High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

If high speed rail can't make it in Ultraliberal California, can it make it anywhere?

I wonder how many highly-connected Democratic businessman cashed in on this colossal boondoggle.
The train line goes off in angles and tangents due to residents concerns. How would you build up top speed with that? Here is a concern. The insane can try to use the interstate system and major highways to build these things as they reduce automobiles. Time after time in history we have people who are insane and interfere with others. Instead of improving those disenfranchised they can not figure out there will always be some and use it to promote their ideas for their own leisure. If Al Gore, Leonardo DiCapprio and all the others go to a stage and willingly give up theirlives in sacrifice I will start to believe.
That stupid bitch. LOL Even environmental wacko commie California thinks the idea sucks.

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Tuesday he is pulling the plug on the state's massive high-speed rail project from Los Angeles to San Francisco that was more than a decade behind schedule and billions in the red.

"Let's be real," Newsom said in his first State of the State address. "The current project, as planned, would cost too much and respectfully take too long. There's been too little oversight and not enough transparency."


Newsom added that while California has "the capacity to complete a high-speed rail link between Merced and Bakersfield," "there simply isn't a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A."

The embattled $77-billion bullet train has been an embarrassment for the Golden State

This probably deserves its own, separate thread.

We should have a thread for every Liberal failure.
22,000,000 "brown people" have sneaked in already....how many more does Hillary need to get elected?

Are you sure it isn't 65 million? The number of illegals seem to be increasing about 3 million per month, according to posters here. I find this confusing, since Trump promised when he ran for president that he would deport 12 million within 2 years....
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?

No, I don't.
I do.

Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
They did. Its a true story.
There was motive for CA HSR thru the central valley. They want to use eminnent domain to cut up those big farms. Get more control of them. Thats all it was.

Nobody needs or wants to go LA to Merced or Fresno? Why not add Sacramento? And back down to SJ. Then up to SF. Lets go everwhere!, a stop for all, across the bay to OAK, up to Reno. Down to LV. Over to Levi stadium....git er dun.

How does a single rail line give anyone an opening to control or cut up big farms in any useful way? Rail has schedules, and once farmers know the schedule, there should be no problem crossing the rails.
If high speed rail can't make it in Ultraliberal California, can it make it anywhere?

I wonder how many highly-connected Democratic businessman cashed in on this colossal boondoggle.
The train line goes off in angles and tangents due to residents concerns. How would you build up top speed with that? Here is a concern. The insane can try to use the interstate system and major highways to build these things as they reduce automobiles. Time after time in history we have people who are insane and interfere with others. Instead of improving those disenfranchised they can not figure out there will always be some and use it to promote their ideas for their own leisure. If Al Gore, Leonardo DiCapprio and all the others go to a stage and willingly give up theirlives in sacrifice I will start to believe.

The project was never about providing mass transit; it was about lining the pockets of politicians and their allies. The poor and the middle-class get screwed and the political elites and the politically connected get paid. Same shit, different day. This project is a cataclysmic FAILURE and NOBODY will get fired or investigated, let alone prosecuted.
Are you sure it isn't 65 million? The number of illegals seem to be increasing about 3 million per month, according to posters here. I find this confusing, since Trump promised when he ran for president that he would deport 12 million within 2 years....
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?

No, I don't.
I do.

Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
They did. Its a true story.

...and SO relevant to lying about illegal aliens in order to scare people into voting for themselves!
Nobody is trying to ban air travel

Turn off Fox

She says no hydrocarbons....what do you think airliners run on? Don't need Fox to know OAC is a barmaid pretending to be a visionary when she can't speak for 30 seconds without spreading her bony fingers apart like the creature from the Black Lagoon and showing us every tooth in her mouth...and those crazy bulging eyes..... :eek-52:
Do you remember when Obama was President and before when progressive socialist minorities were spouting that over 200 million slaves were brought to America in thousands of slave ships?

No, I don't.
I do.

Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
They did. Its a true story.

...and SO relevant to lying about illegal aliens in order to scare people into voting for themselves!
Men and women on the Progressive Socialist side have made statements about the issue we are arguing today. What changed? You think people are evil. People are worried about the existence of our nation. If you are willing for us all to live much more austere for others then admit it.

Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
They did. Its a true story.

...and SO relevant to lying about illegal aliens in order to scare people into voting for themselves!
Men and women on the Progressive Socialist side have made statements about the issue we are arguing today. What changed? You think people are evil. People are worried about the existence of our nation. If you are willing for us all to live much more austere for others then admit it.

I have absolutely no idea on what you are trying to say. I just think that it is amusing that 2 years ago, the Right claimed we had 10 million illegals. Then trump was elected, and it became 12 million. Then 14 million. Then 18 million, then 22 million, and yesterday, I read 28 million.

Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
They did. Its a true story.

...and SO relevant to lying about illegal aliens in order to scare people into voting for themselves!
Men and women on the Progressive Socialist side have made statements about the issue we are arguing today. What changed? You think people are evil. People are worried about the existence of our nation. If you are willing for us all to live much more austere for others then admit it.

I have absolutely no idea on what you are trying to say. I just think that it is amusing that 2 years ago, the Right claimed we had 10 million illegals. Then trump was elected, and it became 12 million. Then 14 million. Then 18 million, then 22 million, and yesterday, I read 28 million.
That is because we really do not know. It is estimations. Decades ago this nation split apart with people using different backgrounds as a way to power. We are now paying that price. And the price is high. One example from Obama. He spouted up to 2 million dollars a person of medical care in their lives. The prices rise fast. And then said "take the pain pill". We are a slovenly out of shape nation with many illnesses. And lawyers abound. There are people who cheat and steal for gree stuff. There are 12 million on disability payments and it is estimated half of them are stealing. And that is just one program.
Well, then, It is definitely time to put a stop to all those slave ships!
They did. Its a true story.

