High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

Tax cut economics is worthless if it doesn't cover funding for upgrading our railroads to one hundred miles per hour.
You think we are not throwing enough tax dollars at AMTRAK - $45 BILLION in 40 years, THAT is the problem?

How much do we throw at the airline industry stupid...

I guess we can re-fit the nation's airports to become regional Train stations as well?
You mean when we fly around the country...we always get stuck at the airport and have to just turn around and come home? Fucking dunces
High speed Intercontinental over-ocean Steam/Solar/Wind-powered trains will change all of that. ;p
Taking even 1 second to consider AOC's insane sci-fi fantasy Liberal Wet Dream plan proves snowflakes don't have the common sense or IQ God gave to a doorknob. It is obvious that you have not or either are not capable of intelligent thought, of understanding the big picture, or of thinking this all through.

- NOT possible. Even if it were it would mean the total destruction of the US as a leading energy / economic / Industrial country.

Venezuela used to be the richest nation in South America, sitting on vast oil reserves reportedly larger than the US has. Sitting on that 'gold mine', and after 'nationalizing' it and handing its control over to the Socialists, Venezuelans are now digging through the trash and eating their pets to stave off starving to death.


*** Approximately 7 MILLION Americans associated with making cars, making car parts, selling cars, selling car parts, selling rubber tires, etc.. are out of work.

*** Every American associated with making planes, plane parts, etc... are out of a job...Airlines would collapse as air travel 'ceased being necessary'...Anyone working for the airline industry - pilots, co-pilots, maintenance crews, baggage handlers, flight attendants, ticket counter workers, TSA...is out of a job.

*** Taxi Companies all over America will be out of business...unless they can afford to go out and buy all new electric cars

*** Every American having any job related to Natural Gas...is out of a job

*** Every American having a job dealing with electric energy...is out of a job

*** Many of these products will be gone and those who make / sell them will be out of work / hit hard:
Solvents, Diesel fuel, Motor Oil, Bearing Grease, Ink, Floor Wax, Ballpoint Pens, Football Cleats, Upholstery, Sweaters, Boats, Insecticides,
Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies, Nail Polish, Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags, Perfumes, Cassettes, Dishwasher parts, Tool Boxes, Shoe Polish, Motorcycle Helmets, Caulking, Petroleum Jelly, Transparent Tape, CD Player, Faucet Washers, Antiseptics, Clothesline, Curtains, Food Preservatives, Basketballs, Vitamin Capsules, Antihistamines, Purses, Shoes, Dashboards, Cortisone, Deodorant, Footballs, Putty, Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician’s Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy Paint, Mops, Slacks, Insect Repellent, Oil Filters....and much more

Say goodbye to those Nuclear subs and hello to a self-imposed leap backwards behind other militaries, like Russia's. )I am sure we will do just fine with electric, solar powered, or wind-driven ships and submarines. :p)

Trump blasted Germany not long ago for having NATO for protection from Russia while at the same time placing its head in the lion's mouth by relying on Russia for Natural Gas, especially when we have an abundance to sell? Well, AOC's plan would leave allies with no where else to turn except on their knees to Russia for their natural gas.

Alternate sources of energy account for a lowly 11% of the energy we use. Even now using fossil fuels California has rolling black outs. Attempting to run an industrialized nation like the US using solar and wind energy, dependent on atmospheric / weather conditions would almost be impossible. If you think those rolling blackouts in California are bad - try them across the entire US while trying to run an industry!

Not to mention AOC even admitted her plan relies on technology that has not even been invented yet and that it is fiscally impossible to pay for everything proposed in her plan, even if it was do-able, which it is not.

Holy :wtf:, Batman?!
Good thing the Wright brothers and Henry Ford didn't think like you.

I'm sure AOC's plan is pretty out there, but I've always been a proponent of building the train system, not decimating it. It is a relatively environmentally sound way to carry large numbers of people or cargo from one place to another. High speed rail would be awesome.

