Hillary Clinton 2020

Feel the Bern...of communism and loss of property rights.

It would be nice to see a decent man in the White House.

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yea if he doesnt die first year in....

Which is why we have Vice Presidents.

Bernie will be just fine.

A much better choice than our current narcissistic president.

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then vote for him....i wont vote for anyone 70 or over for President or VP.....the most stressful job around,Bernie had a heart attack just campaigning,wait until the stress of the office and the grief the republicans are going to give him starts happening........

If Bernie is the nominee I will most definitely vote for him.

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So STDs do affect the brain.
I've read that syphilis in particular is known for that.
I’d be accidentally is Caught falling in to Pete Buttgig’s ass will you?
Feel the Bern...of communism and loss of property rights.

It would be nice to see a decent man in the White House.

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yea if he doesnt die first year in....

Which is why we have Vice Presidents.

Bernie will be just fine.

A much better choice than our current narcissistic president.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
then vote for him....i wont vote for anyone 70 or over for President or VP.....the most stressful job around,Bernie had a heart attack just campaigning,wait until the stress of the office and the grief the republicans are going to give him starts happening........

If Bernie is the nominee I will most definitely vote for him.

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Feel the Bern...of communism and loss of property rights.

It would be nice to see a decent man in the White House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea if he doesnt die first year in....

Which is why we have Vice Presidents.

Bernie will be just fine.

A much better choice than our current narcissistic president.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
then vote for him....i wont vote for anyone 70 or over for President or VP.....the most stressful job around,Bernie had a heart attack just campaigning,wait until the stress of the office and the grief the republicans are going to give him starts happening........

If Bernie is the nominee I will most definitely vote for him.

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Bernie Sanders Democratic nominee :laughing0301:
I see people are beginning to grasp that I've been correct all along.

Hillary will be The Democrat Party nominee.

There is nothing you can do to stop it, Democrat rank-and-file. The fix is in. Your elitel masters have it cut and dried.

Use care, though, in choosing a VP candidate. Should she somehow "make it" she'll simply fall off the platform at the victory party (in a drunken stupor) or stroke out in surprise.
you got that right joe.....but have they learned anything?....as far as i am concerned those running right now are just as bad...some are way out there or way to far left or way to old....its sad that quality people dont want to run anymore,all because of the bullshit they have to put up with ....quality people dont think its worth it....

If "they are all just as bad" makes you feel better about doing nothing, have at it, buddy.

Trump is a whole new territory of bad. Frankly, I've had issues with all the presidents all the way back to Reagan... but not a one of them presented the level of threat to our democracy and culture Trump does.

Obviously, they disagreed with you.

No, the problem is, they knew as well as I did that Trump was nuts. They just believed he could be "handled" or that he would "Grow into the role". They are the people all expressing horror that he's essentially handed Syria over to the Russians and Iranians.

Wow, you have great faith in your mind reading abilities. Bottom line, they disagreed with you, because if they agreed and let it go through they are traitors. No, they believed, like most sane people, that he won and is president.
you got that right joe.....but have they learned anything?....as far as i am concerned those running right now are just as bad...some are way out there or way to far left or way to old....its sad that quality people dont want to run anymore,all because of the bullshit they have to put up with ....quality people dont think its worth it....

If "they are all just as bad" makes you feel better about doing nothing, have at it, buddy.

Trump is a whole new territory of bad. Frankly, I've had issues with all the presidents all the way back to Reagan... but not a one of them presented the level of threat to our democracy and culture Trump does.

View attachment 285671
if i dont accept any of them then i am doing something, unlike you joe who no doubt votes for the same useless shit over and over...
I think the Democrats would prefer Michael Robinson to Hillary. While both are closeted homosexuals with "faux families" and addicted kleptocrats, Michael is the one they want in NH right now, not Hillary....


THAT IS THE QUESTION every time Michael Robinson puts on a "dress...."




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