Hillary Clinton 2020

if i dont accept any of them then i am doing something, unlike you joe who no doubt votes for the same useless shit over and over...

Oh, I forgot, you are one of these folks who pisses away his vote on third parties...

i did not forget that you are one of those folks who pisses away your vote on the same old shit,and these days the shit has gotten even more shitty....
Go Hillary! Hillary should be sworn in as president after Trump is impeached.

Acting Ukraine Ambassador Bill Taylor testified to the House that President Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until it agreed to investigate Joe Biden.

Top Diplomat Confirms There Was Quid Pro Quo Demand In Trump's Ukraine Call

U.S. Envoy Bill Taylor finished off Trump today! Oh, happy day!

Where does the constitution figure into all of this or is the only thing that matters your stupid and uninformed infatuation with a crooked, ugly, power hungry, treasonous bitch?
I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump
She should, but she isn’t. She knows she is of the protected class. She is above the law, like much of the Oligarchy.
Sadly I think you are right.

We truly live in a banana republic.
She should, but she isn’t. She knows she is of the protected class. She is above the law, like much of the Oligarchy.
Sadly I think you are right.

We truly live in a banana republic.
Yes we do, but most Americans haven’t accepted this reality. They want to believe the lies of a corrupt state...like Lady Justice is blind.
The country desperately needs her leadership! She has my vote! What do you think?
I think she is a criminal POS who should be keeping a prison cell warm right now for Barry, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok.

Wow, Democrats / snowflakes have the short-term memory of a goldfish...

This is the same frail, mentally-challenged woman who could not walk to the car by herself but had to have people on either side of her to lift her fat ass into the waiting car after her legs buckled....

This is the same career lying criminal the DNC admittedly helped cheat in debates, and rigged their primaries for before having to GIVE Hillary the nomination she could not win herself....

This is the same Deep State moron who did not know how Presidential elections were run / won, and instead thought it was a huge 'popularity contest'...

This is the same arrogant idiot who did not even campaign in several states because she thought she had a lock on their votes...only to have those states be the difference that cost her the election...

This is the same traitorous POS who bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy who was also working for Comey / Obama's FBI...who sent teams to the Ukraine to work with corrupt Ukrainian politicians to get 'dirt' on Trump...

This is the same American-citizen-HATING dictator-wanna-be who was exposed as having PAID thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters - American citizens who did not support her - at Trump rallies...

This is the same mentally-damage, excuse-making JOKE who threw EVERYONE under the bus after she lost to Trump, even blaming the Democrats, Obama - who kept her fat criminal ass out of prison and on the ballot, and YOU (for not voting 4 times and in multiple states) for her loss!

This is the same psycho who JUST RECENTLY - proving she has not gotten over 2016's loss - accused Tulsi Gabbard (... along with anyone who does not support her) of being 'a compromised agent of Russia'.

This is the same woman former FBI Director James Comey declare was so stupid she did not even know she was breaking laws.....

...and this is the Socialist Democrat candidate you would most support and the person you most want to be President in 2020?!


'Nuff said...
The whole concept of having the election approved by the EC and the Congress was to prevent a crazy person from taking office.
So the system worked. Hildebeast is not President.

No, the sane, sensible woman who scared you isn't president.

The Crazy Nazi Game Show Host is...

Who had December 2019 in the Impeachment Pool?
Great. The corrupt fat bitch can run on the same Moon Bat platform that she did in 2016. Have open borders, raise taxes, curtail the right to keep and bear arms, give away more free stuff to the welfare queens and import a million Muslim refugees.

Americans can't wait to vote for that again.

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