High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

Taking even 1 second to consider AOC's insane sci-fi fantasy Liberal Wet Dream plan proves snowflakes don't have the common sense or IQ God gave to a doorknob. It is obvious that you have not or either are not capable of intelligent thought, of understanding the big picture, or of thinking this all through.

- NOT possible. Even if it were it would mean the total destruction of the US as a leading energy / economic / Industrial country.

Venezuela used to be the richest nation in South America, sitting on vast oil reserves reportedly larger than the US has. Sitting on that 'gold mine', and after 'nationalizing' it and handing its control over to the Socialists, Venezuelans are now digging through the trash and eating their pets to stave off starving to death.


*** Approximately 7 MILLION Americans associated with making cars, making car parts, selling cars, selling car parts, selling rubber tires, etc.. are out of work.

*** Every American associated with making planes, plane parts, etc... are out of a job...Airlines would collapse as air travel 'ceased being necessary'...Anyone working for the airline industry - pilots, co-pilots, maintenance crews, baggage handlers, flight attendants, ticket counter workers, TSA...is out of a job.

*** Taxi Companies all over America will be out of business...unless they can afford to go out and buy all new electric cars

*** Every American having any job related to Natural Gas...is out of a job

*** Every American having a job dealing with electric energy...is out of a job

*** Many of these products will be gone and those who make / sell them will be out of work / hit hard:
Solvents, Diesel fuel, Motor Oil, Bearing Grease, Ink, Floor Wax, Ballpoint Pens, Football Cleats, Upholstery, Sweaters, Boats, Insecticides,
Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies, Nail Polish, Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags, Perfumes, Cassettes, Dishwasher parts, Tool Boxes, Shoe Polish, Motorcycle Helmets, Caulking, Petroleum Jelly, Transparent Tape, CD Player, Faucet Washers, Antiseptics, Clothesline, Curtains, Food Preservatives, Basketballs, Vitamin Capsules, Antihistamines, Purses, Shoes, Dashboards, Cortisone, Deodorant, Footballs, Putty, Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician’s Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy Paint, Mops, Slacks, Insect Repellent, Oil Filters....and much more

Say goodbye to those Nuclear subs and hello to a self-imposed leap backwards behind other militaries, like Russia's. )I am sure we will do just fine with electric, solar powered, or wind-driven ships and submarines. :p)

Trump blasted Germany not long ago for having NATO for protection from Russia while at the same time placing its head in the lion's mouth by relying on Russia for Natural Gas, especially when we have an abundance to sell? Well, AOC's plan would leave allies with no where else to turn except on their knees to Russia for their natural gas.

Alternate sources of energy account for a lowly 11% of the energy we use. Even now using fossil fuels California has rolling black outs. Attempting to run an industrialized nation like the US using solar and wind energy, dependent on atmospheric / weather conditions would almost be impossible. If you think those rolling blackouts in California are bad - try them across the entire US while trying to run an industry!

Not to mention AOC even admitted her plan relies on technology that has not even been invented yet and that it is fiscally impossible to pay for everything proposed in her plan, even if it was do-able, which it is not.

Holy :wtf:, Batman?!
China has 18,000 miles of High Speed Rail

High-speed rail in China - Wikipedia

I remember when we used to mock China for being a backward nation. Over the last 20 years, China has invested heavily in modern infrastructure. High Speed Rail, solar and wind power, modernized power grids

Meanwhile, the US has sold out to supply side economics and has invested in tax cuts for billionaires
China has total control to do what it wants. Not so here. And you spout like it is the world leader in pollution control.

The US has control of its tax structure. Slashing taxes and expecting the private sector to pick up the slack has not worked
China still has a heavy reliance on coal. But unlike the US, they realize they need to move away from coal

It is China, not the US that leads the world in solar power research. The US just laughs and says Drill Baby, Drill
Taking even 1 second to consider AOC's insane sci-fi fantasy Liberal Wet Dream plan proves snowflakes don't have the common sense or IQ God gave to a doorknob. It is obvious that you have not or either are not capable of intelligent thought, of understanding the big picture, or of thinking this all through.

