Hillary Chickens Out, Refuses To Debate Bernie on Fox

Hillary should hold a veterans funding raising event instead of appearing in another debate.
And all she has to do is actually say the correct amount she raised instead of making some shit up.
That's all she would HAVE to do...but she wouldn't be able to. Its not in her nature to tell the truth...or to GIVE AWAY any money she has raised. :p
Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

Agreed, the fix has been in from the start. That is why most call it the democrat party.
Hillary could lose complete control of her bowels, crap herself in a debate, and 40% of Americans will still vote for her

I think you are right. Just listening to her it sounds as if she lost complete control of her bowels.
Given that Bernie has chosen not to play nice, I see no reason why Hillary should continue to accommodate his Presidential fantasies
We are talking about Hillary Clinton...1/2 of the 'Clinton Political Machine' that is known for it's brutal, politics-of-personal-destruction tactics in the past.

Hillary is being forced to 'play nice' because she has more baggage to prey upon than every candidate that was in this race on both sides from the very start...and more is being added during the campaign (McAuliffe?!)....
Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

Agreed, the fix has been in from the start. That is why most call it the democrat party.
Hillary could lose complete control of her bowels, crap herself in a debate, and 40% of Americans will still vote for her
Screw Fox!

Establishment toe sucking sell outs

I hope Clinton refuse all debates on Fox!!

May their ratings go the way of the Glenn Beck show and Air America!!
You won't live long enough to see FOX ratings do anything but continue to fucking obliterate other cable news networks.
You see, people with real intelligence watch FOX. People with useless pieces of paper from Liberal Indoctrination Centers who spent 80K learning how to spot the difference between a medieval slipper from Hampshire compared to Wessex watch MSNBC's star talking head, bull dyke Rachael Madcow.
Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

Agreed, the fix has been in from the start. That is why most call it the democrat party.
Hillary could lose complete control of her bowels, crap herself in a debate, and 40% of Americans will still vote for her

I think you are right. Just listening to her it sounds as if she lost complete control of her bowels.
Maybe the Debate was scheduled during the week Hillary transforms into a dog or a werewolf?
Hillary needs 80 delegates with both California and NJ on the horizon. Why should she continue the farce that Sanders is a legitimate candidate?

Trump has given up debates also
Because with each day more and more scandal comes out.

Every Trump ad drags more of her baggage out...and Bernie is whispering in the DNC Leadership's ear that he is the more popular, that her baggage is going to weigh her down...and they are panicking....she is 'dying' by a thousand tiny 'cuts'.

Obama overtook her quickly, out of nowhere.
Hillary, except for this last win that was really too close to call, hasn't won a primary in a long time - she's on a losing streak while Bernie is red hot. Trump has overtaken her more slowly...but he has overtaken her.

She has over 170 campaign aides...to Trumps approx. 60 - 70...and he has overtaken her. She has spent millions while he has gotten millions in free publicity. She is seen as aloof, secretive (duh), and afraid to face actual scrutiny like a REAL unscripted interview or debate, and she is seen as the least trustworthy candidate in the race.

If anyone needs more 'face time' and a debate to try to change people's perspective of her it is Hillary....but maybe she really doesn't want to win.

No...the scandals only exist in rightwing conspiracy theories

Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

Agreed, the fix has been in from the start. That is why most call it the democrat party.
Hillary could lose complete control of her bowels, crap herself in a debate, and 40% of Americans will still vote for her

I think you are right. Just listening to her it sounds as if she lost complete control of her bowels.
Maybe the Debate was scheduled during the week Hillary transforms into a dog or a werewolf?

not certain about a dog or werewolf

but she has been observed as a barking moonbat

If there is irony in all this, it is that neither party has a candidate it really likes. We, who are tired of the two party domination, are amused, yet remain perplexed. Why do our fellow Americans so steadfastly refuse to consider alternatives?
She is terrified of Bernie, how will she stand up to Trump? its gonna be a debate like, Richard Simmons VS King Kong
Hillary needs 80 delegates with both California and NJ on the horizon. Why should she continue the farce that Sanders is a legitimate candidate?

