Hilarious to watch Dems squirm over the word "TAX" !

I am trying to help the less fortunate but you're not trying to listen. Don't say no one cares about you, because I do. I'm guessing you haven't made the best choices in your life but thats ok, we all make mistakes. Help me to help you.

I'm not asking for your help, nor do i need. Why not go down to a local place adn actuallu roll up a sleeve adn fucking help someone who is less fortunate instead of voting for someone else to do it by theft through force/violence?

You keep suggesting that Im poor. Which is quite hilarious as I type this out from my 32nd floor office overlooking Manhattan. Seriously, I dont need your help, and even if i did, i would not want it if it means you want to sit in a fuckign chair and vote for someone else to steal from your community to have some politician "help" me. No thanks, I have more dignity and moral fortitude than that.

Seriously, help us all by dropping the wanna be dictator status and go help someone in need. Ya fascist fucktard.

Again, I'm only going off of what you told me previously. If you're not "lower middle class" as you told us then why do you pretend to be? I get it, more jealousy of the poor and you're just striving to live the good life that the poor in this country have.

You're going off that pee brain of yours. I've already explained to you the difference between being actually poor and what the government decides based on averages based on demographics. The average income on thsi island is around 100K. I'm not "pretending" anything. That would be you pretending that you give a fuck about anyone but yourself and seeing your "utopia" come to fruition through force and violence. Like every other little pecker dictator.

At least now we know exactly where you stand. You're a fascist that likes to "help the poor" by voting for a politician to steal from the community by force/violence to give it to someone else. Then you pat yourself on the back and gloat about what a compassionate person you are. Here:

Dems are pulling their hair out trying desperately to change the word "tax" to the word "penalty" concerning the ACA :badgrin:

Since the mandate didn't meet the constitutional requirements of the commerce clause, it had to be rammed through as a "tax" in order to be approved. It is now known as the "Obamatax" and Obama and Democrats wear it now around their necks.

What's the matter Dems, you love more taxes, so why don't you proudly proclaim waht you've given America ?

It's going to be funny watching Rachell, Al, "Lawrence", Ed, Chris and the rest over at MSDNC desperately trying to keep Americans from seeing the man behind the curtain.
They'll use every word they can to deflect from the word "tax".
Bottom line, it really doesn't matter what you call it, it's going to be collected by the government just like all of your taxes.

Progressives have always been this way.

Its not "global warming its climate change", "its not a tax it's a penalty", "this tax isn't to generate revenue - it's so you buy less of a product and don't get fat."

I'm getting real sick of progressives bullshit lies...

I'm getting real sick of progressives telling me what is best for me.....
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?
They can call it whatever they want to.

A tax is still a tax.

And what about the conservatives here and elsewhere who are insisting that calling it a tax, as did the Court,

was rewriting the law?

Are you saying those people are dead wrong?
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...

Four conservatives on the court said it wasn't a tax. Everyone who agrees with the court's dissent is saying it isn't a tax.

Liability on this forum right now has a thread going that is insisting it isn't a tax. Are you over there arguing with him?
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...

That's interesting you say that.

Convince that you're arguing that it's a tax in this post:


You are arguing the other side at that point.
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...

That's interesting you say that.

Convince that you're arguing that it's a tax in this post:


You are arguing the other side at that point.

What, are you trying to insinuate that they can't keep their arguments straight? :eek:
During the oral argument on ObamaCare, the justice who most concisely destroyed the government’s argument that it was a “tax” was … Chief Justice John Roberts.

Here was the colloquy between the chief justice and Solicitor General Donald Verrilli during the March 27, 2012 oral argument:

GENERAL VERRILLI: … it seems to me that not only is it fair to read this as an exercise of the tax power, but this Court has got an obligation to construe it as an exercise of the tax power, if it can be upheld on that basis.

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Why didn’t Congress call it a tax, then?


CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: You’re telling me they thought of it as a tax, they defended it on the tax power. Why didn’t they say it was a tax?

