Hillary Chickens Out, Refuses To Debate Bernie on Fox

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vast right wing conspiracy isn't a fiction, if you're interested in fiction, simply review most of your posts.
I did read it. Maybe YOU should.

Within the Act it talks about 'criminal negligence'. Early on the FBI stated it was specifically looking at this section. Hell, not long ago Obama himself, ineptly trying to defend Hillary without the use of a tele-prompter, declared in front of the cameras that Hillary had DEFINITELY been negligent...but in HIS opinion not 'criminal'.

THIS is the guy who claims to be a brilliant lawyer / Constitutional professor -- Umm, sir, you JUST made the case for the FBI by personally declaring Hillary had been negligent. Your testimony at her trial, if one is ever allowed, will be extremely helpful in securing her prosecution.
Why would anyone want to watch a Hillary/Bernie debate this late in the process

Nobody watched the previous debates, why would they care now?
I could not agree with you more on this, as neither are worthy of running for President. No one would / should expect Hillary to say anything truthful, anyway.
Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
ANYONE who claims there is not a media source - or politician - out there who doesn't have an agenda is a fool.
Why would anyone want to watch a Hillary/Bernie debate this late in the process

Nobody watched the previous debates, why would they care now?
I could not agree with you more on this, as neither are worthy of running for President. No one would / should expect Hillary to say anything truthful, anyway.

Yet, Hillary will become President

Republicans selecting Trump has assured that
Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
ANYONE who claims there is not a media source - or politician - out there who doesn't have an agenda is a fool.

Difference is that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
And CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times (that just got busted printing false info / misrepresented what women said in order to attack Trump) isn't for the DNC ? Liberals?

Espionage Act of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vast right wing conspiracy isn't a fiction, if you're interested in fiction, simply review most of your posts.
I did read it. Maybe YOU should.

Within the Act it talks about 'criminal negligence'. Early on the FBI stated it was specifically looking at this section. Hell, not long ago Obama himself, ineptly trying to defend Hillary without the use of a tele-prompter, declared in front of the cameras that Hillary had DEFINITELY been negligent...but in HIS opinion not 'criminal'.

THIS is the guy who claims to be a brilliant lawyer / Constitutional professor -- Umm, sir, you JUST made the case for the FBI by personally declaring Hillary had been negligent. Your testimony at her trial, if one is ever allowed, will be extremely helpful in securing her prosecution.

Only George W. Bush claimed he never made a mistake, as do members of the crazy right wing. Intent is word missing from your effort to convict HRC without probative evidence.
Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
ANYONE who claims there is not a media source - or politician - out there who doesn't have an agenda is a fool.

Difference is that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
And CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times (that just got busted printing false info / misrepresented what women said in order to attack Trump) isn't for the DNC ? Liberals?


The only one you mention that would fit the bill is MSNBC

But they are a far cry from Fox News in terms of influence with the party
Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
ANYONE who claims there is not a media source - or politician - out there who doesn't have an agenda is a fool.

Difference is that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
Meanwhile ABC. CBS, NBC, CNN etc. are the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

All are highly respected and highly awarded media outlets
Fox is not
Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
ANYONE who claims there is not a media source - or politician - out there who doesn't have an agenda is a fool.

Difference is that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
And CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times (that just got busted printing false info / misrepresented what women said in order to attack Trump) isn't for the DNC ? Liberals?


The only one you mention that would fit the bill is MSNBC

But they are a far cry from Fox News in terms of influence with the party
So the NY Times, who was BUSTED flat out LYING by misrepresenting what women had to say - a case of journalistic lack of integrity at the least - in order to write a 'hit' piece on Trump would not fall into the category, according to you, as 'an arm of the Democratic Party'?!

Nice to know YOUR standards...now your comments about journalistic integrity can be ignored.
Can't say I'm surprised when it comes to the media Hillary and Trump are polar opposites Trump has yet to find a tv camera he won't get in front of and Hillary can't find enough places to hide from them.
All are highly respected and highly awarded media outlets
Fox is not

Once again, because a Liberal said so. Put that in one hand and a pile of shite in the other, put 'em together, and all you have is shite...or a shitty opinion. :p
RW, the nation needs a fearless leader, not one that hides from a Fox News-hosted debate or who hides and plans on who to blame / how to deny when Americans are under attack by terrorists. That disqualifies Hillary.
All are highly respected and highly awarded media outlets
Fox is not
Their news reporters, like Chris Wallace have won awards; however, when the vast majority of the media outlets are card-carrying Liberal 'water-bucket toters' of course Fox is not going to be handed any awards from/by their peers.

