Hilary is both a criminal and she is incompetent, 6 Billion dollars in contracts from State is gone.

You people will throw anybody under the bus in order to win an election

Paul Eaton, a retired major general in the U.S. Army, said Trump's "smear" against American troops and veterans should disqualify him as a presidential candidate.

The remarks stand as "testimony to why Mr. Trump is unqualified to serve as Commander in Chief of the finest troops on the planet," Eaton said in a statement released through VoteVets.org, where he serves as a senior adviser.

During a speech on Tuesday evening in Greensboro, North Carolina, Trump criticized U.S. policy during the Iraq war to send millions of dollars in cash to Iraq, which he called "a corrupt country," with no supervision.

"Millions and millions of dollars, and handing it out," the presumptive Republican nominee said. "I want to know, who were the soldiers that had that job? [Because] I think they're living very well right now, wherever they may be."

Vets Group Blasts Trump for Suggesting Troops Stole Money for Iraq | Military.com
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?

Who is saying that the money was stolen? Not the article that OP is citing. Not the Office of the Inspector General.

So what are you talking about?
I didn't say it was stolen. The bozo before you brought up the money stolen in Iraq during the invasion.

You cited the words 'huge theft'. And there's no indication of any theft, any money stolen, any money lost. And the IOC has never claimed they don't know where the 'money went'.

And on a completely related issue....are you familiar with the term 'contract files'. Because it lies at the heart of why the 'huge theft' narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical horseshit.
I wasn't the one that brought it up. The topic was the missing state dept. money now you guys want to talk about Iraq.

You people will throw anybody under the bus in order to win an election

Paul Eaton, a retired major general in the U.S. Army, said Trump's "smear" against American troops and veterans should disqualify him as a presidential candidate.

The remarks stand as "testimony to why Mr. Trump is unqualified to serve as Commander in Chief of the finest troops on the planet," Eaton said in a statement released through VoteVets.org, where he serves as a senior adviser.

During a speech on Tuesday evening in Greensboro, North Carolina, Trump criticized U.S. policy during the Iraq war to send millions of dollars in cash to Iraq, which he called "a corrupt country," with no supervision.

"Millions and millions of dollars, and handing it out," the presumptive Republican nominee said. "I want to know, who were the soldiers that had that job? [Because] I think they're living very well right now, wherever they may be."

Vets Group Blasts Trump for Suggesting Troops Stole Money for Iraq | Military.com
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?

Who is saying that the money was stolen? Not the article that OP is citing. Not the Office of the Inspector General.

So what are you talking about?
I didn't say it was stolen. The bozo before you brought up the money stolen in Iraq during the invasion.

You cited the words 'huge theft'. And there's no indication of any theft, any money stolen, any money lost. And the IOC has never claimed they don't know where the 'money went'.

And on a completely related issue....are you familiar with the term 'contract files'. Because it lies at the heart of why the 'huge theft' narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical horseshit.
I wasn't the one that brought it up. The topic was the missing state dept. money now you guys want to talk about Iraq.


There is no 'missing state department money'. That's just it. There are missing state department *contract files*. This is a thread about the State Department filing system and contract file administration.

The Opening Poster just doesn't know that....because he never read what he's posted.

Did you?
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?

Who is saying that the money was stolen? Not the article that OP is citing. Not the Office of the Inspector General.

So what are you talking about?
I didn't say it was stolen. The bozo before you brought up the money stolen in Iraq during the invasion.

You cited the words 'huge theft'. And there's no indication of any theft, any money stolen, any money lost. And the IOC has never claimed they don't know where the 'money went'.

And on a completely related issue....are you familiar with the term 'contract files'. Because it lies at the heart of why the 'huge theft' narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical horseshit.
I wasn't the one that brought it up. The topic was the missing state dept. money now you guys want to talk about Iraq.


There is no 'missing state department money'. That's just it. There are missing state department *contract files*. This is a thread about the State Department filing system and contract file administration.

The Opening Poster just doesn't know that....because he never read what he's posted.

Did you?
Did you?

"The alert revealed that State Department officials lost contract files and maintained incomplete contract files, thus exposing taxpayers “to substantial financial losses.” Federal law and State Department policy requires maintenance of all files required to document a government procurement from start to finish."

You cited the words 'huge theft'. And there's no indication of any theft, any money stolen, any money lost. And the IOC has never claimed they don't know where the 'money went'.