GENERAL VERRILLI: They might have thought, Your Honor, that calling it a penalty as they did would make it more effective in accomplishing its objectives. But it is in the Internal Revenue Code, it is collected by the IRS on April 15th. I don’t think this is a situation in which you can say –

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Well, that’s the reason. They thought it might be more effective if they called it a penalty.

In his eventual opinion, the chief justice concluded that what Congress expressly, purposely, and repeatedly called a “penalty” (not a “tax”), to be imposed on those who did not comply with the legislative mandate that they “shall” obtain insurance, could fairly be read as a tax — even though a tax is neither what Congress called it nor intended it to be — and thus within the Constitutional power to levy taxes. As an old law school professor used to say, I get it all except the “thus.”

Henceforth law professors will have to teach their students that the Constitutional provision allowing Congress to levy taxes includes not only (1) the power to levy taxes on things you do, income you earn, or other activities, but also (2) a judicially created power to levy “shared responsibility payments” on commerce you don’t engage in. This is an argument that all five appellate courts that considered the argument on the merits before it reached the Supreme Court rejected (one appellate court ruled it was a “tax” for purposes of the Anti-Injunction Act and dismissed the case without reaching the merits of any Constitutional question).

Writing for the Court, the chief justice held that the “shared responsibility payment” is a tax, even though Congress repeatedly called it a “penalty” in the law; went out of its way not to label it a tax; and had ObamaCare supporters, from the president on down, repeatedly deny it was a tax while the legislation was being considered — only to turn around and argue in court that a tax is what it was. Now that the chief justice has held it was a tax, the administration is again denying it was a tax.

The “payment” was not designed to generate revenue, but to compel people to comply with the mandate. If the law works as intended, no one will make any “shared responsibility payments” at all, but rather purchase the mandated insurance. The “tax” in that case will raise no revenue, but it will have achieved its goal: enforcement of the mandate. That is the hallmark of a penalty, not a “tax.” In his colloquy with the solicitor general, Chief Justice Roberts skillfully established that point.

So the law as it stands now is that Congress cannot make us eat broccoli, but can mandate everyone do so and impose a failure-to-eat-broccoli tax on anyone not complying with the mandate. Congress can apparently mandate anything, as long as it accompanies the mandate with a failure-to-do-it tax that need not be called a tax.

The chief justice’s opinion is the maraschino cherry on a legislative process marked by extraordinary cynicism. In addition to the creation of a disingenuous new concept — a “shared responsibility payment” that can be treated as a non-tax for purposes of passing the law and then a tax for purposes of defending it in court — the ObamaCare legislation featured:

PJ Media » Roberts v. Roberts
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...

Four conservatives on the court said it wasn't a tax. Everyone who agrees with the court's dissent is saying it isn't a tax.

Liability on this forum right now has a thread going that is insisting it isn't a tax. Are you over there arguing with him?

Quite frankly I could give a shit what you call it....

It's basically a punishment for not buying a product.

In what fucking motherfucking universe in the free world can a government punish someone for not buying something?

Then you fucks have the fucking audacity to refer to yourselves as "liberals?"

No you're fascists.....

Force is an authoritarian idea and forcing a product on an individual is a fascist idea...

Then you illiterate ignorant idiots call republicans "right wingers?"

Literally republicans are on the left and the so called alleged "liberals" or progressives are on the right.....
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...

That's interesting you say that.

Convince that you're arguing that it's a tax in this post:


You are arguing the other side at that point.

I'm not doing anything such.
What are these thieving idiots going to say next? Income tax is a penalty? Social Security is a penalty?

I'm dumbfounded at how fucking naive progressives are....

They'll believe anything just as long as it comes out of the right pie-hole.
  • Thanks
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Board libtards --- throw insults at conservatives.

Board conservatives --- throw insults at libtards.

And on and on it goes...

... meanwhile, the fact remains that obamacare is the largest over reach of government power and the largest single tax increase in the history of America.

