Hilarious Glenn Beck Clip

I never said that.
Read up on the 12 step program of recovery.
Drug addiction is most certainly a disease.
Actually, the disease is the addictive personality...many have it and dont even know it. They find out they have it once they try a drug or alcohol.

I think it is mainly a genetic thing.

here is one benetic factor:

Variation In Bitter-Taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2006) — A team of researchers, led by investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has found that a gene variant for a bitter-taste receptor on the tongue is associated with an increased risk for alcohol dependence. The research team studied DNA samples from 262 families, all of which have at least three alcoholic individuals. The families are participating in a national study called the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). COGA investigators report in the January issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics on the variation in a taste receptor gene on chromosome 7 called TAS2R16.


See Also:
Health & Medicine
•Personalized Medicine
•Gene Therapy
Mind & Brain
•Racial Issues
•Taste bud
•Vector (biology)
•Introduction to genetics
"In earlier work, we had identified chromosome 7 as a region where there was likely to be a gene influencing alcoholism risk," says principal investigator Alison M. Goate, D. Phil., the Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Genetics in Psychiatry at Washington University. "There's a cluster of bitter-taste receptor genes on that chromosome, and there have been several papers suggesting drinking behaviors might be influenced by variations within taste receptors. So we decided to look closely at these taste receptor genes."

Because taste receptors tend to vary a lot in the general population, Goate and colleagues had the opportunity to look at a large number of differences in genetic sequences and determine whether certain sequences might influence risk. In this study, they concentrated on TAS2R16, which helps regulate the response to bitter tastes.

They found a single base variation in the TAS2R16 receptor gene that seemed to put people at an increased risk for alcoholism. In cell culture experiments, Goate found that the variant receptor produced by this gene was less responsive to bitter compounds.

"The more common variant is more sensitive to bitter tastes, and people with that variant had a lower risk of being alcohol dependent," Goate says.

Variation In Bitter-taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism

So alcoholics tend to be more tasteless.

Some tell me that alcohol is tasteless. It tastes like horrible to me and spoils the taste fo food consumed with it.

interesting research and no doubt accurate...

However, drug addiction as well as alcohol addiction has been found to certainly be directly linked to those with addictive personlaities...and it is quite possible that the info yuou provided is what causes those addictive personalities..

And both have been labeled as diseases by the medical community...and are deemed as life long diseases that can be controlled but not cured.

but alcoholism is treated as a legal disease, other drug addictions are not.
Such as for insurance coverage.
He is that goofy all the time?

Yes. That is what makes him a great entertainer.

He has a very comical approach. And looking at his ratings, it works for him.
Yeah.....it's quite the lil' coup they've got goin'!!!!!




And THAT is precisely why the right so desperately wants to do away with PBS.
I think it is mainly a genetic thing.

here is one benetic factor:

Variation In Bitter-Taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2006) — A team of researchers, led by investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has found that a gene variant for a bitter-taste receptor on the tongue is associated with an increased risk for alcohol dependence. The research team studied DNA samples from 262 families, all of which have at least three alcoholic individuals. The families are participating in a national study called the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). COGA investigators report in the January issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics on the variation in a taste receptor gene on chromosome 7 called TAS2R16.


See Also:
Health & Medicine
•Personalized Medicine
•Gene Therapy
Mind & Brain
•Racial Issues
•Taste bud
•Vector (biology)
•Introduction to genetics
"In earlier work, we had identified chromosome 7 as a region where there was likely to be a gene influencing alcoholism risk," says principal investigator Alison M. Goate, D. Phil., the Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Genetics in Psychiatry at Washington University. "There's a cluster of bitter-taste receptor genes on that chromosome, and there have been several papers suggesting drinking behaviors might be influenced by variations within taste receptors. So we decided to look closely at these taste receptor genes."

Because taste receptors tend to vary a lot in the general population, Goate and colleagues had the opportunity to look at a large number of differences in genetic sequences and determine whether certain sequences might influence risk. In this study, they concentrated on TAS2R16, which helps regulate the response to bitter tastes.

They found a single base variation in the TAS2R16 receptor gene that seemed to put people at an increased risk for alcoholism. In cell culture experiments, Goate found that the variant receptor produced by this gene was less responsive to bitter compounds.

"The more common variant is more sensitive to bitter tastes, and people with that variant had a lower risk of being alcohol dependent," Goate says.

Variation In Bitter-taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism

So alcoholics tend to be more tasteless.

Some tell me that alcohol is tasteless. It tastes like horrible to me and spoils the taste fo food consumed with it.

interesting research and no doubt accurate...

