Hilarious! Republicans are saying Democrats won't work with them hoping to spread the blame

most people i know their insurance coverage went down and premiums went up on obama care.

And right here is the problem with all right-wingers...they have no facts to support their argument, so instead they rely on anecdotes and unverifiable personal circumstances to lend their argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have. Strip out all your references to anecdotes and "what you've heard", and you'll find that Conservative posts are hollow. If you cannot make an argument on facts that can be verified, then you're not making an argument, you're just spitting conjecture. You wouldn't believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady, so why the fuck should I believe you when you say things about yourself or what you've "heard" that no one else has? It's called accountability, and it is something seriously lacking in your posts.

couple that with many places simply not accepting it - how is what we have from obamacare any good at all?

Simply not accepting what? What places? What are you talking about? Obamacare isn't an insurance plan, it's a marketplace where insurance plans compete on a level playing field for customers. This is what I mean when I say Conservatives have no idea what they're talking about, have no idea what reform they want to do, and don't even have an idea of what system they want to see. They're just contrarians at this point, saying they don't like anything so they don't have to do the hard work of actually thinking of an idea because they are by nature incredibly lazy and sloppy people with poor work ethics. If they did, they'd come to find that there's really no better way to reform Obamacare unless we either introduced a public option, or went full single payer. There's no other path forward than those, or returning to the system pre-ACA. You need to grow up and get a grip.

put aside the republicans planning for now - how is obamacare "working" today?

Working just fine. It's accomplishing its goal of lowering the uninsured rate. Premium increases have been the same as, or below what they were pre-ACA. All the Conservative lies in the world won't change those facts.
The Healthcare issue is pure political theater.
Everyone in Washington knows that there is an ongoing Healthcare crisis and that the ONLY solution is socialized Healthcare.
The root of the crisis is excessive medical costs.
Republicans and most Democrats know that their constituents are not ready to go for socialized healthcare, so they're putting on a big theatrical act for us.
Eventually, their political dancing will lead to socialized Health Care.

We don't even need socialized health care. All we need is socialized health insurance.
You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

How soon you forget:

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama | TIME.com
Only idiots conflate "conservatives" with "republicans"..and only idiots conflate in-office "Republicans" with their constituents.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = "Libertarian" = Klansmen

Same shit, different polish.
/----- So the collapse of obozocare is all the Republicans fault
/---- I take the word of the Washington Post over
Obamacare isn't collapsing. Conservatives are lying about it, just like they've been lying about it from the start. If it was collapsing, then there wouldn't be 24,000,000 people with insurance coverage now who previously didn't have it. And that number continues to climb every year. So, we are back to Conservative fantasy clashing with reality. On top of that, Conservatives don't even know what it is they want the system to look like. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a very childish and lazy way to approach policy, particularly when you're the governing party in control.
/---- Why the Obamacare collapse is exactly what Obama and Clinton want
This week, the (Obama) administration implicitly conceded that Obamacare is being smothered by an array of existential problems. Average premiums, they said, will spike by a whopping 25 percent next year. And that’s a low-ball estimate, given that premiums in places like Arizona are increasing by a staggering 116 percent and Oklahoma by a breathtaking 69 percent.

The administration also admitted that at least 20 percent of consumers will have only one health insurer from which to choose. With less or no competition, costs will continue to rise while choice shrinks. So much for keeping your plan and doctor. You’ll be lucky to even find a doctor at all. Physicians are leaving Medicare in droves because of the pittances paid to them in reimbursement.

Subsidies are also disappearing, Obamacare co-ops are collapsing, fewer people are enrolling and loss ratios are soaring. The long-anticipated death spiral is here.
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

Where's the common ground?

Well repealing it of course. The Americans just voted in spades to do so. If you think that's deplorable, there is always North Korea, Cuba for you.
When are they going to offer us something better?
when is anyone going to offer us something better than the crap that is out there?...

