Hillary-Benghazi mom: may not fully recall about the video- so one is a liar-smart money on Hillary

Who is the liar on Benghazi

  • Hillary

    Votes: 25 89.3%
  • Pat Smith

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters
But the media exposed themselves as hypocritical and in the bag for Hillary by continuing to push the Khan story / couple while refusing to give any air time to the Benghazi Mom's story.
Without realizing it,,,,,(since you are a hate-filled moron).......you are actually blaming Stevens for his own demise........Knowing that the situation in Benghazi's US compound was dangerous (versus the relative safety of the EMBASSY in Tripoli), Stevens CHOSE to go visit there as rioting over the video was going on in Neighboring Cairo. Is that your contention?
Hardly, you Hillary ass-kisser. Stevens worked for Hillary, He was tasked to go to Benghazi. His compound was there. His staff was there (he wasn't the only American in Benghazi). He was doing his job.

HILLARY was Secretary of State, responsible for the protection of US Embassies, compounds, US Ambassadors, and Americans abroad working for the State Department, which included ALL the Americans working in Benghazi. Despite her telling '60 Minutes' that his security was 'not her responsibility', she damn-sure was responsible for his security!

It was her responsibility to protect her people. Competent leaders can assess the danger and care enough for their people to get them out of harm's way. Hillary and her ignorant followers are trying to say that as Secretary of State Hillary was only responsible for flying around, attending parties, attending meetings, but wasn't actually responsible for protecting the lives of those who worked for her abroad.

Even if true, the fact that she did not KNOW about the HUNDREDS of pleas for more security from Stevens is criminal incompetence and negligence of her duties as Secretary of State. Her not knowing about the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, her refusal to order him AND EVERY OTHER AMERICAN IN BENGHAZI out, as every other nation had done with their people, and not knowing that 14 members of his security detail had been stripped form him AFTER THE 2 TERRORIST ATTACKS ON HIS COMPOUND BEFORE 9/11/12 all equate to CRIMINAL ignorance, incompetence, and negligence of her duties as Secretary of State.

CEOs get fired for a lot less when something goes wrong in their companies, yet Hillary is not to be held accountable when 22 US Embassies are attacked, 2 overrun, and 4 Americans end up dying because of HER failures?! Only a Democrat!

And Only Hillary and Liberals could blame the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years for daring to be murdered by terrorists rather than holding those responsible for his safety accountable. Only Hillary and liberals can get away with lying their asses off to the mother of a murdered American then calling the grieving mother a 'liar' just to save Hillary's political career!
Hardly, you Hillary ass-kisser. Stevens worked for Hillary, He was tasked to go to Benghazi. His compound was there. His staff was there (he wasn't the only American in Benghazi). He was doing his job.

This is when you place yourself into a corner.........
PROVE that Hillary SPECIFICALLY ordered Stevens to go to the Benghazi;s poorly secured compound on the very same day that rioting over a video was going on in Cairo...........If any of you moronic right wingers can prove THAT, then I would agree with you that Hillary was complicit in setting Stevens up for murder.

Until then........satisfy yourselves with the knowledge that under other administrations and Sec of State, embassies and consulates have been attacked and Americans (and others) killed.

Of course, if THIS is all you have to bitch about.......carry on !!!

She said it was over a video in her speech. This doesn't prove that she said this to Mr. Smith personally. However, this was the impression she and the administration pushed for weeks after the attack. Now that it proved to be a lie, she's claiming her statements were misunderstood.

No, they were not misunderstood. They were clear. I think it is extremely dangerous when a public official is allowed to lie to us so blatantly and the media let's them get away with it. The checks and balances needed in our Republic aren't in place as long as a Democrat occupies the White House.
This is when you place yourself into a corner.........
PROVE that Hillary SPECIFICALLY ordered Stevens to go to the Benghazi;s poorly secured compound on the very same day that rioting over a video was going on in Cairo............
What do you NOT understand? Stevens worked in Benghazi. His compound was there. His STAFF was there. Many more State Department workers than just Stevens worked there in Benghazi. Hillary ordered NONE of them out. Hillary was responsible for every State Department Employee. She was not 'along for the ride and a paycheck' - she was THE Secretary of State.

Unless you are telling me that Hillary's 'leadership' style is to - while knowing about a call for Mid-east-wide terrorist attacks on US compounds and Embassies, while knowing about a call to assassinate Stevens, while knowing about previous terrorist attacks on Stevens compound, while KNOWING Stevens had pleaded for more security more than 30 times, while KNOWING no US response team could get to Stevens if a 3rd terrorist attack had occurred - sit back and just HOPE FOR THE BEST, she was criminally negligent and failed to do her job, which was to protect US Ambassadors and American State Department employees abroad. If so, this exposes Hillary as a FAILED, WEAK leader who doesn't give a damn about Americans' safety, who REFUSED to provide for Americans' security, and who stripped an American Ambassador of existing security after 2 terrorist attacks!

