Hilarious! Republicans are saying Democrats won't work with them hoping to spread the blame

Here we go again! The GOP again, going against the will of the people and it's not even close.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll - June 2017: ACA, Replacement Plan, and Medicaid
Medicaid, which Republicans want to slash by $800 billion? The public's support for Medicaid?
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

With your kind of winning, you guys might as well stay in bed! You have all this power and can't do a thing with it! You have the biggest megaphone in Trump's MOUTH and y'all can't get a damned thing done! You've passed ZERO pieces of meaningful legislation; NO ACA REPEAL, no tax cuts, no infrastructure bills, and watching our dignity and respectability "circle the drain!" :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Who needs Democrats?
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.


Eight years of observing how the GOP playbook works. Republicans have not exactly built up any good will with the Democratic lawmakers. They can't exactly say......remember that bill I helped you out on?
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

With your kind of winning, you guys might as well stay in bed! You have all this power and can't do a thing with it! You have the biggest megaphone in Trump's MOUTH and y'all can get a damned thing done! You've passed ZERO pieces of meaningful legislation; NO ACA REPEAL, no tax cuts, no infrastructure bills, and watching our dignity and respectability "circle the drain!" :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Amazing that with a Republican in the White House, a Republican House, A Republican Senate and a stolen Supreme Court they still cannot get anything done
With your kind of winning, you guys might as well stay in bed! You have all this power and can't do a thing with it!
Defeated Hillary
1 USSC Judge Appointed - more to follow
Obama 'Legacy' Being wiped out
Democratic party / Obama administration crimes exposed
More losses added to DNC's 1,000+ total

Need a tissue? :p
The stupid Democrats forget that they lost 62 seats in Congress in 2010 mostly because they passed that filthy ass Obamacare. They think a winning strategy for the 2018 election will be to continue with the disastrous Obamcare when it is at the point of failing and astronomically running up the cost of insurance premiums.

No wonder they lost 1,000 nationwide seats, the Congress and the Presidency. They are idiots.

Lets see how Republicans do with Trumpcare
It is even less popular than Obamacare
Amazing that with a Republican in the White House, a Republican House, A Republican Senate and a stolen Supreme Court they still cannot get anything done
With a little fiddle music, this butt-hurt snowflake whine could be a country music song...

"I lost my house, my truck, my dog, my wife, the House the Senate, and the White House...."

Gloom, despair, and agony on me...Whooooaaaa.


I oppose it because it's unconstitutional and non workable.

1. SCOTUS ruled it was Constitutional, so you gotta drop that silly argument.
2. If it's so unworkable, then it shouldn't still be around. But 7 years of this law in effect and it's still getting new patients to sign up for insurance, as the uninsured rate continues to decline to historic lows.

What's unworkable is any solution Conservatives have...because they have no idea what it is they want.

I am not an idiot like you who only thinks in terms of how they affect me in the here and now. I can actually entertain ideas and concepts that may or may not have an immediate, discernible physical affect on me at this moment.

So you're just fighting an ideological battle, then, and don't care if that battle you are fighting ends up hurting you in the end? Talk about stupid.

You do realize that new patients are signing up because they are required to by law under penalty of a fine deducted thru the IRS, correct? They aren't signing up because they want to, but because they have to. Imagine if you were required by law to read the Bible daily and then write a short report on what you read and post it to a government site daily or have to pay a fine at the end of the year. You can make people do anything you want if you make it law and penalize them for not doing it. ACA "growth" is enforced by law and penalties, not because people think it's great and want it. But you already knew that didn't you?
Lets see how Republicans do with Trumpcare
It is even less popular than Obamacare
Since nothing has been passed yet, there is no such thing as 'Trump-care. Americans are still stuck with the collapsing Obamacare.
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

/----- Dems worked hard at cutting back room deals so they could get their share of the pork and nothing more.

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"It's all the Republicans' fault that Obamacare is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country, bar none!"

Obamacare is far from the worst thing to happen to the country. In fact, it is a good thing because it resulted in 24,000,000 more people getting health insurance coverage who previously didn't have it. It also extended the solvency of Medicare's Trust by a dozen years, and eliminated pre-existing conditions.

Is that worse than a financial collapse caused by trickle-down, deregulatory, right-wing economic policies? No. Is that worse than Bush the Dumber letting al Qaeda fly planes into the Twin Towers? No. Is it worse than the Iraq War? No. Is it worse than the Great Depression, the Civil War, Jim Crow, or segregation? No. Is it worse than Pearl Harbor? No. Is it worse than the War of 1812? No. Is it worse than genocide against Native Americans? No. Is it worse than slavery? No.

So let's forego the melodrama.

/----- So the collapse of obozocare is all the Republicans fault even though not one voted for it. Well I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning this morning and it's all your fault. So there.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

With your kind of winning, you guys might as well stay in bed! You have all this power and can't do a thing with it! You have the biggest megaphone in Trump's MOUTH and y'all can't get a damned thing done! You've passed ZERO pieces of meaningful legislation; NO ACA REPEAL, no tax cuts, no infrastructure bills, and watching our dignity and respectability "circle the drain!" :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Career politicians are money grubbing morons on both sides of the fence. Electing Trump was a message to all of them. Democrats have been voted out across the board since 2010 until they became nothing more than a regional party......without even realizing it. If the Republicans in Congress are too stupid to read the writing on the wall and get things done, they will be replaced in the mid-terms with new conservative candidates who will.
The way it was in 2008 was vastly superior to this fiasco.

