Hillary Clinton 2020

Trump is the only guy in the republican party to push any controversial "crazy" ideas. The rest are content to just regurgitate the same old stuff they've been saying for decades.

Hey, let's look at some of those crazy Trump Ideas.

Let's nuke hurricanes when they are first forming.
Let's buy Greenland.
Let's build a wall on the border of Colorado

Yes, heavens forbid we actually get professional politicians who study these things for a living.

And here's part of the problem. I watched the Nixon-Kennedy debates on YouTube a while back. Both men were very knowledgable and spoke about the major issues on a technical level.

Then you get the Trump-Hillary debate... Trump was as ignorant as shit and Hillary was talking down to the audience.

In short, we've become dumber as a people.

"The people" are just as uninformed as they ever were. Most people dont care about policy enough to study up on it. The middle class who are the core of this country don't have time for much else than work, kids and a little bit of fun on the weekends.

What's changed is the demographic makeup and the amount of brainwashing propaganda. Blacks, browns will overwhelmingly vote for the democrats no matter what. The media has done a fantastic job of portraying the right as a bunch of nazis and KKK members. The majority of Hispanic catholics, Christian blacks and Fundie Muslims will vote for the party of degenerate immorality because they want to get revenge on white people.
The country desperately needs her leadership! She has my vote! What do you think?
She's a lush. And by all accounts, a mean drunk. Only an extremely irresponsible voter would choose to hand the nuclear football to a raging alcoholic.
compared to whats running right now i dont see much of a difference....but keep proving my point joe....

If you can't see the difference between a number of qualified Senators and Governors and the Shit Show that is Trump, I'm not sure there is any point talking to you.
if you like 20 percenters joe go for it...and the only reason you dont want to talk to me is because i dont agree with the shit you throw up...cant have that can we?...
in other words vote for the same old shit because thats what those 2 wonderful parties want....people with your mindset are the reason those 2 useless parties will never have to worry about losing power.....

That and Third Parties are fucking loons.

Gary "I promise I won't smoke dope in the White House" Johnson.
Jill 'Where's my bag of Rubles" Stein

Yeah,these were AWESOME alternatives to the two main parties. The problem in modern times is the Republicans have become as crazy as the fringe parties.

Gosh, the corrupt establishment LOVES minions like you. Cheerlead for the status quo, wooo hoooo!!!! There aren't words strong enough to express my level of disgust for that mindset.
die-hard party people like Joe will do anything to keep those 2 parties in charge.......
die-hard party people like Joe will do anything to keep those 2 parties in charge.......

That and Third Parties tend to be fucking loons.

Let's review, shall we.

Gary Johnson- Dope smoking loon.
Jill Stein - environmental loon on the Russian Payroll
Pat Buchanan- Racist and Nazi
Ralph Nader- Whacko
Ross Perot- Nutjob
John Anderson- Whiny, snivelly little bitch who didn't realize he was in the wrong party.
George Wallace- Racist

This is what you get with third parties... people who are generally too extreme for the mainstream.
"The people" are just as uninformed as they ever were. Most people dont care about policy enough to study up on it. The middle class who are the core of this country don't have time for much else than work, kids and a little bit of fun on the weekends.

Okay... that's on them. My view. The last guy who was honest with the voters was Walter Mondale. He straight up said that taxes would increase. He lost by 49 states and 20% of the vote. Then the guy who DID win raised taxes anyway, and so did the two guys who followed him. All after they promised they wouldn't.

What's changed is the demographic makeup and the amount of brainwashing propaganda. Blacks, browns will overwhelmingly vote for the democrats no matter what.

Yeah, funny that. Probably has to do something with 40 years of Republican Racism.

Used to be, the GOP got about 40% of the black vote (the few blacks who were actually ALLOWED to vote, pre-1964). Then the GOP embraced racism with Goldwater and Nixon, and wonder why they can't get people of color to vote for them.

The media has done a fantastic job of portraying the right as a bunch of nazis and KKK members.