Why should they have to?
so you just want to keep paying the ridiculous prices we are paying now?..
Get rid of mandatory insurance, and the ridiculous prices will subside.

Additional insurance won't fix it. You need to get out of that rut. Socialism doesn't work just because someone says it will.
i never had mandatory ins....everything i have ever had i either worked for it or paid for it...and private ins companies and drug companies wont lower their prices and make things affordable just because someone says they will......
I never said you had mandatory insurance. I said we need to get rid of mandatory insurance.
At the meeting with the Chicago Cubs at the White House, President ding dong said you're going it be getting a " big surprise" on the HC bill.
I think Ding Dong is in the early stages of dementia.
Why can't they get anything done? They don't need the Democrats to pass legislation. Why haven't they passed anything meaningful in six months?
WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?
Bozo can't explain the R's total futility having both houses of Congress and theWH.
So he does what he always does. Change the subject.
Own your failure motherfucker.
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

Again a fox news watcher. Where's your link proving the dems did not include the pubs, but pubs wanted nothing to with it except for a couple of amendments that were included.
I'm fine with allowing Obamacare to fail and burn the Democratic party to the ground. :muahaha: Before its over Dems will come begging us on their knees to deal with the Obamacare fiasco.
RDerp I have a question for you.

Democrats made the mess we're in now with healthcare. Republicans ran on righting the ship.

How is the CURRENT debacle not on both? Democrats broke it. Republicans seemingly can't fix it.

Looks like BOTH are responsible to me.
most people i know their insurance coverage went down and premiums went up on obama care.

And right here is the problem with all right-wingers...they have no facts to support their argument, so instead they rely on anecdotes and unverifiable personal circumstances to lend their argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have. Strip out all your references to anecdotes and "what you've heard", and you'll find that Conservative posts are hollow. If you cannot make an argument on facts that can be verified, then you're not making an argument, you're just spitting conjecture. You wouldn't believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady, so why the fuck should I believe you when you say things about yourself or what you've "heard" that no one else has? It's called accountability, and it is something seriously lacking in your posts.

couple that with many places simply not accepting it - how is what we have from obamacare any good at all?

Simply not accepting what? What places? What are you talking about? Obamacare isn't an insurance plan, it's a marketplace where insurance plans compete on a level playing field for customers. This is what I mean when I say Conservatives have no idea what they're talking about, have no idea what reform they want to do, and don't even have an idea of what system they want to see. They're just contrarians at this point, saying they don't like anything so they don't have to do the hard work of actually thinking of an idea because they are by nature incredibly lazy and sloppy people with poor work ethics. If they did, they'd come to find that there's really no better way to reform Obamacare unless we either introduced a public option, or went full single payer. There's no other path forward than those, or returning to the system pre-ACA. You need to grow up and get a grip.

put aside the republicans planning for now - how is obamacare "working" today?

Working just fine. It's accomplishing its goal of lowering the uninsured rate. Premium increases have been the same as, or below what they were pre-ACA. All the Conservative lies in the world won't change those facts.
um i talked to the dude directly as he is a friend of mine. so if you want to call him a liar, up to you.

maybe you are the one not knowing what you are talking about.
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

It is not the job of the Congress to work together and get along… less laws and regulations the better.
Nope, no replacement. Just let it die. And let all the idiots who forced it on us, die with it.

If it dies then Republicans will get the blame. They have done everything they can to undermine it. The insurance companies who have recently dropped out cite Republican refusal to say whether they will continue the subsidies. Trump has even suggested he could resort to blackmail by providing the subsidies on a month by month basis.

You know so little it's mind boggling.
Chuck Schumer stated he'd love to work on a HC bill if they took the total repeal of Obamacare off the table.
Was that before or after he said Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing everything the GOP and Trump wanted to do.

And again, Democrats LOST - they are NOT the majority - they don't get to demand / set conditions that MUST be followed, as if they still were the majority anywhere.

