Hilarious! Republicans are saying Democrats won't work with them hoping to spread the blame

Not a word about why this plan gives about a trillion dollar tax break to the richest people. this new plan 7 years in the making is no better than ACA.
The Healthcare issue is pure political theater.

Everyone in Washington knows that there is an ongoing Healthcare crisis and that the ONLY solution is socialized Healthcare.

The root of the crisis is excessive medical costs.

Republicans and most Democrats know that their constituents are not ready to go for socialized healthcare, so they're putting on a big theatrical act for us.

Eventually, their political dancing will lead to socialized Health Care.
You have a learning disability, don't you?

No, it seems you do. And on top of that learning disability is your rotten attitude. You make wild claims, cannot back them up, then lash out at anyone who dares challenge them. Get over yourself.


Yes, Obamacare is terrible.

Not really. You think it is, but you can't really explain why without exercising sophistry or invoking unverifiable personal anecdotes that you make to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have.


No, we don't *have* to replace it. We can just wait for it to implode, as it is right now.

If it hasn't imploded in 7 years, it's not going to. And you all campaigned on "repeal and replace". Trump guaranteed universal coverage with lower premiums. That is what he and the Conservatives ran on. Now, the realities of those promises are coming to fruition and it's not pretty. Conservatives are quickly learning that you cannot reform an insurance market to lower costs without mandates while also providing universal coverage. So you'd be going back on one of the big promises Trump made; that everyone would be covered.

We didn't want it in the first place, why would we agree to just make another version of it? However, Dems have made it impossible to remove it, so we will just let it die. The end result will be preferable to the endless morass of trying to legislate it into something acceptable.

Conservatives have no idea what kind of health care and/or insurance system they want. All they know is what they don't want, and that is informed by lies, bias, and deception. That's why, after 7 years, they couldn't produce anything viable. Because Conservatives are all talk, no action. A bunch of poseurs and posturing fools.


It was unworkable, unconstitutional, unAmerican. It has changed the fabric of our society and not in a good way, and it has bankrupted us besides. It is economically unsound, so it's just a matter of stepping back and allowing the collapse.

How did it change "the fabric of society". Talk about hyperbole and melodrama! Also, SCOTUS ruled it was Constitutional, so I think you're just flaming.

"There are roughly 320mm people in the United States. 120mm people are covered under Medicare and Medicaid which leaves 200mm to be covered by "private" health insurance plans. In 2016, roughly 11.1mm people signed up for "private" health insurance through one of the Obamacare federal or state exchanges. Of those people, it is estimated that roughly 85%, or ~9.5mm people, received some level of "need-based" subsidy . News flash Department of Health and Human Services, 9.5mm people is less than 5% of the 200mm people seeking private health insurance. The other 95% is America's middle class and they're getting crushed. "

How Obamacare Destroyed The Middle Class In One Chart | Zero Hedge

7 Obamacare failures that have hurt Americans

Forbes Welcome

" Health care costs have increased dramatically for everyone"
"ObamaCare premium explosion"
"You're paying more for an increasingly awful service"
"The ObamaCare penalty"
ObamaCare Becomes the Cruelest Tax on Working Americans

Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

Enough with this shit. Conservatives have been bullshitting about Obamacare since day one. Now that they have full control, the hollowness and emptiness of their arguments are coming to light. Conservatives will never be able to reform the system because Conservatives don't even know what system they want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a very lazy, sloppy, and childish way to approach policy.

Only idiots conflate "conservatives" with "republicans"..and only idiots conflate in-office "Republicans" with their constituents.
Surely you jest. The ACA is failing because it was never workable from the beginning as written by the Democrats who refused to include or consult Republicans. All Republicans have to do is leave it alone and watch the results which were predicted before it even became law. Of course that won't be the narrative the media will report. Like you, it will be the Republican's fault that the Democrats bill collapsed under its own weight.

Enough with this shit. Conservatives have been bullshitting about Obamacare since day one. Now that they have full control, the hollowness and emptiness of their arguments are coming to light. Conservatives will never be able to reform the system because Conservatives don't even know what system they want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a very lazy, sloppy, and childish way to approach policy.

Dems had to get 60 votes for Obamacare

Republicans can't even get 50
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

They don't have any blame to spread. The dems party lined it in. Its failing, and dems have been begging repubs to please fix this giant turd for four years. We know who's to blame. We now need to see If repubs do what they said they would to get elected.
Repealing it is fixing it because is was always a disaster.

OK, so you repeal it and replace it with what?

Replace it with nothing.