Hmmm, do you have any idea what kind of fuel a diesel/electric train engine uses? Hint: diesel fuel. and your electric trains and subways, use? come on, electricity generated by burning? come on you know it, coal, oil, and gas.
AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?

I've been searching all over the internet for your article denouncing the MILLIONS/BILLIONS of tax payer dollars being used building football stadiums all over the country.

I can't find it.

Where is it?
Look up the on-going Ca High Speed Rail Project. I found it easily the other day and posted it .It will give you a good idea at the cost and ass-pain of just going from LA to San Fran is. Just that distance with that little of track is going to reportedly take 14 years. AOC says she wants infinitely more than that....plus every building in the US upgraded or rebuilt and more...in only 10 years.
China is laughing at us

They have 18,000 miles of high speed track. They have an economy the size of ours and an equivalent land area

They understand the importance of modernization. We are happy remaining in the 1950s
Good thing the Wright brothers and Henry Ford didn't think like you.
If they thought like you and AOC the airplane and the automobile would never have been invented, snowflake. Why would they want to attempt to invent carbon-belching , earth-destroying death machines that would eventually get replaced by liberal inventions using technology that does not even exist and that would destroy the US economy, turning us into a one-day modern-day collapsed Socialist version of Venezuela?!

AOC's ridiculous idea of high speed rail that eliminates the airline industry

Stop being stupid.

No one is going to "eliminate the airline industry" and stop making that retarded claim in your attack on technological advancement and AOC.

You fuckers are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century huh...
Her plan clearly calls for air travel to be eliminated, liar.
Actually, it doesn’t
It envisions a time when air traffic will no longer be necessary
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?

I've been searching all over the internet for your article denouncing the MILLIONS/BILLIONS of tax payer dollars being used building football stadiums all over the country.

I can't find it.

Where is it?
Look up the on-going Ca High Speed Rail Project. I found it easily the other day and posted it .It will give you a good idea at the cost and ass-pain of just going from LA to San Fran is. Just that distance with that little of track is going to reportedly take 14 years. AOC says she wants infinitely more than that....plus every building in the US upgraded or rebuilt and more...in only 10 years.
we should insist on the scalable simulation first!
Hmmm, do you have any idea what kind of fuel a diesel/electric train engine uses? Hint: diesel fuel. and your electric trains and subways, use? come on, electricity generated by burning? come on you know it, coal, oil, and gas.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahaha....

:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?

I especially want to see how the railroad to Europe will be built and how a solar and wind powered train would operate.
Artificial islands could provide space for energy generation and provide a platform for polar bears.
Taking even 1 second to consider AOC's insane sci-fi fantasy Liberal Wet Dream plan proves snowflakes don't have the common sense or IQ God gave to a doorknob. It is obvious that you have not or either are not capable of intelligent thought, of understanding the big picture, or of thinking this all through.

- NOT possible. Even if it were it would mean the total destruction of the US as a leading energy / economic / Industrial country.

Venezuela used to be the richest nation in South America, sitting on vast oil reserves reportedly larger than the US has. Sitting on that 'gold mine', and after 'nationalizing' it and handing its control over to the Socialists, Venezuelans are now digging through the trash and eating their pets to stave off starving to death.


*** Approximately 7 MILLION Americans associated with making cars, making car parts, selling cars, selling car parts, selling rubber tires, etc.. are out of work.

*** Every American associated with making planes, plane parts, etc... are out of a job...Airlines would collapse as air travel 'ceased being necessary'...Anyone working for the airline industry - pilots, co-pilots, maintenance crews, baggage handlers, flight attendants, ticket counter workers, TSA...is out of a job.

