Hilary is both a criminal and she is incompetent, 6 Billion dollars in contracts from State is gone.

How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

This is the way the clintons have worked since Arkansas....he became Attorney General and then Governor, and controlled the law enforcement organizations in that states...then, when they got to the White House, they replaced all of the U.S. attorneys in one swoop......and put their people in charge, including the one investigating White Water......
Here in Chicago....the daughter of the Speaker of the House is the Attorney General of the state.........imagine how little oversight happens to his corruption......
Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.

They did not bring charges, they did not question her under oath. And her testimony was so sensitive they redacted it when they sent it to congress......so whatever she had on her email server, besides the 33,000 that she destroyed....is so classified that members of congress without top secret and above top secret clearance can't see it........

The fix was in with clinton. She's not to be held accountable for anything.
Yep.....she either stole it or lost it....

Clinton’s State Department Blew $6 Billion In Contracts, And We’re About To Learn Why

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may soon have to answer questions about an estimated $6 billion in contract mismanagement, fraud and incompetence that happened under her watch at the Department of State.

Non-profit government watchdog Cause of Action Institute (CofA) filed a Freedom of Information Act request Friday for records related to a March 2014 management alert issued by the department’s Inspector General (IG).

“The total value of the contracts the [IG] reviewed exceeded $6 billion,” the CofA’s FOIA request said. “Many of these cases arose during the tenure of Secretary Hillary Clinton.” Clinton was the country’s top diplomat from January 2009 to February 2013.

The IG alert that unveiled the mismanagement was based on three investigations and two contract-related audits.

Read more: Clinton’s State Department Blew $6 Billion In Contracts, And We’re About To Learn Why

The Koch Brothers are having Hillary investigated. Big Whoop! Another "go nowhere" investigation of Hillary Clinton.

This is how scandals start. Republicans make up shit, announce the rumour as fact, and start an investigation, which proves nothing.

Get back to us with evidence, witnesses, charges, really anything not made up.
Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.

They did not bring charges, they did not question her under oath. And her testimony was so sensitive they redacted it when they sent it to congress......so whatever she had on her email server, besides the 33,000 that she destroyed....is so classified that members of congress without top secret and above top secret clearance can't see it........

The fix was in with clinton. She's not to be held accountable for anything.

Or.....no reasonable prosecutor would charge her for what she was investigated for.

My conclusion requires me taking the FBI at their word. Yours, an elaborate, ludicrously complicated conspiracy that ignores the FBI.

Occam's Razor.
The fix was in with clinton. She's not to be held accountable for anything.

"She's not to be held accountable for anything that Republicans make up and which has no basis in fact".

There, I fixed it for you.

Don't you idiots ever get tired of calling "Wolf" where the Clintons are concerned? Well the Koch Brothers have deep pockets so what if it isn't true.
Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.

They did not bring charges, they did not question her under oath. And her testimony was so sensitive they redacted it when they sent it to congress......so whatever she had on her email server, besides the 33,000 that she destroyed....is so classified that members of congress without top secret and above top secret clearance can't see it........

The fix was in with clinton. She's not to be held accountable for anything.

Or.....no reasonable prosecutor would charge her for what she was investigated for.

My conclusion requires me taking the FBI at their word. Yours, an elaborate, ludicrously complicated conspiracy that ignores the FBI.

Occam's Razor.

Yes, the husband who is also implicated in crimes with the clinton foundation meets with the Attorney General of the United States on his own.........yeah....nothing wrong there.....
"She's not to be held accountable for anything that Republicans make up and which has no basis in fact".

There, I fixed it for you.

Don't you idiots ever get tired of calling "Wolf" where the Clintons are concerned? Well the Koch Brothers have deep pockets so what if it isn't true.
She's not even held accountable for what she does, let alone what Republicans "made up".

You're such a hack.
Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.

They did not bring charges, they did not question her under oath. And her testimony was so sensitive they redacted it when they sent it to congress......so whatever she had on her email server, besides the 33,000 that she destroyed....is so classified that members of congress without top secret and above top secret clearance can't see it........

The fix was in with clinton. She's not to be held accountable for anything.

Or.....no reasonable prosecutor would charge her for what she was investigated for.

My conclusion requires me taking the FBI at their word. Yours, an elaborate, ludicrously complicated conspiracy that ignores the FBI.

Occam's Razor.

Yes, the husband who is also implicated in crimes with the clinton foundation meets with the Attorney General of the United States on his own.........yeah....nothing wrong there.....

And yet another awkward attempt to shift the topic.

You incompetently babbled about 'theft' in the OP when the OIG was speaking about file management systems. You insisted that the government would never investigate Hillary....when they obviously would. And did.

And now you're babble about Bill when your last two piece of hapless conspiracy nonsense burst like ripe zits.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

This is the way the clintons have worked since Arkansas....he became Attorney General and then Governor, and controlled the law enforcement organizations in that states...then, when they got to the White House, they replaced all of the U.S. attorneys in one swoop......and put their people in charge, including the one investigating White Water......

