Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

Clinton absoutly destroyed the right wing trash. It was great to see her taking those idiots to the woodshed, and all the fox news propaganda blowing up in their faces :up:
Hillary's smackdown of the NaziCons was a thing of pure beauty.

Hillary has real mental issues , What woman in her right mind would stay with a man who has cheated on her time after time after time? Of course she will lie, because she has lied to herself saying billy will not cheat again.
So if your kids and husband died you wouldn't want to know the reason? She said what difference does it make in regards to it being terrorism or outrage over a cartoon, the motive. I'd want to know the motive.

not whet she said in full context .. give it up. She spoke of meeting with the families and the President as the caskets came home.

stop taking tragedy out of context in order to make personal political attacks...it's too shitty

"With all due respect, the fact is that we had four dead Americans," "Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?" "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again."

She is saying she the motive doesn't make a difference. It is that exact thinking that has us stuck in this endless war on terrorism. It is that thinking that had a role in 9/11. We never stop to think, gee, why are these people hellbent on killing us? Everyone is fed it is because we are free and have range rovers and because of their religion... it is because we have been killing their family members and fucking off in their neck of the woods for DECADES. Motives matter.



and, of course:

The FBI investigations continue, and no one wants the truth more than Secretary Clinton.

Jesus. Who are you kidding. She knows the truth. She was involved in it from the get go.

I watched a replay of parts of her interview last night. Hilary had her shit together. She obviously practiced her answers. Had it together big time. The idiots on the panel didn't. Hell. The questions were pretty dumb in my book.

Someone should have asked her why she instead of Rice wasn't the one appearing on the morning talk shows.

Someone should have asked her that if cost was the problem why the hell was a spokesperson out there saying it had nothing to do with cost. There was plenty of money.

She as a Secretary could have gotten that extra security. Someone should have asked her why she didn't.

Hilary was the winner in that interview. She obviously was well versed.
not whet she said in full context .. give it up. She spoke of meeting with the families and the President as the caskets came home.

stop taking tragedy out of context in order to make personal political attacks...it's too shitty

"With all due respect, the fact is that we had four dead Americans," "Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?" "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again."

She is saying she the motive doesn't make a difference. It is that exact thinking that has us stuck in this endless war on terrorism. It is that thinking that had a role in 9/11. We never stop to think, gee, why are these people hellbent on killing us? Everyone is fed it is because we are free and have range rovers and because of their religion... it is because we have been killing their family members and fucking off in their neck of the woods for DECADES. Motives matter.


More fucking morons:

"Comparing FY 2011 actual funding versus the FY 2012 estimate, there appears to be a reduction in Worldwide Security Protection and Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance. But that reduction does not account for additional funding in FY 2012 from Overseas Contingency Operations funds amounting to $236 million for Worldwide Security Protection (p. 63) and $33 million for Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance (p. 467). As a result, total funds for Worldwide Security Protection for FY 2012 are estimated to be $94 million higher than in FY 2011, while Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance is estimated to be $61 million less than FY 2011. Together, there is a net increase."

Libya Security Lapse: The Budget for Embassy Security Is Not Responsible

And, they give you the page numbers in this to check: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/181061.pdf
Patently idiotic.

Clinton lied through her teeth, she also showed she is simply not presidential material.

It is a sad state of affairs that not one of you morons wants the truth of this administrations sacrificing of American lives.

Clinton absoutly destroyed the right wing trash. It was great to see her taking those idiots to the woodshed, and all the fox news propaganda blowing up in their faces :up:

She isn't Presidential material because she is shrill and far too emotional.

She lost her temper and acted like a petulant child...much like you just did in this post.

She is simply NOT Presidential material...this will haunt her.

That is so ridiculous!!! Not presidential material?? Because she got sick and fainted?? I think you're just plain crazy. The president is not some super human being. Our president is always just flesh and blood just like us. They eat, sleep, have sex, get sick, and throw up!!! To name just a few things.

You are going to have to do better than that. Damn!!!
She is simply NOT Presidential material...this will haunt her.

That is so ridiculous!!! Not presidential material?? Because she got sick and fainted?? I think you're just plain crazy. The president is not some super human being. Our president is always just flesh and blood just like us. They eat, sleep, have sex, get sick, and throw up!!! To name just a few things.

You are going to have to do better than that. Damn!!!

Rinata?.....they have sex?......:eek:
Sorry bout that,

1. That bitch didn't stand up and resign, and accept the responsibility?
2. That *BITCH*!!!!!!!
3. She would of gained huge political points, with the democrats, they would love her more.


why dont you go and comfort LaKota.....the poor basTURD needs a hug.....
oh.....and i am NOT sorry about that....
There were direct warnings from multiple sources that something was about to happen.

And yet..with the most powerful military behind him, Bush could not stop the most hair brained scheme, in the history of hair brained schemes from killing three thousand American citizens and destroying a good chunk of American real estate right in his back yard.

Even after it STARTED, he had several hours to mobilize our multi-billion dollar state of the art jet fighters.

That didn't happen.
we know Sallow ....if Gore was President it wouldn't of happened....

Had congress not shot down Gore's recommendations about airport security..

No..it would not have happened.
yea they were looking for Box Cutters......most of your Buddies here say it was Bush's fault for being lax.......i understand you hated Bush Sallow.....but the guys on the ground who fight this kind of thing were the same guys that were there under Clinton.....AND if Congress shot down big Al's recommendation's....then it most certainly would have happened under him.....
Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff.