The attack on the Egyptian Embassy was not a protest over a video. As pointed out again, the US government KNEW of the already existing call for attacks against American facilities (Embassies and compounds) across the Middle east on 9/11/12 MONTHS in advance. Even YOU can not be so stupid as to believe 'spontaneous protests' just HAPPENED to spring up on 9/11/12 - the SAME day the attacks were called for - against 20 US Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle east. These attacks, including those against the Egyptian Embassy and the Benghazi compound were part of these attacks.

Hell, even the President of the United States, Barak Obama, ADMITTED he knew the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack and did NOT have anything to do with a video, so YOU are calling Obama a 'liar' by continuing to insist it was.

The CIA has declared there was no protest.
The State Department people on the ground in Benghazi said there was never EVER any sign of a protest, that this was a terrorist attack from the start.
OBAMA has declared there was never a protest, that this was a terrorist attack.
The ONLY ones still trying to claim there was a protest are Hillary and her delusional, lie-embracing supporters.

Further evidence revealed that the reason that the other Americans who worked for Stevens / in Benghazi made it out alive was because the EX-QADAFFI MILITARY MEMBERS, who Hillary and Obama had sided with Al Qaeida against, helped rescue them during the attack! So if not for the 'enemy' Hillary and Obama's 'allies' would have killed all the Americans.

Just STOP already with the lying, denying, and justifying. We got it - although Hillary was 'President' of the State department, she is not to be held accountable for any of the horrendous shit that went south in HER 'administration' - to include the deaths of US citizens...just like libs will claim while she is President of the United States, should she win.
What kind of a President will Hillary be?

4 Americans died due to her criminal incompetence, negligence, and failure to do her job. She laughed about Stevens death and the more than 30 pleas for additional security that were all rejected, declaring she thought that was just part of his sense of humor. When shit hit the fan, while Americans were fighting for their lives, she was busy concocting a lie to save her own ass.

She told the grieving family members of those murdered they had died because of a video...and once a mother exposed this to the media Hillary called her a LIAR.
-- Maybe the Libs can explain why Hillary is denying she told the 'Benghazi mom' her son died as a result over a protest about a video if, as libs claim, the attack WAS due to a protest? Why did Hillary call the woman a lair and is claiming her memory isn't good for claiming Hillary told her it was all over a protest when, according to Hillary and libs, it WAS over a protest?!

She went on '60 Minutes' and declared although she was the 'President' of the State department she was not responsible for the protection and security of those who worked for her, was not expected to know when an Ambassador in one of the most dangerous locations in the world had requested additional security over 30 times - and had been denied every time, was not responsible for knowing there had been 2 terrorist attacks on the Ambassador's compound...and that 14 members of his security team had been pulled right after those attacks.

The 1st person she blamed for the terrorist attack was a US citizen who had engaged in his 1st Amendment right of Freedom of Speech, vowing to put him in jail for doing so in order to appease the terrorists who had murdered 4 Americans.

ALMOST 'Nuff Said...
hiLIARy is a despicable pig. She obviously lied to this grieving mother, and she continues to lie every time she opens her gaping maw.
She said it was over a video in her speech. This doesn't prove that she said this to Mr. Smith personally. However, this was the impression she and the administration pushed for weeks after the attack. Now that it proved to be a lie, she's claiming her statements were misunderstood.

Why would Hillary declare to the world that Benghazi was over a video and NOT tell the grieving relatives the same thing? OF COURSE she told the families their deaths were due to a video.

Libs are going nuts claiming it WAS due to a video, though, so why the hell would they now support Hillary who is claiming the Benghazi Mom is a LIAR, that she never told her it was over a video. Why would Hillary call her a liar and be so pissed off that she claims Hillary blames a video if it really WAS over a video? It all makes no sense.

So which is it - over a video or not?

If it was over a video (which we all know it was NOT) then Hillary would be justified in telling the mom it was over a video instead of being rabidly pissed that the mom is claiming Hillary told her it was over a video.
What do you NOT understand? Stevens worked in Benghazi. His compound was there. His STAFF was there. Many more State Department workers than just Stevens worked there in Benghazi.

Making up lies again? Benghazi was were Stevens arrived to help the Libyans but,,,,,,,

He left Benghazi on November 17, 2011, and returned as ambassador to Libya on September 10, 2012.

Knowing Its Dangers, Chris Stevens Still Chose to Travel to Benghazi.

From the above article:

  • Ambassador Chris Stevens was responsible for the decision to travel to Benghazi. In-country travel is solely at the discretion of the ambassador, and he did not need to seek Department of State approval.
Now, NO ONE wants to "blame" the victims in this case....Stevens' and the other 3 deaths are a tragedy....