There is no dispute over that. That is a fact.

I will miss you around here after the election and you are forced to leave.
You see how I've been already? I'm not going anywhere, shit for brains.

The only way you'll miss me is if YOU leave, and the board would be a better place if you did. You stink the place up with your pathetic, sickening, lip smacking obama ass kissing. You must have a permanent brown ring around your mouth from frenching his brown eye for so long.

Fucking pimple head.
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Tax penalty I call it what's the difference? To my some college educated suburbanite ass it's unconstitutional as a swear word. Now we defeat it, for a long time at the polls. I can't believe this loopy clown Roberts takes it upon himself to unconstitutionally rewrote it for them by saying tax in my opinion which is limited based on logic.
Dems are pulling their hair out trying desperately to change the word "tax" to the word "penalty" concerning the ACA :badgrin:

Since the mandate didn't meet the constitutional requirements of the commerce clause, it had to be rammed through as a "tax" in order to be approved. It is now known as the "Obamatax" and Obama and Democrats wear it now around their necks.

What's the matter Dems, you love more taxes, so why don't you proudly proclaim waht you've given America ?

It's going to be funny watching Rachell, Al, "Lawrence", Ed, Chris and the rest over at MSDNC desperately trying to keep Americans from seeing the man behind the curtain.
They'll use every word they can to deflect from the word "tax".
Bottom line, it really doesn't matter what you call it, it's going to be collected by the government just like all of your taxes.

Mitt Romney's campaign is even calling it a penalty and not a tax.. :lol:

Fox news went nuts when they heard that.
Fox didn't go nuts.

And if it's not a tax then the law is unconsitutional.
Is it not accurate to say that most conservatives, starting with those on this board,

are now and were in the past arguing that the mandate was and is NOT a tax?

What agency oversees taxes? what agency is responsible for kicking those who refuse to get on a government program or buy insurance is overseeing this policy???

Oh yeah, the IRS....

Furthermore, I have never heard a conservative NOT call it a tax...

Four conservatives on the court said it wasn't a tax. Everyone who agrees with the court's dissent is saying it isn't a tax.

Liability on this forum right now has a thread going that is insisting it isn't a tax. Are you over there arguing with him?

You get a bill from the feds in a pink envelope for 50 bucks,its says its a tax. or you get a bill in the mail for 50 buck in a white envelope and its says it a penalty,how does your check book feel about the difference?

Tax penalty I call it what's the difference? To my some college educated suburbanite ass it's unconstitutional as a swear word. Now we defeat it, for a long time at the polls. I can't believe this loopy clown Roberts takes it upon himself to unconstitutionally rewrote it for them by saying tax in my opinion which is limited based on logic.

I don't think the SCOTUS rules on law - they rule on opinion... Obviously thats why we have the term "activist judge."

I don't even comprehend how 5 idiots could actually rule that it is OK to force an individual to buy a product.

What the fuck is wrong with this country....
Dems are pulling their hair out trying desperately to change the word "tax" to the word "penalty" concerning the ACA :badgrin:

Since the mandate didn't meet the constitutional requirements of the commerce clause, it had to be rammed through as a "tax" in order to be approved. It is now known as the "Obamatax" and Obama and Democrats wear it now around their necks.

What's the matter Dems, you love more taxes, so why don't you proudly proclaim waht you've given America ?

It's going to be funny watching Rachell, Al, "Lawrence", Ed, Chris and the rest over at MSDNC desperately trying to keep Americans from seeing the man behind the curtain.
They'll use every word they can to deflect from the word "tax".
Bottom line, it really doesn't matter what you call it, it's going to be collected by the government just like all of your taxes.

Mitt Romney's campaign is even calling it a penalty and not a tax.. :lol:

Fox news went nuts when they heard that.
Fox didn't go nuts.

And if it's not a tax then the law is unconsitutional.

That is the best part of it all - if its not a tax then it is unconstitutional...

That was the whole logic behind the ruling in the first place - it's a tax.

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