Hilarious! Republicans are saying Democrats won't work with them hoping to spread the blame

Imagine what Trump would have accomplished by now if he had a Democratic Congress?

Same as he has accomplished with a Republican Congress
Get rid of mandatory insurance, and the ridiculous prices will subside.

There was no mandate for insurance pre-ACA and premiums rose at faster rates.

Additional insurance won't fix it. You need to get out of that rut. Socialism doesn't work just because someone says it will.

Socialism seems to work fine in many areas and places. We rank #32 according to the WHO when it comes to health care systems.
i never had mandatory ins....everything i have ever had i either worked for it or paid for it...and private ins companies and drug companies wont lower their prices and make things affordable just because someone says they will......

So long as for-profit insurance exists, health care costs will never decline.
/---- Why the Obamacare collapse is exactly what Obama and Clinton want
This week, the (Obama) administration implicitly conceded that Obamacare is being smothered by an array of existential problems. Average premiums, they said, will spike by a whopping 25 percent next year. And that’s a low-ball estimate, given that premiums in places like Arizona are increasing by a staggering 116 percent and Oklahoma by a breathtaking 69 percent.

OK, but that's premium increases absent of subsidies. So while the premium cost may shoot up, so do the subsidies to cover it. We wouldn't have this problem if Conservatives had simply agreed to a Public Option, which would have provided a check on the private insurers to keep their costs low. Obamacare was designed to prove you cannot provide universal coverage and maintain profits for insurance companies. So Conservatives have a choice to make; insurance company profits or patient needs? Because you can't have both.

The administration also admitted that at least 20 percent of consumers will have only one health insurer from which to choose. With less or no competition, costs will continue to rise while choice shrinks. So much for keeping your plan and doctor. You’ll be lucky to even find a doctor at all. Physicians are leaving Medicare in droves because of the pittances paid to them in reimbursement.

Medicare could easily up its reimbursement rate by raising the Medicare tax. That's how it should be done as the Boomers enter old age. So that's an easy fix. As for the dwindling choices of insurers, here's the thing...any doctors in your area would have to accept the single insurance plan because there are no other entities that would reimburse. When you choose an insurer, what is it you are choosing? You're not choosing your doctor, you're choosing who reimburses your doctor. That isn't germane to your health care. It's not even a transaction you are a part of, so why do you care what entity reimburses your doctor? All you should care about is whether or not your doctor is reimbursed. It doesn't benefit you as a patient to have the entity doing that administration being for-profit.

Subsidies are also disappearing, Obamacare co-ops are collapsing, fewer people are enrolling and loss ratios are soaring. The long-anticipated death spiral is here.

Subsidies aren't disappearing. Not even sure how you can make such a claim. And no, fewer people aren't enrolling. More people have enrolled since Obamacare began. About 25,000,000 of them. And loss ratios? Who fucking cares? Insurance companies are not germane to health care. A single entity can very easily do the administration insurance companies do as their singular and only function.
Who needs Democrats?
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.


Eight years of observing how the GOP playbook works. Republicans have not exactly built up any good will with the Democratic lawmakers. They can't exactly say......remember that bill I helped you out on?

Was it one of the 350+ bills that Democrat Harry Reid sat on that caused Democrats who couldn't show anything back home to lose elections at a record pace? It wouldn't have mattered if a Republican had helped on a bill when you have a dictator controlling the bills and holding them for 2 years. Remember that when you point your finger, you have 3 pointing back at you. The whole speck in your eye thing......