Well, no, your own policies have done that. Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's "Welfare Queen" stories (which actually turned out to be just one person), Bush' Willie Horton ad, Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad, Bob Corkers "Playboy Mansion" ad. And now the GOP embraced a guy who fucks porn stars and rejects GOP values, but man, he ran around claiming the black guy was born in Kenya. Um... yeah, don't blame the media for pointing out the obvious.


The majority of Hispanic catholics, Christian blacks and Fundie Muslims will vote for the party of degenerate immorality because they want to get revenge on white people.

Um, no, the vote for the party that looks out for their economic interests.

The real idiots are the poor dumb white trash holding their teeth together with tape, voting Republican becuase they are "Right with Jesus" and wondering why they keep slipping further behind.
"The people" are just as uninformed as they ever were. Most people dont care about policy enough to study up on it. The middle class who are the core of this country don't have time for much else than work, kids and a little bit of fun on the weekends.

Okay... that's on them. My view. The last guy who was honest with the voters was Walter Mondale. He straight up said that taxes would increase. He lost by 49 states and 20% of the vote. Then the guy who DID win raised taxes anyway, and so did the two guys who followed him. All after they promised they wouldn't.

What's changed is the demographic makeup and the amount of brainwashing propaganda. Blacks, browns will overwhelmingly vote for the democrats no matter what.

Yeah, funny that. Probably has to do something with 40 years of Republican Racism.

Used to be, the GOP got about 40% of the black vote (the few blacks who were actually ALLOWED to vote, pre-1964). Then the GOP embraced racism with Goldwater and Nixon, and wonder why they can't get people of color to vote for them.

The media has done a fantastic job of portraying the right as a bunch of nazis and KKK members.

Well, no, your own policies have done that. Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's "Welfare Queen" stories (which actually turned out to be just one person), Bush' Willie Horton ad, Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad, Bob Corkers "Playboy Mansion" ad. And now the GOP embraced a guy who fucks porn stars and rejects GOP values, but man, he ran around claiming the black guy was born in Kenya. Um... yeah, don't blame the media for pointing out the obvious.

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The majority of Hispanic catholics, Christian blacks and Fundie Muslims will vote for the party of degenerate immorality because they want to get revenge on white people.

Um, no, the vote for the party that looks out for their economic interests.

The real idiots are the poor dumb white trash holding their teeth together with tape, voting Republican becuase they are "Right with Jesus" and wondering why they keep slipping further behind.

Hey it really sucks for all those people put to the sword during Genghis Khan's reign but I don't blame modern day Mongolians for it. I was born in 1978 and never lynched anybody. I was brought up completely without any form of privilege white or otherwise, brought up to believe that racism was bad. Turns out, racism against white people is GOOD. Hell, it ain't even actual racism.

Seems as if this country is still fighting old, white men's battles so I guess the radical left has a point there. You guys suck.
Hey it really sucks for all those people put to the sword during Genghis Khan's reign but I don't blame modern day Mongolians for it. I was born in 1978 and never lynched anybody. I was brought up completely without any form of privilege white or otherwise, brought up to believe that racism was bad. Turns out, racism against white people is GOOD. Hell, it ain't even actual racism.

Seems as if this country is still fighting old, white men's battles so I guess the radical left has a point there. You guys suck.

You don't see how 400 years of institutionalized racism has an effect? Of course you don't.

Ever been pulled over by a cop "Just because"? It's a normal experience for black folks, they even have a joke for it, "Driving While Black".

So what horrible racism are you experiencing as a white man?
Hey it really sucks for all those people put to the sword during Genghis Khan's reign but I don't blame modern day Mongolians for it. I was born in 1978 and never lynched anybody. I was brought up completely without any form of privilege white or otherwise, brought up to believe that racism was bad. Turns out, racism against white people is GOOD. Hell, it ain't even actual racism.

Seems as if this country is still fighting old, white men's battles so I guess the radical left has a point there. You guys suck.

You don't see how 400 years of institutionalized racism has an effect? Of course you don't.

Ever been pulled over by a cop "Just because"? It's a normal experience for black folks, they even have a joke for it, "Driving While Black".

