High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

You gotta break some eggs to make an omelet.
What AOC and the Great Socialist Takeover' is calling for is 'NATIONAL SUICIDE', not for 'breaking a few eggs'.

Zero Carbon Emissions, abandoning oil/natural gas/nuclear energy, as discussed, would have an impact that would devastate this country every bit as much as Venezuela, if not more. Besides being admittedly impossible to do because it is based on technology that does not existing and besides admittedly costing more than is fiscally possible, even if do-able it would destroy this country.

Holy F*, snowflakes are as dense as fence posts...
In a nation like North Korea, where the government just tells everyone where to live and where to work, train transportation makes sense. Precision railroading is a possibility as you know the exact number of people on every train and where they are going.

In a free country, it really isn't as viable
Very viable in Europe
Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area
How do people in town get there with no cars?
How do they get to airports?

You can always put in a light rail or subway link
You pay for it, idiot.
She is high speed alright


That is how we got to the moon and won World War II.
No, we got to the moon and won WWII with the technology that we already had and made it better.

Unless Occasional Cortex has the secret to unlocking the secrets of gravity or fusion, she's just blowing a bunch of Marxist smoke....And as I drill down into the details her idiotic "Green New Deal", Marxism is all that is really there.

Simply not true. Little of what you say is.
It is true baby killer. People were experimenting and studying fission way before WW2.
Discovery of nuclear fission
The discovery of nuclear fission occurred in 1938 in the buildings of Kaiser Wilhelm Society for Chemistry, today part of the Free University of Berlin, following nearly five decades of work on the science of radioactivity and the elaboration of new nuclear physics that described the components of atoms.

In 1911, Ernest Rutherford proposed a model of the atom in which a very small, dense and positively charged nucleus of protons (the neutron had not yet been discovered) was surrounded by orbiting, negatively charged electrons (the Rutherford model).[18] Niels Bohr improved upon this in 1913 by reconciling the quantum behavior of electrons (the Bohr model). Work by Henri Becquerel, Marie Curie, Pierre Curie, and Rutherford further elaborated that the nucleus, though tightly bound, could undergo different forms of radioactive decay, and thereby transmute into other elements. (For example, by alpha decay: the emission of an alpha particle—two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus.)

Nuclear fission - Wikipedia

Now twist lie and spin this.
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires
Sure, out in the year 2265

Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area

Agree. But lose any speed advantage with every stop. May as well use the already built airplane system.

I am not against a Private Train where it would run full at a profit and i dont have to pay. Like CHI to STL? Any market for that 250 miles? Ugh, 1train per week ought to do it. DAL to ATL? Need a real plan.
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?
You gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. But a lot of the tracks are still here, just not being used. For high speed rail lines, yes, some people's back yards and cow pastures will probably be eaten. They will be compensated.

Ah, it will probably never happen. Our country is too intent on burning every drop of fossil fuel beneath the ground, because it gets some fat cats richer. Now that the rich people are paying off Congress, nothing will ever be done to stop them, either.

Yay capitalism.

Break some eggs, unfortunately those "eggs" have lives. Tracks are there, but unsuitable for high-speed rail. Jerry Brown found that out awhile back.
Apparently eminent domain is ok for your train but not for a wall?
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

While using the surplus $$$ from the bad Globalist trade deals before Trump.
Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area

Agree. But lose any speed advantage with every stop. May as well use the already built airplane system.

I am not against a Private Train where it would run full at a profit and i dont have to pay. Like CHI to STL? Any market for that 250 miles? Ugh, 1train per week ought to do it. DAL to ATL? Need a real plan.

Not many stops between major cities
Stops are only for a few minutes
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
She is high speed alright

Is that a farting cow?

I wonder if this picture was taken before or after she got fired from Hot Dog on a Stick for incompetency?

I usually like to see young women spread out their legs but my father always warned me to never stick in the crazy so I would pass on this one.
Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area

Agree. But lose any speed advantage with every stop. May as well use the already built airplane system.

I am not against a Private Train where it would run full at a profit and i dont have to pay. Like CHI to STL? Any market for that 250 miles? Ugh, 1train per week ought to do it. DAL to ATL? Need a real plan.

Not many stops between major cities
Stops are only for a few minutes

Not many stops? There's currently a train from L.A. to S.F, about a 400 miles trip. The train takes about 11.5 hours to get there, driving takes 7.5 hours. If a stop is only for a few minutes, they must have about 150 stops. Quit talking out of your ass.

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