And on a completely related issue....are you familiar with the term 'contract files'. Because it lies at the heart of why the 'huge theft' narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical horseshit.
That little weasel claimed "I didn't say it was stolen." after earlier posting the accusation of 'huge theft'?

Wow! Would that make her a liar as well as a weasel?
Who is saying that the money was stolen? Not the article that OP is citing. Not the Office of the Inspector General.

So what are you talking about?
I didn't say it was stolen. The bozo before you brought up the money stolen in Iraq during the invasion.

You cited the words 'huge theft'. And there's no indication of any theft, any money stolen, any money lost. And the IOC has never claimed they don't know where the 'money went'.

And on a completely related issue....are you familiar with the term 'contract files'. Because it lies at the heart of why the 'huge theft' narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical horseshit.
I wasn't the one that brought it up. The topic was the missing state dept. money now you guys want to talk about Iraq.


There is no 'missing state department money'. That's just it. There are missing state department *contract files*. This is a thread about the State Department filing system and contract file administration.

The Opening Poster just doesn't know that....because he never read what he's posted.

Did you?
Did you?

"The alert revealed that State Department officials lost contract files and maintained incomplete contract files, thus exposing taxpayers “to substantial financial losses.” Federal law and State Department policy requires maintenance of all files required to document a government procurement from start to finish."

They're not claiming that there is any missing money, or any funds that they can't track. 'Significant financial risk' and 'huge theft' aren't the same thing.

Or even particularly related.

This is a thread about State Department *filing* protocols. Not missing money.
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant

We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

And once again, anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it.
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy.

What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plot to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Occam's Razor, buddy. Think it through.
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary.........there is no need for secrecy.......they just refuse to prosecute hilary or allow a real investigation....then her husband meets the sitting Attorney General on an isolated air field.....

you guys are so brain dead it is pathetic............
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.

They did not bring charges, they did not question her under oath. And her testimony was so sensitive they redacted it when they sent it to congress......so whatever she had on her email server, besides the 33,000 that she destroyed....is so classified that members of congress without top secret and above top secret clearance can't see it........
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......

Dude, you're just folding anyone into your conspiracy that doesn't ape your conspiracy. What's more likely? A vast, international conspiracy spanning decades involving the highest levels of government in a sprawling secret and nefarious plots to allow Democrats to commit wanton crime...

.....or you just not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

Asswipe....it isn't a conspiracy.....they just refuse to investigate hilary

So the FBI investigation into Hillary's email usage...wasn't an investigation of Hillary?

Dude, how much of your brain do you have to shut down to believe half the shit you post?

And where, pray tell, does the IOC or anyone else, accuse the State department of theft or losing 6 billion dollars? You can't even read what you're posting.

This is getting embarrassing.

They did not bring charges, they did not question her under oath.

When does the FBI question people 'under oath' as part of their investigations? You're just making shit up as you go along.

They clearly investigated her. You insisted they never would. Demonstrating you don't now what the fuck you're talking about. Your conspiracy is just pure idiocy.

Worse, you couldn't even read your own OP. As the OIG *never* accused the State Department of theft or losing any money. They're speaking about the financial risk of poor file management systems within the State Department.

The 'theft' nonsense...is just you quoting the voices in your head again.
How does that address the OP? He was talking about a particular theft, and a huge one. Do you know where that money went?

Do you know where the State Dept money went?
I suspect it's in the Clinton Foundation's coffers. get a warrant
We can't...the democrats control the Department of Justice and the FBI....

Unbelievable how dumb some people can be. Do you know where one gets a warrant?

I'll try and assist you here. Neither from the Department of Justice, nor from the FBI.

Can you guess it yet?

Come on, Try hard? You can do it.

Okay, waited long enough Skylar, want to assist this imbecile 2aguy ?

Moron.......the Department of Justice and the FBI have to actually ask for the warrant.......they are now controlled by the democrats and are not asking for the warrants......
So no other law enforcement agencies can ask for a warrant? You really are dumb

The federal law enforcement agencies are controlled by democrats......who else is going to go after the clintons with any chance of success......? The clinton foundation is taking money from foriegn countries...that puts it out of the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.....it also acts across state lines......
The FBI director proved they won't even indict with this administration. The DOJ isn't going to shoot down their candidate. The libs use this as evidence of no wrong doing.

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