And when Ken Starr investigated them for White Water he found.....

.....wait for it......


Jack shit.
Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

This is the way the clintons have worked since Arkansas....he became Attorney General and then Governor, and controlled the law enforcement organizations in that states...then, when they got to the White House, they replaced all of the U.S. attorneys in one swoop......and put their people in charge, including the one investigating White Water......

And when Ken Starr investigated them for White Water he found.....

.....wait for it......


Jack shit.
Benghazi and emails?
Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

This is the way the clintons have worked since Arkansas....he became Attorney General and then Governor, and controlled the law enforcement organizations in that states...then, when they got to the White House, they replaced all of the U.S. attorneys in one swoop......and put their people in charge, including the one investigating White Water......

And when Ken Starr investigated them for White Water he found.....

.....wait for it......


Jack shit.

They controlled the entire apparatus of federal law enforcement, and the bureaucracy of the United States and had their hand picked U.S. attorney in charge of all the evidence before Ken Starr even started....they also had the power of the pardon and vast sums of money to pay off whoever they needed to to hamper the investigation......

you Borg Drones are funny.
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

This is the way the clintons have worked since Arkansas....he became Attorney General and then Governor, and controlled the law enforcement organizations in that states...then, when they got to the White House, they replaced all of the U.S. attorneys in one swoop......and put their people in charge, including the one investigating White Water......

And when Ken Starr investigated them for White Water he found.....

.....wait for it......


Jack shit.

They controlled the entire apparatus of federal law enforcement, and the bureaucracy of the United States and had their hand picked U.S. attorney in charge of all the evidence before Ken Starr even started....they also had the power of the pardon and vast sums of money to pay off whoever they needed to to hamper the investigation......

you Borg Drones are funny.

Dude....Ken Starr found *nothing* on White Water. Even when your own people find absolutlely nothing, you just fold them into your ever hungry conspiracy.....

....and imagine evidence that doesn't exist.

What's the point of an investigation if you're simply going to ignore
any results?

And of course I'm still *laughing* at your incompetence in mistaking a critique of a file management system with the theft of 6 billion dollars.

And of course, I'm still *laughing* at your absurd claims that the government would never investigation Hillary. Despite the FBI just concluding their investigation *last month*.

Seriously, son.....you're out of your depth here.
The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

This is the way the clintons have worked since Arkansas....he became Attorney General and then Governor, and controlled the law enforcement organizations in that states...then, when they got to the White House, they replaced all of the U.S. attorneys in one swoop......and put their people in charge, including the one investigating White Water......

And when Ken Starr investigated them for White Water he found.....

.....wait for it......


Jack shit.

They controlled the entire apparatus of federal law enforcement, and the bureaucracy of the United States and had their hand picked U.S. attorney in charge of all the evidence before Ken Starr even started....they also had the power of the pardon and vast sums of money to pay off whoever they needed to to hamper the investigation......

you Borg Drones are funny.

Dude....Ken Starr found *nothing* on White Water. Even when your own people find absolutlely nothing, you just fold them into your ever hungry conspiracy.....

....and imagine evidence that doesn't exist.

What's the point of an investigation if you're simply going to ignore
any results?

And of course I'm still *laughing* at your incompetence in mistaking a critique of a file management system with the theft of 6 billion dollars.

And of course, I'm still *laughing* at your absurd claims that the government would never investigation Hillary. Despite the FBI just concluding their investigation *last month*.

Seriously, son.....you're out of your depth here.

They put their own U.S. attorney on the case long before Starr came on board....they had time to hide everything........
"She's not to be held accountable for anything that Republicans make up and which has no basis in fact".

There, I fixed it for you.

Don't you idiots ever get tired of calling "Wolf" where the Clintons are concerned? Well the Koch Brothers have deep pockets so what if it isn't true.
She's not even held accountable for what she does, let alone what Republicans "made up".

You're such a hack.

That's because she hasn't done anything actionable. Republicans keep making shit up, saying she did stuff, but there's never any evidence, or witnesses, or truth to their allegations. And then, when she's investigated, and nothing is found, they continue to say she did it and got away with it.

If you didn't have lies against Hillary, you'd have nothing.
"She's not to be held accountable for anything that Republicans make up and which has no basis in fact".

There, I fixed it for you.

Don't you idiots ever get tired of calling "Wolf" where the Clintons are concerned? Well the Koch Brothers have deep pockets so what if it isn't true.
She's not even held accountable for what she does, let alone what Republicans "made up".

You're such a hack.

That's because she hasn't done anything actionable. Republicans keep making shit up, saying she did stuff, but there's never any evidence, or witnesses, or truth to their allegations. And then, when she's investigated, and nothing is found, they continue to say she did it and got away with it.

If you didn't have lies against Hillary, you'd have nothing.

they control all aspects of law enforcement at the federal level......and they use that control....
We may need another branch of government.....it is now shown to be insane to allow one political party to control the very law enforcement agencies that would be responsible to investigate themselves.......

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