- NOT possible. Even if it were it would mean the total destruction of the US as a leading energy / economic / Industrial country.

Venezuela used to be the richest nation in South America, sitting on vast oil reserves reportedly larger than the US has. Sitting on that 'gold mine', and after 'nationalizing' it and handing its control over to the Socialists, Venezuelans are now digging through the trash and eating their pets to stave off starving to death.


*** Approximately 7 MILLION Americans associated with making cars, making car parts, selling cars, selling car parts, selling rubber tires, etc.. are out of work.

*** Every American associated with making planes, plane parts, etc... are out of a job...Airlines would collapse as air travel 'ceased being necessary'...Anyone working for the airline industry - pilots, co-pilots, maintenance crews, baggage handlers, flight attendants, ticket counter workers, TSA...is out of a job.

*** Taxi Companies all over America will be out of business...unless they can afford to go out and buy all new electric cars

*** Every American having any job related to Natural Gas...is out of a job

*** Every American having a job dealing with electric energy...is out of a job

*** Many of these products will be gone and those who make / sell them will be out of work / hit hard:
Solvents, Diesel fuel, Motor Oil, Bearing Grease, Ink, Floor Wax, Ballpoint Pens, Football Cleats, Upholstery, Sweaters, Boats, Insecticides,
Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies, Nail Polish, Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags, Perfumes, Cassettes, Dishwasher parts, Tool Boxes, Shoe Polish, Motorcycle Helmets, Caulking, Petroleum Jelly, Transparent Tape, CD Player, Faucet Washers, Antiseptics, Clothesline, Curtains, Food Preservatives, Basketballs, Vitamin Capsules, Antihistamines, Purses, Shoes, Dashboards, Cortisone, Deodorant, Footballs, Putty, Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician’s Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy Paint, Mops, Slacks, Insect Repellent, Oil Filters....and much more

Say goodbye to those Nuclear subs and hello to a self-imposed leap backwards behind other militaries, like Russia's. )I am sure we will do just fine with electric, solar powered, or wind-driven ships and submarines. :p)

Trump blasted Germany not long ago for having NATO for protection from Russia while at the same time placing its head in the lion's mouth by relying on Russia for Natural Gas, especially when we have an abundance to sell? Well, AOC's plan would leave allies with no where else to turn except on their knees to Russia for their natural gas.

Alternate sources of energy account for a lowly 11% of the energy we use. Even now using fossil fuels California has rolling black outs. Attempting to run an industrialized nation like the US using solar and wind energy, dependent on atmospheric / weather conditions would almost be impossible. If you think those rolling blackouts in California are bad - try them across the entire US while trying to run an industry!

Not to mention AOC even admitted her plan relies on technology that has not even been invented yet and that it is fiscally impossible to pay for everything proposed in her plan, even if it was do-able, which it is not.

Holy :wtf:, Batman?!
Insist on Fusion (an energy with a future), first!
China has 18,000 miles of High Speed Rail

High-speed rail in China - Wikipedia

I remember when we used to mock China for being a backward nation. Over the last 20 years, China has invested heavily in modern infrastructure. High Speed Rail, solar and wind power, modernized power grids

Meanwhile, the US has sold out to supply side economics and has invested in tax cuts for billionaires
China has total control to do what it wants. Not so here. And you spout like it is the world leader in pollution control.

The US has control of its tax structure. Slashing taxes and expecting the private sector to pick up the slack has not worked
China still has a heavy reliance on coal. But unlike the US, they realize they need to move away from coal

It is China, not the US that leads the world in solar power research. The US just laughs and says Drill Baby, Drill

the GOP is invested in not investing in any rail because .... train travel makes zero sense in flyover country, with a few exceptions.

But the GOP is never going to invest in commuting trains from NYC to Conn, or even DC to NYC, because they're blue. Christie and Trump even cut train travel from NJ to NYC, and THAT is fucking busy. And that is where the major ridership is.

