Hillary and child rape


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Will Embracing Gay Marriage Usher in the Death of a Major Christian Denomination? Praise and Outrage Follow Major Decision | TheBlaze.com

The mud slinging has begun for the 2016 presidential race. That means we have two more full years of these nonstop stories to look forward to.


Apparently Fox news has come upon some tapes showing that Hillary admits to successfully defending a child rapist whom she knew was guilty and then laughing about it later.

My question is, isn't this what lawyers do? I mean, it's their job to lie, cheat, steal, do anything they have to do to win. After all, America has chosen lawyers to "represent" them, so I would think this does nothing but prove that Hillary is a "winner" and everyone knows that Americans love a winner.

Besides, Americans are not just indifferent about constantly being lied to by their representatives, they demand it!! :lol:
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Does it really matter America?
The faux populism of Hillary Clinton

NetRightDaily ^

The idea that Bill and Hillary Clinton were broke at the end of his presidency is so patently absurd that her fake emoting is far more damaging to her reputation than any outrage from the right. In fact, the pertinent question here is not what anyone in particular thinks of Mrs. Clinton but rather what Mrs. Clinton thinks of us. In other words, does she really think we’re that stupid? Mrs. Clinton’s campaign thus far has been a patchwork of liberal clichés: the plight of women, the plight of the middle class, etc. If President Obama’s freefall continues, look for...
Hillary scares the shit out of the GOP Taliban. It's hilarious to watch...
Hillary scares the shit out of the GOP Taliban. It's hilarious to watch...

Another unethical, and unprincipled subversive that probably lives off entitlements, or is a UNION THUG! :badgrin:

Why would anyone, of clear mind, and.... oh, forget that!

Will Embracing Gay Marriage Usher in the Death of a Major Christian Denomination? Praise and Outrage Follow Major Decision | TheBlaze.com

The mud slinging has begun for the 2016 presidential race. That means we have two more full years of these nonstop stories to look forward to.


Apparently Fox news has come upon some tapes showing that Hillary admits to successfully defending a child rapist whom she knew was guilty and then laughing about it later.

My question is, isn't this what lawyers do? I mean, it's their job to lie, cheat, steal, do anything they have to do to win. After all, America has chosen lawyers to "represent" them, so I would think this does nothing but prove that Hillary is a "winner" and everyone knows that Americans love a winner.

Besides, Americans are not just indifferent about constantly being lied to by their representatives, they demand it!! :lol:

Lawyers are not supposed to lie to get a client acquitted and can be punished by the Bar when they do. All I can say is what I was taught in ethics class in law school. If a lawyer knows his client is guilty (let's say the client admits it) the lawyer may still represent him. However, the lawyer can not tell the jury the client is innocent, nor can the lawyer allow his client to testify and lie on the stand. The lawyer may attack the evidence anyway he can, and may strongly assert that the State has failed to prove its case; however he cannot tell the jury that his client did not commit the crime.

For example, the lawyer may say, “The evidence fails to establish the defendant had a motive for killing Mr. Brown. In fact, the evidence fails to show that the defendant was anywhere near Mr. Brown's house the night he was murdered. You have taken an oath to base your decision on the evidence regardless of how you may personally feel about the defendant, and based upon the evidence you must return a verdict of not guilty.” The attorney, however, cannot say, “The defendant did not murder Mr Brown. He had no motive for killing him and he was nowhere near Mr. Brown the night he was killed. I ask you to find the defendant not guilty.”

This is part of the code of ethical conduct for attorneys; however, I know that there are those attorneys who violate this code.
You will find, V, if you take the time to look, that most lawyers, of any political persuasion, who worked for defendants, had scum as clients.

Who was your attorney? The attitude you display reveals you are not much of a moral exemplar for Americans.
You will find, V, if you take the time to look, that most lawyers, of any political persuasion, who worked for defendants, had scum as clients.

Who was your attorney? The attitude you display reveals you are not much of a moral exemplar for Americans.

Rep Frog Boy II, most lawyers don't have a history of lying, and unconstitutional behavior that gets oneself fired from a HIGH PROIFILE political finding, goes back 40 years, AND is documented!

Perhaps not in your circle of subversives here, but in my circle, we usually agree OUR view for America is the only view that will make this Republic last.... yours..... just like Sodom and Gomorrah, with the same outcome!

The left have a strange conundrum to face.

Libs tend not to have a sense of loyalty so now that the narrative of Hillary becoming the first Female POTUS looks like it's history, the Libs have to figure out how to throw her under the bus in a graceful manner.

It's a good thing we found out this shit before she had HER chance to screw up America.

She's an Alynskyite just as Obama is.

If we threw Obama out and elected her we'd be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Will Embracing Gay Marriage Usher in the Death of a Major Christian Denomination? Praise and Outrage Follow Major Decision | TheBlaze.com

The mud slinging has begun for the 2016 presidential race. That means we have two more full years of these nonstop stories to look forward to.


Apparently Fox news has come upon some tapes showing that Hillary admits to successfully defending a child rapist whom she knew was guilty and then laughing about it later.

My question is, isn't this what lawyers do? I mean, it's their job to lie, cheat, steal, do anything they have to do to win. After all, America has chosen lawyers to "represent" them, so I would think this does nothing but prove that Hillary is a "winner" and everyone knows that Americans love a winner.

Besides, Americans are not just indifferent about constantly being lied to by their representatives, they demand it!! :lol:

That is why we don't want lawyers in Washington. They are scum. Most Dem presidents have been lawyers. Most Repubs tend to be business people.

I'd rather have people who understand how the private sector works than people who behave as if they only represent certain people and are suing the rest on behalf of their clients. Look at the way most Dems function. They claim certain people are the enemy, like the wealthy, and then they promise their clients, like government dependents and illegal aliens, that they will get them a big fat settlement (return the wealth to it's rightful owners, spread the wealth around, make the rich pay), but instead of having to state their case, they just use executive order to get their way or shove legislation through in an underhanded manner.

Obama doesn't even try to represent some of us. If you are white, wealthy, anti-amnesty, anti-big government, registered Republican or Christian then you are in the defendant seat while his supporters, illegal aliens, government dependents, Muslims and registered Dems are the plaintiffs that he stands up for. And since he doesn't like going through our process, he acts as judge and jury with his precious little phone and pen.

Thing is, Dems are just as pro-wealth as Repubs and they are all kind to the real 1%, which is the Federal Reserve banks. At least Repubs are kinder to military, active and retired.

Hillary is the typical lawyer. She is also the typical politician. Politicians aren't good representatives because by the very nature of playing politics, they are concerned with things other than doing what the people elected them to do.

Anyone who could find humor in getting a child rapist off the hook is not someone I would want to be friends with, let alone have running the country. How can anyone help this guy walk knowing he was guilty and not feel downright sick about it? Unless a lawyer is a public defender, they can choose whether or not to take a case.
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Mojo, you are an Alinskyite of the far right. V is not smart enough to be one.

We are right to be concerned about a HRC candidacy.

Other than Paul right now, the GOP has no one who would get with ten points of her.

A friend who works at the Utah legislature believes that Clinton could beat a GOP candidate worse than LBJ beat my hero Goldwater.
Yes, it's about time it matters, isn't it?



God help me, but she would have been on my radar back in the day.

i mean, c'mon!

That was hittable!!!

There was a time when she really was, yeah, back in the day.

Bill done tore that up too much now, though.

To quote Stewie from Family Guy:

Prolly sumin' now like "... like a hot dog goin' down a hallway."

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