However, drug addiction as well as alcohol addiction has been found to certainly be directly linked to those with addictive personlaities...and it is quite possible that the info yuou provided is what causes those addictive personalities..

And both have been labeled as diseases by the medical community...and are deemed as life long diseases that can be controlled but not cured.

but alcoholism is treated as a legal disease, other drug addictions are not.
Such as for insurance coverage.

Sadly, I can attest to the inaccuracy of that statement.
My son battled drug addiction..short lived thankfully...but we nipped it in the bud.
20K for rehab and much covered by insurance....if I had a better plan, all covered by insurance....but who expected it???
As for his recovery prescription...yes...there is that as well....a pill that eases anxiety....400 a month...100% covered by insurance.

But 28 days in rehab...a few months of reflecting...and he is back in college doing well once again.
And Beck was the keynote speaker at the big TP rally?

Sad really sad.

You may not appreicate his approach...and many may not....but his message is one that many DO appreciate.

So nothing is sad except for the fact that you and others continually look for ways to criticize those that do not think as you
But hey...if it works for you. go for it.

What dont you get? HE IS AN ENTERTAINER.

Why dont you have a link showing how Michael Douglas creates tears for films by pulling out nose hairs?

Oh...I know...you are not interested in trying to discredit Michael Douglas. You have better things to do.

Yep an entertainer and a keynote speaker at the big TP rally.
Ahh yes Alcohol addiction is a disease, but meth heads are just drug addicts.

I never said that.
Read up on the 12 step program of recovery.
Drug addiction is most certainly a disease.
Actually, the disease is the addictive personality...many have it and dont even know it. They find out they have it once they try a drug or alcohol.
....And, KEEP trying, and trying, and trying, and trying, and trying, and trying......

I agree with everything he said. With that said I do find it ironic he blasted CNN for thinking their viewers are dumb. Beck's delivery comes across as talking down to people to me, and when he busts out the blackboard it's even worse. It's either that, or it looks like he's a few screws loose, he's a little out there. I haven't seen him really be all that fair though, I think O'Reily is the fairest on FoxNews (wow I can't believe I've said that).

Anyways that type of violent language has always been in politics-and it's all over sports too. It's the competition that brings it out in my opinion. I don't see people killing people because sports announcers use violent phrases.
And Beck was the keynote speaker at the big TP rally?

Sad really sad.

You may not appreicate his approach...and many may not....but his message is one that many DO appreciate.

So nothing is sad except for the fact that you and others continually look for ways to criticize those that do not think as you
But hey...if it works for you. go for it.

Message aside. Anyone who can take beck seriously enough to choose him as a leader to take back America? well... nuff said.
And Beck was the keynote speaker at the big TP rally?

Sad really sad.

You may not appreicate his approach...and many may not....but his message is one that many DO appreciate.

So nothing is sad except for the fact that you and others continually look for ways to criticize those that do not think as you
But hey...if it works for you. go for it.

Message aside. Anyone who can take beck seriously enough to choose him as a leader to take back America? well... nuff said.

A leader?

We are talking about a speaker. His message is sound. You may not agree with it, but it is sound.

But no one sees him as a leader. He is an entertainer.

Forget it...I tried to discuss this....but now you are taking it to a level of rediculousness.
I never said that.
Read up on the 12 step program of recovery.
Drug addiction is most certainly a disease.
Actually, the disease is the addictive personality...many have it and dont even know it. They find out they have it once they try a drug or alcohol.

I think it is mainly a genetic thing.

here is one benetic factor:

Variation In Bitter-Taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2006) — A team of researchers, led by investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has found that a gene variant for a bitter-taste receptor on the tongue is associated with an increased risk for alcohol dependence. The research team studied DNA samples from 262 families, all of which have at least three alcoholic individuals. The families are participating in a national study called the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). COGA investigators report in the January issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics on the variation in a taste receptor gene on chromosome 7 called TAS2R16.


See Also:
Health & Medicine
•Personalized Medicine
•Gene Therapy
Mind & Brain
•Racial Issues
•Taste bud
•Vector (biology)
•Introduction to genetics
"In earlier work, we had identified chromosome 7 as a region where there was likely to be a gene influencing alcoholism risk," says principal investigator Alison M. Goate, D. Phil., the Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Genetics in Psychiatry at Washington University. "There's a cluster of bitter-taste receptor genes on that chromosome, and there have been several papers suggesting drinking behaviors might be influenced by variations within taste receptors. So we decided to look closely at these taste receptor genes."