She admitted she blew off the cables from Libya warning her, so she took the blame a tiny bit but then claimed it is no big deal that this all blew up by hiding behind the 4 dead Americans.

Imagine a witness being interviewed by the police telling them "finding who is responsible is no big deal, the main issue is 4 people are dead." Uh....you can't hide behind the people you killed to deflect the questions, bitch.

So what do you liberal scum think about Hillary being paid $25M to lie yesterday????

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
"With all due respect, the fact is that we had four dead Americans," "Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?" "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again."

She is saying she the motive doesn't make a difference. It is that exact thinking that has us stuck in this endless war on terrorism. It is that thinking that had a role in 9/11. We never stop to think, gee, why are these people hellbent on killing us? Everyone is fed it is because we are free and have range rovers and because of their religion... it is because we have been killing their family members and fucking off in their neck of the woods for DECADES. Motives matter.


More fucking morons:

"Comparing FY 2011 actual funding versus the FY 2012 estimate, there appears to be a reduction in Worldwide Security Protection and Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance. But that reduction does not account for additional funding in FY 2012 from Overseas Contingency Operations funds amounting to $236 million for Worldwide Security Protection (p. 63) and $33 million for Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance (p. 467). As a result, total funds for Worldwide Security Protection for FY 2012 are estimated to be $94 million higher than in FY 2011, while Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance is estimated to be $61 million less than FY 2011. Together, there is a net increase."

Libya Security Lapse: The Budget for Embassy Security Is Not Responsible

And, they give you the page numbers in this to check: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/181061.pdf

:lol: Spinning numbers at Heritage Blog? :eek:

ARB http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

For many years the State Department has been engaged in a struggle to obtain the resources necessary to carry out its work, with varying degrees of success. This has brought about a deep sense of the importance of husbanding resources to meet the highest priorities, laudable in the extreme in any government department. But it has also had the effect of conditioning a few State Department managers to favor restricting the use of resources as a general orientation.

There is no easy way to cut through this Gordian knot, all the more so as budgetary austerity looms large ahead. At the same time, it is imperative for the State Department to be mission-driven, rather than resource-constrained – particularly when being present in increasingly risky areas of the world is integral to U.S. national security.

The recommendations in this report attempt to grapple with these issues and err on the side of increased attention to prioritization and to fuller support for people and facilities engaged in working in high risk, high threat areas. The solution requires a more serious and sustained commitment from Congress to support State Department needs, which, in total, constitute a small percentage both of the full national budget and that spent for national security.

One overall conclusion in this report is that Congress must do its part to meet this challenge and provide necessary resources to the State Department to address security risks and meet mission imperatives.

Mindful of these considerations, the ARB has examined the terrorist attacks in Benghazi with an eye towards how we can better advance American interests and protect our personnel in an increasingly complex and dangerous world.
This Board presents its findings and recommendations with the unanimous conclusion that while the United States cannot retreat in the face of such challenges, we must work more rigorously and adeptly to address them, and that American diplomats and security professionals, like their military colleagues, serve the nation in an inherently risky profession.

Risk mitigation involves two imperatives – engagement and security – which require wise leadership, good intelligence and evaluation, proper defense and strong preparedness and, at times, downsizing, indirect access and even withdrawal. There is no one paradigm. Experienced leadership, close coordination and agility, timely informed decision making, and adequate funding and personnel resources are essential.

The selfless courage of the four Americans who died in the line of duty in Benghazi on September 11-12, 2012, as well as those who were injured and all those who valiantly fought to save their colleagues, inspires all of us as we seek to draw the right lessons from that tragic night.
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More NaziCon bullshit of distorting statements out of context...

OLD: 'You didn't build that' - however, most Americans understood the context and reelected President Obama.

NEW: 'What difference does it make?' - once again, most Americans understand Secretary Clinton's context.

Hillary Clinton in 2016!!!!!

Clinton absoutly destroyed the right wing trash. It was great to see her taking those idiots to the woodshed, and all the fox news propaganda blowing up in their faces :up:

Hillary's smackdown of the NaziCons was a thing of pure beauty.

Golly Gee! Would one of you learned scholars teach me how to win a debate with brilliant statements like these? Y'all are just toooo cooooool! I wanna be just like you! Y'all surely smacked my ass!

Rush mentioned yesterday Hillary's politcial campaign debt of $25M was paid off within the week.....how convenient.

She kept her mouth shut about the crimes and conspiracy, so that she could get a $25M payoff...

I noticed no liberal scum have a comment about the $25 MILLION BRIBE TO HILLARY....
Only a DittoNazi is stupid enough to believe anything your MessiahRushie says. She had paid off nearly all of her campaign debt long before Benghazi!!!

You are the perfect example of the "Misinformation Voter."

Hillary Clinton Close to Paying Off 2008 Campaign Debt - ABC News

Jul 19, 2012 10:44am

Hillary Clinton, who has steadily chipped away at the more than $25 million in debt her campaign amassed during her run for president, owes only $100,000, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures for the second quarter of 2012.
Running for president is expensive, and although the subject of campaign debt has usually been synonymous with Newt Gingrich in the past several months, Clinton is among the many former presidential candidates who’ve departed the trail in debt.
She suspended her campaign in June 2008 owing the $25 million but had paid off enough by the end of that year to owe $5.9 million.
Almost four years later, the campaign owes $100,000 to one entity, the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland for consulting and polling fees.

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