Hillary: "Black Lives Matter"

Is it racist to state that the narrative, she bases this on is false??? The simple truth is blacks kill twice as many whites every year and yet we whites need to just shut up as blacks are more important than people with white skin.

The cops also need to just shut up! Self defense? Oh'yeah, That will take another black life. I am not devaluing life, but grabbing for a cops gun is a big no, no.
don't you here just LOVE being judged and accused as being a RACIST?

If you even talk about it or black people, they label you one...myself I'm sick of it and do believe that was one reason it COST the Democrats their power In Congress. And it's also used to shut you up from speaking about black people in this country

Is it difficult for you to qualify your statements?

The problem, Stephanie, is when you smear a whole group of people because of the actions of some within it.

Now, assuming you are white, how would you feel if you were labeled as a KKK member simply because you're white?

Think about it. Seriously.
Blacks act racist all the time. Yes, it maybe wrong in the old sense, but the term has evolved into one with a totally separate meaning of just going after criminals of certain races are now somehow racist.

Which black people?



A few?

The ones that do crime and think they have a right to get away with it. Maybe 25%? Even though if 60% of whites voted republican = we're racist, but the democrats think nothing of the 90% of blacks voting democrat.

I'd say some.
don't you here just LOVE being judged and accused as being a RACIST?

If you even talk about it or black people, they label you one...myself I'm sick of it and do believe that was one reason it COST the Democrats their power In Congress. And it's also used to shut you up from speaking about black people in this country

Is it difficult for you to qualify your statements?

The problem, Stephanie, is when you smear a whole group of people because of the actions of some within it.

Now, assuming you are white, how would you feel if you were labeled as a KKK member simply because you're white?

Think about it. Seriously.

Show me where I've smear a whole group of them?. All I said if black lives matters then why is there much black on black crime, and they aren't out protesting about that. it's about white police against black people.
don't you here just LOVE being judged and accused as being a RACIST?

If you even talk about it or black people, they label you one...myself I'm sick of it and do believe that was one reason it COST the Democrats their power In Congress. And it's also used to shut you up from speaking about black people in this country

Is it difficult for you to qualify your statements?

The problem, Stephanie, is when you smear a whole group of people because of the actions of some within it.

Now, assuming you are white, how would you feel if you were labeled as a KKK member simply because you're white?

Think about it. Seriously.

Blacks and the media already enjoys smearing all whites as racist. Hell, the aclu and some within the democratic party consider all southerns members of the KKK>
Is it racist to state that the narrative, she bases this on is false??? Simply blacks kill twice as many whites every year and yet we whites need to just shut up as blacks are more important than people with white skin.

The cops also need to just shut up! Self defense? Oh'yeah, That will take another black life. I am not devaluing life, but grabbing for a cops gun is a big no, no.

Well, which statistics are you using?

Are they up-to-date and accurate. Therein lies the crux of the matter.

I get that partisans on the Right and Left can be devious, and aren't above cherry-picking their favorites 'sources' to score political points.

Hillary is foolish for making that statement, because all lives do in fact matter. The preciousness of life does not diminish if you are black, white, a cop, behind bars, within the womb, etc. This is why murder is wrong, because all human life is sacred.

There are bad people within each group of people. I am certain there are black people within the black community who know and understand that there are bad thugs within their group who do stupid, criminal things that warrant deadly force. I also know and understand that there are those within the white community who are just as bad. Furthermore, it is also true that cops are not infallible, or incapable of doing wrong. All of these nuances can and often do get ignored by this group and that along the way.
don't you here just LOVE being judged and accused as being a RACIST?

If you even talk about it or black people, they label you one...myself I'm sick of it and do believe that was one reason it COST the Democrats their power In Congress. And it's also used to shut you up from speaking about black people in this country

Is it difficult for you to qualify your statements?

The problem, Stephanie, is when you smear a whole group of people because of the actions of some within it.

Now, assuming you are white, how would you feel if you were labeled as a KKK member simply because you're white?

Think about it. Seriously.

Blacks and the media already enjoys smearing all whites as racist. Hell, the aclu and some within the democratic party consider all southerns members of the KKK>

Much of our media is culpable for this violence and enmity. They do have blood on their hands.

Again, no, not all black people. Stop saying "blacks." Stop it. Now. Some black people. Not all. You would not like being treated in the same way. You should not be beneath that standard of thinking. You must qualify your statements if you're going to be taken seriously by others.

Those within the ACLU, that Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Democratic Party who also fall along these lines of poisonous thought are guilty as well.
Blacks act racist all the time. Yes, it maybe wrong in the old sense, but the term has evolved into one with a totally separate meaning of just going after criminals of certain races are now somehow racist.

Which black people?



A few?

The ones that do crime and think they have a right to get away with it. Maybe 25%? Even though if 60% of whites voted republican = we're racist, but the democrats think nothing of the 90% of blacks voting democrat.

I'd say some.

Do you know the exact percentages?

You can't really trust that many politicians who manipulate these numbers this way or that in order to sway us masses of people.

If 99% of black people voting for a black person is not racist, then the same must be true if 99% of white people voted for a white person.