I'm all for not burning hydrocarbons when it's not necessary and not cost effective. But people will want to do what is most convenient for themselves, and as a Brit once said "you Americans love your motorcars." I'm leery of any high speed because the major problem with trains is their coexisting with cars. The roads are already there. But I posted before that a lot of time savings can be had with express trains in urban areas that just don't do local stops.

I don't see why private trains are inherently better than public. Air travel would not exist without public funding of airports and flight control and security. When there's competition for passengers, competition probably keeps costs down, and people would rather be packed like lemmings than pay more.
Insist on Fusion (an energy with a future), first!

Sure, skippy, 'FUSION' is right at the top of my list right behind LIGHT SABERS and TELEPORTATION instead of INTERCONTINENTAL OVER-OCEAN RAILWAYS!


"Fusion power is a theoretical form of power generation in which energy will be generated by using nuclear fusion reactions to produce heat for electricity generation."

'THEORETICAL', btw, means 'DOES NOT EXIST', as in it is some of that technology that does not even exist yet.

Yes, I have read 'it is on the cusp of existing (translation: DOES NOT EXIST), and 'it is gain9ing steam' (translation: DOES NOT EXIST), ETC....all meaning does not exist / not ready for 'prime time'. Let me know when that happens.

Also, BTW, the process works via NUCLEAR FUSION REACTIONS. Sorry, but AOC specifically stated reliance on Nuclear ANYTHING will be forbidden as well.
the GOP is invested in not investing in any rail because .... train travel makes zero sense in flyover country, with a few exceptions.
It makes little sense in NON-Fly-Over parts of the country. AMTRAK, for example, is like Transportation Food Stamps / Welfare.

As of 2016 - 2 years ago, during its more than 40-year tenure, the rail service has received over $45 billion in taxpayer dollars. Yet Amtrak has run operating losses every year since its inception in 1971.

And snowflakes want to spend trillions of dollars on a rail system that loses money 'faster'?!



Tell us where you get your information...a fucking comic book?

I own a piece of 5 wells in the Permian Basin....they went dry for about 15 years and now have refilled....and not from dinosaur bones, moron.

Oil is called a "fossil fuel" because of former myths about how it was created. Similar to footballs being called "pigskins" even though they made from rubber. Its just a name, I wouldn't take it literally.

The NFL uses leather.
Only cheap toy and practice footballs are made from rubber.
China has 18,000 miles of High Speed Rail

High-speed rail in China - Wikipedia

I remember when we used to mock China for being a backward nation. Over the last 20 years, China has invested heavily in modern infrastructure. High Speed Rail, solar and wind power, modernized power grids

Meanwhile, the US has sold out to supply side economics and has invested in tax cuts for billionaires
China has total control to do what it wants. Not so here. And you spout like it is the world leader in pollution control.

The US has control of its tax structure. Slashing taxes and expecting the private sector to pick up the slack has not worked
China still has a heavy reliance on coal. But unlike the US, they realize they need to move away from coal

It is China, not the US that leads the world in solar power research. The US just laughs and says Drill Baby, Drill

the GOP is invested in not investing in any rail because .... train travel makes zero sense in flyover country, with a few exceptions.

But the GOP is never going to invest in commuting trains from NYC to Conn, or even DC to NYC, because they're blue. Christie and Trump even cut train travel from NJ to NYC, and THAT is fucking busy. And that is where the major ridership is.

I'm all for not burning hydrocarbons when it's not necessary and not cost effective. But people will want to do what is most convenient for themselves, and as a Brit once said "you Americans love your motorcars." I'm leery of any high speed because the major problem with trains is their coexisting with cars. The roads are already there. But I posted before that a lot of time savings can be had with express trains in urban areas that just don't do local stops.