So what horrible racism are you experiencing as a white man?

Yeah cops can be assholes and lately there seems to be way too many cases unreasonable use of force but that's not proof of a racist conspiracy. It's disgusting the way objectivity goes right out the window whenever a black person is inconvenienced in any way shape or form. If blacks had any dignity they'd be offended by the blatant pandering. Aww poor black people :(
Yeah cops can be assholes and lately there seems to be way too many cases unreasonable use of force but that's not proof of a racist conspiracy.

Nobody said there was a "conspiracy". You do realize that most racism is kind of subtle.

A great story I like to tell is about the turnovers in my department in 2012. We had three people leaver our department, we all went out for lunch. The general manager, however, could only find time in his busy schedule to attend one of these lunches.

It was..

A Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
A black woman who had been with the company for 2 years
A white intern who had been with us for one summer.


Go on. Guess.

If you guessed the white girl whose encounter with the company was so transactional she probably doesn't even put it on her resume now, then you'd be right! That's the massive advantage you get for being white in this country!

It's disgusting the way objectivity goes right out the window whenever a black person is inconvenienced in any way shape or form. If blacks had any dignity they'd be offended by the blatant pandering. Aww poor black people

Naw, what offends them is that a cop can shoot one of their Children 16 times when he's lying on the ground, and the entire establishment springs into action to defend that cop. It finally takes four years to declare him guilty (even though what he did was recorded on videotape) and he ends up maybe spending 3 years at a club fed.

MEANWHILE, a black woman got five years in prison for enrolling her kid in a better school.
The country desperately needs her leadership! She has my vote! What do you think?

Oh, yes! We need the kind of "leadership" that destroys material evidence that is under subpoena! We need the kind of "leadership" that ignored Ambassador Stevens dozens of requests for better security in Benghazi! We need the kind of "leadership" that not only ignored Ambassador Stevens' security requests but then claimed that the ambassador never once, not one single time, told her he was seriously worried about the consulate's security and never once asked her to intervene to get his security requests approved (they were all rejected).

Are you kidding me? That "lady" has American blood on her hands from her abject failure to do her job as secretary of state.

But, I do hope she runs! Yes, please, Hillary, run!
Yeah cops can be assholes and lately there seems to be way too many cases unreasonable use of force but that's not proof of a racist conspiracy.

Nobody said there was a "conspiracy". You do realize that most racism is kind of subtle.

A great story I like to tell is about the turnovers in my department in 2012. We had three people leaver our department, we all went out for lunch. The general manager, however, could only find time in his busy schedule to attend one of these lunches.

It was..

A Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
A black woman who had been with the company for 2 years
A white intern who had been with us for one summer.


Go on. Guess.

If you guessed the white girl whose encounter with the company was so transactional she probably doesn't even put it on her resume now, then you'd be right! That's the massive advantage you get for being white in this country!

It's disgusting the way objectivity goes right out the window whenever a black person is inconvenienced in any way shape or form. If blacks had any dignity they'd be offended by the blatant pandering. Aww poor black people

Naw, what offends them is that a cop can shoot one of their Children 16 times when he's lying on the ground, and the entire establishment springs into action to defend that cop. It finally takes four years to declare him guilty (even though what he did was recorded on videotape) and he ends up maybe spending 3 years at a club fed.

MEANWHILE, a black woman got five years in prison for enrolling her kid in a better school.

"Subtle" is in the eye of the beholder. People who look for racism everywhere won't have much trouble finding it. Maybe the manager thought the white girl was cute. You wanna know what kind of racism isn't at all subtle?

Remember that retarded white kid who was abducted and tortured by a gang of blacks who stupidly recorded the entire thing on camera and uploaded it to the internet? They forced him to drink from a toilet if I recall correctly. A talking head on CNN laughed at the video and sarcastically said "Aw, poor white people!"

How about the NYT hiring an asian woman after she had posted a bunch of anti-white stuff on her twitter such as how she gets off on abusing elderly white men? Remember that?

