported everywhere!
Building the trains.
The list is fucking endless. And everything must continue to be supported forever by trucks that can only run on diesel.
I've given up. Asians are simply way smarter while we have the likes of a Biden gang.
Speaking of which, the Green New Deal will change math problems in school forever, you know?! Just imagine....

'If a train leaves San Diego heading for Hawaii at 4ph going 150mph and another train departs Honolulu bound for San Diego at 5pm going 200mph, at what point over the ocean will they pass each other?"

Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by

How can you trust the GOVT to upgrade anything cost effective? Obammy had $8T stimulus shovel ready. Put up signs but no work done. Stole the money.
Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area

Agree. But lose any speed advantage with every stop. May as well use the already built airplane system.

I am not against a Private Train where it would run full at a profit and i dont have to pay. Like CHI to STL? Any market for that 250 miles? Ugh, 1train per week ought to do it. DAL to ATL? Need a real plan.

Not many stops between major cities
Stops are only for a few minutes

Not many stops? There's currently a train from L.A. to S.F, about a 400 miles trip. The train takes about 11.5 hours to get there, driving takes 7.5 hours. If a stop is only for a few minutes, they must have about 150 stops. Quit talking out of your ass.

I have taken Amtrak local and Acela between Boston and DC

The Acela is advertised as high tech (1970s high tech) and it will go 120-130 mph. But it is hurry up and wait.
You will be going 120 mph and then slow to 40 mph or a complete stop when you approach metroplolitan areas

The local chugs along and hits 70 mph in open areas. But it stops at every rinky dink town along the way

Our rail transit is a joke

You may consider those towns to be "rinky dink" and full of deplorables, but why should they be barred from the train, particularly as it is going through their town?
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.
How are the 'high speed' trains working on the East coast????????????????
In Cal. the fruitcakes are building trains to NOWHERE!!!!!!!
Trains are 19th Century technology, not modern.

Yea...you never heard of maglev?

There are no solar or wind powered jets.

No one was saying there are

In some locations like Japan or New York City, High speed rail can make sense.

But most Americans live in areas with no where near the density to make it worthwhile.

Example given, if there was a High Speed train in Hermitage PA to connect Hermitage with Youngstown, Erie and Canton , how many would bother to take it?
Wait...so if it isn't applicable everywhere...we shouldn't use it anywhere?

Does that actually make sense to you?

AOC has demanded that we get rid of fossil fuel entirely as well as airline service entirely. I'm pointing out how stupid the plan is. No doubt there are a few locations where high speed rail are viable and potentially profitable.
There isn't a passenger train anywhere on the East coast that has EVER made a fucking dime's profit!!!!!!!~!
When asked how did she plan on paying for her Great New Deal, AOC admitted that if we took all of the wealth from the wealthiest Americans and took the resources form the wealthiest companies in the US, it all would not even 'come close' to being able to pay for what is in her 'Sci-Fi Fantasy Novel'.

Again, an un-achievable goal based on non-existent technology admittedly being unaffordable even if it was physically possible.

Great Plan! :p
It will definitely take some time, it took 35 years for GOP tax rates and policy to wreck the middle class and the country...
BONOBO had eight fucking years to accomplish something. The fag sat with his thumb up his ass and watched Chicago's inner city implode. THAT's leadership?

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