Highway Crisis looms if Congress does not act

Quit wasting federal highway dollars on worthless urban mass transit boondoggles, bike paths and other progressive pet projects, and there would be plenty of money for the roads and bridges.

The USA is at a critical juncture in how it pays for roads, bridges and transit. That's because the federal tax on gasoline, the primary method since 1956, has lost one-third of its buying power since it was last raised in 1993. States add their own tax on top of that, but the federal tax accounts for about 45%-50% of capital spending for transportation.

The federal gas tax — 18.4 cents a gallon for gasoline, 24.4 cents for diesel — is growing anemic because of more fuel-efficient vehicles, Americans driving fewer miles and the growth of electric and alternative-fuel vehicles. The tax rate on gasohol and most other special fuels is much less.

"It no longer works as our primary source,"

Fedeal gas tax increasingly unable to pay for transportation needs ? USATODAY.com

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads



To wit: Americans pay around $450 a year in road charges, according to the data compiled by Gomez and Vassallo. That's roughly 3 to 4 times less drivers from other countries in the study. Once again the key culprit is the gas tax. U.S. gas tax rates are up to 83 percent lower for gasoline cars and 81 percent lower for diesel cars compared to the same taxes paid in European nations.

Gomez and Vassallo conclude:

The US funding model has showed itself to have a limited capacity to meet the increasing demands of road programs in the future. In this respect, it seems clear that significantly relying for the securing of funds on non-revisable or seldom-revisable charges, as happens with the federal gas tax in the US, makes the system unsustainable in the long-term.

These 2 Charts Prove American Drivers Don't Pay Enough for Roads - CityLab
Cheap diversion.

Fact remains that a significant portion of federal highway trust fund monies are being wasted on light rail trolleys that nobody rides and silly things like bike paths.

Spend the money on what it is meant to be spent on, before you come begging for more.

So you think the gas tax, which has not been raised since 1993 is fine where it is? You realize that during this period we saw dot.com and inflation through the roof? The gas tax should be doubled or even tripled to keep up even with inflation.

But you don't want to see a penny raised, so you will get what you asked for: crumbling bridges and potholes galore. ENJOY! :D
I guess ABC executives only travel by air and their low information minions don't travel at all. In the last couple of years the biggest problem on the interstates is freaking construction. Infrastructure repair is ongoing and constant. The freaking city of San Fran authorized 75 million for a net to catch depressed Californians when they jump off the Golden Gate. When the administration is in trouble you can depend on their propaganda arm in the media to create a fake crisis that they can blame on the republican majority in congress.

This Congress is the least productive in recent history.

Congress Is On Pace To Be The Least Productive Ever : NPR

You ask yourself why? I has something to do with Obama winning two terms. The GOP cannot rewrite history, except maybe in Texas, so they dig their heals in and decide the "Do Nothing Congress" is their new mantra. They are elected to serve the people and the only ones they end up serving are the party bosses.
Bush CEA Chair Mankiw: Claim That Broad-Based Income Tax Cuts Increase Revenue Is Not "Credible," Capital Income Tax Cuts Also Don't Pay For Themselves

Bush-Appointed Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke: "I Don't Think That As A General Rule Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Treasury Secretary Paulson: "As A General Rule, I Don't Believe That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush OMB Director Nussle: "Some Say That [The Tax Cut] Was A Total Loss. Some Say They Totally Pay For Themselves. It's Neither Extreme."

Bush CEA Chairman Lazear: "As A General Rule, We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Economic Adviser Viard: "Federal Revenue Is Lower Today Than It Would Have Been Without The Tax Cuts."

Bush Treasury Official Carroll: "We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Tax Foundation's Prante: "A Stretch" To Claim "Cutting Capital Gains Taxes Raises Tax Revenues."

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 - USATODAY.com

Since none of your links worked but one I guess I will address that one and put it on you to figure out how to post a link properly. Although I'm certain you can't because you copied and pasted someone else's failure of research.

"Some conservative political movements such as the "Tea Party" have criticized federal spending as being out of control. While spending is up, taxes have fallen to exceptionally low levels."

Fed spending is out of control. Taxes fell a bit. gee thanks but this article from 2010 is trying to excuse son of stimulus by then as being needed. Nowhere did the actual spending drop to an exceptable level. Isn't this also about the time we all got butt fucked with obiecare?

'Individual tax rates vary widely based on how much a taxpayer earns, where the person lives and other factors. On average, though, the tax rate paid by all Americans — rich and poor, combined — has fallen 26% since the recession began in 2007. That means a $3,400 annual tax savings for a household paying the average national rate and earning the average national household income of $102,000.

