Hilarious! Republicans are saying Democrats won't work with them hoping to spread the blame

This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

You, of course, have absolutely zero justification for your comments, but, hey ... that isn't the point anyway, is it?

Bring the proof to the table and I'll be happy to shoot holes in it. (PLEASE - cite the CBO report - PLEASE!! I would consider it a great favor.)

You need to watch news other than Fox and Breitbart. Democrats brought healthcare to millions of Americans that never had it before and the GOP is trying to take it away and give nearly a trillion in tax cuts to the super rich. Period. That's what's happening. That's the debate. It can't be denied.

That's absolutely, categorically, false. Your shallow understanding of this issue reminds me of a mud puddle --- not very deep and decidedly muddled.

Democrats provided healthcare to nobody . Everybody always had healthcare.

Democrats bought mandatory healthcare insurance to SOME of those who hadn't bought it.

Republicans are taking nothing away .... except the government requirement that you MUST buy healthcare INSURANCE, excessive and onerous taxes, and a person's right to self determination.

You said: Everybody always had healthcare.

And then you said what I said was false? Something is wrong with you. Seriously. There is a problem there.
There are places you can look in to.
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You said that ACA "brought healthcare to millions of Americans that never had it before" ... that is categorically false. People didn't have healthcare INSURANCE, but healthcare was always available (even at the local ER). Ergo, it is impossible for Democrats to have brought healthcare to those who already had it.

If you live out in the country, many times, there is no ER. Or there is no doctor available.

And many country hospitals are the largest provider of jobs in their area.

Take away their medicaid and many of those hospitals close.

Meaning no healthcare and many fewer jobs.

And if you have to wait until you go to the emergency room, it's probably too late anyway.

What the f*ck is it you think you are defending? Because my hand is getting tired from all the b!tch slaps.

...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.
...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.

Why doesn't the right just repeal and replace it with that great plan they have been bragging about for the last 8 years? We all know it will be great because that's what you have been saying for so long.
Why did the Democrats impose this disaster on the American people to begin with?

This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

You, of course, have absolutely zero justification for your comments, but, hey ... that isn't the point anyway, is it?

Bring the proof to the table and I'll be happy to shoot holes in it. (PLEASE - cite the CBO report - PLEASE!! I would consider it a great favor.)

You need to watch news other than Fox and Breitbart. Democrats brought healthcare to millions of Americans that never had it before and the GOP is trying to take it away and give nearly a trillion in tax cuts to the super rich. Period. That's what's happening. That's the debate. It can't be denied.

That's absolutely, categorically, false. Your shallow understanding of this issue reminds me of a mud puddle --- not very deep and decidedly muddled.

Democrats provided healthcare to nobody . Everybody always had healthcare.

Democrats bought mandatory healthcare insurance to SOME of those who hadn't bought it.

Republicans are taking nothing away .... except the government requirement that you MUST buy healthcare INSURANCE, excessive and onerous taxes, and a person's right to self determination.

You said: Everybody always had healthcare.

And then you said what I said was false? Something is wrong with you. Seriously. There is a problem there.
There are places you can look in to.
Compare Online Therapy Services | E-Counseling.com

You said that ACA "brought healthcare to millions of Americans that never had it before" ... that is categorically false. People didn't have healthcare INSURANCE, but healthcare was always available (even at the local ER). Ergo, it is impossible for Democrats to have brought healthcare to those who already had it.

Without a way to pay for it they did not have healthcare
...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.

Why doesn't the right just repeal and replace it with that great plan they have been bragging about for the last 8 years? We all know it will be great because that's what you have been saying for so long.
if obama care is so great why is it falling apart?

better question - why can't both sides see the only answer is to work together, not force their ideas on the other side "for their own good"

take the best of both sides, we all win.
push any 1 side, we all lose.

pick a side.
A bi-partisan healthcare bill is the new GOP fallback position, which if it happens will be a huge victory for the Democrats.

Republicans need to face it

Trumpcare is basically Obamacare with tax cuts and Medicaid cuts

Fix Obamacare and give it a new name to appease the Obama haters
A bi-partisan healthcare bill is the new GOP fallback position, which if it happens will be a huge victory for the Democrats.

