Highway Crisis looms if Congress does not act

How about the government using the gasoline taxes that we already pay to maintain roads and bridges to actually maintain roads and bridges?

Less gasoline being sold because people can't afford the inflated prices brought to you by the rich folks in commodities.
Gee, you would think that Dear Leader would do something about that.

You know, get mad as hell, promise to get to the bottom of it and stuff? :lol:

It just hit the news, give him a day or two to get all excited about it.
We already have registration fees, licensing fees, gasoline taxes, highway taxes all of which prorate against driver usage and should be more than enough to cover repairs and construction as they were intended. What has happened is democrats have raided those funds and wasted them on welfare, etc., and now want to extort more money. Remove all democrats and career republicans.

What happened is fuel consumption plummeted & repair cost increase. We have been subsidizing the highway system from the SS Trust Fund for too long now. It's time it paid it's own way.
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Understand that we already pay enough taxes to fund it but the R won't allow it any more than they'll allow immigration or anything else.

Economic Sabotage: Republicans Obstruct Infrastructure Work

Senate blocks $60 billion infrastructure plan, another part of Obama jobs bill - The Washington Post


Please tell us how Republicans are blocking immigration or not allowing roads to be built?

And FYI... we just created $1 trillion for "shovel ready infrastructure" spending.. where the fuck did that money go? Oh yeah, Wall Street and union fat cats and ultimately, the Democrat party.
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I love these fake calls for infrastructure from the racist far left Obama drones.

The far left has been slowly dismantling the ability to up keep the infrastructure as to appease those neo-Nazi environmentalists.

Funny thing is, that it was far left FDR that made the military Industrial Complex that the far left hates.

It was that very complex that made the US infrastructure.

So, you're the 'racist far left Obama drones' guy!

IF this was really about using the gas tax just for roads, and not all the other stuff, I'd probably agree with you. But its really about a quackadoodle libertarian view supported by two senators and probably 40 house members holding a nation's commerce hostage.

Can make all the roads you want, but if you do not have the facilities because the racist far left Obama drones dismantle the ability to make those roads.
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Republican filibuster of infrastructure bill is one more piece of economic*sabotage

And the racist far left Obama drone uses a racist far left Obama drone blog for their "facts".

How about the government using the gasoline taxes that we already pay to maintain roads and bridges to actually maintain roads and bridges?

Can't the racist far left Obama drones have dismantled the facilities to help keep the infrastructure together all to appease the smallest percentage of the population.
Just another failed policy by the left who got what they wanted in higher gpm and electric cars they never thought of less gas being bought

It's as dumb as raising cigarette taxes to fund schools and then browbeating everyone to stop smoking.

These people are fucking idiots. Seriously.

In order to be a lefty you can't think very hard or your entire philosophy will fall apart.

Only a left can think raising the taxes on smokes will simultaniously make people quit smoking AND increase the revenue from those dropped sales.

Of course they also think raising taxes on anything they don't like in order to eliminate that option to the public somehow doesn't apply to income taxes.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to be a lefty.
When a few bridges fall, the GOP can forget about the Senate.


Proof that the racist far left will celebrate every death because of their failed policies.

Not to mention that perhaps if they spent tax $$ on something other than free shit for the terminally useless, we wouldn't have this problem. They waste money like drunken sailors and demand more.
In your home state, do you find there are bunch of new "Light rail" projects popping up? Other posters over the last few months have commented on that. We don't have state or federal financing to improve or repair the highway system, but the state can find millions to spend on this boondoggle of light rail to purchase the right of way, pay contractors and engineers to build this glorified trolley system. Just recently, I got a mass mailing from the Colorado Department of Highways about a meeting to "discuss a vision for the delivery and financing of the proposed I-70 East project". I am flabbergasted. On something as basic and imperative as the highway system, they want to discuss financing? Where are our TAXES going? Few people are going to use this absurd trolley system (light rail) Colorado state planners are forcing on us, BUT that project has as much funding as it takes. This is so blind sighted and vexing.
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In your home state, do you find there are bunch of new "Light rail" projects popping up? Other posters over the last few months have commented on that. We don't have state or federal financing to improve or repair the highway system, but the state can find millions to spend on this boondoggle of light rail to purchase the right of way, pay contractors and engineers to build this glorified trolley system. Just recently, I got a mass mailing from the Colorado Department of Highways about a meeting to "discuss a vision for the delivery and financing of the proposed I-70 East project". I am flabbergasted. On something as basic and imperative as the highway system, they want to discuss financing? Where are our TAXES going? Few people are going to use this absurd trolley system (light rail) Colorado state planners are forcing on us, BUT that project has as much funding as it takes. This is so blind sighted and vexing.
Correct me if I am wrong, but did not Colorado just spend a bazillion dollars on Denver interstate highway improvements?
How about the government using the gasoline taxes that we already pay to maintain roads and bridges to actually maintain roads and bridges?

Less gasoline being sold because people can't afford the inflated prices brought to you by the rich folks in commodities.
Gee, you would think that Dear Leader would do something about that.

You know, get mad as hell, promise to get to the bottom of it and stuff? :lol:

What can he do? Republicans are majority in the House, and Democrats don't have 60 votes in the Senate.
I always feel in jail under Democrats. They try to impose stupid rules, taxes, Regulations and i will find a way out. My $1.29 cigars a pack suite me fine.
Less gasoline being sold because people can't afford the inflated prices brought to you by the rich folks in commodities.
Gee, you would think that Dear Leader would do something about that.

You know, get mad as hell, promise to get to the bottom of it and stuff? :lol:

What can he do? Republicans are majority in the House, and Democrats don't have 60 votes in the Senate.
He has his phone! He has his pen! He has a bunch of zombie drones like you who will cheer every time he rules by proclamation!

What is stopping him?
Pubs refuse to act. Instead, want to stick it to the states even though we already pay fed AND state taxes. They have obstructed and filibustered against infrastructure even though it could put millions to work.

That would accomplish two things the Republicans area against - investing in the US and jobs.

It would be interesting to see even on piece of "infrastructure" legislation that has been obstructed and filibustered. But don't put yourself out for lil' ol' me.

Understand that we already pay enough taxes to fund it but the R won't allow it any more than they'll allow immigration or anything else.

Economic Sabotage: Republicans Obstruct Infrastructure Work

Senate blocks $60 billion infrastructure plan, another part of Obama jobs bill - The Washington Post


Thanks for these. Without digging too deeply, I can already see there's more than meets the eye.

Democrats want a tax on wealthy to fund infrastructure, Republicans don't.

Republicans offer up something, Democrats knock it down.

Also Thursday, Democrats joined to block a separate Republican proposal to extend the government’s highway spending authority for the next two years and roll back some environmental regulations. A procedural motion to advance the measure was rejected 53 to 47. The current highway spending authority will lapse in February.

Republicans would rather see more efficiency and accountability in government and more responsible management of spending habits. Even printing $58 billion a month has done little to nothing for our economy other than hold interest rates artificially low and make fat cats out of Wall Street investors.

I'm not pleased with either party's performance in D.C., but I more favor the Republican approach to managing this country. Hey that's just me. :)

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