We don't need the filthy ass government telling us what we have to have in our insurance policies, how our doctors and insurance companies should conduct their business and we sure as hell don't need the oppressive government taking our money away and giving it to the welfare queens.

I don't know what you are bitching about. Before Obamacare everybody in the US got health care even if they couldn't afford it. Not having insurance did not mean you couldn't get health care if you couldn't afford it. The only thing Obamacare really changed is that it use to be that the filthy ass welfare queens had to go to a county or state clinic or a free hospital or be on some stupid government welfare plan. The thing that is so despicable about Obamacare is that it established an entitlement for a welfare queen to get the same insurance that the paying customers get and the paying customers have to pay for it and that is the wrong thing to have.

By the way, Moon Bat if your measurement of success is how many people have insurance then by that metric Obamacare is a failure because there are 24 million people in the US now without health insurance.

The filthy ass government maintains control over health care by dictating the requirements of a policy, ,influencing rates by stiffing interstate competition, imposing taxes, establishing onerous record keeping requirements and by giving away free insurance policy the welfare queens, who are mostly idiotic Democrat voters. .

This stupid Obamacare bill has been a disaster for this country. It ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles and greatly limited the choices the American people. It even taxes the American people that chose to have a really good health care policy. Obama lied to all of us when he said that if you like your docotr you can keep your doctor because it limited the access to free market health care. He also lies to us about saving every family $2500 a year.

Obamacare has been a lie from the beginning when it was passed along party lines by partisan Democrat assholes that never even bothered to read what was in the damn bill.
"It's all the Republicans' fault that Obamacare is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country, bar none!"

Obamacare is far from the worst thing to happen to the country. In fact, it is a good thing because it resulted in 24,000,000 more people getting health insurance coverage who previously didn't have it. It also extended the solvency of Medicare's Trust by a dozen years, and eliminated pre-existing conditions.

Is that worse than a financial collapse caused by trickle-down, deregulatory, right-wing economic policies? No. Is that worse than Bush the Dumber letting al Qaeda fly planes into the Twin Towers? No. Is it worse than the Iraq War? No. Is it worse than the Great Depression, the Civil War, Jim Crow, or segregation? No. Is it worse than Pearl Harbor? No. Is it worse than the War of 1812? No. Is it worse than genocide against Native Americans? No. Is it worse than slavery? No.

So let's forego the melodrama.
Repealing it is fixing it because is was always a disaster.

OK, so you repeal it and replace it with what?

Replace it with nothing.

We don't need the filthy ass government telling us what we have to have in our insurance policies, how our doctors and insurance companies should conduct their business and we sure as hell don't need the oppressive government taking our money away and giving it to the welfare queens.

I don't know what you are bitching about. Before Obamacare everybody in the US got health care even if they couldn't afford it. Not having insurance did not mean you couldn't get health care if you couldn't afford it. The only thing Obamacare really changed is that it use to be that the filthy ass welfare queens had to go to a county or state clinic or a free hospital or be on some stupid government welfare plan. The thing that is so despicable about Obamacare is that it established an entitlement for a welfare queen to get the same insurance that the paying customers get and the paying customers have to pay for it and that is the wrong thing to have.

By the way, Moon Bat if your measurement of success is how many people have insurance then by that metric Obamacare is a failure because there are 24 million people in the US now without health insurance.

The filthy ass government maintains control over health care by dictating the requirements of a policy, ,influencing rates by stiffing interstate competition, imposing taxes, establishing onerous record keeping requirements and by giving away free insurance policy the welfare queens, who are mostly idiotic Democrat voters. .

This stupid Obamacare bill has been a disaster for this country. It ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles and greatly limited the choices the American people. It even taxes the American people that chose to have a really good health care policy. Obama lied to all of us when he said that if you like your docotr you can keep your doctor because it limited the access to free market health care. He also lies to us about saving every family $2500 a year.

Obamacare has been a lie from the beginning when it was passed along party lines by partisan Democrat assholes that never even bothered to read what was in the damn bill.
This is the fundamental problem.

Democrats worked hard to get healthcare for as many Americans as possible. Republicans managed to make it something evil at the time, but now that people's children, wives, husbands and elderly parents are being taken care of, many Republicans have decided they like it.

So how do they negotiate? On one side you have Republicans who have no problem with millions of poor and middle class suffering and dying. On the other hand, you have Democrats trying to protect the same millions. Where is the common ground?

They don't have any blame to spread. The dems party lined it in. Its failing, and dems have been begging repubs to please fix this giant turd for four years. We know who's to blame. We now need to see If repubs do what they said they would to get elected.

