Highland Park Shooter Antifa? Images of Crimo from Twitter account...

I guess we'll find out soon what he used, won't we?
It's weird that they are being so cagey.

If they found the weapon, why not let us know?

I have a theory.

This guy made a lot of money from Spotify etc from folks downloading his music.

The Mayor says he bought the weapon legally.

It cooooould be...that he purchased a fully automatic legal NFA machine gun with ATF approval.

Left it behind because it was too big and unwieldy to take with him.

Something like a Browning BAR.

Slow fire is exactly what that video of the shooting reminded me of.

Probably not...but it would explain how they identified him so quickly.

All NFA firearms require registration with the ATF.
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I assume the killer is just another schizophrenic. The age is right I do not see how to solve this problem. Does anyone?
Postmodern Postmortem

It's the degenerate culture, especially in music and video games. That's a clue in the Virginia Tech killings. The psycho there could have quit college and made money in extreme Netrix fantasies. He didn't; he stayed on in the academic pressure-cooker. So he was a wannabe Preppie who killed those he loved for rejecting him.

You own it whatever the side he's on. Personally I don't care. You own it because you're one of the proponents that allow a 22 year old nut job to own a weapon capable of killing scores of people in mere minutes.

You're for it, YOU own it.

A weapon like a rental truck? The Muslim in France murdered 86 people, not 6 and wounded 450….with a rental truck….

He could have killed as many, likely many, many more if he had used a truck instead of the rifle

You want to ban rental trucks too? You idiot.
It's weird that they are being so cagey.

If they found the weapon, why not let us know?

I have a theory.

This guy made a lot of money from Spotify etc from folks downloading his music.

The Mayor says he bought the weapon legally.

It cooooould be...that he purchased a fully automatic legal NFA machine gun with ATF approval.

Left it behind because it was too big and unwieldy to take with him.

Something like a Browning BAR.

Slow fire is exactly what that video of the shooting reminded me of.

Probably not...but it would explain how they identified him so quickly.

All NFA firearms require registration with the ATF.

Or he left it there to blend in with the crowd after the shooting which he did dressed in women's clothing. Or he's nuts & wanted to get caught with his prints all over the weapon with a serial # that could be traced in minutes.
It is? When's the last time scores of people were killed by a fucking fork?
Oh, so if I only shoot one person with an AK then it isn't an assault weapon? Muslims murdered 3000 people with an assault weapon disguised as an airliner, huh.
I won't have to. If they're banned, don't give it up. Makes no diference to me. Btw, it won't be the first time assualt weapons were banned.

And it's coming again.
I don't think so, respectfully. They DID try banning before, and the rebound buying ten years later when the ban was lifted was simply incredible. And because of the ban, all gun people buy more and more whenever there is bad news about possibly any more bans of any kind. This is so incredibly counter-productive that I think they've given up now. The news has that feel, to me. Like the easy permits for concealed carry now: Hogan of Maryland, my worthless RINO governor, nevertheless did order the state police today to just give out the permits rather than require "good reasons" like the New York law that was struck down by the Supreme Court.
I THINK the gun banning effort has died: I could be wrong, but it's apparent it hasn't worked. And really can't work. It's perfectly true that the areas with the most laws against guns have the most gun crime, so it's clear it doesn't work. And also that the government now cannot enforce the laws or prevent the crime sprees, so people have to be able to defend themselves.

The situation with the mass shooters is terrible, but that is not how to solve it. I don't think it will be solved for many years, and that by time and change; we'll just have to learn to live with the mass shootings by crazies or radicals. Like, not going into crowds, ever. We avoid that.
Or he left it there to blend in with the crowd after the shooting which he did dressed in women's clothing. Or he's nuts & wanted to get caught with his prints all over the weapon with a serial # that could be traced in minutes.

You know what happened? This kid was known to local police as having at one point stating he was going to kill people…:.:so when this happened, they went right to his home since he was a known nut job…..multiple police contacts and a suicide issue…..
I won't have to. If they're banned, don't give it up. Makes no diference to me. Btw, it won't be the first time assualt weapons were banned.

And it's coming again.
Typical demofaggot babbling
Postmodern Postmortem

It's the degenerate culture, especially in music and video games. That's a clue in the Virginia Tech killings. The psycho there could have quit college and made money in extreme Netrix fantasies. He didn't; he stayed on in the academic pressure-cooker. So he was a wannabe Preppie who killed those he loved for rejecting him.
I followed that one pretty closely and he was Korean --- as a long-ago preppie, I can say Koreans just aren't. That guy was such a well-known psychotic, with diagnostics, that it's just amazing people ignored that and let him go on and on as he did till he killed all those kids. They knew; they just didn't want to know. Same with the Batman Killer --- I mean, wow, he told the college psych he wanted to kill people! It's just hard to accept, I guess, that sometimes people really mean what they say.

My rule of thumb is that people always mean what they say.
Or he left it there to blend in with the crowd after the shooting which he did dressed in women's clothing. Or he's nuts & wanted to get caught with his prints all over the weapon with a serial # that could be traced in minutes.

They said they did a rapid DNA test on the rifle…..that confused me before because how would they know who to test? Now we know…..they knew about this kid with the odd history and multiple police contacts so they likely went to his house and got his DNA …..and it matched the rifle
Postmodern Postmortem

It's the degenerate culture, especially in music and video games.
I agree --- and I'm a gamer since the 80s. I think it's made me meaner: not that I've had any occasion to test that, thank God!! And the rap, which this Crimo guy contributed to and was worth they said $100,000 on that basis (!!) is very violent. That, I haven't listened to, but 30 years of virtual fighting with mercenaries and soldiers and game villains and gangs and zombies and skeletons and everything game designers can think of to make okay to kill virtually: wouldn't that change a person a little? Sometimes I wonder about that.
But I'm not giving up my games.
So you made another claim that you can’t back up. Gotcha. Did this one disappear too?


No, doosh canoe, it is YOU who can't back up your claims. He is photographed THAT day in completely different clothes. Dumbass.
No, doosh canoe, it is YOU who can't back up your claims. He is photographed THAT day in completely different clothes. Dumbass.
I made the claim that he’s a rioter and I showed you a link backing up my claim. You claimed that he’s a cop but you can’t back it up. You’re so bad at this.

I get that you have an agenda...but it is absolutely clear that you are speaking directly from your ass.

First...an AR15 is a platform...not a bullet. An AR15 can be chambered in a number of different calibers. No one can look at a wound and say "That was an AR15 did that!!!!1".

Plus...the most common caliber, 5.56/.223Rem is not a particularly powerful round. It is in the varminator class for use against hogs and coyotes. In many states it is ilegal to hunt deer with .223...and even in the states where it is legal, it is considered the absolute minimum caliber.

Here is the list... .223 Rem is close to the bottom.

Actually, when I went to Basic Training in 1981 at Ft. Sill, OK, the DI said "The M16 is a 22, a varmit gun. It's good for shooting varmits... like Russians."

The problem isn't the caliber, it the powder load behind it, and in the case of the M16, it was designed to be particularly damaging at a Maximum effective range of 420 meters.

A gun that no civilian has any business having.

Certainly not one with a long history of mental illness.

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