High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

Bullet train in Italy


Republicans mock the idea of the US entering the 21 st century

Why not build the first bullet trains to connect Hermitage with Canton and Erie? The next one can do the Duluth-Fargo route or the Tulsa to Dodge City corridor?

Let's see how well it does financially in areas with lower real estate and labor costs before we waste money on it in New York or LA?
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

22,000,000 "brown people" have sneaked in already....how many more does Hillary need to get elected?

Are you sure it isn't 65 million? The number of illegals seem to be increasing about 3 million per month, according to posters here. I find this confusing, since Trump promised when he ran for president that he would deport 12 million within 2 years....
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?
That stupid bitch. LOL Even environmental wacko commie California thinks the idea sucks.

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Tuesday he is pulling the plug on the state's massive high-speed rail project from Los Angeles to San Francisco that was more than a decade behind schedule and billions in the red.

"Let's be real," Newsom said in his first State of the State address. "The current project, as planned, would cost too much and respectfully take too long. There's been too little oversight and not enough transparency."


Newsom added that while California has "the capacity to complete a high-speed rail link between Merced and Bakersfield," "there simply isn't a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A."

The embattled $77-billion bullet train has been an embarrassment for the Golden State
Isn't she from the East Coast?

Why would she care?

AOC is proposing a nationwide Green New Deal, dean. Even if she still thinks that HSR is viable for New York, unless she can show that its a good fit for the country she'll never get the bill passed.
Bullet train in Italy


Republicans mock the idea of the US entering the 21 st century

Why not build the first bullet trains to connect Hermitage with Canton and Erie? The next one can do the Duluth-Fargo route or the Tulsa to Dodge City corridor?

Let's see how well it does financially in areas with lower real estate and labor costs before we waste money on it in New York or LA?

Boston, Providence, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore ,DC

New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago
A. This is being built by a private company.
B. Where would the train go if built in the US?
C. Aren't you guys against eminent domain?

I am for modernization of our infrastructure. It has been neglected for 40 years. This includes mass transit, highway, electric power grids, communications, water, internet

China is doing it on a massive scale
We build walls and give tax breaks to billionaires

I'm all for improving our infrastructure. Although, living in California, these fricken politicians need their feet held to the fire and not waste funds on special interest projects. California is pissing away money on a high-speed train, that is not high-speed, going from and to cities that very few people go to. Meanwhile the roads are a disaster.
We have done very little to modernize our infrastructure in 40 years

We used to hold up our modern cities, roads, power system as the best in the world

Now, a former ”shithole” country like China is passing us by

How can you trust the GOVT to upgrade anything cost effective? Obammy had $8T stimulus shovel ready. Put up signs but no work done. Stole the money.
actually the stimulus was eight hundred billion dollars and it worked fantastic, everywhere but well, everywhere but GOP dupe world...the crap you believe about Obama's economy is absolutely amazing. Since October 2009 it has been the best economy in the world, not saying much but there it is LOL. If Trump had a tiny bump, it only cost 2 trillion dollars in debt and hasn't helped 80% of the people in the country anyway.

Sure, that must be why Obama was known as the Welfare King...dumbass.
That stupid bitch. LOL Even environmental wacko commie California thinks the idea sucks.

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Tuesday he is pulling the plug on the state's massive high-speed rail project from Los Angeles to San Francisco that was more than a decade behind schedule and billions in the red.

"Let's be real," Newsom said in his first State of the State address. "The current project, as planned, would cost too much and respectfully take too long. There's been too little oversight and not enough transparency."


Newsom added that while California has "the capacity to complete a high-speed rail link between Merced and Bakersfield," "there simply isn't a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A."

The embattled $77-billion bullet train has been an embarrassment for the Golden State

This probably deserves its own, separate thread.
Bullet train in Italy


Republicans mock the idea of the US entering the 21 st century

Why not build the first bullet trains to connect Hermitage with Canton and Erie? The next one can do the Duluth-Fargo route or the Tulsa to Dodge City corridor?

Let's see how well it does financially in areas with lower real estate and labor costs before we waste money on it in New York or LA?

Boston, Providence, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore ,DC

New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago

The cost of real estate is too much for a pilot program in most of those cities.

It would be better to start the program in smaller, less expensive cities like Olean, Coudersport or Dubois. These areas are also in need of employment for their people- particularly if the libs get into office and destroy the gas and oil industry
Bullet train in Italy


Republicans mock the idea of the US entering the 21 st century

Why not build the first bullet trains to connect Hermitage with Canton and Erie? The next one can do the Duluth-Fargo route or the Tulsa to Dodge City corridor?

Let's see how well it does financially in areas with lower real estate and labor costs before we waste money on it in New York or LA?

Boston, Providence, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore ,DC

New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago

Any comment on this?

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs
Bullet train in Italy


Republicans mock the idea of the US entering the 21 st century

Why not build the first bullet trains to connect Hermitage with Canton and Erie? The next one can do the Duluth-Fargo route or the Tulsa to Dodge City corridor?

Let's see how well it does financially in areas with lower real estate and labor costs before we waste money on it in New York or LA?

Boston, Providence, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore ,DC

New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago

Any comment on this?

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

If high speed rail can't make it in Ultraliberal California, can it make it anywhere?
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

22,000,000 "brown people" have sneaked in already....how many more does Hillary need to get elected?

Are you sure it isn't 65 million? The number of illegals seem to be increasing about 3 million per month, according to posters here. I find this confusing, since Trump promised when he ran for president that he would deport 12 million within 2 years....
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?

No, I don't. Hum a few bars and I might be able to pick up on it.....
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

22,000,000 "brown people" have sneaked in already....how many more does Hillary need to get elected?

Are you sure it isn't 65 million? The number of illegals seem to be increasing about 3 million per month, according to posters here. I find this confusing, since Trump promised when he ran for president that he would deport 12 million within 2 years....
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?

No, I don't.
I do.
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?
Based on the estimated cost of the California system, her plan should only cost about $2 trillion.
According to AOC we only have 12 years and its taken California 3 years to get three miles so they had better get to laying some track....
Nigeria can spend $10 billion to build a high speed rail line

The US would rather spend money on a wall to keep brown people out

US firm to build $10bn high speed rail in Nigeria - Vanguard News Nigeria

22,000,000 "brown people" have sneaked in already....how many more does Hillary need to get elected?

Are you sure it isn't 65 million? The number of illegals seem to be increasing about 3 million per month, according to posters here. I find this confusing, since Trump promised when he ran for president that he would deport 12 million within 2 years....
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?

No, I don't.
I do.

Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
Solar fail

Wind fail

High speed rail fail.

The Liberals fail at everything they do.

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