...and SO relevant to lying about illegal aliens in order to scare people into voting for themselves!
Men and women on the Progressive Socialist side have made statements about the issue we are arguing today. What changed? You think people are evil. People are worried about the existence of our nation. If you are willing for us all to live much more austere for others then admit it.

I have absolutely no idea on what you are trying to say. I just think that it is amusing that 2 years ago, the Right claimed we had 10 million illegals. Then trump was elected, and it became 12 million. Then 14 million. Then 18 million, then 22 million, and yesterday, I read 28 million.
That is because we really do not know. It is estimations. Decades ago this nation split apart with people using different backgrounds as a way to power. We are now paying that price. And the price is high. One example from Obama. He spouted up to 2 million dollars a person of medical care in their lives. The prices rise fast. And then said "take the pain pill". We are a slovenly out of shape nation with many illnesses. And lawyers abound. There are people who cheat and steal for gree stuff. There are 12 million on disability payments and it is estimated half of them are stealing. And that is just one program.

Speed kills, 22.
Nobody is trying to ban air travel

Turn off Fox

She says no hydrocarbons....what do you think airliners run on? Don't need Fox to know OAC is a barmaid pretending to be a visionary when she can't speak for 30 seconds without spreading her bony fingers apart like the creature from the Black Lagoon and showing us every tooth in her mouth...and those crazy bulging eyes..... :eek-52:

You did it again. You repeated Rush and Hannitty who are world class liars and entertainers. I read the actual writeup and it didn't say ALL air travel. It said most. And there is no reason we have to have the short legged routes with jet engines or even piston engines for that matter. It can be done by Train just as fast. Yes, the High Speed Train moving at just over 200 mph is slower but by the time you figure in all the other things involved in getting the aircraft into the air and getting the aircraft back to a terminal and the fact that your average speed will be less than 300 mph, a short haul can actually be done quicker by rail. Shoot, even if the rail is moving at just over 100 mph, it just might take the same time. The rail does NOT have to stop at every podunck town. It can do the same city to city that the air route does. MOST air traffic is short lines, not over seas flights.

On top of that, I will give it 15 years before a commercial short haul electric passenger plane will make the scene. Probably in the 10 to 15 passenger range. In case you don't know it, the major cost of operating a Jet Airliner is the fuel. All of a sudden you can have more of the 15 passenger puddle jumpers doing the same job that you did with your high cost 50 passenger Jet Airliner.

Besides, I saw her in a dance video from her college days and I can bet that she looks a whole hell of a lot better than you do. She tones herself down for Congress.
Nobody is trying to ban air travel

Turn off Fox

She says no hydrocarbons....what do you think airliners run on? Don't need Fox to know OAC is a barmaid pretending to be a visionary when she can't speak for 30 seconds without spreading her bony fingers apart like the creature from the Black Lagoon and showing us every tooth in her mouth...and those crazy bulging eyes..... :eek-52:

Jets run easily on bio oils like cold pressed palm oil. That actually consumes more hydrocarbons than it releases.
No one could object to bio fuel unless it starts to compete with food for ground space.
They did. Its a true story.

...and SO relevant to lying about illegal aliens in order to scare people into voting for themselves!
Men and women on the Progressive Socialist side have made statements about the issue we are arguing today. What changed? You think people are evil. People are worried about the existence of our nation. If you are willing for us all to live much more austere for others then admit it.

I have absolutely no idea on what you are trying to say. I just think that it is amusing that 2 years ago, the Right claimed we had 10 million illegals. Then trump was elected, and it became 12 million. Then 14 million. Then 18 million, then 22 million, and yesterday, I read 28 million.
That is because we really do not know. It is estimations. Decades ago this nation split apart with people using different backgrounds as a way to power. We are now paying that price. And the price is high. One example from Obama. He spouted up to 2 million dollars a person of medical care in their lives. The prices rise fast. And then said "take the pain pill". We are a slovenly out of shape nation with many illnesses. And lawyers abound. There are people who cheat and steal for gree stuff. There are 12 million on disability payments and it is estimated half of them are stealing. And that is just one program.

Speed kills, 22.
Let the cheating expand and people using free stuff at a higher rate then you will know. You do not understand things. Nancy Pelosi is a sociopath/psychopath from a corrupted Italian mafia family. But she really never would put her life in danger. Why? She is 78 years old and can not give it up. There are photos of her big family. Why would she not want to be with them? So if you follow a mafia movie/tv series, she will do what the underlings of the boss would do. Look up the family. She fits in with D.C. She has no concern for the people. She comes first.
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?
If they could use cold fishion it would work...
Nobody is trying to ban air travel

Turn off Fox

She says no hydrocarbons....what do you think airliners run on? Don't need Fox to know OAC is a barmaid pretending to be a visionary when she can't speak for 30 seconds without spreading her bony fingers apart like the creature from the Black Lagoon and showing us every tooth in her mouth...and those crazy bulging eyes..... :eek-52:

Jets run easily on bio oils like cold pressed palm oil. That actually consumes more hydrocarbons than it releases.
No one could object to bio fuel unless it starts to compete with food for ground space.
Use hemp..
Fast rail becomes more efficient and useful, the more of it you have.
Oregon is working on a section from Salem to Vancouver, and Washington is going to take it up to Canada.
If CA can connect, then one could zoom up and down the whole west coast at 200 mph.
It wouldn't hurt to have nationwide high speed rail.

If it wasn't run like Amtrack.

The government could fuck up a wet dream, seriously.

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