However, Stevens made his OWN choice and although Hillary Clinton has countless flaws, THIS tragedy IS NOT ONE OF THEM.....and hate-filled right wingers will spin their half brains to accuse without any ultimate impact for their bile.
What do you NOT understand? Stevens worked in Benghazi. His compound was there. His STAFF was there. Many more State Department workers than just Stevens worked there in Benghazi. Hillary ordered NONE of them out. Hillary was responsible for every State Department Employee. She was not 'along for the ride and a paycheck' - she was THE Secretary of State.

Tap into that half-brain of yours........

Ambassador Chris Stevens was responsible for the decision to travel to Benghazi. In-country travel is solely at the discretion of the ambassador, and he did not need to seek Department of State approval.
Where was the OUTRAGE by democrats over the incidents below??? Who was Sec. of State?
Learn so damn objectivity right wingers.....

Where was the OUTRAGE from the left ?????

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009
Here is a chronology of the deadly terrorist attacks on United States embassies, consulates and traveling U.S. personnel during the presidency of George W. Bush. The list below does not include foiled attacks or those that did not result in fatalities (other than those of the attackers). The descriptions for each incident are excerpted from the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database.

Dec. 15, 2001: Unidentified assailants gunned down a Nepalese security guard of the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Jan. 22, 2002: Two assailants attacked the American Center in Calcutta, India. Five policemen died, and 15 others were injured in the attack.

March 20, 2002: A car bomb exploded near the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru, killing nine people and injuring 32. The U.S. State Department reported no American casualties, injuries, or damage.

June 14, 2002: A suicide bombing in front of the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, left 12 dead and 51 injured.

Nov. 9, 2002: The security supervisor for the U.S. embassy in Nepal was shot dead at his house in Kathmandu. Maoist rebels claimed responsibility for the incident.

May 12, 2003: In a series of attacks, suicide bombers blew themselves up in a truck loaded with explosives in a complex that housed staff working for U.S. defense firm Vinnell in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (The contractors worked out of the U.S. embassy.) At least eight Americans were killed in the incident. Al-Qaida was suspected responsible for the incident. This was one of three attacks, involving at least nine suicide bombers and suspected to have involved 19 perpetrators overall.

July 30, 2004: Two people, including a suicide bomber, were killed and one person was injured as a suicide bomber set off an explosion at the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Israeli Embassy and the Uzbekistan Prosecutor General’s Office in Tashkent were also attacked in related incidents.

Oct. 24, 2004: Edward Seitz, the assistant regional security officer at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, died in a mortar or possible rocket attack at Camp Victory near the Baghdad airport. An American soldier was also injured. He was believed to be the first U.S. diplomat killed following the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Nov 25, 2004: Jim Mollen, the U.S. Embassy’s senior consultant to the Iraqi Ministers of Education and Higher Education, was killed just outside the Green Zone in Baghdad.

Dec. 7, 2004: Gunmen belonging to al-Qaida in the Arabian Penninsula stormed the U.S. Consulate in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, triggering a bloody four-hour siege that left nine dead. One American was slightly injured in the assault.

Jan. 29, 2005: Unknown attackers fired either a rocket or a mortar round at the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad. The strike killed two U.S. citizens and left four others injured.

Sept. 7, 2005: Four American contractors employed with a private security firm supporting the regional U.S. embassy office in Basra, Iraq, were killed when a roadside bomb exploded near their convoy. Three of the contractors died instantly, and the fourth died in a military hospital after the bombing.

March 2, 2006: An unidentified driver detonated a car bomb while driving past the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing a himself, a U.S. Consulate worker and at least three others.

Sept. 12, 2006: Islamic militants attacked the U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria, with hand grenades, rifles, and a vehicle rigged with explosives. One guard and the four attackers died.

July 8, 2007: Two Iraqi U.S. Embassy workers were killed when the wife went to deliver a ransom for her husband who had been kidnapped in Baghdad. One of the couple's bodyguards was killed in the failed ransoming.

Jan. 14, 2008: A bomb hidden on a north Beirut highway hit a U.S. Embassy vehicle, killing at least three Lebanese bystanders. The car's Lebanese driver and an American at a nearby school were wounded.

March 18, 2008: Al-Qaida's wing in Yemen, Jund Al-Yemen Brigades, fired between three and five mortar rounds toward the U.S. embassy, but instead they hit a girls’ school nearby, killing a guard and a schoolgirl and injuring 19 others in Sanaa, Yemen.