Republicans need to face it

Trumpcare is basically Obamacare with tax cuts and Medicaid cuts

Fix Obamacare and give it a new name to appease the Obama haters

When they rant on and on about Obamacare 'collapsing' they're really only talking about the exchanges, which in reality serve only about 3% of the population.

Fix that. Leave the rest alone.
...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.

Why doesn't the right just repeal and replace it with that great plan they have been bragging about for the last 8 years? We all know it will be great because that's what you have been saying for so long.
if obama care is so great why is it falling apart?

better question - why can't both sides see the only answer is to work together, not force their ideas on the other side "for their own good"

take the best of both sides, we all win.
push any 1 side, we all lose.

pick a side.
Odd that the right would suddenly come to that conclusion after 8 years. Think of what we could have accomplished without those 8 years of nothing but obstruction.
...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.

Why doesn't the right just repeal and replace it with that great plan they have been bragging about for the last 8 years? We all know it will be great because that's what you have been saying for so long.
if obama care is so great why is it falling apart?

better question - why can't both sides see the only answer is to work together, not force their ideas on the other side "for their own good"

take the best of both sides, we all win.
push any 1 side, we all lose.

pick a side.
Odd that the right would suddenly come to that conclusion after 8 years. Think of what we could have accomplished without those 8 years of nothing but obstruction.
odd that you seem to think in absolutes only and have some desire for payback.

i get it. i understand it. but every time one side does it the other ratchets it up more for no other reason than what the last side got away with.

how many parents do you see with their kids taking the whole "well he started it" as a valid excuse to continue it? if you have 2 kids who kept fighting and their sole reason was "the other started it" do you sit back and hear both sides and impart the wisdom of solomon w/o baby killing of course. or do you tell them both to grow up and stop it? if #1 how is that working out for you? if #2, how is that working out for the country itself?

as far as who actually started it - that wasn't obama only. every side that comes into power usually does so at the ire of the other side so since core goals are different then yes, one side will try to block the other from doing such evil things.
...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.

Why doesn't the right just repeal and replace it with that great plan they have been bragging about for the last 8 years? We all know it will be great because that's what you have been saying for so long.
if obama care is so great why is it falling apart?

better question - why can't both sides see the only answer is to work together, not force their ideas on the other side "for their own good"

take the best of both sides, we all win.
push any 1 side, we all lose.

pick a side.
Odd that the right would suddenly come to that conclusion after 8 years. Think of what we could have accomplished without those 8 years of nothing but obstruction.
odd that you seem to think in absolutes only and have some desire for payback.

i get it. i understand it. but every time one side does it the other ratchets it up more for no other reason than what the last side got away with.

how many parents do you see with their kids taking the whole "well he started it" as a valid excuse to continue it? if you have 2 kids who kept fighting and their sole reason was "the other started it" do you sit back and hear both sides and impart the wisdom of solomon w/o baby killing of course. or do you tell them both to grow up and stop it? if #1 how is that working out for you? if #2, how is that working out for the country itself?

as far as who actually started it - that wasn't obama only. every side that comes into power usually does so at the ire of the other side so since core goals are different then yes, one side will try to block the other from doing such evil things.

So give some reason to believe the right is willing to work together in the future. Lots of righties bragging about their political gains because obstruction works. It's your turn in the barrel.
...the Democrats still fighting for Obama's 'Legacy', the road paved with lies leading to Socialist Single Payer that was imposed on the majority of Americans who never wanted it.

And snowflakes call preserving the 'screw job' a 'VICTORY'...for the Democratic Party, NOT the American people.