Democrats had their chance running everything. You failed - the ACA has failed. You / the DNC has been rejected. Another agenda / set of ideas was embraced. You don't get to demand the people's voice / desires get ignored - again - in favor of what Democrats want.

Wake up and smell reality.

Republicans decided to cut everybody but a handful of Republicans out of the drafting of the bill. They refused to reach out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and put together something that would have a extremely negative impact on his state. Republicans may be a majority but that does not mean they are on the same page.

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

Again a fox news watcher. Where's your link proving the dems did not include the pubs, but pubs wanted nothing to with it except for a couple of amendments that were included.
heh after cnn busts you are going to pull the media card?
eplace it with nothing.

Not a realistic solution.

We don't need the filthy ass government telling us what we have to have in our insurance policies, how our doctors and insurance companies should conduct their business and we sure as hell don't need the oppressive government taking our money away and giving it to the welfare queens.

First of all, Obamacare does not tell insurance companies how to conduct their business. The "business" an insurance company does is administration. That's it. Insurance companies profit when they deny care and coverage. So you cannot guarantee universal coverage as Trump has done, and maintain profits for insurers. The two are in existential conflict. Secondly, the importance of having defined essential benefits is that it levels the playing field for insurers to compete with one another for your premiums. Also, that's what insurance plans on the SHOP marketplace do because they're group plans that end up costing less per patient. And don't you want competition? Without the essential benefits, the playing field is tilted to bigger insurers who can get away with offering bare-bones plans next to "Cadillac" plans where smaller companies cannot. And that's not even getting to the entire function an insurance company serves in your health care; administration. I have yet to hear a compelling argument as to why the entity that reimburses your doctor has to be for-profit, and how it being for-profit does anything to improve or enhance the care you receive. All it does is restrict access to care. You don't get to pick your doctor. You must first pick an insurance plan and then you pick your doctor. That seems backwards, doesn't it? What does the insurer have to do with your doctor providing care? Who are insurance companies to dictate what doctors you can and cannot see?

I don't know what you are bitching about. Before Obamacare everybody in the US got health care even if they couldn't afford it.

At the expense of everyone else by way of higher premiums and deductibles. Do you think medical costs for people without insurance just disappear if the patient cannot pay? What planet do you live on?

Not having insurance did not mean you couldn't get health care if you couldn't afford it. The only thing Obamacare really changed is that it use to be that the filthy ass welfare queens had to go to a county or state clinic or a free hospital or be on some stupid government welfare plan. The thing that is so despicable about Obamacare is that it established an entitlement for a welfare queen to get the same insurance that the paying customers get and the paying customers have to pay for it and that is the wrong thing to have.

Anyone who gets Obamacare subsidies is employed. The subsidies are income based. If you are not employed, you get put into Medicaid. See, this is what I'm talking about when I say Conservatives have no fucking idea. No clue at all. You don't even understand the law you oppose so much. That's because you've been lied to for 7 years by Conservatives who have convinced you Obamacare is this awful, terrible thing that had to be repealed immediately...only now, when faced with the responsibilities of governance, do Conservatives suddenly say it's "OK if it's not repealed". So which is it? Is it this thing that has to be replaced immediately or not????

y the way, Moon Bat if your measurement of success is how many people have insurance then by that metric Obamacare is a failure because there are 24 million people in the US now without health insurance.

That number would be lower had Conservative death panels in red states expanded Medicaid. Conservatives are the ones who have made sure there are that many uninsured people. So that's on you guys. We can get universal coverage if we had single payer or, at minimum a Public Option with automatic enrollment. But you oppose those things and offer no solutions of your own to get that number down further. Anything you propose raises it. That's because Conservatives don't even fucking know a thing about the system they are so desperate to reform. That's why there wasn't a plan ready to go on day one, and that's why the plans they did end up proposing are awful.