Libs are just jealous:

Fox News Dominates Cable News Ratings In 2014; MSNBC Tumbles

August 2015 Ratings: Fox News #1 in All Primetime Cable, MSNBC Last in Demo

Fox News Just Got Some AMAZING News, Liberals Will HATE This
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.

I love how Fox started out as an attack dog on outsider Trump and it has now turned into a love fest
Fox is one of Trump's worst critics. I'd rather watch CNN interviews with Trump than with Megyn Kelly or Chris Wallace. Couple of arrogant assholes. They're both very condescending.
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Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.
ANYONE who claims there is not a media source - or politician - out there who doesn't have an agenda is a fool.

Difference is that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
And CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times (that just got busted printing false info / misrepresented what women said in order to attack Trump) isn't for the DNC ? Liberals?


The only one you mention that would fit the bill is MSNBC

But they are a far cry from Fox News in terms of influence with the party
So the NY Times, who was BUSTED flat out LYING by misrepresenting what women had to say - a case of journalistic lack of integrity at the least - in order to write a 'hit' piece on Trump would not fall into the category, according to you, as 'an arm of the Democratic Party'?!

Nice to know YOUR standards...now your comments about journalistic integrity can be ignored.

Save us your drama

What women have to say about Trump is well documented. The fact that the Trump camp did not like it is inconsequential
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.

I love how Fox started out as an attack dog on outsider Trump and it has now turned into a love fest
Fox is one of Trump's worst critics. I'd rather watch CNN interviews with Trump than Megyn Kelly or Chris Wallace. Couple of arrogant assholes. They're both very condescending.

Fox has gotten their mind right

They now fully support Trump....even Megyn has made nice
Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

She won?

She has yet to reach the amount of delegates to declare her the winner. Also subtract the super delegates and the race is closer. Clinton is winning because of the Super Delegate which is telling those like me she is buying their vote...
...even if they get to decide who the moderators are, decide what type of forum it will be, and have input regarding the questions.

Hillary turned down Bernie's invitation / backed down from Bernie's challenge.

The headline of FoxNews.com is reporting the story, 'Hillary Says 'No'.

She reminds me of 'Sir Robin' in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.
- "Running away, aye?" :p

Neck deep in scandals and skeletons, having been treated with kid gloves, having been fed the questions before agreed-upon staged interviews, Hillary wants nothing to do with an ACTUAL debate, not rigged by the DNC, or the surly, surging Unca' Bernie.

She can't stand up to Bernie and a Fox News-hosted debate, but she wants to be President and face the world's leaders and our enemies?!


Faux News has agendas, anyone who denies that is a fool and will very likely vote for Trump.

I love how Fox started out as an attack dog on outsider Trump and it has now turned into a love fest
Fox is one of Trump's worst critics. I'd rather watch CNN interviews with Trump than Megyn Kelly or Chris Wallace. Couple of arrogant assholes. They're both very condescending.

Fox has gotten their mind right

They now fully support Trump....even Megyn has made nice
She's trying to keep from getting fired for poor ratings. They have slipped precipitously since she attacked Trump in the first debate. Initially she got a bump, but most loyal viewers change channels when she comes on after O'Reilly. I would rather watch snails fuck than watch Megyn Kelly.


Gabriel Sherman: In the days after the debate all of the emails and messages that FOX News was getting from their viewers were pro-Trump emails. Roger Ailes and his executives at FOX were shocked at the volume of the response. And, they really didn’t know what to do because their audience loves Trump. And yet FOX be all measures really hammered him. So they were sort of treating him with kid gloves until this interview when he came forward and questioned her vacation. That’s when they released a statement and compared him to conspiracy theories… Roger Ailes has never really faced an adversary like Donald Trump. Donald Trump doesn’t play by his rules so Ailes does not know what to do. This week he decided to come out and hit him…

Steve Malzberg: You also talk about in this piece the conspiracy theories that this is all setting up down the road the big Megyn Kelly – Donald Trump sit-down. And this is somehow being, if not coordinated, discussed by Ailes and Trump… Why is Megyn Kelly not firing back at this point?

Gabriel Sherman: Well, she, up until this point, was the fastest rising star at FOX News. She was really becoming the face of the network. And, I don’t think she wants to get down in the weeds and the gutter and play this kind of hardball politics.

Steve Malzberg: Because she’ll lose.

Gabriel Sherman: Or, she wants to, part of this is she wants to go mainstream. There was some talk before her most recent contract that she was flirting with CNN to kind of jump from FOX to CNN. And, I think she wants to leave all options on the table. If she gets down in the weeds and slugs it out with Trump that will hurt her brand.

BREAKING: Megyn Kelly Leaving FOX?... Ailes Author Says "She Wants to Go Mainstream"

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