High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

Amtrack is not the RailRoad. We should have one hundred mile per hour tracks by now.
Amtrack is NOT a govt-funded / supported people-moving railway system?

Amtrack and the Govt can't even get Amtrack working effectively, efficiently, or even breaking even. So you want them to build an even more massive high speed rail system all over?! When the Ca High Speed Rail Project from LA to San Fran is way over budget and will take 14 years to complete?!


If the LA to San Fran High Speed Train is done by 2033, I'll eat my hat. They'll be lucky if it gets done by 2043 and $1 Trillion over budget.
we should have the simulation first, for "snap in place" convenience.
Sure, out in the year 2265

Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area
How do people in town get there with no cars?
100% for high speed rail. Jobs, clean, efficient. Who are these oil company shills here? Either that or just reactionary to any forward thinking idea.

No, not apt to fall for a billion dollar project that ends up costing three billion and nobody rides. American's like the privacy and time alone in their car instead of having to rub elbows with the smelly beasts on public transits. And remember, the faster a train is going, the longer it takes to stop so if Fred and Ethel get stalled on the tracks, with a bullet train there won't even be time to get out and run.... they'll be goo, collected with a putty knife and a sponge.

I still see many bus routes run empty year after year. Empty light rail trains run through SJ CA avg ~10-15mph? Slower than sitting in rush hour. God help you if you have to transfer to another track.
one hundred miles per hour to start, along with two-way not right wing one-way Roads.
Engineers have stated the size of the US and other challenges unique to us makes running high speed European-style railway systems IMPOSSIBLE!
Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area
How do people in town get there with no cars?
you can make a lot of vibrators with 32 Trillion dollars, at least u make a hell of a profit.
Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?

Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is not exactly brainstorming.
That's kind of what brainstorming is. Except you need more than one brain involved to make it fruitful.

Then Cortez should have consulted with, at least, 1.5 other people.
we should insist on a Corps of mathematical engineers.
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?

Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is not exactly brainstorming.
That's kind of what brainstorming is. Except you need more than one brain involved to make it fruitful.

Then Cortez should have consulted with, at least, 1.5 other people.
we should insist on a Corps of mathematical engineers.

Sure, like she cares what you insist on.
We should have the simulation first, for "snap in place" convenience.
'Stimulation'? WTF is that? Forced Government action ramming this down the throats of people who do not want it, just like Obamacare? Socialists embracing the addition of $50 Trillion in new debt based on the promise of non-existent technology while ignoring the lessons of not only THEIR past failures but the failures of Socialism in general as well as experts...and AOC...stating THIS PLAN IS NOT FISCALLY POSSIBLE?!

Looking back at history, Democrats have ALWAYS demanded to be judge based on their INTENTIONS, not their actual accomplishments. That's because their track record is one of failure after failure after failure of projects that started out with the best of INTENTIONS.

The Green New Deal did not even start off with good intentions...it started off with ignorance, stupidity, and fantasy / denial of reality....and for it, AOC was mocked so harshly for it - even by Democrats - that her own team pulled it offline.

That is how we got to the moon and won World War II.
No, we got to the moon and won WWII with the technology that we already had and made it better.

Unless Occasional Cortex has the secret to unlocking the secrets of gravity or fusion, she's just blowing a bunch of Marxist smoke....And as I drill down into the details her idiotic "Green New Deal", Marxism is all that is really there.

Simply not true. Little of what you say is.
why dont we just dig out a river from New York to LA? and we call all take our sailbboats.

That is how we got to the moon and won World War II.
No, we got to the moon and won WWII with the technology that we already had and made it better.

Unless Occasional Cortex has the secret to unlocking the secrets of gravity or fusion, she's just blowing a bunch of Marxist smoke....And as I drill down into the details her idiotic "Green New Deal", Marxism is all that is really there.

Simply not true. Little of what you say is.
Simply is true....You just live in an Orwellian dream world.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?

Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is not exactly brainstorming.
That's kind of what brainstorming is. Except you need more than one brain involved to make it fruitful.

Then Cortez should have consulted with, at least, 1.5 other people.
we should insist on a Corps of mathematical engineers.

Sure, like she cares what you insist on.
mathematical precision must matter; and, "concentration of specialization" must influence "time to market".
We should have the simulation first, for "snap in place" convenience.
'Stimulation'? WTF is that? Forced Government action ramming this down the throats of people who do not want it, just like Obamacare? Socialists embracing the addition of $50 Trillion in new debt based on the promise of non-existent technology while ignoring the lessons of not only THEIR past failures but the failures of Socialism in general as well as experts...and AOC...stating THIS PLAN IS NOT FISCALLY POSSIBLE?!

Looking back at history, Democrats have ALWAYS demanded to be judge based on their INTENTIONS, not their actual accomplishments. That's because their track record is one of failure after failure after failure of projects that started out with the best of INTENTIONS.

The Green New Deal did not even start off with good intentions...it started off with ignorance, stupidity, and fantasy / denial of reality....and for it, AOC was mocked so harshly for it - even by Democrats - that her own team pulled it offline.
we should understand it better simply gathering metrics for a functional simulation.
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?
You gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. But a lot of the tracks are still here, just not being used. For high speed rail lines, yes, some people's back yards and cow pastures will probably be eaten. They will be compensated.

Ah, it will probably never happen. Our country is too intent on burning every drop of fossil fuel beneath the ground, because it gets some fat cats richer. Now that the rich people are paying off Congress, nothing will ever be done to stop them, either.

Yay capitalism.
Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area
How do people in town get there with no cars?
How do they get to airports?

You can always put in a light rail or subway link
In a nation like North Korea, where the government just tells everyone where to live and where to work, train transportation makes sense. Precision railroading is a possibility as you know the exact number of people on every train and where they are going.

In a free country, it really isn't as viable

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