Trump has given up debates also
Because with each day more and more scandal comes out.

Every Trump ad drags more of her baggage out...and Bernie is whispering in the DNC Leadership's ear that he is the more popular, that her baggage is going to weigh her down...and they are panicking....she is 'dying' by a thousand tiny 'cuts'.

Obama overtook her quickly, out of nowhere.
Hillary, except for this last win that was really too close to call, hasn't won a primary in a long time - she's on a losing streak while Bernie is red hot. Trump has overtaken her more slowly...but he has overtaken her.

She has over 170 campaign aides...to Trumps approx. 60 - 70...and he has overtaken her. She has spent millions while he has gotten millions in free publicity. She is seen as aloof, secretive (duh), and afraid to face actual scrutiny like a REAL unscripted interview or debate, and she is seen as the least trustworthy candidate in the race.

If anyone needs more 'face time' and a debate to try to change people's perspective of her it is Hillary....but maybe she really doesn't want to win.

No...the scandals only exist in rightwing conspiracy theories
'RW conspiracy theories' spelled backward: FBI!
This is going to be so fucking wonderful!
Finally the career criminal will get what she has deserved for decades.
And to think.
Just a little homebrew secret private server has been the reason for her self imposed public and political suicide.
I wonder after she slithers off into Huma's arms and continues to drink herself to death how many 250K Wall Street speech offers she'll get? HAAA HAAA!
No...the scandals only exist in rightwing conspiracy theories

I admire your loyalty - I really do, but that's the emotion coming out in you. It sure isn't common sense or intelligence. The fact that she is currently under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act - no matter how you try to spin it - is a SCANDAL, one NOT generated or being conducted by the GOP.

Hillary's theory of 'right wing conspiracy theory' was proven 'no longer believable' - like the concept of Bill's Clinton still being a virgin - long ago.
No...the scandals only exist in rightwing conspiracy theories

I admire your loyalty - I really do, but that's the emotion coming out in you. It sure isn't common sense or intelligence. The fact that she is currently under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act - no matter how you try to spin it - is a SCANDAL, one NOT generated or being conducted by the GOP.

Hillary's theory of 'right wing conspiracy theory' was proven 'no longer believable' - like the concept of Bill's Clinton still being a virgin - long ago.

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice....Um...um....Won't get fooled again
G W Bush

Republicans have been on their Hillary campaign for decades. They have yet to deliver anything substantial. Just because FoxNews gets worked up about something, does not mean that the country does

...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
Trump HAS won his primary.
No he hasn't. He currently has 1,169 delegates. 1,237 delegates are needed to win the nomination.

There is no one else running in the GOP. Trump is the nominee.

Hillary cant even beat a 74 year old socialist curmudgeon who has never done an honest days work in his life---------or course she also fits that definition except she is 69.
I disagree, Hillary did work as a lawyer prior to the start of the whole elected official thing with Bill. She sucked at it, but the reality is that she did work.
Why would anyone want to watch a Hillary/Bernie debate this late in the process

Nobody watched the previous debates, why would they care now?
No...the scandals only exist in rightwing conspiracy theories

I admire your loyalty - I really do, but that's the emotion coming out in you. It sure isn't common sense or intelligence. The fact that she is currently under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act - no matter how you try to spin it - is a SCANDAL, one NOT generated or being conducted by the GOP.

Hillary's theory of 'right wing conspiracy theory' was proven 'no longer believable' - like the concept of Bill's Clinton still being a virgin - long ago.

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vast right wing conspiracy isn't a fiction, if you're interested in fiction, simply review most of your posts.
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.

I love how Fox started out as an attack dog on outsider Trump and it has now turned into a love fest

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