*** Taxi Companies all over America will be out of business...unless they can afford to go out and buy all new electric cars

*** Every American having any job related to Natural Gas...is out of a job

*** Every American having a job dealing with electric energy...is out of a job

*** Many of these products will be gone and those who make / sell them will be out of work / hit hard:
Solvents, Diesel fuel, Motor Oil, Bearing Grease, Ink, Floor Wax, Ballpoint Pens, Football Cleats, Upholstery, Sweaters, Boats, Insecticides,
Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies, Nail Polish, Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags, Perfumes, Cassettes, Dishwasher parts, Tool Boxes, Shoe Polish, Motorcycle Helmets, Caulking, Petroleum Jelly, Transparent Tape, CD Player, Faucet Washers, Antiseptics, Clothesline, Curtains, Food Preservatives, Basketballs, Vitamin Capsules, Antihistamines, Purses, Shoes, Dashboards, Cortisone, Deodorant, Footballs, Putty, Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician’s Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy Paint, Mops, Slacks, Insect Repellent, Oil Filters....and much more

Say goodbye to those Nuclear subs and hello to a self-imposed leap backwards behind other militaries, like Russia's. )I am sure we will do just fine with electric, solar powered, or wind-driven ships and submarines. :p)

Trump blasted Germany not long ago for having NATO for protection from Russia while at the same time placing its head in the lion's mouth by relying on Russia for Natural Gas, especially when we have an abundance to sell? Well, AOC's plan would leave allies with no where else to turn except on their knees to Russia for their natural gas.

Alternate sources of energy account for a lowly 11% of the energy we use. Even now using fossil fuels California has rolling black outs. Attempting to run an industrialized nation like the US using solar and wind energy, dependent on atmospheric / weather conditions would almost be impossible. If you think those rolling blackouts in California are bad - try them across the entire US while trying to run an industry!

Not to mention AOC even admitted her plan relies on technology that has not even been invented yet and that it is fiscally impossible to pay for everything proposed in her plan, even if it was do-able, which it is not.

Holy :wtf:, Batman?!
Good thing the Wright brothers and Henry Ford didn't think like you.

I'm sure AOC's plan is pretty out there, but I've always been a proponent of building the train system, not decimating it. It is a relatively environmentally sound way to carry large numbers of people or cargo from one place to another. High speed rail would be awesome.

Hmmm, do you have any idea what kind of fuel a diesel/electric train engine uses? Hint: diesel fuel. and your electric trains and subways, use? come on, electricity generated by burning? come on you know it, coal, oil, and gas.
How much fuel does a single jet aircraft use to transport 200 people?

A train can transport 800 or more
Tax cut economics is worthless if it doesn't cover funding for upgrading our railroads to one hundred miles per hour.
You think we are not throwing enough tax dollars at AMTRAK - $45 BILLION in 40 years, THAT is the problem?

Amtrack is not the RailRoad. We should have one hundred mile per hour tracks by now.
Taking even 1 second to consider AOC's insane sci-fi fantasy Liberal Wet Dream plan proves snowflakes don't have the common sense or IQ God gave to a doorknob. It is obvious that you have not or either are not capable of intelligent thought, of understanding the big picture, or of thinking this all through.

- NOT possible. Even if it were it would mean the total destruction of the US as a leading energy / economic / Industrial country.

Venezuela used to be the richest nation in South America, sitting on vast oil reserves reportedly larger than the US has. Sitting on that 'gold mine', and after 'nationalizing' it and handing its control over to the Socialists, Venezuelans are now digging through the trash and eating their pets to stave off starving to death.


*** Approximately 7 MILLION Americans associated with making cars, making car parts, selling cars, selling car parts, selling rubber tires, etc.. are out of work.

*** Every American associated with making planes, plane parts, etc... are out of a job...Airlines would collapse as air travel 'ceased being necessary'...Anyone working for the airline industry - pilots, co-pilots, maintenance crews, baggage handlers, flight attendants, ticket counter workers, TSA...is out of a job.