You cannot trust much in politics. You can trust logic.
There's another stepanieism for you. Blacks didn't shoot other blacks before Obama came on the scene.
don't you here just LOVE being judged and accused as being a RACIST?

If you even talk about it or black people, they label you one...myself I'm sick of it and do believe that was one reason it COST the Democrats their power In Congress. And it's also used to shut you up from speaking about black people in this country

Is it difficult for you to qualify your statements?

The problem, Stephanie, is when you smear a whole group of people because of the actions of some within it.

Now, assuming you are white, how would you feel if you were labeled as a KKK member simply because you're white?

Think about it. Seriously.
Most are accused of being KKK members, or should get white hoods, or go to Stormfront, if you don't kowtow to popular opinions that are not your own. So...it already happens, Wake. How many here have asked me if I got my white hood yet or for me to go "back" to stormfront? Quite a few.
Most are accused of being KKK members, or should get white hoods, or go to Stormfront, if you don't kowtow to popular opinions that are not your own. So...it already happens, Wake. How many here have asked me if I got my white hood yet or for me to go "back" to stormfront? Quite a few.

Those who say those terrible things against some white people may have less justification than they think. We must keep in mind that that are racial agitators on each side, and those who deliberately fan the flames of racial animosity in order to push through changes in our society. There are those who won't waste a tragedy. People do exist who like using the race card, which is a weak form of debate in general which can be easily dismissed head-on with cool, calm reasoning. Others are biased, and there's not much that can be done about it.
Sort of like in Mafia where, if someone accuses you of being a racist (or Scummy in Mafia), you ask directly why and for them to explain it in thorough detail. If they do not, chances are they have no case. No weight.
White lives matter too. Just read this book.

All lives matter.

No, not really true. Many can be eliminated and the effect on society would be nil. But the truth is that can be said for any color of a person. And those who have committed crimes, they matter even less. But it is NOT a race issue.

The mattering of life isn't decided by their its on society. Dangerous thinking at best there. Even if you commit crimes, whether of murder, passion, greed, you name it, your life is still sacred, and murder must not be carried out. According to equally-applied laws, if justice means executing a murderer, then I think it is just. Though I don't support the death penalty, I wouldn't say it is murder to execute a proven murderer along the right legal paths.

Lives can be wicked, but they are still sacred. Should a deity exist, it likely will deal with it.
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the point is, of course lives matter, black or white. What is obvious is that to Hillary black lives matter when they can be used for political expedience.

Did you miss the thread by shootspeeders where conservatives are currently jerking each other off over how little black lives matter?

perhaps you are posting in the wrong thread, I said nor implied any such thing.

I think I'm in the right thread. From what I've seen on this forum it seems that black lives don't matter to conservatives EVEN WHEN they can be used for political expedience.

From what I've seen, it seems that WHITE lives don't matter to liberals.

WHITE LIVES Matter US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's interesting to watch the left crank up their hate machine. As if their race-baiting filth is going help them in 2016. Maybe they're too stupid yet to have realized that America is sick of a political platform driven by hate and nothing else.

Exactly right, and the nutjob protests (over nothing) led by Al Sharpton and his nitwit followers are driving the 2016 election even further to the Republican side, for an even bigger landslide than in 2014.
All lives matter and that is all that should be said. All lives are equal.

A professor ended up apologizing to the liberals after sending an email with the title, "All lives matter." Some didn't take kindly to her altering the current phrase of 'black lives matter' so she amended it and apologized. That is bullshit.

This is yet another attempt by the left to divide and to make it appear that America is a racist country that actually needs some flea brain liberal to preach that lives matter. Of course, they only want focus on black lives, despite there not being a serious problem with racist cops. They could care less about actual cases of police brutality, only those accusations regarding black suspects. The liberals never started preaching about all the cops being killed on the job, and there have been countless murders. Cop killings are a major problem across the country, but there is no political reason for the left to even acknowledge it. Some rapper liked to sing about killing cops and glorifying violence, but that was okay.

There is no moral compass with the radical left. It's all about the hot button issue of the day and how they can use things for political purposes. There is no consistency with their concern. Before they defend or support any person or cause, they check to see if they are the right color and stand on the right side of the issue. If you are Republican woman, then don't expect them to defend you when mistreated because of your gender. If you are Republican minority, don't expect them to defend you against racist remarks. If you're conservative, the left will be the ones making racist remarks and degrading comments.

Now, they don't give a rat's ass about the lives of people, but they do care about keeping race wars going and they always need an enemy to "protect" people from. They have vilified the wealthy, the white, the Christians and the right simply because it's political advantageous for them to do so. If the extremist leftwing nuts don't have something to gain, such as votes or more control over people, they won't bother doing things just to help people.

If they cared about all lives, they would be up in arms about inner city gangs, drug cartels, corrupt cops, criminals with guns and terrorists. Guess what, they don't really give a shit. They pick a few things off the list of dangers and ignore the rest. They are driven by agendas, not concern for others.

Lives matter. All lives.
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It's interesting to watch the left crank up their hate machine. As if their race-baiting filth is going help them in 2016. Maybe they're too stupid yet to have realized that America is sick of a political platform driven by hate and nothing else.

Did you uh, read the OP?

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