Hilarious~"Pelosi, Schumer go off on Trump in fiery press conference"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
like anybody cares about Pelousy and Schumer scum.....
They look like they're gonna cry. This is great! OMG, the President is going to get THE WALL to protect American citizens....funny these 2 assclowns voted for a wall in 2006!!

FLASHBACK: That Time All Of America's Top Dems Voted To Fund Bush's Border Wall | The ...
The Daily Caller › 2016/11/15

Nov 15, 2016 · Chuck Schumer, who is set to take over leadership of the ... Other Democrats in the Senate who voted for the wall in 2006 are Sens

They're so mad that he's outmaneuvered them again.

They'll have to stop this national security thingy......and keep the drugs and illegals pouring in.
Come on Chuckie let's see those phony tears again "Mr. President the wall is is just mean *sniff sniff*" :boo_hoo14:
What's hilarious is that they thought they had Trump on the ropes. They thought they had taken everything from him. To seal their nefarious deal they were going to threaten his support.

They should have compromised because a man with nothing to lose is a very dangerous man. They have given him permission to literally DO anything. By complaining about everything he did, good, bad or indifferent, he has the freedom to give them something to complain about.
They look like they're gonna cry. This is great! OMG, the President is going to get THE WALL to protect American citizens....funny these 2 assclowns voted for a wall in 2006!!

FLASHBACK: That Time All Of America's Top Dems Voted To Fund Bush's Border Wall | The ...
The Daily Caller › 2016/11/15

Nov 15, 2016 · Chuck Schumer, who is set to take over leadership of the ... Other Democrats in the Senate who voted for the wall in 2006 are Sens

Nazi palousey is just pissed because of the crow she's eating about now. She said the house didn't have the votes to pass the 5 billion for the wall, wrong again nazi, the house passed a bill with that funding tonight.

The DopeyRATS get NOTHING, Trump gets the $5 BILLION....Now that $1.5 BILLION OFFER looks good, instead of smelling like skunks!

They look like they're gonna cry. This is great! OMG, the President is going to get THE WALL to protect American citizens....funny these 2 assclowns voted for a wall in 2006!!

FLASHBACK: That Time All Of America's Top Dems Voted To Fund Bush's Border Wall | The ...
The Daily Caller › 2016/11/15

Nov 15, 2016 · Chuck Schumer, who is set to take over leadership of the ... Other Democrats in the Senate who voted for the wall in 2006 are Sens

I think Schumer is one of the most disingenuous people I've seen, and Pelosi is retarded.
So the House passed the bill and the Senate won't be far behind.

Hope they start construction on the wall ASAP.
They look like they're gonna cry. This is great! OMG, the President is going to get THE WALL to protect American citizens....funny these 2 assclowns voted for a wall in 2006!!

FLASHBACK: That Time All Of America's Top Dems Voted To Fund Bush's Border Wall | The ...
The Daily Caller › 2016/11/15

Nov 15, 2016 · Chuck Schumer, who is set to take over leadership of the ... Other Democrats in the Senate who voted for the wall in 2006 are Sens

Nothing but lip service from them...........how about they pass the 5.7 Billion house bill and STFU...........

Those same assclowns supported handing 160 billion to Iran but not 5 billion to improve our border security.........back in 2006 they were all for a wall for votes....

Nothing has changed with those liberal rejects........to hell with them........and there snake oil.

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