Why doesn't the right just repeal and replace it with that great plan they have been bragging about for the last 8 years? We all know it will be great because that's what you have been saying for so long.
if obama care is so great why is it falling apart?

better question - why can't both sides see the only answer is to work together, not force their ideas on the other side "for their own good"

take the best of both sides, we all win.
push any 1 side, we all lose.

pick a side.
Odd that the right would suddenly come to that conclusion after 8 years. Think of what we could have accomplished without those 8 years of nothing but obstruction.
odd that you seem to think in absolutes only and have some desire for payback.

i get it. i understand it. but every time one side does it the other ratchets it up more for no other reason than what the last side got away with.

how many parents do you see with their kids taking the whole "well he started it" as a valid excuse to continue it? if you have 2 kids who kept fighting and their sole reason was "the other started it" do you sit back and hear both sides and impart the wisdom of solomon w/o baby killing of course. or do you tell them both to grow up and stop it? if #1 how is that working out for you? if #2, how is that working out for the country itself?

as far as who actually started it - that wasn't obama only. every side that comes into power usually does so at the ire of the other side so since core goals are different then yes, one side will try to block the other from doing such evil things.

So give some reason to believe the right is willing to work together in the future. Lots of righties bragging about their political gains because obstruction works. It's your turn in the barrel.

Democrats have learned their lessons well

There are no Republicans who can go to the Dems and say.......I helped you in the past, I need your help on this one

Dems are looking at total obstruction....Party of No
Again, what does the OP NOT understand about the Democrats' Leader Schumer Declaring the Democrats are 100% committed to Obstructing EVERYTHING the GOP and President seeks to accomplish over the next 4 years.

It's not just the GOP pi$$ed off at Democrats for not being willing to 'play nice' - to do their jobs and work for the good of the COUNTRY instead of what is good for the DNC.

THAT s why Democrats have lost 1,000+ elections, 5 Special Elections, 2 Historic Record-Setting Elections, The House, the Senate, and the WH!
Again, what does the OP NOT understand about the Democrats' Leader Schumer Declaring the Democrats are 100% committed to Obstructing EVERYTHING the GOP and President seeks to accomplish over the next 4 years.

It's not just the GOP pi$$ed off at Democrats for not being willing to 'play nice' - to do their jobs and work for the good of the COUNTRY instead of what is good for the DNC.

THAT s why Democrats have lost 1,000+ elections, 5 Special Elections, 2 Historic Record-Setting Elections, The House, the Senate, and the WH!

No. Republicans gained because obstruction works. What's that old saying? Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me as ,much as the right has---------fuck you.
you mean like you calling my friend a liar? THAT type of discounting? yiur friends seem right n mine wrong ror some reasonwonder why.

I'm not calling your friend a liar, I'm calling you a liar. You're relaying second-hand information, informed by bias, on a message board and submitting it as some kind of fact when you know there's no way to verify the legitimacy of the claims. Like what happened with Julie Boonstra, for example.
No. Republicans gained because obstruction works.

Let me guess...based on your Fake News narrative you must work for CNN.

GOP Obstruction?

The Democrats had a near super-majority control of Congress the last 2 years under Bush and the 1st 2 years under Obama.

Obama refused to even MEET with the GOP after winning in 2008 for approximately a YEAR.

When Democrats were not using their near-super majority control of Congress to impose their Socialist Agenda-driven will on the American people - like they did with Obamacare - Barry was simply by-passing Congress altogether, like he did in starting his own 2 personal, Un-Constitutional, UN-Approved wars .

Go pedal that liberal fecal matter-infused fairy tale somewhere else, snowflake.
you say you are not doing something then do it very next sentence. you funny.

What I meant was in what case does someone do the thing I'm talking about? Where they retroactively revise history in order to make themselves look good? In the case that history reflects negatively on your beliefs, of course.
Democrats bought mandatory healthcare insurance to SOME of those who hadn't bought it..

Access to health care is limited by insurance companies. But to your point, simply having access to health insurance does not mean someone has coverage. For many, health insurance is too expensive -even before Obamacare- and what do you think happens to the costs that come from an uninsured patient going to the hospital?
You said that ACA "brought healthcare to millions of Americans that never had it before" ... that is categorically false. People didn't have healthcare INSURANCE, but healthcare was always available (even at the local ER). Ergo, it is impossible for Democrats to have brought healthcare to those who already had it.

Healthcare was always available, yet it wasn't paid for by anything. So what do you think happens to the costs for people who go to the ER without insurance?

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