Highway Crisis looms if Congress does not act

Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Republican filibuster of infrastructure bill is one more piece of economic*sabotage

DailyKhaos....ultra-left blog.
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

Uh. You were already fooled once about "shovel ready" jobs, bub. Are you really that dense that you'd be duped again?
Maybe if the fatheads on the Beltway would stop using Highway funds to poay off their donors and the unions, we wouldn't have this problem.

or a billion dollar border fence that's worthless

or a two billion dollar embassy in Iraq that's worthless

or a trillion dollar tour of the mid east that's worthless

there's a pattern there somewhere
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

I thought the $800B Porkulus bill that Obama signed was suppose to solve all our problems? Where the fuck did all that money go?

You weren't paying attention from 2001 - 2008? Deregulating derivatives alone was a $20T hit to the US economy and a $563T hit to the world economy. Thank Phil Gramm (R).
But many Republicans say they'd rather offset increases in transportation spending with cuts to other government programs rather than tax increases.

This is good.

Instead, Obama is pushing a plan to close tax loopholes and use the revenue to pay for increased transportation spending for the next four years.

This is bad.

This is not going to fly. No one is saying to increase spending. The 18 cents per gallon has been in place for 20 years. There has been NO INCREASE. Now the GOP and the Baggers are dead set against an increase.....basically because they can't see past the end of their noses.

So even the meager highway funding in place now is running out. You will see crumbling bridges, more potholes, and more long lines. The road projects you see going on now will end. But you RWers will enjoy it.


You know....your platform has been and will always be, "Party over Country!"
When a few bridges fall, the GOP can forget about the Senate.

But many Republicans say they'd rather offset increases in transportation spending with cuts to other government programs rather than tax increases.

This is good.

Instead, Obama is pushing a plan to close tax loopholes and use the revenue to pay for increased transportation spending for the next four years.

This is bad.

This is not going to fly. No one is saying to increase spending. The 18 cents per gallon has been in place for 20 years. There has been NO INCREASE. Now the GOP and the Baggers are dead set against an increase.....basically because they can't see past the end of their noses.

So even the meager highway funding in place now is running out. You will see crumbling bridges, more potholes, and more long lines. The road projects you see going on now will end. But you RWers will enjoy it.


You know....your platform has been and will always be, "Party over Country!"

Let your county and or state raise gas taxes and get to work. We just raised 'em here in Clark Co., NV.
When a few bridges fall, the GOP can forget about the Senate.


Praying for death and destruction in the next 4 months? You could give contstrution company's 80 trillion dollars and they wouldn't do nothinh by then
But many Republicans say they'd rather offset increases in transportation spending with cuts to other government programs rather than tax increases.

This is good.

Instead, Obama is pushing a plan to close tax loopholes and use the revenue to pay for increased transportation spending for the next four years.

This is bad.

This is not going to fly. No one is saying to increase spending. The 18 cents per gallon has been in place for 20 years. There has been NO INCREASE. Now the GOP and the Baggers are dead set against an increase.....basically because they can't see past the end of their noses.

So even the meager highway funding in place now is running out. You will see crumbling bridges, more potholes, and more long lines. The road projects you see going on now will end. But you RWers will enjoy it.


You know....your platform has been and will always be, "Party over Country!"
Hyperbole overload! Hyperbole overload! Hyperbole overload! :bs1:
NO matter what the House passes, Harry Reid will refuse to bring it to the Floor for a vote and Obama will blame the Republicans because nothing got passed.
How about the government using the gasoline taxes that we already pay to maintain roads and bridges to actually maintain roads and bridges?
But many Republicans say they'd rather offset increases in transportation spending with cuts to other government programs rather than tax increases.

This is good.

Instead, Obama is pushing a plan to close tax loopholes and use the revenue to pay for increased transportation spending for the next four years.

This is bad.

This is not going to fly. No one is saying to increase spending. The 18 cents per gallon has been in place for 20 years. There has been NO INCREASE. Now the GOP and the Baggers are dead set against an increase.....basically because they can't see past the end of their noses.

So even the meager highway funding in place now is running out. You will see crumbling bridges, more potholes, and more long lines. The road projects you see going on now will end. But you RWers will enjoy it.


You know....your platform has been and will always be, "Party over Country!"
Didn't see the Democrats breaking ranks during the shut down. But oh they cried to Obama about obama care
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Understand that we already pay enough taxes to fund it but the R won't allow it any more than they'll allow immigration or anything else.

Economic Sabotage: Republicans Obstruct Infrastructure Work

Senate blocks $60 billion infrastructure plan, another part of Obama jobs bill - The Washington Post

The Do Nothing GOP will allow our bridges and roads to deteriorate.
Harry reid did propese a another tax holiday two week's ago for the folks with offshore money to take care of this. Not many liberals saw that
How about the government using the gasoline taxes that we already pay to maintain roads and bridges to actually maintain roads and bridges?

Less gasoline being sold because people can't afford the inflated prices brought to you by the rich folks in commodities.
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Understand that we already pay enough taxes to fund it but the R won't allow it any more than they'll allow immigration or anything else.

Economic Sabotage: Republicans Obstruct Infrastructure Work

Senate blocks $60 billion infrastructure plan, another part of Obama jobs bill - The Washington Post

#1 Progressive boilerplate.

#2 There was a surtax on the dastardly wealthy tied to that bill. Why can't progressives pass clean bills, without tacking their pet class warfare items onto them?

#3 Progressive boilerplate that talked about veterans benefits, not highway funding.

Nothing so far.
How about the government using the gasoline taxes that we already pay to maintain roads and bridges to actually maintain roads and bridges?

Less gasoline being sold because people can't afford the inflated prices brought to you by the rich folks in commodities.
Gee, you would think that Dear Leader would do something about that.

You know, get mad as hell, promise to get to the bottom of it and stuff? :lol:
Just another failed policy by the left who got what they wanted in higher gpm and electric cars they never thought of less gas being bought

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