Hillary and Margaret Sanger

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

That Sanger explained how birth control works and why it's important to a bunch of mental midgets is not in any way, shape or form an endorsement of racism.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

No, I would do it to rid my country of parasitic entities that are a blight on humanity and any country. Do you get it now?
Sanger hated blacks and poor people in general, she was a racist and a eugenicist and any other attempt to paint her as anything but that is pure spin and pure BULLSHIT. She hung herself with her own quotes and there isn't a POS liberal around that is smart enough to fool people into the spin game you are playing. You have gotten your ass handed to you by every anti-Sanger-ite here...give it up, dumb fuck.
grow up. democrats filibustered it. conservative and liberal labels did not exist in those days.
Actually, you and others don't WANT them to exist until much, much later to maintain the façade that the GOP has always been the conservative political party, which is total bullshit propaganda!

Definition and etymology of "conservative":

Definition - conservative
1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; ~~ conservative definition - Google Search ~~

Etymology - conservative
Late Middle English (in the sense ‘aiming to preserve’): from late Latin conservativus, from conservat- ‘conserved,’ from the verb conservare (see conserve). Current senses date from the mid 19th century onward. ~~ conservative etymology - Google Search ~~
To add:

"As for Sanger as a supporter of KKK, it is just untrue," Baker wrote in an email. "She was far ahead of her times in terms of opposing racial segregation. She worked closely with black leaders to open birth control clinics in Harlem and elsewhere. She believed all women should have the information about birth control that rich women had, hence her lecture to the KKK women."

Ruth Engs, a professor emeritus of applied health science at Indiana University who has studied the eugenics movement:

"Margaret Sanger, as far as I know, was never a member of the Klan. She would speak to any group who was interested in how to control their reproduction. This includes immigrant groups, black groups, church groups, in addition to professionals, physicians," she wrote in an email.

Author Edwin Black, whose 2003 book War Against the Weak paints a scathing portrait of the American eugenics movement, criticizes Sanger harshly in its pages for her eugenic beliefs. Ultimately, though, he writes, "Sanger was no racist. Nor was she anti-Semitic."



I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

That Sanger explained how birth control works and why it's important to a bunch of mental midgets is not in any way, shape or form an endorsement of racism.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yep, Sanger and the KKK were thicker than thieves and felt the same way about blacks.

Yet, completely unable to come up with the evidence. She worked with blacks, she gave a speech to the klan.
And if she'd spoken to the Indiana GOP Governor or General Assembly -- at that same time, she'd have been speaking to the Klan.

"Indiana's Klan organization reached its peak of power in the following years, when it had 250,000 members, an estimated 30% of native-born white men. By 1925 over half the elected members of the Indiana General Assembly, the Governor of Indiana, and many other high-ranking officials in local and state government were members of the Klan. Politicians had also learned they needed Klan endorsement to win office."

Yep, the klan had a lot more influence back then, then they do now, so it's not far fetched that she would give a speech to the KKK women's auxiliary. How your post supports your argument I fail to see.

EDIT: Sorry, I thought you were Dale and your post really through me off.

Was pointing out - at that time in the country millions of people belonged to the Klan (it's important to remember there were three iterations. This one was the second iteration. )

15% of the nation's eligible population at one time were KKK members. A stunning figure.

Their motto and tune was "pro-American"

and it was a "fraternal, nativist and strenuously patriotic organization."

Racist, yes,

They were also anti-immigrant, highly patriotic, very religious and nativistic.

That Sanger spoke to one woman's group,"one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing" - to help provide those she described as practically children in their thinking, with birth control information is not the tragic indictment some of the RWNJ's make it out to be,

Yep, I completely agree with you, I was mistaken by who started your post and read it as though it came from Dale so my thinking was "WTF is your point?" because you were making the point that speaking to a klan group back then wasn't so out of the ordinary.

So, yep, totally agree with you!
Thanks. Dale is nothing more than a trolling flamebaiter.

His drunk ass is worthy of ignore.
grow up. democrats filibustered it. conservative and liberal labels did not exist in those days.
Actually, you and others don't WANT them to exist until much, much later to maintain the façade that the GOP has always been the conservative political party, which is total bullshit propaganda!

Definition and etymology of "conservative":

Definition - conservative
1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; ~~ conservative definition - Google Search ~~

Etymology - conservative
Late Middle English (in the sense ‘aiming to preserve’): from late Latin conservativus, from conservat- ‘conserved,’ from the verb conservare (see conserve). Current senses date from the mid 19th century onward. ~~ conservative etymology - Google Search ~~

those definitions do not apply today. nice try though :2up:
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

No, I would do it to rid my country of parasitic entities that are a blight on humanity and any country. Do you get it now?

Yes, I get it. You would commit an act that you deem murder, in this case mass murder of millions because you think abortion is murder. Like I said, you've clearly thought this out...kind of like some sort of final solution...but dumber.

Sanger hated blacks and poor people in general, she was a racist and a eugenicist and any other attempt to paint her as anything but that is pure spin and pure BULLSHIT. She hung herself with her own quotes and there isn't a POS liberal around that is smart enough to fool people into the spin game you are playing. You have gotten your ass handed to you by every anti-Sanger-ite here...give it up, dumb fuck.

Still waiting for you to make this point that Sanger hated blacks, you can say it all day long, but there isn't much evidence. What quotes? Quote them.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

Abortion was illegal in Sanger's day. She saw birth control as a means of preventing illegal and dangerous abortion as it was in her day.
grow up. democrats filibustered it. conservative and liberal labels did not exist in those days.
Actually, you and others don't WANT them to exist until much, much later to maintain the façade that the GOP has always been the conservative political party, which is total bullshit propaganda!