I don't see why private trains are inherently better than public. Air travel would not exist without public funding of airports and flight control and security. When there's competition for passengers, competition probably keeps costs down, and people would rather be packed like lemmings than pay more.
I do not condemn advancements. It is just that you won't go to China. We are packed like lemmings and you are right. A lot of the cost is security caused by our politicians. And their social agendas.
China has 18,000 miles of High Speed Rail

High-speed rail in China - Wikipedia

I remember when we used to mock China for being a backward nation. Over the last 20 years, China has invested heavily in modern infrastructure. High Speed Rail, solar and wind power, modernized power grids

Meanwhile, the US has sold out to supply side economics and has invested in tax cuts for billionaires
China has total control to do what it wants. Not so here. And you spout like it is the world leader in pollution control.

The US has control of its tax structure. Slashing taxes and expecting the private sector to pick up the slack has not worked
China still has a heavy reliance on coal. But unlike the US, they realize they need to move away from coal

It is China, not the US that leads the world in solar power research. The US just laughs and says Drill Baby, Drill

the GOP is invested in not investing in any rail because .... train travel makes zero sense in flyover country, with a few exceptions.

But the GOP is never going to invest in commuting trains from NYC to Conn, or even DC to NYC, because they're blue. Christie and Trump even cut train travel from NJ to NYC, and THAT is fucking busy. And that is where the major ridership is.

I'm all for not burning hydrocarbons when it's not necessary and not cost effective. But people will want to do what is most convenient for themselves, and as a Brit once said "you Americans love your motorcars." I'm leery of any high speed because the major problem with trains is their coexisting with cars. The roads are already there. But I posted before that a lot of time savings can be had with express trains in urban areas that just don't do local stops.

I don't see why private trains are inherently better than public. Air travel would not exist without public funding of airports and flight control and security. When there's competition for passengers, competition probably keeps costs down, and people would rather be packed like lemmings than pay more.

Right now, the only economically viable rail lines are the Northeast corridor.
The Acela is what we hold up as “high speed rail”. It is 1970s technology.
100% for high speed rail. Jobs, clean, efficient. Who are these oil company shills here? Either that or just reactionary to any forward thinking idea.

No, not apt to fall for a billion dollar project that ends up costing three billion and nobody rides. American's like the privacy and time alone in their car instead of having to rub elbows with the smelly beasts on public transits. And remember, the faster a train is going, the longer it takes to stop so if Fred and Ethel get stalled on the tracks, with a bullet train there won't even be time to get out and run.... they'll be goo, collected with a putty knife and a sponge.
This is hilarious.
People love the privacy of their cars so much, that's why they fly all over the continental United States. A comfortable, fast and reliable system of getting from Point A to Point B (flying just isn't comfortable or even reliable anymore) would be packed. Packed.
And electric cares are not only a viable alternative to fossil fuel powered cars...but PART of the Green New Deal

China has 18,000 miles of High Speed Rail

High-speed rail in China - Wikipedia

I remember when we used to mock China for being a backward nation. Over the last 20 years, China has invested heavily in modern infrastructure. High Speed Rail, solar and wind power, modernized power grids

Meanwhile, the US has sold out to supply side economics and has invested in tax cuts for billionaires
China has total control to do what it wants. Not so here. And you spout like it is the world leader in pollution control.

The US has control of its tax structure. Slashing taxes and expecting the private sector to pick up the slack has not worked
China still has a heavy reliance on coal. But unlike the US, they realize they need to move away from coal

It is China, not the US that leads the world in solar power research. The US just laughs and says Drill Baby, Drill

the GOP is invested in not investing in any rail because .... train travel makes zero sense in flyover country, with a few exceptions.

But the GOP is never going to invest in commuting trains from NYC to Conn, or even DC to NYC, because they're blue. Christie and Trump even cut train travel from NJ to NYC, and THAT is fucking busy. And that is where the major ridership is.

I'm all for not burning hydrocarbons when it's not necessary and not cost effective. But people will want to do what is most convenient for themselves, and as a Brit once said "you Americans love your motorcars." I'm leery of any high speed because the major problem with trains is their coexisting with cars. The roads are already there. But I posted before that a lot of time savings can be had with express trains in urban areas that just don't do local stops.