No, it was not. For one, there were about twice as many bankruptcies related to medical costs. For two, nearly 50,000,000 people weren't even covered. For three, the rate of premium and deductible growth was higher than the rates post-ACA.

Conservatives simply don't know what they want...all they know is what they don't want. That makes their opposition childish.
Majority of the pre 2010 backruptcies were due to the democrat orchestrated collapse of the housing market. You will notice the drop in new bankruptcy filings coincide with the GOP taking control in the House.
Who needs Democrats?
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.


Eight years of observing how the GOP playbook works. Republicans have not exactly built up any good will with the Democratic lawmakers. They can't exactly say......remember that bill I helped you out on?

Was it one of the 350+ bills that Democrat Harry Reid sat on that caused Democrats who couldn't show anything back home to lose elections at a record pace? It wouldn't have mattered if a Republican had helped on a bill when you have a dictator controlling the bills and holding them for 2 years. Remember that when you point your finger, you have 3 pointing back at you. The whole speck in your eye thing......
Amazing that with a Republican in the White House, a Republican House, A Republican Senate and a stolen Supreme Court they still cannot get anything done
With a little fiddle music, this butt-hurt snowflake whine could be a country music song...

"I lost my house, my truck, my dog, my wife, the House the Senate, and the White House...."

Gloom, despair, and agony on me...Whooooaaaa.

View attachment 136011


I don't know about gloomy
I got what I wanted when Dems had control

Why can't Republicans deliver what you were promised?

Where is that balanced budget?
Why hasn't Obamacare been repealed?
Why isn't Hillary in jail?
Where is that wall?
I thought we were pulling out of NAFTA?
Repealing it is fixing it because is was always a disaster.

OK, so you repeal it and replace it with what? That's what Conservatives seem unable to say. Mostly because Conservatives don't know what it is they want because they either don't know or don't want to know how health insurance works and what insurance companies actually do. So they're reduced to platitudes like "free market solutions" or "market-based solutions" without even knowing what that even means.

The Democrats broke it by passing the stupid bill along strict party lines and now like little chickenshits they are blaming the Republicans for not fixing what they broke.Typical Liberal partisan politics and is is despicable.

They system is far from broken. 24,000,000 more people are insured now than pre-ACA. Premiums and deductibles have risen, but they've always done so and at higher rates than now. Prior to the ACA, there was no guarantee that an insurance company wouldn't decide to kick you off your plan one day. In fact, that happened routinely before the ACA. No one asked Republicans to fix something that they're not even sure of how it's broken. That's the problem; you guys can't seem to come up with an idea of what you want the reform to look like. You fall back on platitudes and vague generalizations and hope your lack of effort and sloppy work don't get exposed. It's not working. You can scream about Obamacare all day, but until you have an idea of what system you want, all you're contributing to the discussion is noise.

The improvements to the plan is not passing just because a few Republicans are holds out for a better repeal.

So the last 60+ times they voted to repeal, those weren't sufficient? You can repeal Obamacare all you'd like, if you don't have a viable replacement then you're just pounding sand. Conservatives have no viable plan because Conservatives don't know what they want. All they know is what they don't want, which is a very childish way to approach things. Also, incredibly lazy and sloppy.

The improvements are not going to be made because 46 asshole Democrats joined by two shtihead Independents that always vote Democrat won't vote for it. They are responsible.

You are under the mistaken impression the GOP bill improves anything. The CBO says very plainly that it doesn't. 22,000,000 people would lose coverage because Conservatives have no idea what they're doing. That's why the bill was pulled. Not because of Democrats but because Conservatives are pretty useless when it comes to policy and governance.

I don't know why the stupid Moon Bats are so against the Republican Plan. It is Obamacare Light. It is the bill that the Democrats should have passed in 2009 if the idiots had even bothered to read what they were voting on. It still maintains massive government control over health care and the subsidies to the filthy ass welfare queens. A Liberal's wet dream.

How does it maintain government control over health care? Explain that, please.
Who needs Democrats?
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.


Eight years of observing how the GOP playbook works. Republicans have not exactly built up any good will with the Democratic lawmakers. They can't exactly say......remember that bill I helped you out on?

Was it one of the 350+ bills that Democrat Harry Reid sat on that caused Democrats who couldn't show anything back home to lose elections at a record pace? It wouldn't have mattered if a Republican had helped on a bill when you have a dictator controlling the bills and holding them for 2 years. Remember that when you point your finger, you have 3 pointing back at you. The whole speck in your eye thing......

Reid applied the same standard of 60 votes that Republicans insisted the Democrats have to bring a bill to the floor

How many of those 350 "Repeal Obamacare" bills had 60 votes?
Let me count......Ummmmmm...None
Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

Enough with this shit. Conservatives have been bullshitting about Obamacare since day one. Now that they have full control, the hollowness and emptiness of their arguments are coming to light. Conservatives will never be able to reform the system because Conservatives don't even know what system they want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a very lazy, sloppy, and childish way to approach policy.
different spelling to his name....but posting same old shit....
Did rdweeb get banned?
All of the REPEAT the same thread posters should be KICKED out for good. SAME shit different name trying to stick the same lie over and over it is the liberal way. I aint a mod though so I may just have to BAN myself from the threads they start so they can talk to each other and they will feel like all is great in their world. It is a good strategy, let them think everything is going their way, they are prepared to win, then slap them down like a tennis ball.

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