The filthy ass government maintains control over health care by dictating the requirements of a policy

Well, the government also sets standards for automobiles, planes, and motorcycles...so does that mean government has control over transportation. All Obamacare does is set a level playing field where insurers can compete for customers. If insurers choose not to participate in the exchanges, then that just proves the point that you cannot guarantee universal coverage and maintain corporate profits. No system will allow that to happen no matter what. So you all have to be honest with yourselves and ask; what is it that you actually want? Nothing you said in your post gives any indication. In fact, you're taking the laziest approach possible and saying not to replace Obamacare with anything. So what do you think will happen if that's the case? What does the industry look like without Obamacare, realistically?

influencing rates by stiffing interstate competition, imposing taxes, establishing onerous record keeping requirements and by giving away free insurance policy the welfare queens, who are mostly idiotic Democrat voters. .

The reason why insurance isn't sold across state lines (it is allowed in some states, like GA) is because each state regulates health insurance differently. That's thanks to your beloved 10th Amendment. The taxes imposed, as we've learned from the CBO, are on the wealthy and in the 7 years Obamacare has been around, the wealthy people got wealthier. The record keeping thing...ummm....you don't think medical records should be digitized? Do you even understand the resources required to handle all-paper medical processes? Completely stupid. The true welfare queens are the employers who don't provide their workers with coverage, or who pay their workers so little they qualify for Obamacare subsidies. So Obamacare is welfare alright...but not for people. For corporations.

This stupid Obamacare bill has been a disaster for this country. It ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles and greatly limited the choices the American people. It even taxes the American people that chose to have a really good health care policy. Obama lied to all of us when he said that if you like your docotr you can keep your doctor because it limited the access to free market health care. He also lies to us about saving every family $2500 a year.

1. Premiums were rising at faster rates pre-ACA than post-ACA. Same with deductibles and co-pays. And to the co-pay and deductibles, I thought Conservatives wanted patients to "put more skin in the game". Don't deductibles and co-pays achieve that goal? This is what I mean when I say you people have no idea what it is you actually want because you don't understand this thing at all.

2. The people who have "really good coverage" should pay taxes on that. Just like they pay taxes on any luxury good. Of course, if we had a single payer system, this wouldn't even be an issue. There'd only be one entity reimbursing providers instead of dozens. How's that for efficiency?

3. Yes, Obama should not have made that promise. Bad on him for that. But it was 7 years ago, and if you still can't find a doctor now then it's not on Obama, it's on you. It's called personal responsibility, and it used to be something Conservatives said they believed. And no, Obamacare didn't limit access to free market health care. The limiting of access is done by insurance companies who set up provider networks. That's why you can't go see any doctor you want, even though you should. Don't you think you should be able to see any doctor you want? If so, why do you think people should first have to get an insurance plan? Because unless you pay full costs out of pocket, you need insurance to visit the doctor.

4. He did not lie about saving the average family $2,500. In fact, there's a hilarious (and sad) story of Julie Boonstra. You remember her, right? She was the fat, ugly sow who starred in a few Koch-produced ads ahead of the 2012 election where she went on camera and cried crocodile tears about how Obamacare caused her insurance plan to disappear, or cost more money, or...forgot what excuse she used. So convinced was she that when confronted with the realities of her insurance company saying that no, in fact, her plan was not cancelled and that she would save exactly $2,400 thanks to the ACA, her response was "I choose not to believe that." So that's where we are at with you people; you actively choose not to accept or believe facts.

Obamacare has been a lie from the beginning when it was passed along party lines by partisan Democrat assholes that never even bothered to read what was in the damn bill.

Oh they read the bill. They worked on it for about a year. When Pelosi said "we have to pass it so we can know what's in it...away from the fog of controversy" that you people were spreading while the law was being written. She said it had to be passed so people knew that what Conservatives were saying were bullshit and lies. And 7 years later, that is as true today as it was back then.

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