Hillary Blackberry Unsecure 1st Trip Abroad - Guaranteed Hacked!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
State officials had intelligence regarding Clinton BlackBerry’s ‘vulnerability’ during first visit abroad
LINK: Emails: Clinton’s BlackBerry Was Vulnerable to Hackers

"Hillary Clinton’s BlackBerry was vulnerable to hackers during her first visit abroad as secretary of state, according to internal State Department documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

State’s top diplomatic security official warned Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff, against using their BlackBerries in “Mahogany Row,” the suite of offices at the department’s Foggy Bottom headquarters where the secretary and her top deputies worked, in a March 2009 memo.

“I cannot stress too strongly … that any unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving emails, and exploring calendars,” wrote Eric Boswell, who led State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

Clinton’s BlackBerry was not issued by the State Department, according to former spokeswoman Jen Psaki. The Democratic presidential frontrunner received messages to her personal email address on the device. Hundreds of emails sent to that address contained information subsequently deemed classified."

State Department officials, to include now-Sect of State Kerry told how foreign governments have teams dedicated during foreign govt official visits to attempt to hack and obtain as much information as possible.

Although warned about device vulnerabilities on trips abroad and the necessity for US Govt-encrypted devices, Hillary's personal desire for NON-transparency trumped National Security. SHE WILLFULLY JEOPARDIZED AND COMPROMISED OUR NATIONAL SECURITY!

Yeah, she is looking more and more like 'Presidential' material with every passing day.

Do you think they told her not to use it and she used it anyway? Security decisions like that can easily overrule any secretary of state's wishes. If they told her not to use it, she would not have been allowed to use it.
Blackberries were pretty secure back in 2009, arguably they are still more secure than iOS or android and when one considers that everything is vulnerable these days this is a huge non story. The government phone 100% secure from hacking does not exist.
Boswell’s memo contained guidance for Clinton should she decide to continue the use of BlackBerrys....

right in the article....he gave her guidance and direction on how to use her Blackberry safely....

Oh, and her Blackberry was not issued by the State dept because it was issued by the Senate, she used her Senate account for the first 3 months in office....old news my dear....

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