Ever heard about the racially motivated home invasion double homicide in rabbitown alabama? probably not because it was two white guys who were murdered in their home so only local media covered the story.

White people don't get a free pass when it comes to police violence either. One of the worst cases I've ever seen was brushed off and completely forgotten. The cop terrorized a white dude in a casino hallway for about 5 minutes before shooting him dead. Got off with a slap on the wrist. Another recent case, a white kid was thrown to the ground, his head hit the pavement and the cop laughed while his body twitched. Turns out he suffered brain damage. Absolute crickets from the mainstream media.

And don't even get me started on all the "dismantle whiteness" and "wound whiteness" crap coming out of college humanities departments. Mein Kampf, eat your heart out.
Oh, yes! We need the kind of "leadership" that destroys material evidence that is under subpoena! We need the kind of "leadership" that ignored Ambassador Stevens dozens of requests for better security in Benghazi!

I find it hilarious that the GOP whines about the lack of security after they slashed 150 Million from Embassy Security.

We need the kind of "leadership" that not only ignored Ambassador Stevens' security requests but then claimed that the ambassador never once, not one single time, told her he was seriously worried about the consulate's security and never once asked her to intervene to get his security requests approved (they were all rejected).

Again... with slashed budgets, what was she supposed to do?

65 Americans were killed in attacks on American Diplomatic Facilities during Bush's term, funny you guys never whine about that.
"Subtle" is in the eye of the beholder. People who look for racism everywhere won't have much trouble finding it. Maybe the manager thought the white girl was cute. You wanna know what kind of racism isn't at all subtle?

I'm sure he did. He was a fifty-something who wanted to hang with the young kids... but, um, no, you still make the effort for your long term employees.
Now, I worked with this guy for 7 years. I would go so far to say I never heard him say anything Racist, but when it came time to cut people, it was always the old folks and people of color who got the ax.

Remember that retarded white kid who was abducted and tortured by a gang of blacks who stupidly recorded the entire thing on camera and uploaded it to the internet? They forced him to drink from a toilet if I recall correctly. A talking head on CNN laughed at the video and sarcastically said "Aw, poor white people!"

When did someone on CNN say that? I recall everyone was really horrified by this event.

How about the NYT hiring an asian woman after she had posted a bunch of anti-white stuff on her twitter such as how she gets off on abusing elderly white men? Remember that?

Yes, how dare she offend the sensibilities of white men! Oh, she was hired because she was very knowledgeable about Tech issues...

White people don't get a free pass when it comes to police violence either. One of the worst cases I've ever seen was brushed off and completely forgotten. The cop terrorized a white dude in a casino hallway for about 5 minutes before shooting him dead. Got off with a slap on the wrist. Another recent case, a white kid was thrown to the ground, his head hit the pavement and the cop laughed while his body twitched. Turns out he suffered brain damage. Absolute crickets from the mainstream media.

This was in response to a report someone was brandishing a gun at the Casino. Casinos don't take kindly to that sort of thing.

And don't even get me started on all the "dismantle whiteness" and "wound whiteness" crap coming out of college humanities departments. Mein Kampf, eat your heart out.

Yes, all you losers need to blame your fail on something.

I mean, how fucked up can you be to be white in this society, and STILL be a loser like you are.
die-hard party people like Joe will do anything to keep those 2 parties in charge.......

That and Third Parties tend to be fucking loons.

Let's review, shall we.

Gary Johnson- Dope smoking loon.
Jill Stein - environmental loon on the Russian Payroll
Pat Buchanan- Racist and Nazi
Ralph Nader- Whacko
Ross Perot- Nutjob
John Anderson- Whiny, snivelly little bitch who didn't realize he was in the wrong party.
George Wallace- Racist

This is what you get with third parties... people who are generally too extreme for the mainstream.
This is what you get with third parties... people who are generally too extreme for the mainstream
that describes a bunch of those running with your party,the ones you keep saying are the best we have.....
keep on proving me right joe....here i will say it again....as long as party people like yourself, keep on demeaning third parties,your little party and the other one will always be there for you to be coddled....

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