Hillary Chickens Out, Refuses To Debate Bernie on Fox


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!

...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!

Hillary has to run a secret campaign. Her best trait is the false image of her husband's presidency. The media has smoothed everything over, but they left the White House in a mess and it took years of media propaganda to make everyone forget what they did the last year they were in office.
Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


I read that too and thought it odd of Hillary not to debate anyone and not of her character. There must be an behind the scene innuendo.
Trump HAS won his primary. Hillary hasn't. She's 90 delegates shy and SHE & the DNC, not the GOP, faces a hotly contested convention. Also, the majority of Americans see her as the most dishonest candidate in this entire race. She could use the chance to try to change that. She refused because she knows she can only prove people right, not change their minds. :p
Trump HAS won his primary. Hillary hasn't. She's 90 delegates shy and SHE & the DNC, not the GOP, faces a hotly contested convention. Also, the majority of Americans see her as the most dishonest candidate in this entire race. She could use the chance to try to change that. She refused because she knows she can only prove people right, not change their minds. :p

Neither Trump nor Hillary have reached the required number of delegates and neither one of them will until June 7th.

But mathematically, Bernie and Cruz have both been mathematically eliminated. So there is no need for further debates.

Also, Trump refused to have any more debates once the field was whittled down to three.
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!

You are one delusional moron. LOL.
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


I read that too and thought it odd of Hillary not to debate anyone and not of her character. There must be an behind the scene innuendo.
Yes, there must be "an behind the scene innuendo." LOL.
Hillary should hold a veterans funding raising event instead of appearing in another debate.
Trump HAS won his primary.
No he hasn't. He currently has 1,169 delegates. 1,237 delegates are needed to win the nomination.

There is no one else running in the GOP. Trump is the nominee.

Hillary cant even beat a 74 year old socialist curmudgeon who has never done an honest days work in his life---------or course she also fits that definition except she is 69.
Question for Hillary supporters:

Has your candidate ever had an unscripted debate or interview where she did not know the questions beforehand?
Hillary should hold a veterans funding raising event instead of appearing in another debate.
Hillary has complained about Trump's 'free publicity' in the past / recently...and yet she RUNS away from her own opportunity to get free publicity and expose herself (so to speak) to the American people, to let them know what she stands for (even though by now EVERYONE already knows that).
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


her best way is to stay low and keep the press roped off until after November
Neither Trump nor Hillary have reached the required number of delegates and neither one of them will until June 7th.
Trump has no one else to face - there are no more GOP candidates...unlike what's going on in the DNC. Nice try, though.
Wise move on her part.

The DNC has given Bermie's people big input on the platform committee.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz may not survive her challenge as head of the DNC.

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