Reid applied the same standard of 60 votes that Republicans insisted the Democrats have to bring a bill to the floor

How many of those 350 "Repeal Obamacare" bills had 60 votes?
Let me count......Ummmmmm...None

Well you disingenuous boob, the 350 bills were not repeal bills. A good number were indeed written by Democrats, but Harry killed them anyway leaving them with nothing to show their constituents when they went back home. And you can't get to 60 votes when the bills are used for a highchair to help you see over the edge of your desk. A bill has to be introduced and debated to be voted on to get to 60. Harry never let that happen.......350+ times.......over 2 years. Harry cut the Democrats throat running interference for vote present Obama who didn't want to have to look bad vetoing bills the American people wanted. Look, the demise of the Democratic party lies at the feet of Obama, Reid and Pelosi with an assist during the campaign by Wasserman Schultz and Hillary. Now you guys think the way back is to double down on your geriatric ideas and go even bolder on leftwing policies. Please! Please do!
Well you disingenuous boob, the 350 bills were not repeal bills.

At least 60 were repeal bills, probably about 25 were anti-abortion bills, the rest were probably tax cuts and deregulation. So same shit, different day from the Party of No Idea.
Americans aren't buying the Republican's bogus argument.

Riiiiight........that's why the Democrats are a regional party today after losing over 1000 offices across the land since 2010. Majority Republican governors, state legislatures, Congress and White House. I think you've got it backwards on what the American people aren't buying. Enjoy those tiny blue enclaves 1000 miles apart.
Well you disingenuous boob, the 350 bills were not repeal bills.

At least 60 were repeal bills, probably about 25 were anti-abortion bills, the rest were probably tax cuts and deregulation. So same shit, different day from the Party of No Idea.

Uh huh......that's why Reid is still the Senate Majority Leader and Pelosi is over the House and Hillary is the first female President of the United States. Oh wait........the American people thru the geriatric party of bad socialist ideas out of office. Wake up derp, it's 2017 and you lost. YUGE!!!
Who needs Democrats?
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.


Eight years of observing how the GOP playbook works. Republicans have not exactly built up any good will with the Democratic lawmakers. They can't exactly say......remember that bill I helped you out on?

Was it one of the 350+ bills that Democrat Harry Reid sat on that caused Democrats who couldn't show anything back home to lose elections at a record pace? It wouldn't have mattered if a Republican had helped on a bill when you have a dictator controlling the bills and holding them for 2 years. Remember that when you point your finger, you have 3 pointing back at you. The whole speck in your eye thing......

Reid applied the same standard of 60 votes that Republicans insisted the Democrats have to bring a bill to the floor

How many of those 350 "Repeal Obamacare" bills had 60 votes?
Let me count......Ummmmmm...None

Well you disingenuous boob, the 350 bills were not repeal bills. A good number were indeed written by Democrats, but Harry killed them anyway leaving them with nothing to show their constituents when they went back home. And you can't get to 60 votes when the bills are used for a highchair to help you see over the edge of your desk. A bill has to be introduced and debated to be voted on to get to 60. Harry never let that happen.......350+ times.......over 2 years. Harry cut the Democrats throat running interference for vote present Obama who didn't want to have to look bad vetoing bills the American people wanted. Look, the demise of the Democratic party lies at the feet of Obama, Reid and Pelosi with an assist during the campaign by Wasserman Schultz and Hillary. Now you guys think the way back is to double down on your geriatric ideas and go even bolder on leftwing policies. Please! Please do!

Once again...you FAIL

Point to a single one of those bills that had 60 votes....NONE
That is the standard Democrats had to meet

You need 60 votes to even be debated....that is cloture
Democrats made the mess we're in now with healthcare. Republicans ran on righting the ship.

We're not in a mess. Not at all. This is the lie that I'm talking about. The mess isn't Obamacare, the mess is Conservatives who have no fucking idea what they want. All they know is what they don't want. That's a very lazy approach to policy, particularly when you're the ones in charge. You all have been saying that Obamacare will collapse for the last 7 fucking years. Each year, it didn't collapse. So if you've been wrong for seven straight years, why the fuck would you be right today?

How is the CURRENT debacle not on both? Democrats broke it. Republicans seemingly can't fix it.

