High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

That is how we got to the moon and won World War II.
No, we got to the moon and won WWII with the technology that we already had and made it better.

Unless Occasional Cortex has the secret to unlocking the secrets of gravity or fusion, she's just blowing a bunch of Marxist smoke....And as I drill down into the details her idiotic "Green New Deal", Marxism is all that is really there.
Hmmm, do you have any idea what kind of fuel a diesel/electric train engine uses? Hint: diesel fuel. and your electric trains and subways, use? come on, electricity generated by burning? come on you know it, coal, oil, and gas.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahaha....

i wonder how much it would cost to build a highway to the moon
AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?
AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?

Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is not exactly brainstorming.
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?
Apply your own logic to the fucking wall dumb fuck.
AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?

Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is not exactly brainstorming.
That's kind of what brainstorming is. Except you need more than one brain involved to make it fruitful.
Amtrack is not the RailRoad. We should have one hundred mile per hour tracks by now.
Amtrack is NOT a govt-funded / supported people-moving railway system?

Amtrack and the Govt can't even get Amtrack working effectively, efficiently, or even breaking even. So you want them to build an even more massive high speed rail system all over?! When the Ca High Speed Rail Project from LA to San Fran is way over budget and will take 14 years to complete?!


If the LA to San Fran High Speed Train is done by 2033, I'll eat my hat. They'll be lucky if it gets done by 2043 and $1 Trillion over budget.
AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?

Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is not exactly brainstorming.
That's kind of what brainstorming is. Except you need more than one brain involved to make it fruitful.

Then Cortez should have consulted with, at least, 1.5 other people.
For the same price as the CA high speed rail nowhere, you can buy 400,000,000 LAX - LAS plane tickets

So, are you saying that it will be paying for itself when it hauls its 400 millionth customer?
Sure, out in the year 2265

Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan.
Which insane idea would you suggest we take out?
Complete Zero Carbon Emission, which would be national suicide?
The upgrading / replacing EVERY building in the United States?
A high speed rail system that eliminates air travel?
Forcing Americans to give up their cars, trucks, SUVs, boats, motorcycles, etc...?
Her 'War on Cow Farts'?
Forcing every worker who has any part in this 'transformation' be Union Workers?
Becoming like Venezuela by abandoning our vast oil reserves?
Abandoning natural gas, telling Germany to go beg Russia for insanely priced natural gas because we are out of the business?
Using technology that does not even exist?
Embracing this plan even she even admits is not fiscally possible?

AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
No one says you have to take every point of her plan. She's brainstorming. Can you do that?
Writing a bill and submitting it is not brain storming.
So, are you saying that it will be paying for itself when it hauls its 400 millionth customer?
Sure, out in the year 2265

Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.

Trains are a great convenience- for those who live in the middle of a huge city and want to go to the middle of the destination city and don't have a car to park.
So do you Luddites have STOCK in buggy whip manufacturers?
For the same price as the CA high speed rail nowhere, you can buy 400,000,000 LAX - LAS plane tickets

So, are you saying that it will be paying for itself when it hauls its 400 millionth customer?
Sure, out in the year 2265

Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,

Yup, although those on Skid Row aren't finding it that convenient.
So, are you saying that it will be paying for itself when it hauls its 400 millionth customer?
Sure, out in the year 2265

Wouldn't take that long dude. Lots of people go from LA to Vegas each year.

Most drive or fly however. Traveling to and from the train station is likely to be worse than just going there directly. I guess if someone lives across the street from the LA train station it would be convenient,
No worse than driving to the airport

Airports are out of the city with massive costly parking built already. Trains are in-town with no parking. Another reason Trains not needed.
Trains can also stop outside of the city at a parking area
Amtrack is not the RailRoad. We should have one hundred mile per hour tracks by now.
Amtrack is NOT a govt-funded / supported people-moving railway system?

Amtrack and the Govt can't even get Amtrack working effectively, efficiently, or even breaking even. So you want them to build an even more massive high speed rail system all over?! When the Ca High Speed Rail Project from LA to San Fran is way over budget and will take 14 years to complete?!

under Capitalism; the fundamentals of infrastructure must matter.

one hundred miles per hour to start, along with two-way not right wing one-way Roads.
If they did it with freight first and then put passenger cars in as an addition…it may work. A freighter pulls up in Long Beach and sits there for a few hours. A longshoreman takes a container off the ship and puts it onto a truck. The trucker takes off and goes to a terminal (or starts off toward Kansas City or Denver or Dallas or wherever going at 45-75 MPH. The journey is 18-20 hours if it is non-stop. Count on at least 2 stops so we’re talking days to get a single container from Long Beach to the midwest.

Now put that same container on a train moving at 180 MPH…non stop. It’ll be there in hours.

So shipping companies could be convinced to invest in something like this. You pay the freight line (or own it as a consortium) instead of long haul truckers. You get your product quicker. Once that is proven…then you put a few passenger cars onto the train; LA to Dallas in 3 hours? Sounds good.

A while back, there was a thing about the technology to uncouple freight cars on the fly and like on a trip from LA to Miami, two cars at the end would “take the exit” for Phoenix, then the last 4 cars would “take the exit” for Houston, then some cars would divert to New Orleans or whatever. They would work on inertia and have a mini-locomotive that only activates once it’s uncoupled….

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