This tax drop has boosted consumer spending and the economy, which grew at a 3.2% annual rate in the first quarter. It also has contributed to the federal debt growing to $8.4 trillion'

Kind of funny how those numbers today would be much better than what we have to live with now. But they surely are a historical perspective of what will happen if the government keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over again like you are asking for.

Those very policies have caused the situation we are in today. The people that had jobs and were paying less taxes no longer have those jobs. The payday came and took them away.

The economy grew at 3.2% today we have -2%.

The debt is the only thing steady here. It is now not an astonishing 8.4 trillion but an ungodly 18 trillion.

Yet you still want all in at trying this again without the tax cuts. The only thing that kept the economy moving. And worse yet you want to do it with more taxes and even more government spending.


Got it, you'll stick with consdervatives 'math'

Obama's first F/Y

National Debt Oct 1, 2009 $11,920,519,164,319.42

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits

Tax Cuts, War Costs Do Lasting Harm to Budget Outlook

Just two policies dating from the Bush Administration — tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — accounted for over $500 billion of the deficit in 2009 and will account for nearly $6 trillion in deficits in 2009 through 2019 (including associated debt-service costs of $1.4 trillion). By 2019, we estimate that these two policies will account for almost half — over $8 trillion — of the $17 trillion in debt that will be owed under current policies

Economic Downturn and Legacy of Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Deficits ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 - USATODAY.com


The average filer saw her effective tax rate drop from 22 percent in 1979 to 18.1 percent in 2010

Your taxes are really low, in one chart - The Washington Post


CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com


Your taxes are really low, in one chart


And spending is at an all time high, cut other programs to pay for the highways.

Cut loopholes, cut corporate welfare, cut spending overall. Cut the bureaucracy, make your representatives responsible for spending. Stop being a partisan fool and vote with the mind instead of voting R or D, look for other alternatives.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I guess ABC executives only travel by air and their low information minions don't travel at all. In the last couple of years the biggest problem on the interstates is freaking construction. Infrastructure repair is ongoing and constant. The freaking city of San Fran authorized 75 million for a net to catch depressed Californians when they jump off the Golden Gate. When the administration is in trouble you can depend on their propaganda arm in the media to create a fake crisis that they can blame on the republican majority in congress.

This Congress is the least productive in recent history.

Congress Is On Pace To Be The Least Productive Ever : NPR

You ask yourself why? I has something to do with Obama winning two terms. The GOP cannot rewrite history, except maybe in Texas, so they dig their heals in and decide the "Do Nothing Congress" is their new mantra. They are elected to serve the people and the only ones they end up serving are the party bosses.

So you measure productivity by how many new laws and regulations Congress passes each year?

Sometimes the stupidity of people amazes me. Maybe we need to look at removing laws and regs to help simplify processes instead of making the taxpayers life so complicated.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
How does it happen that states being responsible for their roadways automatically means that all would be toll roads?

In PA there are two super highways that cross the state. One cost a person about 39 dollars if I remember correctly. The other is a federal interstate and the state asked if they could turn it into a toll road, the fed government said no.

So yes, any new freeway built by the state will become a toll road, in my opinion. If the interstates are turned over then the maintenance will have to be paid for somehow. So yes we would see more toll roads.
That is Pennsylvania. Toll roads are an east coats thing, for the most part.

Also, having driven about PA on both the toll roads and the rest, I believe it is safe to say that they have some of the worst highways in the northeast, if not the whole nation. So, as it is with every other government program, more money does not mean better a end product.

the PA turnpike was the first "superhighway." Designed for 55 not 65 and faster. So there is some catch up to do but I find it not that much different then other roads I have driven, other then one thing, it appears to me that a lot of the work being done looks to me to be a make work projects. The toll was suppose to end years ago. I guess back when built they felt that the turnpike would last forever and never need maintenance.

An example of what could happen is witnessed in western PA and I 367 3.25 for a car to go about 10 miles.
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Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

^ Why Progressive countries fail 100% of the time


WE need to spend TRILLIONS to avoid a CRISIS!!!
We already have registration fees, licensing fees, gasoline taxes, highway taxes all of which prorate against driver usage and should be more than enough to cover repairs and construction as they were intended. What has happened is democrats have raided those funds and wasted them on welfare, etc., and now want to extort more money. Remove all democrats and career republicans.

What happened is fuel consumption plummeted & repair cost increase. We have been subsidizing the highway system from the SS Trust Fund for too long now. It's time it paid it's own way.

