HILARIOUS: Democrat vs Democrat Anger Over Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

HILARIOUS: Democrat vs Democrat Anger Over Joe Biden

8 Jul 2024

Democrat vs Democrat discord over whether Joe Biden should stay or go. I love it! Formerly smug Democrats are now chock full of HILARIOUS angst and anger at each other. Thank you Rob Reiner and Abigail Disney! Oh, and as a result, you will see an angry old man yelling at a cloud at the beginning of this video. All due to the debate Trumpocalypse!

Joe Biden tells his fellow Democrat Neo-Marxusts to pound sand....
Wow! Hearing the defiant and very very ANGRY Joe Biden at the beginning of this video tells me he won't go quietly into the night. Which means even NORE discord for the Democrats and entertainment for us!
Rob Reiner didn’t just play the 'Meathead'. He IS the Meathead, and he’s having a tantrum.
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It appears that Joe Biden's refusal to step down is tearing Democrats apart and the Quisling Media isn't helping.
Democrats have been in panic mode since June 27th amd it hasn't stopped.
If this is not resolved by the August DNC Chicago Convention there is going to be blood running in the streets.
This is going to make the 1968 DNC convention look like a clam bake in comparison.
Just pass the pop-corn....
"A House Divided Cannot Stand".
Last edited:

HILARIOUS: Democrat vs Democrat Anger Over Joe Biden

8 Jul 2024

Democrat vs Democrat discord over whether Joe Biden should stay or go. I love it! Formerly smug Democrats are now chock full of HILARIOUS angst and anger at each other. Thank you Rob Reiner and Abigail Disney! Oh, and as a result, you will see an angry old man yelling at a cloud at the beginning of this video. All due to the debate Trumpocalypse!

Joe Biden tells his fellow Democrat Neo-Marxusts to pound sand....
Wow! Hearing the defiant and very very ANGRY Joe Biden at the beginning of this video tells me he won't go quietly into the night. Which means even NORE discord for the Democrats and entertainment for us!
Rob Reiner didn’t just play the 'Meathead'. He IS the Meathead, and he’s having a tantrum.
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It appears that Joe Biden's refusal to step down is tearing Democrats apart and the Quisling Media isn't helping.
Democrats have been in panic mode since June 27th amd it hasn't stopped.
If this is not resolved by the August DNC Chicago Convention there is going to be blood running in the streets.
This is going to make the 1968 DNC convention look like a clam bake in comparison.
Just pass the pop-corn....
"A House Divided Cannot Stand".

Biden was freely and fairly chosen by voters in the primaries.

Anyone calling for him to drop out is attacking our democracy and committing insurrection.
Biden: Hey PAL I called in because I'm angry. I'm angry at these elites in the Dem party. Let's get it on at the convention, I dare them because PAL I'm angry. Yeah I did a little coke before I called so what! I'll do some coke before the convention too!

HILARIOUS: Democrat vs Democrat Anger Over Joe Biden

8 Jul 2024

Democrat vs Democrat discord over whether Joe Biden should stay or go. I love it! Formerly smug Democrats are now chock full of HILARIOUS angst and anger at each other. Thank you Rob Reiner and Abigail Disney! Oh, and as a result, you will see an angry old man yelling at a cloud at the beginning of this video. All due to the debate Trumpocalypse!

Joe Biden tells his fellow Democrat Neo-Marxusts to pound sand....
Wow! Hearing the defiant and very very ANGRY Joe Biden at the beginning of this video tells me he won't go quietly into the night. Which means even NORE discord for the Democrats and entertainment for us!
Rob Reiner didn’t just play the 'Meathead'. He IS the Meathead, and he’s having a tantrum.
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It appears that Joe Biden's refusal to step down is tearing Democrats apart and the Quisling Media isn't helping.
Democrats have been in panic mode since June 27th amd it hasn't stopped.
If this is not resolved by the August DNC Chicago Convention there is going to be blood running in the streets.
This is going to make the 1968 DNC convention look like a clam bake in comparison.
Just pass the pop-corn....
"A House Divided Cannot Stand".

It is funny, watching them freak out.
Trump think Joe should stay in. What do you think?
the Great DJT is ready to take on any dem that the left installs as the nominee .
Good. He will have to be, as there are many, many independents that do not agree with his 2025 plan and intend to vote against him, no matter what, so he cannot put his plutocracy in place.
the Great DJT
This guy?

Former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results late last year by pressuring Justice Department officials may be worse than initially thought, according to newly available documents and a report from the New York Times.
In a phone conversation with then-acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue and then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, Trump suggested that the election should be declared corrupt despite there being no proof of rampant fraud. This new information was made public on Friday when the House Committee on Oversight and Reform released Donoghue’s handwritten notes documenting the conversation and helping to fill in the blanks concerning Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results.
The phone conversation in question took place on December 27, 2020, and largely consisted of Donoghue and Rosen advising Trump that they were unable to change the outcome of the election in his favor. According to Donoghue’s notes, Trump reportedly responded by saying, “just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the [Republican] Congressmen.”

That's not greatness, it's treason.

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