Republicans can't fix something if they don't even know what that "something" is. You and most Conservatives on this thread have proven you don't know what that "something" is, which is why after 7 years and 60+ repeal votes, there is nary a viable Conservative health insurance reform plan to be found.

Looks like BOTH are responsible to me.

Nah...just Conservatives. They're the ones who prevented Medicaid expansion which would have lowered the uninsured rate even further. They're the ones who approve premium rate hikes in states where the Insurance Commissioner has that power (and is a Conservative). They're the ones who have been saying for seven years that Obamacare will collapse, only to see it growing. Conservatives simply want to undo Obama's legacy and are putting party before country. That's why no replacement bill ready to go on day 1.
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

How's the weather in your private "Fiction Land?"

It has to be untrue to be fiction.
Well you disingenuous boob, the 350 bills were not repeal bills.

At least 60 were repeal bills, probably about 25 were anti-abortion bills, the rest were probably tax cuts and deregulation. So same shit, different day from the Party of No Idea.

Reid just laughed them off as typical ridiculous Republican legislation

Republican Snowflakes whimpered.....Reid won't vote on out bills! <sob>
You ignored the question:

WHY are Democrats childishly throwing a tantrum, 'taking their ball' and refusing to 'play' because they are not getting their way?

It's ok, I can't explain it either.


Eight years of observing how the GOP playbook works. Republicans have not exactly built up any good will with the Democratic lawmakers. They can't exactly say......remember that bill I helped you out on?

Was it one of the 350+ bills that Democrat Harry Reid sat on that caused Democrats who couldn't show anything back home to lose elections at a record pace? It wouldn't have mattered if a Republican had helped on a bill when you have a dictator controlling the bills and holding them for 2 years. Remember that when you point your finger, you have 3 pointing back at you. The whole speck in your eye thing......

Reid applied the same standard of 60 votes that Republicans insisted the Democrats have to bring a bill to the floor

How many of those 350 "Repeal Obamacare" bills had 60 votes?
Let me count......Ummmmmm...None

Well you disingenuous boob, the 350 bills were not repeal bills. A good number were indeed written by Democrats, but Harry killed them anyway leaving them with nothing to show their constituents when they went back home. And you can't get to 60 votes when the bills are used for a highchair to help you see over the edge of your desk. A bill has to be introduced and debated to be voted on to get to 60. Harry never let that happen.......350+ times.......over 2 years. Harry cut the Democrats throat running interference for vote present Obama who didn't want to have to look bad vetoing bills the American people wanted. Look, the demise of the Democratic party lies at the feet of Obama, Reid and Pelosi with an assist during the campaign by Wasserman Schultz and Hillary. Now you guys think the way back is to double down on your geriatric ideas and go even bolder on leftwing policies. Please! Please do!

Once again...you FAIL

Point to a single one of those bills that had 60 votes....NONE
That is the standard Democrats had to meet

You need 60 votes to even be debated....that is cloture
Republicans added in over 130 amendments over a year and a half and then refused to vote for Obamacare.

On Trumpcare, Republicans did the entire thing in secret behind closed doors in only a few days.
um i talked to the dude directly as he is a friend of mine. so if you want to call him a liar, up to you.

Really? Because I've talked to three dudes who have said the exact opposite of what your one dude is saying. So I guess that means my three dudes trump your one dude. Does 3 beat 1? You tell me.

maybe you are the one not knowing what you are talking about.

No, I think it's painfully obvious you guys have no clue. Which is why you cannot articulate a plan for a system that you envision. You haven't done the work because you're either sloppy, lazy, or both.
thats fucked up dude. are you a stereotype?

From what I can tell, based on policy, there is no difference between Conservatives, Republicans, "Libertarians", Teabags, and Klansmen. Calling oneself "Conservative" seems to give you license as to what is Conservative and what isn't, and the standards by which that judgment is made change by the minute, it seems.

So you guys are ideologically consistent, even if your messaging isn't.

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