AND the 18 cents a gallon has not increased in 20 years. That means that though the dot com boom, the inflation, and the years of milk and honey, the rate has stayed the same. It probably should be at least doubled to stay close to real construction costs. But now that the RW loons and the Baggers refuse to raise one cent of a tax rate, we are screwed.

In my community I can see a number of highway construction projects that are federally funded which will stop dead.

Republicans are spendaholics. Let the road repair & construction grind to a halt so miles driven & oil consumption will fall further. Just stop spending my SS & tax dollars to subsidize roads they use. If they refuse to pay the user fee on the gas, then they can get stuck in the mud & swim the rivers. It will look like Atlanta in a Ice Storm. They already stole $50 billion from workers & slapped us with the largest sales tax increase in history to cover the gas tax shortfall.
Why Progressive countries fail 100% of the time


WE need to spend TRILLIONS to avoid a CRISIS!!!

Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.
First the Sequester, now this

I have to drive on these crumbling roads

Why Progressive countries fail 100% of the time


WE need to spend TRILLIONS to avoid a CRISIS!!!

Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.

Yes making shit up is a sign of mental health

:cuckoo: Show us the 2 back to back negative quarters Clinton or Obama had. :lol:
Why Progressive countries fail 100% of the time


WE need to spend TRILLIONS to avoid a CRISIS!!!

Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.

Did you notice that the country experience negative growth in the first quarter? And not just a little bit.

Bush inherited Clinton's recession

How quick the left forgets. Bush accepted Clinton's recession, 9/11, the dotcom crash, the end of the y2k scare and did it without the US ending in a malaise as has Obama.
Why Progressive countries fail 100% of the time


WE need to spend TRILLIONS to avoid a CRISIS!!!

Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.

Did you notice that the country experience negative growth in the first quarter? And not just a little bit.

Bush inherited Clinton's recession

How quick the left forgets. Bush accepted Clinton's recession, 9/11, the dotcom crash, the end of the y2k scare and did it without the US ending in a malaise as has Obama.

Bullshit, Clinton had a surplus & no recessions. Bush caused the first negative quarters & deficit spending completely on his watch. Then he caused a depression.

Clinton Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Didn't the Democrats pass a trillion dollar stimulus to specifically fix these infrastructure issue?

And it seems pretty simple to cut the money from somewhere else. How about we stop funding classes for genital washing in africa?
depressions and recessions are cause when people are dishonest in their business dealings.
Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.

Yes making shit up is a sign of mental health

:cuckoo: Show us the 2 back to back negative quarters Clinton or Obama had. :lol:

Clinton and Gingrich did a good job domestically. That was also the last time a a Scalia or Ginsberg could get 90+ Senate votes. Clinton was more Conservative than either Bush and that's not saying much

Obama's overseen an economy as bad as the FDR Depression
Why Progressive countries fail 100% of the time


WE need to spend TRILLIONS to avoid a CRISIS!!!

Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.

Really? The recession that started in March of 2001 is not Clintons? the roots of that recession go back into 2000.

First off many varibles went into both recessions 2001 and 2008, both were caused by actions started in the 1930's. It wasn't a Democrat or Republican caused recessions, it was actions in Congress and both party's that caused the recessions of 2001 and 2008. In fact the real issue is how we were able to stop the 2001 recession so quickly and make the economy run well until 2008. That was the real miracle.

In short, you are being dishonest in your statement and you very well know it. So, now we all know you are nothing but a partisan hack that doesn't want solutions, you just want to place blame.
I thought we already spent hundreds of billions on "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs in the stimulus, or was it son or grandson of stimulus? Or did all that money just go to fat cat bankers or something?
Sorry but Republicans caused both depressions & most of the recessions. Clinton & Obama have caused zero recessions or depressions on their watch.

Yes making shit up is a sign of mental health

:cuckoo: Show us the 2 back to back negative quarters Clinton or Obama had. :lol:

If you honestly think a President can turn an economy around in less than one quarter, then why hasn't the great Obama?

The 4 quarter of 2000 was negative as was the 1 quarter of 2001. Bush was in office less than 2 and a half months, but you put it all on him?

The sad fact was as early as the mid 90's economist were forecasting a recession because the growth rate, the excess spending and the inflated dot com numbers pointed to another Great Depression, instead by a miracle the Great Recession was saved until 2008.

It was not anyone Presidents fault for a boom or a bust, the economy has cycles. The main problem is that Congress and the President make policies that have long economic impact that go beyond their tenure.

Again, you are nothing but a dishonest partisan hack.

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