Hillary Chickens Out, Refuses To Debate Bernie on Fox

How is Hillary going to stand up to Putin if she can't stand up to Fox News?

Oh yeah, that's right....she's going to give him another 'Re-set' prop with the Russian word 'Overcharge' on it and sell him ANOTHER 1/5th of the US's supply of Uranium. Instead of trying to sell him only a few Aleutian islands (and their mineral rights) perhaps this time she will just sell...or give...all of Alaska back to him in an act of appeasement.

Hillary offered a Reset

Putin blew it
The joke is...this far in Bernie is still winning states and embarrassing her, some crazy old nut job candidate :laugh:
Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

It's has nothing to do with wasting time. She will likely win the nomination, but Berns still in the race. Bush is out of the race, poor analogy!

She doesn't want to debate because there is nothing to gain from it. Debating Bern forces her farther left. She wants to start becoming more mainstream at this point in order to reach beyond her base. It is simply good and reasonable political strategy.
Trump HAS won his primary. Hillary hasn't. She's 90 delegates shy and SHE & the DNC, not the GOP, faces a hotly contested convention. Also, the majority of Americans see her as the most dishonest candidate in this entire race. She could use the chance to try to change that. She refused because she knows she can only prove people right, not change their minds. :p

Neither Trump nor Hillary have reached the required number of delegates and neither one of them will until June 7th.

But mathematically, Bernie and Cruz have both been mathematically eliminated. So there is no need for further debates.

Also, Trump refused to have any more debates once the field was whittled down to three.

You're right, it is a wise political move on her part. Nothing to gain.
omg bombastic bernie seems to have lost his mind bwahahaha

the artful smear continues as bernie no doubt imagines himself teaching the kiddos an exercise in civics.

he's now calling for a recount in kentucky based on nothing, but it sure makes another squawking talking point.

poor shameless bernie scraping for one delegate in kentucky just because he can.

Clinton's lead was by 1,923 votes, according to the Kentucky secretary of state's office -- with 46.8% of the vote to Sanders' 46.3%. Clinton won 28 delegates to Sanders' 27.

A senior Sanders adviser said the campaign has no specific reason to believe anything was miscounted, but is just checking to be sure since the race was so close. The campaign is not pointing to any specific county or precinct they see as being wrong or suspicious in Kentucky.

"We aren't looking anywhere in particular -- we are simply making sure everything was counted and it was all added up correctly," a Sanders adviser says, noting that "how a couple transposed numbers can change the count."

Sanders supporters online have been calling for a recount, and the margin is narrow enough that the law allows for it.
Clinton's campaign is aware of Sanders' request to recanvass but said is has no plans to try to stop it, even if it could.

"They have been all over the map," a Clinton aide said of the Sanders camp, adding that going forward with a re-canvass is a "decision he has got to make."

Sanders requests re-canvass in Kentucky nailbiter - CNNPolitics.com

Poll: Clinton poised to defeat Sanders in California primary
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Why should she bother... She has won.

Debating Bernie at this stage is a waste of time...

Why isn't Trump debating Jeb Bush?

Because Jeb bowed out a long time ago; Bernie is still in the game.

No he is not

Unless he wins every delegate from here on ...he loses
Hillary is under no obligation to debate a non-candidate

Whatever dude.. he's still out there campaigning with no signs of withdrawing. Anyway, if she's so smart, why not debate and destroy him?
How is Hillary going to stand up to Putin if she can't stand up to Fox News?

Oh yeah, that's right....she's going to give him another 'Re-set' prop with the Russian word 'Overcharge' on it and sell him ANOTHER 1/5th of the US's supply of Uranium. Instead of trying to sell him only a few Aleutian islands (and their mineral rights) perhaps this time she will just sell...or give...all of Alaska back to him in an act of appeasement.

Hillary offered a Reset

Putin blew it

No Putin laughed it off as a bad joke.
The joke is...this far in Bernie is still winning states and embarrassing her, some crazy old nut job candidate :laugh:

:uhoh3: oh look, another mindless parrot talking point...

you do realize that any primary candidate can decide to stay in a primary race and threaten to spoil their party in this very same manner because of the way the state rules divvy up the delegates proportionally, any split vote will drag the inevitable outcome on and on 'til the finish line...
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The joke is...this far in Bernie is still winning states and embarrassing her, some crazy old nut job candidate :laugh:

:uhoh3: oh look, another mindless parrot talking point...

you do realize that any primary candidate can decide to stay in a primary race and threaten to spoil their party in this very same manner because of the way the state rules divvy up the delegates proportionally, any split vote will drag the inevitable outcome on and on 'til the finish line...

Your response is proof Bernie is getting on your last nerve.
How is Hillary going to stand up to Putin if she can't stand up to Fox News?

Oh yeah, that's right....she's going to give him another 'Re-set' prop with the Russian word 'Overcharge' on it and sell him ANOTHER 1/5th of the US's supply of Uranium. Instead of trying to sell him only a few Aleutian islands (and their mineral rights) perhaps this time she will just sell...or give...all of Alaska back to him in an act of appeasement.

Hillary offered a Reset

Putin blew it

No Putin laughed it off as a bad joke.

Russia lost in not establishing stronger ties with the West. He didn't need them, he had oil wealth...screw the west

Now his oil wealth is gone and Obama has slapped him with a crippling embargo

It is Obama who is laughing

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