Because taste receptors tend to vary a lot in the general population, Goate and colleagues had the opportunity to look at a large number of differences in genetic sequences and determine whether certain sequences might influence risk. In this study, they concentrated on TAS2R16, which helps regulate the response to bitter tastes.

They found a single base variation in the TAS2R16 receptor gene that seemed to put people at an increased risk for alcoholism. In cell culture experiments, Goate found that the variant receptor produced by this gene was less responsive to bitter compounds.

"The more common variant is more sensitive to bitter tastes, and people with that variant had a lower risk of being alcohol dependent," Goate says.

Variation In Bitter-taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism

So alcoholics tend to be more tasteless.

Some tell me that alcohol is tasteless. It tastes like horrible to me and spoils the taste fo food consumed with it.

interesting research and no doubt accurate...

However, drug addiction as well as alcohol addiction has been found to certainly be directly linked to those with addictive personlaities...and it is quite possible that the info yuou provided is what causes those addictive personalities..

And both have been labeled as diseases by the medical community...and are deemed as life long diseases that can be controlled but not cured.
.....And, Everybody knows how dedicated Americans are, to treating diseases....​

"Loughner will be arraigned in a Phoenix courtroom Monday. U.S. Attorney Dennis K. Burke announced that he was charged with attempting to assassinate Giffords and with two counts of attempting to murder her congressional aides, Ron Barber and Pam Simon, in the Jan. 8 shooting rampage that killed six and wounded 13. Those charges carry maximum sentences of life in prison and 20 years, respectively.

Loughner also has been charged with killing District Judge John Roll and Giffords aide Gabe Zimmerman. If indicted in those killings, he would face the death penalty."

......because....after all....some lives are worth more than others.

You may not appreicate his approach...and many may not....but his message is one that many DO appreciate.

So nothing is sad except for the fact that you and others continually look for ways to criticize those that do not think as you
But hey...if it works for you. go for it.

Message aside. Anyone who can take beck seriously enough to choose him as a leader to take back America? well... nuff said.

A leader?

We are talking about a speaker. His message is sound. You may not agree with it, but it is sound.

But no one sees him as a leader. He is an entertainer.

Forget it...I tried to discuss this....but now you are taking it to a level of rediculousness.

I take it you did not watch any of the tP event when Beck was speaking?
He was clearly a leader to those people there.
Ahh yes Alcohol addiction is a disease, but meth heads are just drug addicts.

I never said that.
Read up on the 12 step program of recovery.
Drug addiction is most certainly a disease.
Actually, the disease is the addictive personality...many have it and dont even know it. They find out they have it once they try a drug or alcohol.

I think it is mainly a genetic thing.

here is one benetic factor:

Variation In Bitter-Taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2006) — A team of researchers, led by investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has found that a gene variant for a bitter-taste receptor on the tongue is associated with an increased risk for alcohol dependence. The research team studied DNA samples from 262 families, all of which have at least three alcoholic individuals. The families are participating in a national study called the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). COGA investigators report in the January issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics on the variation in a taste receptor gene on chromosome 7 called TAS2R16.


See Also:
Health & Medicine
•Personalized Medicine
•Gene Therapy
Mind & Brain
•Racial Issues
•Taste bud
•Vector (biology)
•Introduction to genetics
"In earlier work, we had identified chromosome 7 as a region where there was likely to be a gene influencing alcoholism risk," says principal investigator Alison M. Goate, D. Phil., the Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Genetics in Psychiatry at Washington University. "There's a cluster of bitter-taste receptor genes on that chromosome, and there have been several papers suggesting drinking behaviors might be influenced by variations within taste receptors. So we decided to look closely at these taste receptor genes."

Because taste receptors tend to vary a lot in the general population, Goate and colleagues had the opportunity to look at a large number of differences in genetic sequences and determine whether certain sequences might influence risk. In this study, they concentrated on TAS2R16, which helps regulate the response to bitter tastes.

They found a single base variation in the TAS2R16 receptor gene that seemed to put people at an increased risk for alcoholism. In cell culture experiments, Goate found that the variant receptor produced by this gene was less responsive to bitter compounds.

"The more common variant is more sensitive to bitter tastes, and people with that variant had a lower risk of being alcohol dependent," Goate says.

Variation In Bitter-taste Receptor Gene Increases Risk For Alcoholism

So alcoholics tend to be more tasteless.

Some tell me that alcohol is tasteless. It tastes like horrible to me and spoils the taste fo food consumed with it.

If you spent as much time studying and researching what Glenn says, you might understand that he isnt that far off base in his analysis of politics in America.

He was spot on in that segment too.... this silly PC crap has got to stop.

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