Definition and etymology of "conservative":

Definition - conservative
1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; ~~ conservative definition - Google Search ~~

Etymology - conservative
Late Middle English (in the sense ‘aiming to preserve’): from late Latin conservativus, from conservat- ‘conserved,’ from the verb conservare (see conserve). Current senses date from the mid 19th century onward. ~~ conservative etymology - Google Search ~~

those definitions do not apply today. nice try though :2up:

So today's conservatives reject traditional values?

lol, another good one.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yes. Birth Control.

Sanger was anti-abortion.

You've been shown this repeatedly.

Show the readers in the thread you are capable of learning.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

She wasn't a fan of abortion. She was an advocate for birth control which reduced the need for abortion. That's a good thing, remember?
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

No, I would do it to rid my country of parasitic entities that are a blight on humanity and any country. Do you get it now?

Yes, I get it. You would commit an act that you deem murder, in this case mass murder of millions because you think abortion is murder. Like I said, you've clearly thought this out...kind of like some sort of final solution...but dumber.

Sanger hated blacks and poor people in general, she was a racist and a eugenicist and any other attempt to paint her as anything but that is pure spin and pure BULLSHIT. She hung herself with her own quotes and there isn't a POS liberal around that is smart enough to fool people into the spin game you are playing. You have gotten your ass handed to you by every anti-Sanger-ite here...give it up, dumb fuck.

Still waiting for you to make this point that Sanger hated blacks, you can say it all day long, but there isn't much evidence. What quotes? Quote them.

The thread starts with a misquote, and continues with misattributed quotes. That's where the OP lost the argument.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

the KKK was known as a racist organization from its inception. Why would she meet with them if she did not agree with them?

your spin attempts are pathetic.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yes because she wanted to limit the number of blacks in America. Is this not racist and proof she was a eugenicist?

She like our wonderful Nazi Jewish SC judge Ginsburg stated the need for abortion to limit the number of undesirables. It is most sickening, but the elites and dumb asses like it.

Ginsburg first advocated taxpayer funding of abortions and followed it up by saying she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yes because she wanted to limit the number of blacks in America. Is this not racist and proof she was a eugenicist?

She like our wonderful Nazi Jewish SC judge Ginsburg stated the need for abortion to limit the number of undesirables. It is most sickening, but the elites and dumb asses like it.

Ginsburg first advocated taxpayer funding of abortions and followed it up by saying she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Do you support poor people of any color having more children than they can afford?

I guess when daddy daddy Bush was the National Treasurer of Planned Parenthood fundraising campaign, he was part of the diabolical plan to kill black people and "the poors," too.


grow up. democrats filibustered it. conservative and liberal labels did not exist in those days.
Actually, you and others don't WANT them to exist until much, much later to maintain the façade that the GOP has always been the conservative political party, which is total bullshit propaganda!

Definition and etymology of "conservative":

Definition - conservative
1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; ~~ conservative definition - Google Search ~~

Etymology - conservative
Late Middle English (in the sense ‘aiming to preserve’): from late Latin conservativus, from conservat- ‘conserved,’ from the verb conservare (see conserve). Current senses date from the mid 19th century onward. ~~ conservative etymology - Google Search ~~

those definitions do not apply today. nice try though :2up:
And the fucking sun comes up in the West for you, too! Damn you're a fucking dishonest, imbecilic liar!
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

No, I would do it to rid my country of parasitic entities that are a blight on humanity and any country. Do you get it now?

Yes, I get it. You would commit an act that you deem murder, in this case mass murder of millions because you think abortion is murder. Like I said, you've clearly thought this out...kind of like some sort of final solution...but dumber.

Sanger hated blacks and poor people in general, she was a racist and a eugenicist and any other attempt to paint her as anything but that is pure spin and pure BULLSHIT. She hung herself with her own quotes and there isn't a POS liberal around that is smart enough to fool people into the spin game you are playing. You have gotten your ass handed to you by every anti-Sanger-ite here...give it up, dumb fuck.

Still waiting for you to make this point that Sanger hated blacks, you can say it all day long, but there isn't much evidence. What quotes? Quote them.

The thread starts with a misquote, and continues with misattributed quotes. That's where the OP lost the argument.

the words were not accurate, but the Sanger message is accurate. She was a racist and Hillary loved her.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yes because she wanted to limit the number of blacks in America. Is this not racist and proof she was a eugenicist?

She like our wonderful Nazi Jewish SC judge Ginsburg stated the need for abortion to limit the number of undesirables. It is most sickening, but the elites and dumb asses like it.

Ginsburg first advocated taxpayer funding of abortions and followed it up by saying she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Do you support poor people of any color having more children than they can afford?

Its none of my business.

Asking such a question exposes you as a eugenicist.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Because she wanted women to have access to birth control. Why would she work with W.E.B. Du Bois? Does that mean she also supported the NAACP? Can't have your simple logic only go one way.
Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yes because she wanted to limit the number of blacks in America. Is this not racist and proof she was a eugenicist?

She like our wonderful Nazi Jewish SC judge Ginsburg stated the need for abortion to limit the number of undesirables. It is most sickening, but the elites and dumb asses like it.

Ginsburg first advocated taxpayer funding of abortions and followed it up by saying she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Sanger and Ginsburg don't want people who through lack of availability to birth control to have children, who wouldn't?

As for funding abortion, I'm completely fine with government funding it.

Also, Sanger was not a proponent of abortion, can you even get the basics right?
Are liberals and leftards REALLY trying to distance from Sanger, the liberal eugenicist and all around racist klunt that Hitlery admires so much? Tough shit, ass-wipes....she is one of yours so own her and embrace her because you are all the same peas in the same pods. I have posted her OWN words many times here and they speak for themselves. Not even Buttecea has a chance of denying what is.
For being such a bright boy, you sure didn't get what's going on in this thread, did you? :lol:

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