I don't see why private trains are inherently better than public. Air travel would not exist without public funding of airports and flight control and security. When there's competition for passengers, competition probably keeps costs down, and people would rather be packed like lemmings than pay more.

Right now, the only economically viable rail lines are the Northeast corridor.
The Acela is what we hold up as “high speed rail”. It is 1970s technology.

Please pass your comments on to Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsome.
The NFL uses leather.
Only cheap toy and practice footballs are made from rubber.
Hooray for the NFL. Not everyone can afford a leather football.

BTW, know what the inner bladder of a leather football is made of?

'Footballs still have an internal bladder, but today they're made of polyurethane or rubber.'
'Today's football is an inflated rubber bladder enclosed in a pebble-grained leather cover or cowhide.'

Some footballs are made of natural rubber, coming from a tree, while others are from fossil fuel-created rubber.
Right now, the only economically viable rail lines are the Northeast corridor.
The Acela is what we hold up as “high speed rail”. It is 1970s technology.

That's true. But goofuses like AOC want to bring HSR all across the Fruited Plain.

It isn't viable in western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, or anyplace else, and isn't likely to be anytime in the next 100 generations.

So its a stupid idea to pursue in the next 10 years (except perhaps in a select few places like NYC)
The NFL uses leather.
Only cheap toy and practice footballs are made from rubber.
Hooray for the NFL. Not everyone can afford a leather football.

BTW, know what the inner bladder of a leather football is made of?

'Footballs still have an internal bladder, but today they're made of polyurethane or rubber.'
'Today's football is an inflated rubber bladder enclosed in a pebble-grained leather cover or cowhide.'

Some footballs are made of natural rubber, coming from a tree, while others are from fossil fuel-created rubber.

Of course there's a rubber bladder inside.
Insist on Fusion (an energy with a future), first!

Sure, skippy, 'FUSION' is right at the top of my list right behind LIGHT SABERS and TELEPORTATION instead of INTERCONTINENTAL OVER-OCEAN RAILWAYS!


"Fusion power is a theoretical form of power generation in which energy will be generated by using nuclear fusion reactions to produce heat for electricity generation."

'THEORETICAL', btw, means 'DOES NOT EXIST', as in it is some of that technology that does not even exist yet.

Yes, I have read 'it is on the cusp of existing (translation: DOES NOT EXIST), and 'it is gain9ing steam' (translation: DOES NOT EXIST), ETC....all meaning does not exist / not ready for 'prime time'. Let me know when that happens.

Also, BTW, the process works via NUCLEAR FUSION REACTIONS. Sorry, but AOC specifically stated reliance on Nuclear ANYTHING will be forbidden as well.
Fusion (an energy with a future) First, or we are not going!
Rail travel in China

And electric cares are not only a viable alternative to fossil fuel powered cars...but PART of the Green New Deal

How are those working out?

How many charging stations exist? How long do the batteries last? Know how expensive those batteries are? What do you do with the old batteries - drop them in a dump? Unless the government uses FORCE or forcibly takes action to strip Americans of their trucks, cars, SUVs, muscle cars - which they prefer, how are you going to get Americans to voluntarily let them go? (I smell a Socialist Govt stripping Americans of their preferences / choice ... Oh, look...another freedom of choice taken away, a BONUS to AOC's Green New Socialist Take-Over...)
The NFL uses leather.
Only cheap toy and practice footballs are made from rubber.
Hooray for the NFL. Not everyone can afford a leather football.

BTW, know what the inner bladder of a leather football is made of?

'Footballs still have an internal bladder, but today they're made of polyurethane or rubber.'
'Today's football is an inflated rubber bladder enclosed in a pebble-grained leather cover or cowhide.'

Some footballs are made of natural rubber, coming from a tree, while others are from fossil fuel-created rubber.

They're only $120 bucks.

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