Trump is doing his part.
Repub politicians need to be retired, for the most part.
"It's all the Republicans' fault that Obamacare is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country, bar none!"

When are they going to offer us something better?
when is anyone going to offer us something better than the crap that is out there?...

Why should they have to?
so you just want to keep paying the ridiculous prices we are paying now?..
"It's all the Republicans' fault that Obamacare is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country, bar none!"

When are they going to offer us something better?
when is anyone going to offer us something better than the crap that is out there?...

Why should they have to?
so you just want to keep paying the ridiculous prices we are paying now?..
Get rid of mandatory insurance, and the ridiculous prices will subside.

Additional insurance won't fix it. You need to get out of that rut. Socialism doesn't work just because someone says it will.
Republicans know Democrats will not support them. The GOP wrote the playbook on ruling as a minority, Dems are just following their example

Trump called all the GOP Senators to the White House yesterday in an attempt to muscle them into supporting Trumpcare. They told him to go fuck himself. Republicans can't even build a coalition with their own members....why would they expect Dems to join?
so in the mean time, those with this obamacare may suffer, while these assholes play ping pong....

What do you mean suffer?

Are those benefitting from expanded Medicaid suffering?
How about those under 26 who can use their parents policy?
How about those with pre-existing conditions who pay the same rate as everyone else?
instead of just posting shit RW try reading the posts in the thread.....the derp asked the same question above and i gave him an answer....
different spelling to his name....but posting same old shit....
Did rdweeb get banned?
i have no idea.....but matthew came back with a different name.....and dottie said he was leaving so he might be "transforming" too....
Wasn't the dweeb occasionally reffered to as R Derp? Just sayin'...
i believe he is considered the leader of all the R Derps....
You do realize that new patients are signing up because they are required to by law under penalty of a fine deducted thru the IRS, correct?

Yes, because it's better to pay premiums now than have to pay a penalty and then pay un-subsidized, out-of-pocket medical expenses later on. You cannot guarantee universal coverage without mandates. You also cannot guarnatee universal coverage and preserve profits for insurance companies. So you Conservatives need to make a choice. What is more important to you; corporate profits or universal coverage. Because you can't have both.
"It's all the Republicans' fault that Obamacare is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country, bar none!"

When are they going to offer us something better?
when is anyone going to offer us something better than the crap that is out there?...

Why should they have to?
so you just want to keep paying the ridiculous prices we are paying now?..
Get rid of mandatory insurance, and the ridiculous prices will subside.

Additional insurance won't fix it. You need to get out of that rut. Socialism doesn't work just because someone says it will.
i never had mandatory ins....everything i have ever had i either worked for it or paid for it...and private ins companies and drug companies wont lower their prices and make things affordable just because someone says they will......
/----- So the collapse of obozocare is all the Republicans fault

Obamacare isn't collapsing. Conservatives are lying about it, just like they've been lying about it from the start. If it was collapsing, then there wouldn't be 24,000,000 people with insurance coverage now who previously didn't have it. And that number continues to climb every year. So, we are back to Conservative fantasy clashing with reality. On top of that, Conservatives don't even know what it is they want the system to look like. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a very childish and lazy way to approach policy, particularly when you're the governing party in control.
"It's all the Republicans' fault that Obamacare is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country, bar none!"

When are they going to offer us something better?
when is anyone going to offer us something better than the crap that is out there?...

Why should they have to?
so you just want to keep paying the ridiculous prices we are paying now?..
most people i know their insurance coverage went down and premiums went up on obama care. couple that with many places simply not accepting it - how is what we have from obamacare any good at all?

put aside the republicans planning for now - how is obamacare "working" today?

it is not - so all the LOOK WHAT YOU'RE DOING is kinda just trump bashing cause they've not done a thing to obama care just yet and it's falling apart nicely all on its own.
Majority of the pre 2010 backruptcies were due to the democrat orchestrated collapse of the housing market.

WRONG. It was Bush and the Conservatives who deregulated subprime lending beginning in 2004 when they turned over policing of the industry to the industry itself, that then started issuing twice as many subprime loans with sky-high default rates, not backed by GSE's, into the market. Those subprimes started entering delinquency beginning mid-2006. Democrats had nothing to do with that. It was all Conservatives.

You will notice the drop in new bankruptcy filings coincide with the GOP taking control in the House.

So you think people decided to not file for bankruptcy based on who controlled Congress? Are you being serious, or is this just sophism?

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