*** Taxi Companies all over America will be out of business...unless they can afford to go out and buy all new electric cars

*** Every American having any job related to Natural Gas...is out of a job

*** Every American having a job dealing with electric energy...is out of a job

*** Many of these products will be gone and those who make / sell them will be out of work / hit hard:
Solvents, Diesel fuel, Motor Oil, Bearing Grease, Ink, Floor Wax, Ballpoint Pens, Football Cleats, Upholstery, Sweaters, Boats, Insecticides,
Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies, Nail Polish, Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags, Perfumes, Cassettes, Dishwasher parts, Tool Boxes, Shoe Polish, Motorcycle Helmets, Caulking, Petroleum Jelly, Transparent Tape, CD Player, Faucet Washers, Antiseptics, Clothesline, Curtains, Food Preservatives, Basketballs, Vitamin Capsules, Antihistamines, Purses, Shoes, Dashboards, Cortisone, Deodorant, Footballs, Putty, Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician’s Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy Paint, Mops, Slacks, Insect Repellent, Oil Filters....and much more

Say goodbye to those Nuclear subs and hello to a self-imposed leap backwards behind other militaries, like Russia's. )I am sure we will do just fine with electric, solar powered, or wind-driven ships and submarines. :p)

Trump blasted Germany not long ago for having NATO for protection from Russia while at the same time placing its head in the lion's mouth by relying on Russia for Natural Gas, especially when we have an abundance to sell? Well, AOC's plan would leave allies with no where else to turn except on their knees to Russia for their natural gas.

Alternate sources of energy account for a lowly 11% of the energy we use. Even now using fossil fuels California has rolling black outs. Attempting to run an industrialized nation like the US using solar and wind energy, dependent on atmospheric / weather conditions would almost be impossible. If you think those rolling blackouts in California are bad - try them across the entire US while trying to run an industry!

Not to mention AOC even admitted her plan relies on technology that has not even been invented yet and that it is fiscally impossible to pay for everything proposed in her plan, even if it was do-able, which it is not.

Holy :wtf:, Batman?!
Good thing the Wright brothers and Henry Ford didn't think like you.

I'm sure AOC's plan is pretty out there, but I've always been a proponent of building the train system, not decimating it. It is a relatively environmentally sound way to carry large numbers of people or cargo from one place to another. High speed rail would be awesome.

Hmmm, do you have any idea what kind of fuel a diesel/electric train engine uses? Hint: diesel fuel. and your electric trains and subways, use? come on, electricity generated by burning? come on you know it, coal, oil, and gas.
And how many people are carried by that train in relation to the amount of diesel it burns? How much cargo is carried on that train, as opposed to the X-number of diesel burning trucks it takes to haul that same amount of cargo across the country?
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.

They are only good with zero or very few stops. Period. Takes far too long to stop, unload and get moving again. When you get there, then you need to get to the real destination?

I have a dream of a sea of free self-driving Smart or Prius at every station. Scan your DL and go. Like those bikes or scooters they tried.
The NFL uses leather.
Only cheap toy and practice footballs are made from rubber.
Hooray for the NFL. Not everyone can afford a leather football.

BTW, know what the inner bladder of a leather football is made of?

'Footballs still have an internal bladder, but today they're made of polyurethane or rubber.'
'Today's football is an inflated rubber bladder enclosed in a pebble-grained leather cover or cowhide.'

Some footballs are made of natural rubber, coming from a tree, while others are from fossil fuel-created rubber.

They're only $120 bucks.

$120 is a lot for a kid to play football in the street.

Dont play football in the street.
Amtrack is not the RailRoad. We should have one hundred mile per hour tracks by now.
Amtrack is NOT a govt-funded / supported people-moving railway system?

Amtrack and the Govt can't even get Amtrack working effectively, efficiently, or even breaking even. So you want them to build an even more massive high speed rail system all over?! When the Ca High Speed Rail Project from LA to San Fran is way over budget and will take 14 years to complete?!


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