Highway Crisis looms if Congress does not act

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Understand that we already pay enough taxes to fund it but the R won't allow it any more than they'll allow immigration or anything else.

Economic Sabotage: Republicans Obstruct Infrastructure Work

Senate blocks $60 billion infrastructure plan, another part of Obama jobs bill - The Washington Post


Thanks for these. Without digging too deeply, I can already see there's more than meets the eye.

Democrats want a tax on wealthy to fund infrastructure, Republicans don't.

Republicans offer up something, Democrats knock it down.

Also Thursday, Democrats joined to block a separate Republican proposal to extend the government’s highway spending authority for the next two years and roll back some environmental regulations. A procedural motion to advance the measure was rejected 53 to 47. The current highway spending authority will lapse in February.

Republicans would rather see more efficiency and accountability in government and more responsible management of spending habits. Even printing $58 billion a month has done little to nothing for our economy other than hold interest rates artificially low and make fat cats out of Wall Street investors.

I'm not pleased with either party's performance in D.C., but I more favor the Republican approach to managing this country. Hey that's just me. :)

Why should we roll back some environmental regulations? Which regulations are they, and how would they effect/affect the roadway?
Surely businesses that use large trucks don't need good roads.... give em big potholes and rough roads... so business slows down.
Gee, you would think that Dear Leader would do something about that.

You know, get mad as hell, promise to get to the bottom of it and stuff? :lol:

What can he do? Republicans are majority in the House, and Democrats don't have 60 votes in the Senate.
He has his phone! He has his pen! He has a bunch of zombie drones like you who will cheer every time he rules by proclamation!

What is stopping him?

It's called passing legislation.
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

There's always a crisis of some sort or another.
Just another push for government to stick their hand in our pocket.
Regular gas at the pump in my area is well over $4.00 a gallon..
Why not tack on another $.15 or so...
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Surely businesses that use large trucks don't need good roads.... give em big potholes and rough roads... so business slows down.

Big business passes costs onto the consumer. The consumer stands to loose by additional wear on their cars.
But many Republicans say they'd rather offset increases in transportation spending with cuts to other government programs rather than tax increases.

This is good.

Instead, Obama is pushing a plan to close tax loopholes and use the revenue to pay for increased transportation spending for the next four years.

This is bad.

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes

CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

Your taxes are really low, in one chart


The average filer saw her effective tax rate drop from 22 percent in 1979 to 18.1 percent in 2010

Your taxes are really low, in one chart - The Washington Post

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 - USATODAY.com

There is no reason to add costs to repair infrastructure. Everyone knows this. Just another way to bilk the public to piss away their hard earned greenbacks.

Fuck you and fuck the president. Useless scumbags.

I wish I could live in fantasyland like conservatives, Sadly, I have to live with facts and reality.
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.
Quit wasting federal highway dollars on worthless urban mass transit boondoggles, bike paths and other progressive pet projects, and there would be plenty of money for the roads and bridges.

The USA is at a critical juncture in how it pays for roads, bridges and transit. That's because the federal tax on gasoline, the primary method since 1956, has lost one-third of its buying power since it was last raised in 1993. States add their own tax on top of that, but the federal tax accounts for about 45%-50% of capital spending for transportation.

The federal gas tax — 18.4 cents a gallon for gasoline, 24.4 cents for diesel — is growing anemic because of more fuel-efficient vehicles, Americans driving fewer miles and the growth of electric and alternative-fuel vehicles. The tax rate on gasohol and most other special fuels is much less.

"It no longer works as our primary source,"

Fedeal gas tax increasingly unable to pay for transportation needs ? USATODAY.com

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads



To wit: Americans pay around $450 a year in road charges, according to the data compiled by Gomez and Vassallo. That's roughly 3 to 4 times less drivers from other countries in the study. Once again the key culprit is the gas tax. U.S. gas tax rates are up to 83 percent lower for gasoline cars and 81 percent lower for diesel cars compared to the same taxes paid in European nations.

Gomez and Vassallo conclude:

The US funding model has showed itself to have a limited capacity to meet the increasing demands of road programs in the future. In this respect, it seems clear that significantly relying for the securing of funds on non-revisable or seldom-revisable charges, as happens with the federal gas tax in the US, makes the system unsustainable in the long-term.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads - CityLab
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But many Republicans say they'd rather offset increases in transportation spending with cuts to other government programs rather than tax increases.

This is good.

Instead, Obama is pushing a plan to close tax loopholes and use the revenue to pay for increased transportation spending for the next four years.

This is bad.

I think both of those could be both good and bad.

For the first, cutting other programs could certainly be good.....but it depends which programs and how much cutting.

For the second, closing tax loopholes is something I've been in favor of pretty much since the first time I thought about them. I don't agree with using that as a plan for increased revenue, though. If only politicians could make proposals without tying on various riders or trying to spend potential funds rather than actual funds. :doubt:
There is no reason to add costs to repair infrastructure. Everyone knows this. Just another way to bilk the public to piss away their hard earned greenbacks.

Fuck you and fuck the president. Useless scumbags.

I wish I could live in fantasyland like conservatives, Sadly, I have to live with facts and reality.

Your traped in California
Thats your fantasy world not ours
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.
Quit wasting federal highway dollars on worthless urban mass transit boondoggles, bike paths and other progressive pet projects, and there would be plenty of money for the roads and bridges.

