Highland Park Shooter Antifa? Images of Crimo from Twitter account...

Who cares what your link says. He is not Superman, he can't hop into a phone booth (they don't even exist anymore) and pop out in a new set of clothes.

So you made another claim that you can’t back up. Gotcha. Did this one disappear too?

I assume the killer is just another schizophrenic. The age is right and apparently a neighbor says he would ride around all day on a bicycle wearing black all over including mask and helmet hiding his face.

I read somewhere that facial tattoos (he has two, and a lot of high-neck ink) are diagnostic of schizophrenia. Also, he is emaciated --- you could see it in the video of his arrest. Emaciation is another sign of schizophrenia, because they don't take care of themselves.

All these shooter kids are probably schizos, or most of them. But they are so young, their family and other people haven't figured it out yet, because schizophrenia develops around this age but people keep denying it could be mental illness. "He'll straighten out." The basic problem is that the fashion for psychosis in young American men now seems to be mass murder. There are definitely fashions for the expression of psychosis. Even if we had mental hospitals, most of them would not have been locked up: too young still to get so far, especially since most of them have no history of problems with the police. I do not see how to solve this problem. Does anyone?
I get that you have an agenda...but it is absolutely clear that you are speaking directly from your ass.

First...an AR15 is a platform...not a bullet. An AR15 can be chambered in a number of different calibers. No one can look at a wound and say "That was an AR15 did that!!!!1".

Plus...the most common caliber, 5.56/.223Rem is not a particularly powerful round. It is in the varminator class for use against hogs and coyotes. In many states it is ilegal to hunt deer with .223...and even in the states where it is legal, it is considered the absolute minimum caliber.

Here is the list... .223 Rem is close to the bottom.

Spin it any way you want to. I related what that Dr. said he witnessed. I don't know what caliber round he used in that weapon but it did enough damage to take one of the victim's head off. Not my words, the statement that I'm relating was made by the same Dr. who was on the scene. Do ya think he chambered that round in a fucking .22?

You got a problem with it, that's your problem.
Which bullet, shit head?

If you have the body of a Nascar race car you can put in a racing engine in it, or a smart car engine in it....dittos the outside of a rifle....you shitstains react to the body, not the actual bullet the rifle fires...you moron.
Do ya think he chambered those rounds, 70 of them in a fucking .22 rifle, moron?
It could have been but if it wasn’t what will you say then?

Will you admit to your mistake or double down on your vulgarity and demand people do as you want?

Your buddy that did the shooting ( because you write as a unhinged lunatic ) is a dead man walking and you better hope he isn’t some far left lunatic like you because then you need to own your hate and admit you are as much of a threat as him…
You own it whatever the side he's on. Personally I don't care. You own it because you're one of the proponents that allow a 22 year old nut job to own a weapon capable of killing scores of people in mere minutes.

You're for it, YOU own it.
Spin it any way you want to. I related what that Dr. said he witnessed. I don't know what caliber round he used in that weapon but it did enough damage to take one of the victim's head off. Not my words, the statement that I'm relating was made by the same Dr. who was on the scene. Do ya think he chambered that round in a fucking .22?

You got a problem with it, that's your problem.

The Doctor said AR15...or YOU said AR15.

PS... .223 is a .22 , just a heavier bullet going faster...but tiny compared to a 30-06.



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You see... This is what happens when you speak on topic of which you have no knowledge.

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