High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?

So do you Luddites have STOCK in buggy whip manufacturers?

Trains are 19th Century technology, not modern.

The problem with trains is their lack of flexibility. As the people move and new destinations become popular and old ones become less popular, massive new infrastructure has to be build with new stations and tracks laid. A growing nation like America would need to have millions of Coolies immigrating from China for the kind of track laying that would need to be laid.

Buses and planes are a lot more flexible. They can change routes. Cars are even more flexible.
You never been to Europe then lol....let me guess , you are a trump supporter ?
Stupid turds like you argued that we should switch to electric cars because the internal combustion engine was 100 year old technology. Now you're telling us that trains are the latest thing?
Dumb ass , go toEurope,China, Japan, Morocco , and see how it is done....your ignorance is nauseating.
Men and women on the Progressive Socialist side have made statements about the issue we are arguing today. What changed? You think people are evil. People are worried about the existence of our nation. If you are willing for us all to live much more austere for others then admit it.

I have absolutely no idea on what you are trying to say. I just think that it is amusing that 2 years ago, the Right claimed we had 10 million illegals. Then trump was elected, and it became 12 million. Then 14 million. Then 18 million, then 22 million, and yesterday, I read 28 million.
That is because we really do not know. It is estimations. Decades ago this nation split apart with people using different backgrounds as a way to power. We are now paying that price. And the price is high. One example from Obama. He spouted up to 2 million dollars a person of medical care in their lives. The prices rise fast. And then said "take the pain pill". We are a slovenly out of shape nation with many illnesses. And lawyers abound. There are people who cheat and steal for gree stuff. There are 12 million on disability payments and it is estimated half of them are stealing. And that is just one program.

Speed kills, 22.
Let the cheating expand and people using free stuff at a higher rate then you will know. You do not understand things. Nancy Pelosi is a sociopath/psychopath from a corrupted Italian mafia family. But she really never would put her life in danger. Why? She is 78 years old and can not give it up. There are photos of her big family. Why would she not want to be with them? So if you follow a mafia movie/tv series, she will do what the underlings of the boss would do. Look up the family. She fits in with D.C. She has no concern for the people. She comes first.

Bubba, I told you and Billy Bob to leave that computer alone down there in the mail room. When I get down there, you had better not be horsing around, and have that mail sorted....
Yo Vinnie! Nancy stole the Porchetta. Sayz ph uk the kids...
in left wing fantasy;

those tubes can enable a vacuum environment,

along with maglev technologies.
Jets run easily on bio oils like cold pressed palm oil. That actually consumes more hydrocarbons than it releases.
No one could object to bio fuel unless it starts to compete with food for ground space.

"palm oil"....will an F-35 hit mach 2 with "palm oil" in it's tanks....get serious. This barmaid from Westchester, not Bronx, seems to have forgotten we have a country to defend. I bet she couldn't tell you the difference between gasoline and diesel fuel if her life depended on it.
You did it again. You repeated Rush and Hannitty who are world class liars and entertainers. I read the actual writeup and it didn't say ALL air travel. It said most. And there is no reason we have to have the short legged routes with jet engines or even piston engines for that matter. It can be done by Train just as fast. Yes, the High Speed Train moving at just over 200 mph is slower but by the time you figure in all the other things involved in getting the aircraft into the air and getting the aircraft back to a terminal and the fact that your average speed will be less than 300 mph, a short haul can actually be done quicker by rail. Shoot, even if the rail is moving at just over 100 mph, it just might take the same time. The rail does NOT have to stop at every podunck town. It can do the same city to city that the air route does. MOST air traffic is short lines, not over seas flights.

On top of that, I will give it 15 years before a commercial short haul electric passenger plane will make the scene. Probably in the 10 to 15 passenger range. In case you don't know it, the major cost of operating a Jet Airliner is the fuel. All of a sudden you can have more of the 15 passenger puddle jumpers doing the same job that you did with your high cost 50 passenger Jet Airliner.

Besides, I saw her in a dance video from her college days and I can bet that she looks a whole hell of a lot better than you do. She tones herself down for Congress.

I didn't "repeat" anybody....I only listen to Rush driving my truck and I never listen to loud-mouth Hannity....there, your bubble is popped.....maybe you should think about where your opinions come from....
Jets run easily on bio oils like cold pressed palm oil. That actually consumes more hydrocarbons than it releases.
No one could object to bio fuel unless it starts to compete with food for ground space.

"palm oil"....will an F-35 hit mach 2 with "palm oil" in it's tanks....get serious. This barmaid from Westchester, not Bronx, seems to have forgotten we have a country to defend. I bet she couldn't tell you the difference between gasoline and diesel fuel if her life depended on it.

Actually, there have been significant advances in biofuel over the past few years.

Revolutionizing the jet fuel industry with biofuel made from oilseed

The answer, he found, lay in a mustard-like oilseed called carinata. Closely resembling kale in appearance, the plant, a combination of canola and mustard, has long been eaten as a vegetable in North Africa.

Fabijanski's team used plant-breeding techniques to develop carinata into a non-GMO seed-producing crop containing high levels of oil and protein. The chemical composition of the oil makes it particularly well-suited to being refined into jet fuel. Once processed, carinata is chemically identical to conventional, fossil-fuel derived jet fuel.

In fact, Fabijanski says, anyone examining a gallon of jet fuel and a gallon of carinata-derived biojet fuel would be hard pressed to tell them apart.