The USA is at a critical juncture in how it pays for roads, bridges and transit. That's because the federal tax on gasoline, the primary method since 1956, has lost one-third of its buying power since it was last raised in 1993. States add their own tax on top of that, but the federal tax accounts for about 45%-50% of capital spending for transportation.

The federal gas tax — 18.4 cents a gallon for gasoline, 24.4 cents for diesel — is growing anemic because of more fuel-efficient vehicles, Americans driving fewer miles and the growth of electric and alternative-fuel vehicles. The tax rate on gasohol and most other special fuels is much less.

"It no longer works as our primary source,"

Fedeal gas tax increasingly unable to pay for transportation needs ? USATODAY.com

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads



To wit: Americans pay around $450 a year in road charges, according to the data compiled by Gomez and Vassallo. That's roughly 3 to 4 times less drivers from other countries in the study. Once again the key culprit is the gas tax. U.S. gas tax rates are up to 83 percent lower for gasoline cars and 81 percent lower for diesel cars compared to the same taxes paid in European nations.

Gomez and Vassallo conclude:

The US funding model has showed itself to have a limited capacity to meet the increasing demands of road programs in the future. In this respect, it seems clear that significantly relying for the securing of funds on non-revisable or seldom-revisable charges, as happens with the federal gas tax in the US, makes the system unsustainable in the long-term.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads - CityLab
Cheap diversion.

Fact remains that a significant portion of federal highway trust fund monies are being wasted on light rail trolleys that nobody rides and silly things like bike paths.

Spend the money on what it is meant to be spent on, before you come begging for more.
Surely businesses that use large trucks don't need good roads.... give em big potholes and rough roads... so business slows down.

Big business passes costs onto the consumer. The consumer stands to loose by additional wear on their cars.
But they stand to gain by tacking on another 15 cents to their gas prices that will never actually be used to pay for the roads. Once again, you're a fucking genius.
now, now, the TPM doesn't just seek to return money to the Trust fund going to mass transport and bike paths. It seeks to end the highway trust fund so states, not a federal gas tax, maintains the highways.

Support the Transportation Empowerment Act - Tea Party

Citing a funding shortfall and the impact of a historic oil drilling boom, Texas Department of Transportation officials on Thursday announced plans to move forward with converting some roads in West and South Texas to gravel.

Approximately 83 miles of asphalt roads will be torn up and converted to “unpaved” roads

TxDOT Plans to Convert Some Roads to Gravel | The Texas Tribune
We already have registration fees, licensing fees, gasoline taxes, highway taxes all of which prorate against driver usage and should be more than enough to cover repairs and construction as they were intended. What has happened is democrats have raided those funds and wasted them on welfare, etc., and now want to extort more money. Remove all democrats and career republicans.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads

To wit: Americans pay around $450 a year in road charges, according to the data compiled by Gomez and Vassallo. That's roughly 3 to 4 times less drivers from other countries in the study. Once again the key culprit is the gas tax. U.S. gas tax rates are up to 83 percent lower for gasoline cars and 81 percent lower for diesel cars compared to the same taxes paid in European nations.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads - CityLab
We already have registration fees, licensing fees, gasoline taxes, highway taxes all of which prorate against driver usage and should be more than enough to cover repairs and construction as they were intended. What has happened is democrats have raided those funds and wasted them on welfare, etc., and now want to extort more money. Remove all democrats and career republicans.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads

To wit: Americans pay around $450 a year in road charges, according to the data compiled by Gomez and Vassallo. That's roughly 3 to 4 times less drivers from other countries in the study. Once again the key culprit is the gas tax. U.S. gas tax rates are up to 83 percent lower for gasoline cars and 81 percent lower for diesel cars compared to the same taxes paid in European nations.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads - CityLab
Funny that article fails to mention all the taxes taken in by heavy haul trucking.

I wonder why that is?
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

Bush Signs $286.4B Highway Bill | Fox News

Obama again ...


" President Bush signed a whopping $286.4 billion transportation bill (search) that lawmakers stuffed with plenty of cash for some 6,000 pet projects back home."

After Claiming To Support Infrastructure Investments, House GOP Blocks Infrastructure Investment Plan

After Claiming To Support Infrastructure Investments, House GOP Blocks Infrastructure Investment Plan | ThinkProgress
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

I thought the $800B Porkulus bill that Obama signed was suppose to solve all our problems? Where the fuck did all that money go?

40% tax cuts/credits (yeah, more waste) and 20% to States/local Gov't support.

It kept US out of the second GOP great depression though...
We already have registration fees, licensing fees, gasoline taxes, highway taxes all of which prorate against driver usage and should be more than enough to cover repairs and construction as they were intended. What has happened is democrats have raided those funds and wasted them on welfare, etc., and now want to extort more money. Remove all democrats and career republicans.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads

To wit: Americans pay around $450 a year in road charges, according to the data compiled by Gomez and Vassallo. That's roughly 3 to 4 times less drivers from other countries in the study. Once again the key culprit is the gas tax. U.S. gas tax rates are up to 83 percent lower for gasoline cars and 81 percent lower for diesel cars compared to the same taxes paid in European nations.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads - CityLab
Funny that article fails to mention all the taxes taken in by heavy haul trucking.

I wonder why that is?

Can't read huh?

Of course the tax revenues are including from trucking
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

Good reason to take this out of the hands of the federal government.

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