July 9, 2008: Four unknown gunmen killed three Turkish police at the U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sept. 17, 2008: Suspected al-Qaida militants disguised as security forces detonated vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, fired rocket propelled grenades, rockets and firearms on the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen. A suicide bomber also blew himself up at the embassy. Six Yemeni police, four civilians (including an American civilian), and six attackers were killed while six others were wounded in the attack.

Nov. 27, 2008: A Taliban suicide car bomber targeted the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing four civilians in addition to the suicide bomber and wounding 18 others. The embassy was hosting a Thanksgiving Day event as Americans and other foreigners were arriving at the venue at the time of the attack.
From the above article:

  • Ambassador Chris Stevens was responsible for the decision to travel to Benghazi. In-country travel is solely at the discretion of the ambassador, and he did not need to seek Department of State approval.
Now, NO ONE wants to "blame" the victims in this case....Stevens' and the other 3 deaths are a tragedy....

However, Stevens made his OWN choice and although Hillary Clinton has countless flaws, THIS tragedy IS NOT ONE OF THEM.....and hate-filled right wingers will spin their half brains to accuse without any ultimate impact for their bile.

Those nations did not give their people a choice - they ORDERED them out. And guess what? Not one of them died on 9/11/12.

It is blatantly obvious, by the fact that 4 Americans - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered - that Hillary F*ED UP by not ordering Stevens AND THE REST OF THE AMERICAN STAFF THERE IN BENGHAZI - who had to be rescued from Hillary's 'allies' (Al Qaeida) by Qadaffi's Ex-Military - out of Benghazi.

It is blatantly OBVIOUS, due to the deaths of those 4 Americans, that Hillary F*ED UP by HER State Department DENYING more than 30 pleas for additional security by Stevens.

It is blatantly obvious that Hillary F*ED UP by HER State Department STRIPPING Stevens of 14 members of his EXISTING security detail AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on Steven's compound (the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall) and knowing there was a call not only for a terrorist attack on 9/11/12 but also a call for Stevens' assassination.

'No one wants to blame the victims'? That's funny based on how you are doing so, how Hillary is calling the mother of one of those killed a liar, and how Hillary and Libs are sticking to the LIE about a protest that Obama has already come out and said never happened.
What do you NOT understand? Stevens worked in Benghazi. His compound was there. His STAFF was there. Many more State Department workers than just Stevens worked there in Benghazi.

Making up lies again? Benghazi was were Stevens arrived to help the Libyans but,,,,,,,

He left Benghazi on November 17, 2011, and returned as ambassador to Libya on September 10, 2012.

Knowing Its Dangers, Chris Stevens Still Chose to Travel to Benghazi.

From the above article:

  • Ambassador Chris Stevens was responsible for the decision to travel to Benghazi. In-country travel is solely at the discretion of the ambassador, and he did not need to seek Department of State approval.
Now, NO ONE wants to "blame" the victims in this case....Stevens' and the other 3 deaths are a tragedy....

However, Stevens made his OWN choice and although Hillary Clinton has countless flaws, THIS tragedy IS NOT ONE OF THEM.....and hate-filled right wingers will spin their half brains to accuse without any ultimate impact for their bile.

Facts do not matter one bit to these folks.

But, but she lied about a video..........</sarcasm>

Sad really,
Where was the OUTRAGE by democrats over the incidents below??? Who was Sec. of State?
Learn so damn objectivity right wingers.....


Interestingly enough YOU point out:

There are only 10 attacks there. On 9/11/12 20 (TWENTY) US Embassies and Compounds were attacked on the same day, as called for / as Obama was warned in advance. 2 of those Embassies / Compounds were overrun.

Unlike Bush, Obama and Hillary were told exactly when the attacks would take place and where - 9/11/12 at Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle East...they were told in advance that there was a call to assassinate Stevens on 9/11/12...and they still FAILED to protect those Embassies/Compounds and FAILED to protect American lives.

Those Americans were also killed by Hillary and Obama's ALLIES - the terrorists for whom they took this nation illegally to war, without Congressional approval to do so. Hillary and Obama dragged the US into a civil war to aid the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, giving them a safe haven while lying/declaring Al Qaeida was on the run.

C'mon nat, Stevens reported gatherings of over 1,000 Al Qaeida in Benghazi prior to 9/11/12, reported MORE Al Qaeida terrorist training camps were opening, and that Al Qaeida flags were flying over Benghazi govt buildings......WHILE OBAMA WAS DECLARING AL QAEIDA WAS ON THE RUN. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE THEY WERE ON THE RUN, NAT?

How many fucking times do you need to be told that Stevens CHOSE himself to go to Benghazi....The Embassy in Tripoli was perfectly safe; but Stevens, unwisely, CHOSE to go exactly where other diplomats had evacuated.

But, hey, you want ulcers over why this issue find Hillary blameless???.....Be my guest !!

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