But that's not all, he argues. Carinata offers a win-win-win situation: for the environment, for the world's food supply and for farmers.

Not only does biojet fuel reduce our carbon footprint, the protein contained in carinata seeds can be used for animal feed. The plant also has the capacity to rejuvenate and enrich the soil.

His company's mantra, he stresses, is to grow this crop without taking food out of production.

Read more at: Revolutionizing the jet fuel industry with biofuel made from oilseed
...an un-achievable goal based on non-existent technology...

If you want to take Amtrack from Texas to Florida, you have to go by way of Virginia. The track between New Orleans and Florida was washed out by Katrina in 2015, and never replaced. "Making America Great Again" has nothing to do with infrastructure. That's too hard. But, Trump can build a fence!
You did it again. You repeated Rush and Hannitty who are world class liars and entertainers. I read the actual writeup and it didn't say ALL air travel. It said most. And there is no reason we have to have the short legged routes with jet engines or even piston engines for that matter. It can be done by Train just as fast. Yes, the High Speed Train moving at just over 200 mph is slower but by the time you figure in all the other things involved in getting the aircraft into the air and getting the aircraft back to a terminal and the fact that your average speed will be less than 300 mph, a short haul can actually be done quicker by rail. Shoot, even if the rail is moving at just over 100 mph, it just might take the same time. The rail does NOT have to stop at every podunck town. It can do the same city to city that the air route does. MOST air traffic is short lines, not over seas flights.

On top of that, I will give it 15 years before a commercial short haul electric passenger plane will make the scene. Probably in the 10 to 15 passenger range. In case you don't know it, the major cost of operating a Jet Airliner is the fuel. All of a sudden you can have more of the 15 passenger puddle jumpers doing the same job that you did with your high cost 50 passenger Jet Airliner.

Besides, I saw her in a dance video from her college days and I can bet that she looks a whole hell of a lot better than you do. She tones herself down for Congress.

I didn't "repeat" anybody....I only listen to Rush driving my truck and I never listen to loud-mouth Hannity....there, your bubble is popped.....maybe you should think about where your opinions come from....

You must drive your truck way too much. Change stations. Save a brain cell. You only have 3 left.

What's the matter, you can't come up with anything else against what I posted? Or did I use too many big words and your mind just went blank.
i wonder if the genius knows that we need coal to make a lot of things! especially vibrators
You must drive your truck way too much. Change stations. Save a brain cell. You only have 3 left.

What's the matter, you can't come up with anything else against what I posted? Or did I use too many big words and your mind just went blank.

I must have considerably more brain cells than you do since I ain't a sucker for leftist crap any 12 year old could see through. You're a moron. I chose to be civil to you and you call me names...here on out, I'll burn you down like an old outhouse, asshole.
According to AOC we only have 12 years and its taken California 3 years to get three miles so they had better get to laying some track....

Further, it was 1996 when they formed a commission to start planning the project. No one works for free so the meter started ticking twenty-three years ago.
I have absolutely no idea on what you are trying to say. I just think that it is amusing that 2 years ago, the Right claimed we had 10 million illegals. Then trump was elected, and it became 12 million. Then 14 million. Then 18 million, then 22 million, and yesterday, I read 28 million.

For decades now I have seen that we have 11 million illegal aliens. I am certain the number is far, far higher but no one really has any clue. I believe that if the real, demonstrable number was known, Americans would be shocked, and not in a good way.

Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US
BY RAFAEL BERNAL - 09/21/18 04:38 PM EDT
Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US


Obama: Plan needed for 11 million illegal immigrants
USATODAYPublished 2:21 p.m. ET Jan. 29, 2013 | Updated 2:52 p.m. ET Jan. 29, 2013
Obama: Plan needed for 11 million illegal immigrants


Obama Says There's No Consensus on Immigration Reform
Pres. Barack Obama
Fri, JUN 26th 2009 @ 7:28 am EDT
Pres. Barack Obama took the first step on Thursday towards immigration reform and an amnesty for more than 11 million illegal aliens.
Obama Says There's No Consensus on Immigration Reform


Jets run easily on bio oils like cold pressed palm oil. That actually consumes more hydrocarbons than it releases.
No one could object to bio fuel unless it starts to compete with food for ground space.

Where does bio-fuel come from and how much does it cost per gallon? How much land would it take to raise all that "bio" to convert into fuel?

Where would the energy come from to convert those plants into fuel?
Fast rail becomes more efficient and useful, the more of it you have.
Oregon is working on a section from Salem to Vancouver, and Washington is going to take it up to Canada.
If CA can connect, then one could zoom up and down the whole west coast at 200 mph.

The maximum speed anticipated or the doomed California system wasn't 200 mph, it wasn't 100 mph it was 80 mph. California has proven that it is unfeasible. If Progressives say it is not feasible, folks who love shiny sparkly things, then it is really doomed.
They spent massive amounts in planning and studies. Probably to Dem donors/lawyers. Many years of study since the fooled the public to vote for it. Does Newsome give the money back now?

Shortly before the holidays, Richard Bloom, real estate giant in California was handed a nearly billion dollar contract for the high-speed rail.

Who is Richard Bloom you say? I'm so glad you asked, Richard Bloom is the husband of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein.
maybe two hundred fifty mile per hour tracks could be more cost effective. we are, "behind the curve" anyway.

Goo to see your sense of humor finally starting to show! Here I thought you were serious in all your posts. Silly me!

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