Hilarious! Republicans are saying Democrats won't work with them hoping to spread the blame

I oppose it because it's unconstitutional and non workable.

1. SCOTUS ruled it was Constitutional, so you gotta drop that silly argument.
2. If it's so unworkable, then it shouldn't still be around. But 7 years of this law in effect and it's still getting new patients to sign up for insurance, as the uninsured rate continues to decline to historic lows.

What's unworkable is any solution Conservatives have...because they have no idea what it is they want.

I am not an idiot like you who only thinks in terms of how they affect me in the here and now. I can actually entertain ideas and concepts that may or may not have an immediate, discernible physical affect on me at this moment.

So you're just fighting an ideological battle, then, and don't care if that battle you are fighting ends up hurting you in the end? Talk about stupid.
Poor Republicans got all they wanted; the presidency, all of Congress, a conservative SC, a majority of the governorships, and most of the State Houses! Now WHAT? Ya got it and now don't know what to do with it! Been listening to BS of repeal/replace the ACA for 8 years with 60+ pieces of legislation to do so and now The Senate's as limp as day old pasta! Those same governors toeing the party line up to now are beggin' Trump not to cut the subsidies they get from Obamacare! IDK how they can work with Dems after demonizing them for all this time, making it seem like it should be all or nothing! We're all going to lose with this game playing on both sides! :bang3: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Socialist Single Payer will effect us all...

No it won't. All it does is change the entity that reimburses your provider. Instead of a for-profit private company doing it, the government does it. There exists no benefit to having the private entity reimburse your provider as opposed to Medicare doing it. It's not even a transaction you are a part of.

The only thing single payer will affect is making it possible for you to see any doctor you want. You can't do that in a private insurance system unless you pay exorbitant out-of-pocket costs for a provider outside your network.
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

You're as out of touch with reality as the Democrats you support, R-Derp! You want to know what the Democratic Party is now? It's a bunch of doddering old career politicians refusing to give up power but having zero ideas that would improve the lives of average Americans! Did you know that the average age of Democratic leadership in the House is 76 years old? For Republicans...it's 49! Even the liberal Huffington Post sees the problem. One of their recent headlines read: "Democratic leadership looks like the old Soviet Politburo." That isn't factual however because the average age of the Politburo before it collapsed was only 70.

This is REALITY, little buddy...Mary Kate Cary wrote an editorial in the USA Today that pointed out the following:

"Roughly 80% of us now live in states partially or totally controlled by Republicans. Two thirds of our nation's governors are now GOP and an all time high 69 of 99 state legislatures now have Republican majorities. In half of our 50 states, both the state legislature and the governorship are controlled by Republicans. Republicans also control Congress and the White House and have appointed a majority of justices on the Supreme Court."

You've lost more than 1,030 seats nationally since 2009! You know why your leaders are pushing the "Russia" narrative? Because they're desperate to keep idiots like yourself from stepping back and saying "Whoa...these people have ruined the Democratic Party!" That's REALITY!!!
You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.
Congress is supposed to work together for the good of all Americans. Somewhere along the line ( between 2009-2016) you boneheads lost track of that.

You mean when the Democrats locked out the Republicans on discussing and drafting legislation for healthcare? You're right, but you are calling the wrong people boneheads. It's all in the record if you want to consult it over repeating what you're told. It's a little difficult facing reality at first, but it gets easier the longer you do it. Go ahead, give it a try. You'll feel better about yourself.
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.
It was working a helluva lot better than the ACA....

No it wasn't. Just bankruptcies from medical costs alone has been cut nearly in half thanks to the ACA:

Stop confusing Easy with facts. It will totally shake up his entire body.

"Facts" like shit coming out of every orifice? Yeah, you're just full of facts. What would this forum be without your valuable input of "facts"?
The way it was in 2008 was vastly superior to this fiasco.

No, it was not. For one, there were about twice as many bankruptcies related to medical costs. For two, nearly 50,000,000 people weren't even covered. For three, the rate of premium and deductible growth was higher than the rates post-ACA.

Conservatives simply don't know what they want...all they know is what they don't want. That makes their opposition childish.
What is pathetic is that the stupid Democrats are preventing needed changes to that disastrous Obamcare by not supporting the needed improvements and then blaming the Republicans because they won't fix what the Democrats broke.

Republicans and Conservatives don't want to fix it, they want to repeal it entirely and replace it with something else. The problem is they had 7 years to come up with "something else" and they couldn't. The reality is that you cannot guarantee universal coverage and maintain profits for private insurers.

Repealing it is fixing it because is was always a disaster.

The Democrats broke it by passing the stupid bill along strict party lines and now like little chickenshits they are blaming the Republicans for not fixing what they broke.

Typical Liberal partisan politics and is is despicable.

The improvements to the plan is not passing just because a few Republicans are holds out for a better repeal. The improvements are not going to be made because 46 asshole Democrats joined by two shtihead Independents that always vote Democrat won't vote for it. They are responsible.

I don't know why the stupid Moon Bats are so against the Republican Plan. It is Obamacare Light. It is the bill that the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if the idiots had even bothered to read what they were voting on. It still maintains massive government control over health care and the subsidies to the filthy ass welfare queens. A Liberal's wet dream.
Why can't they get anything done? They don't need the Democrats to pass legislation. Why haven't they passed anything meaningful in six months?
WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

Who needs Democrats?

You WON...that is what you keep reminding us
What hasn't a single important piece of legislation been passed in six months?
You realize you don't need the Dems don't you?
Republicans know Democrats will not support them. The GOP wrote the playbook on ruling as a minority, Dems are just following their example

Trump called all the GOP Senators to the White House yesterday in an attempt to muscle them into supporting Trumpcare. They told him to go fuck himself. Republicans can't even build a coalition with their own members....why would they expect Dems to join?

"Ruling as a minority." Uh huh, sure......they ruled with Harry Reid personally sitting on over 350 bills for 2 years. He was a dictator that single handedly brought Congress to a screeching halt. Of course he showed his shriveled little face on TV each day blaming the Republicans for obstruction and the media parroted what he said. The truth is out there, Reid ruled and no one else. He held the key to bills being heard, debated and voted on and he didn't allow it. So the Republicans "ruling as a minority" is comic fiction.

"Trumpcare". You can try to hang the new healthcare on him like Obamacare was hung on Obama, but it won't work. Trump isn't pushing anything in particular like Barack was. All he is doing is calling the leadership in and telling them to get off their collective asses and grow a set of balls. The healthcare bill belongs to Congress, not him.
Well I agree Orange Don doesn't give a shit what's in the bills.

He does not know how to read
He can barely sign his name
Who needs Democrats?
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.
The stupid Democrats forget that they lost 62 seats in Congress in 2010 mostly because they passed that filthy ass Obamacare. They think a winning strategy for the 2018 election will be to continue with the disastrous Obamcare when it is at the point of failing and astronomically running up the cost of insurance premiums.

No wonder they lost 1,000 nationwide seats, the Congress and the Presidency. They are idiots.
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

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