Hillary 2003: "I Am, You Know, Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants"

How does a woman so far into her years undergo such dramatic changes in their world view? Oh, they don't.
People change their minds all the time. It's kind of unusual when they don't.
Of course she's against illegal immigrants. That's why she wants to legalize them all, and make citizenship available at border gift shops for $4.95, with $12 family passes.
I think "personal philosophy" is a little thick.

Did she change her mind on immigration? Is she being honest now or back then? I'm not really sure but the country as a whole has moved leftward on immigration with a pathway to citizenship.
I think "personal philosophy" is a little thick.

Did she change her mind on immigration? Is she being honest now or back then? I'm not really sure but the country as a whole has moved leftward on immigration with a pathway to citizenship.
No, they haven't. But I'm sure you'll cite some bullshit poll that skewed the way the question was asked to get the results they did.
I think "personal philosophy" is a little thick.

Did she change her mind on immigration? Is she being honest now or back then? I'm not really sure but the country as a whole has moved leftward on immigration with a pathway to citizenship.
No, they haven't. But I'm sure you'll cite some bullshit poll that skewed the way the question was asked to get the results they did.

Oh no...I'm blocked from presenting any evidence because you won't accept it? Eh, 3 polls.

Fox news poll:

Q:Which of the following comes closest to your view about what government policy shouldbe toward illegal immigrants currently in the United States? Should the government...SCALE: 1. Send all illegal immigrants back to their home country 2. Have a guestworker program that allows immigrants to remain in the United States to work, but onlyfor a limited amount of time3. Allow illegal immigrants to remain in the country andeventually qualify for U.S. citizenship, but only if they meet certain requirements likepaying back taxes, learning English, and passing a background check4. (Don’t know

19-21 Jan 14
Send all back 15%
Guest worker program 13%
pathway to citizenship 68%
Don't know 3%

Public Religion Research Insitute

Q:How should the immigration system deal with immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally?
June 2014
Path to Citizenship: 62%
Allow them a way to become citizens
provided they meet certain

Permanent Legal Residency: 17%
Allow them to become permanent legal
residents but not citizens

Deportation: 19%
Identify and deport them


The American Values Atlas
Q: How should the immigration system deal with immigrants
who are currently living in the U.S. illegally?

Citizenship if requirements met: 60%
Permanent legal residency: 17%
Identify and deport: 19%
Don't know/refused to answer: 3%

Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll
January 2015
Q:Passing immigration legislation that would create a
pathway to US citizenship for foreigners who are currently
staying illegally in the United States

Absolute Priority for this year: 39%
Can be delayed until next year: 31%
Should not be pursued: 28%
Not sure: 2%
"Given that Congress has not yet acted to address the immigration issue, do you think President Obama should or should not have taken executive action on immigration?"

Should Should not Have not
enough (vol.)

% % % %

52 42 1 5

50 45 1 3

This just shows how polling questions are manipulative. And your own wsj poll shows that 59 percent either want to delay or not pursue a pathway to citizenship. Sort of blows your contention out of the water. And most of the pathway to citizenship yes votes are predicated on caveats like secure the border first or pay fines and wait ten years. The country is for lawful immigration, not a mass migration.
This woman is sickening! She will say and do anything to get elected. She also worked on the Goldwater campaign in the 60's. She has brought the art of lying to a new level!

Hillary 2003 I Am You Know Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants - Matt Vespa

View attachment 40943

That is why you can't believe anything she says now.

She was against illegal immigration. Now she's for it.

She was against gay marriage. Now she's for it.

She will always look at polls and say whatever she needs to say to appease her base.

You can't take her word for anything, just like you can't trust most politicians.

Don't listen to them, just watch what they do.

Hillary has lied many times and got caught. That is all you need to know.
Will the Liberal media ask her about her change in position?
Will she at some point allow questions to be asked?
Starting with Clinton and turbocharged by Obama the democrats ushered in the age of presidents without any honor. They lie, they con, they manipulate, they circumvent the law, and they demean their own country. Hilary doesn't have a scintilla of honor in her body. Thirty years ago that would have disqualified anyone from political office, much less the presidency. Her sex is more important than her character. This is how far our country has fallen.
To me, her hypocrisy shrinks to insignificance compared to her ostentatious commitment to criminal conduct. Even her incompetence takes aback seat to her mendacity.

She is in some trouble...and her man has had to go out and try to clean things up, while she hides from anyone who will ask her about her debauchery.

Hypocrisy is in the back of the line.

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